Cerebral Cortex

Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Cerebral Cortex

P: parietal lobe T: temporal lobe O: occipital lobe Figure III-10-1. Lateral View of the Right Cerebral Hemisphere Figure III-10-2. Medial View of the Right Cerebral Hemisphere

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The Brain Stem

Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on The Brain Stem

Figure III-5-1. Brain: Mid-Sagittal Section Figure III-5-2. Brain: Inferior View Figure III-5-3. Brain Stem and Cranial Nerve: Surface Anatomy Afferent fibers of cranial nerves enter the central nervous system (CNS)…

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The Spinal Cord

Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on The Spinal Cord

Figure III-4-1. Cross Section of Spinal Cord and Parts of Spinal Nerve Dorsal horn: rexed laminae I–VI Ventral horn: rexed laminae VIII–IX Intermediate zone: lamina VII Table III-4-1. General Spinal…

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Basal Ganglia

Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Basal Ganglia

General Features The basal ganglia initiate and provide gross control over skeletal muscle movements. The major components of the basal ganglia include: Striatum, which consists of the caudate nucleus and…

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Ventricular System

Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Ventricular System

Figure III-3-1. Ventricles and CSF Circulation Note A total of 400–500 cc of CSF is produced per day; ventricles and subarachnoid space contain 90–150 cc, so all of CSF is…

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Nervous System Organization and Development

Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Nervous System Organization and Development

FigureIII-1-1.Development of Nervous System Clinical Correlate Axonal polyneuropathies produce distal “glove-and-stocking” weakness or sensory deficits, and are related to axonal transport failure. Diabetes mellitus patients present with sensory neuropathies. Central…

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Jun 16, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Diencephalon

Thalamic Nuclei Input Output VPL Sensory from body and limbs Somatosensory cortexVPM Sensory from face, taste Somatosensory cortex VA/VL Motor info from BG, cerebellum Motor corticesLGB Visual from optic tract…

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