
Jun 21, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Trisectionectomy

Chapter 33 Trisectionectomy John E. Scarborough, MD, Carlos E. Marroquin, MD, Bryan M. Clary, MD, Paul C. Kuo, MD, MBA INTRODUCTION Trisectionectomy is the most extensive hepatic resection procedure possible,…

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Supraclavicular Lymph Node Biopsy

Jun 21, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Supraclavicular Lymph Node Biopsy

Chapter 57 Supraclavicular Lymph Node Biopsy Diana M. Weber, MD, Eleanor Faherty, MD INTRODUCTION The supraclavicular lymph node biopsy was first described in the literature in 1949 by Daniels.1 It…

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Jun 21, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Paracentesis

Chapter 12 Paracentesis Stacy Loeb, MD, Stephen R.T. Evans, MD INTRODUCTION A myriad of clinical conditions can lead to the development of ascites. Abdominal paracentesis is both diagnostic and therapeutic…

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Open Jejunostomy Tube Placement

Jun 21, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Open Jejunostomy Tube Placement

Chapter 14 Open Jejunostomy Tube Placement Eleanor Faherty, MD, Rebecca Evangelista, MD INTRODUCTION Enteral nutrition is the preferred method of feeding patients who are unable to meet their caloric needs…

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Legal Considerations

Jun 21, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Legal Considerations

Chapter 3 Legal Considerations Catherine Bertram, JD, Stephen L. Altman, MD INTRODUCTION As trial lawyers with over 50 years of combined experience we urge you to invest the time it…

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Basic Synthesis and Reaction Chemistry

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Basic Synthesis and Reaction Chemistry

A. UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES Figure 3.1 shows the three main reaction manifolds that underlie materials synthesis. The main sources of synthesized materials are oil and minerals. As a general rule, organic…

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Glasses and Ceramics

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Glasses and Ceramics

A. OVERVIEW The technology of glass and ceramics is one of the oldest human activities. The fabrication of food and liquid storage containers from clay and glass, and the production…

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Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Polymers

A. OVERVIEW Two of the largest areas of materials chemistry involve polymers and ceramics, and both of these areas share similarities at the fundamental science level. A consideration of polymers…

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