Rehabilitation of the Foot
Fig. 9.1 The feet of an almost-3-year-old child with DEB 9.2 Comparison of Hand and Foot In pre-humans, the foot and hand were probably very similar. The skeleton of the…
Rehabilitation of the Hand
Fig. 8.1 The state of the skin of a patient with DEB. Hand and foot deformities (Hametner) 8.2 Contractures and Deformities In this section the deformities of the hands which…
Independence in Everyday Life and Provision of Assistive Devices
A board with various fastenings is useful for analysing manipulation problems (see Fig. 6.2). In this way some simple adaptations such as rings on zips can be tried out. Putting…
Treatment of the Tactile, Vestibular and Proprioceptive Perception
Fig. 3.1 Prone extension position 3.2.1 Clinical Observation of Children with EB – Considerations Prior to Starting Meaningfulness of the observation It should be considered that such a clinical…