Total parenteral nutrition

Aug 9, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Total parenteral nutrition

8 Total parenteral nutrition Learning objectives 1. Discuss conditions in which total parenteral nutrition would be appropriate and list five goals of parenteral nutrition. 2. List the basic design of a total…

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Intravenous solutions, stability, and incompatibilities

Aug 9, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Intravenous solutions, stability, and incompatibilities

4 Intravenous solutions, stability, and incompatibilities Learning objectives 1. Discuss common intravenous fluids, including the abbreviations used. 2. Explain visual inspection of a parenteral solution. 3. List several factors that affect compatibility and…

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Patient administration considerations

Aug 9, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Patient administration considerations

10 Patient administration considerations Learning objectives 1. Discuss patient education for a variety of therapies, common types of intravenous therapy, and delivery of supplies. 2. List several types of infusion pumps, and…

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Administration of intravenous products

Aug 9, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Administration of intravenous products

2 Administration of intravenous products Learning objectives 1. Identify the types of parenteral medications and nutrition, and name at least three situations where it would be beneficial to use a parenteral…

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UK Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice

Aug 9, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on UK Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice

UK Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice The Application and Inspection Process “What to Expect” Applicants for a new wholesale dealer’s licence (WDA(H)) or existing licence holders wishing to vary their…

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