Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on D

D D filler see valgus pad; Table P1 dactyl digit (toe or finger) dactylitis; sausage toe digital inflammation characteristic of psoriatic arthropathy but also associated with other sero-negative arthritides, e.g….

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on I

I iatrogenic undesirable or unwanted effect, caused by therapeutic intervention, i.e. problem induced by treatment ibuprofen; Brufen anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID); fewer side-effects than other non-selective…

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Spinal Functions

Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Spinal Functions

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract The spine is a complex biomechanical structure made by articulated vertebras in fixed position (postures) and moved in different directions…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Locomotion

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract Human locomotion is based on a bipedal mode requiring two functions: the propulsion made by the scissor movement of hip…

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Basic Notions on Mobility Function

Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Basic Notions on Mobility Function

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract Bones, joints and muscles are the components of the motor apparatus, and their construction can be understood by referring to…

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Swallowing and Speaking

Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Swallowing and Speaking

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract The pharyngolaryngeal organisation can explain clearly how the two major complex functions of swallowing and speaking can be achieved. The…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Prehension

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract Prehension is a vital function according to its important role in serving the oral pole—for feeding—and the genital pole—for grooming…

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Masticatory Function

Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Masticatory Function

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract The masticatory function is realised by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) activated by masticatory muscles: mandibular strap and temporal range for…

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Facial Mimic

Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Facial Mimic

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract Some striated muscles are included within the skin of the facial mask. They are responsible for specific movements of the…

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Eye Mobility

Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on Eye Mobility

(1) Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, Montpellier, France   Abstract Vision is a complex function that allows the identification of shape, colour and movement of objects. With two eyes, only…

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