Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on S

S sabre tibia anterior (sagittal-plane) bowing of tibia; characteristic of Paget’s disease sac cyst; capsule sacral plexus nerve fibre plexus (originating from spinal nerves L2–S2) that gives rise to all…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on M

M maceration increase in bulk (with softening) of the stratum corneum; caused by prolonged exposure to sweat or induced by topical application of hydrolysing or caustic chemicals, in treatment of…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on W

W Wagner ulcer classification system see Table U2 walking cast see Aircast boot walking cycle gait cycle; see Tables G1, G3 and G5 walking–running cycle see Table G4 Ward’s sign…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on J

J jellyfish stings acute inflammatory skin reaction, often of legs, from injected jellyfish venom during sea bathing; affected skin areas may show hyperpigmentation Jendrassik’s manoeuvre increased response to a tendon…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on A

A ABCDE checklist of premalignant changes in skin lesions, especially moles; lesion asymmetry; border (profile) irregularity; colour variation; diameter increase; evolution (changes over time) (Figure A1) Figure A1 Dorsal foot…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on V

V vaccination injection of attenuated (i.e. live) or killed (i.e. dead) culture of a specific microorganism/its exotoxin to induce host immunity to the causative agent vaccine preparation designed to act…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on T

T T1-weighted images; T1W magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequencing that demonstrates anatomy (i.e. fat-/hydrogen-containing structures appear white); contrast with short T1 inverse recovery imaging; STIR T2-weighted images; T2W MRI sequencing…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on O

O Ober’s test see test, Ober’s obese an adult who is more than 20% heavier than their height related ideal weight, with a body mass index of >25 and/or having…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on B

B Babinski reflex see response, Babinski Babinski’s sign see response, Babinski bacitracin topical antibacterial agent background retinopathy diabetic eye disease characterized by retinal capillary permeability, vein dilatation, micro-aneurysm and haemorrhages…

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Jun 12, 2017 by in ANATOMY Comments Off on H

H H2O2 see hydrogen peroxide H2-receptor antagonist drug e.g. cimetidine (Tagamet) and ranitidine (Zantac); used to heal gastric and duodenal ulcers and control symptoms of oesophageal reflux (heartburn); contraindicated in…

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