13 Carbohydrates: Gluconeogenesis, the Synthesis of New Glucose

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 13 Carbohydrates: Gluconeogenesis, the Synthesis of New Glucose

CHAPTER 13 Carbohydrates: Gluconeogenesis, the Synthesis of New Glucose CHAPTER OUTLINE Critical Bypass Reactions of Gluconeogenesis     Pyruvate to Phosphoenolpyruvate, Bypass 1     Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphate to Fructose 6-Phosphate, Bypass 2     Glucose 6-Phosphate…

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44 Gut-Brain Interactions and Feeding Behaviors

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 44 Gut-Brain Interactions and Feeding Behaviors

CHAPTER 44 Gut-Brain Interactions and Feeding Behaviors CHAPTER OUTLINE The Gut-Brain Connection Gastrointestinal Hormones and Peptides Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Oxyntomodulin Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Peptide Cholecystokinin Ghrelin Obestatin Pancreatic Polypeptide Protein Tyrosine Tyrosine…

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6 Hemoglobin and Myoglobin

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 6 Hemoglobin and Myoglobin

CHAPTER 6   Hemoglobin and Myoglobin CHAPTER OUTLINE Myoglobin Hemoglobin Oxygen-Binding Characteristics Role of 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate The Hemoglobin Genes The Hemoglobinopathies High-Yield Terms Heme: is formed when iron is inserted into the chemical…

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4 Nucleic Acids

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 4 Nucleic Acids

CHAPTER 4   Nucleic Acids CHAPTER OUTLINE Nucleoside and Nucleotide Structure and Nomenclature Nucleotide Derivatives Nucleotide Derivatives in tRNAs Synthetic Nucleotide Analogs Polynucleotides High-Yield Terms Nucleoside: refers to the complex of nonphosphorylate…

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27 Lipids: Bile Acid Metabolism

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 27 Lipids: Bile Acid Metabolism

CHAPTER 27 Lipids: Bile Acid Metabolism CHAPTER OUTLINE Bile Acid Synthesis Pathways Enterohepatic Circulation and Bile Acid Modification Regulation of Bile Acid Homeostasis Bile Acids as Metabolic Regulators High-Yield Terms…

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1 Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 1 Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids

CHAPTER 1   Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids CHAPTER OUTLINE Amino Acids: Building Blocks for Protein     Chemical Nature of the Amino Acids     Classification of Amino Acids     Acid–Base Properties of the Amino…

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20 Lipids: Triglyceride and Phospholipid Synthesis

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 20 Lipids: Triglyceride and Phospholipid Synthesis

CHAPTER 20 Lipids: Triglyceride and Phospholipid Synthesis CHAPTER OUTLINE Synthesis of Triglycerides Lipin Genes: Triglyceride Synthesis and Transcriptional Regulation Phospholipid Synthesis Plasmalogens High-Yield Terms Triglyceride: also called triacylglyceride or triacylglycerol,…

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16 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex and the TCA Cycle

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 16 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex and the TCA Cycle

CHAPTER 16 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex and the TCA Cycle CHAPTER OUTLINE Oxidative Decarboxylation of Pyruvate The Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Regulation of the PDH Complex     Citrate Synthase (Condensing Enzyme)     Aconitase     Isocitrate…

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34 Nitrogen: Metabolic Integration

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 34 Nitrogen: Metabolic Integration

CHAPTER 34 Nitrogen: Metabolic Integration CHAPTER OUTLINE Major Organ Integration of Metabolism The Master Metabolic Integrator: AMPK     Structure of AMPK     Regulation of AMPK     Targets of AMPK     AMPK and Hypothalamic Functions…

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15 Carbohydrates: Pentose Phosphate Pathway

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 15 Carbohydrates: Pentose Phosphate Pathway

CHAPTER 15 Carbohydrates: Pentose Phosphate Pathway CHAPTER OUTLINE The Pentose Phosphate Pathway Reactions of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway The PPP and the Control of Oxidative Stress The Role of the…

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