Z-Scan Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy as a Tool for Diffusion Measurements in Planar Lipid Membranes

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Z-Scan Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy as a Tool for Diffusion Measurements in Planar Lipid Membranes

(1) Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Kladno, Czech Republic (2) J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech…

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Global Analysis of FRET–FLIM Data in Live Plant Cells

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Global Analysis of FRET–FLIM Data in Live Plant Cells

(1) Laboratoire d’Optique et Biosciences, INSERM U696-CNRS UMR7645, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (2) Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (3) Laboratory of…

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Implementation and Application of Pulsed Interleaved Excitation for Dual-Color FCS and RICS

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Implementation and Application of Pulsed Interleaved Excitation for Dual-Color FCS and RICS

(1) Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Munich Center for Integrated Protein Science (CiPSM) and Center for Nanoscience (CeNS), Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Munich, Germany (2) Loomis Laboratory of Physics, Department of Physics,…

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Multimodal Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Multimodal Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy

(1) Nanobiophysics Group, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands   Abstract Multimodal fluorescence imaging is a versatile method that has a wide application range from biological studies to materials science….

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Optimization of Fluorescent Proteins

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Optimization of Fluorescent Proteins

(1) Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy, Section of Molecular Cytology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands   Abstract Nowadays, fluorescent protein (FP) variants have…

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PET-FCS: Probing Rapid Structural Fluctuations of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Quenching

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on PET-FCS: Probing Rapid Structural Fluctuations of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Quenching

(1) Department of Biotechnology & Biophysics, Biozentrum, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany   Abstract Quenching of organic fluorophores by aromatic amino acids and DNA nucleotides with expelled electron donating properties allows…

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Single-Molecule Fluorescence of Nucleic Acids

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Single-Molecule Fluorescence of Nucleic Acids

(1) SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK (2) Faculté des Sciences, RNA Group, Département de Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada…

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Subpicosecond Kerr-Gate Spectrofluorometry

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Subpicosecond Kerr-Gate Spectrofluorometry

(1) Laboratoire d’Optique et Biosciences, INSERM U696-CNRS UMR7645, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (2) Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (3) Department of Biophysics, Medical School, University…

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