Red Blood Cell Disorders
Figure 4.1 Normal bone marrow, microscopic At medium-power magnification, normal marrow is seen to be a mixture of hematopoietic elements and adipose tissue. This marrow is taken from the posterior…
Blood Vessels
Figure 1.1 Normal artery, microscopic This muscular artery in longitudinal section shows a thin intima (▪) above an imperceptible internal elastic lamina. Below this is the thick media (□), with…
The Vital Signs
The Vital Signs At this point it is necessary that you see a bullfight. If I were to describe one it would not be the one that you would see,…
The Abdomen
The Abdomen Every month for three successive days they purge themselves, for their health’s sake, with emetics and clysters, in the belief that all disease comes from the food a…
The Extremities
The Extremities For more than twenty years I have amused my compulsory leisure with collecting these curious physical signatures in this town. At my house I have hundreds and hundreds…
Clinical Reasoning
Clinical Reasoning If the fresh facts which come to our knowledge all fit themselves into the scheme, then our hypothesis may gradually become a solution. —SHERLOCK HOLMES, THE ADVENTURES OF…
Some Bedside Laboratory Tricks
Some Bedside Laboratory Tricks As Ponocrates grew familiar with Gargantua’s vicious manner of studying, he began to plan a different course of education for the lad; but at first he…