Small Bowel Resection

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Small Bowel Resection

Operation 19 Small Bowel Resection Ileocecal resection Small bowel resection Indications • Crohn’s disease • Ischemic bowel • Small bowel tumor • Damaged bowel during lysis of adhesions Medical Knowledge—You…

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Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

Operation 14 Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Creation of 30-mL gastric pouch Completed Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Indications • Morbid obesity • BMI > 40 • BMI > 35 with obesity-related comorbidities (diabetes,…

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Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB)

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB)

Operation 3 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) Breast and axillary contents Sentinel lymph node biopsy; “blue node” identified Indications • Invasive breast cancer with clinically negative axilla • Planned mastectomy…

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Postoperative Fever (Case 29)

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Postoperative Fever (Case 29)

Chapter 44 Postoperative Fever (Case 29) Charles Shieh, MD, Julia Bulatova, MD, Mary Ann Hopkins, MPhil, MD Postoperative context: A 52-year-old female presents with fever on postoperative day 3 after…

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Teaching Visual: Coronary Bypass

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Teaching Visual: Coronary Bypass

Chapter 59 Teaching Visual: Coronary Bypass Sharon Ben-Or, MD, Francis P. Sutter, DO Objectives • Draw the essential coronary anatomy. • Explain the internal mammary artery (IMA) and aortocoronary conduits…

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Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR)

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR)

Operation 33 Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) CT-angiogram showing aorta, kidneys, aneurysm CT-angiogram showing endograft in neck of AAA and iliacs Indications • Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) greater than 5.5…

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Whipple Procedure (Pancreaticoduodenectomy)

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Whipple Procedure (Pancreaticoduodenectomy)

Operation 30 Whipple Procedure (Pancreaticoduodenectomy) Resection of Whipple procedure Completion of procedure showing pancreaticojejunostomy, choledochojejunostomy, and gastrojejunostomy Indications • Confirmed carcinoma of pancreatic head, duodenum, or ampulla • High suspicion…

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Axillary Node Dissection

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Axillary Node Dissection

Operation 4 Axillary Node Dissection Breast and axillary contents Triangle marks borders of axillary dissection with levels of axillary nodes Indications Breast cancer with positive sentinel node or clinically positive…

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Splenomegaly in a 40-Year-Old Female (Case 19)

Mar 20, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Splenomegaly in a 40-Year-Old Female (Case 19)

Chapter 31 Splenomegaly in a 40-Year-Old Female (Case 19) Matthew I. Goldblatt, MD, Clifford H. Pemberton, MD Differential Diagnosis Portal hypertension Lymphoproliferative disorders: Leukemia Lymphoma Myeloproliferative disorders: Myelofibrosis Polycythemia vera…

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