Antiepileptic and Other Neurologically Active Drugs

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antiepileptic and Other Neurologically Active Drugs

A.  Pharmacokinetics (see Table 13-4)   1.  All antiepileptic drugs are administered once daily or more frequently.   2.  Because of their ability to induce or inhibit drug metabolism, all antiepileptic drugs (except gabapentin, levetiracetam,…

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Physiology of Blood and Hemostasis

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Physiology of Blood and Hemostasis

II.  Hemostasis and History (see Figs. 27-1 and 27-2) (Table 27-1) A.  Initiation of Coagulation. Initiation of coagulation by procoagulant activities has been traditionally separated into extrinsic, intrinsic, and common pathways (a…

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Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antiarrhythmic Drugs

B.  The effects of cardiac antiarrhythmic drugs on the action potential and effective refractory period of the cardiac action potential determine the clinical effect of these drugs. III.  Classification A.  Cardiac arrhythmic drugs…

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Lipid-Lowering Drugs

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Lipid-Lowering Drugs

II.  Lipid Disorders A.  Familial hypercholesterolemia arises from a defect in the gene for low-density lipoprotein receptors (LDL-R). Heterozygotes for this defect experience accelerated atherosclerosis and represent about 1 in 500 persons….

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Physiology and Management of Massive Transfusion

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Physiology and Management of Massive Transfusion

B.  Plasma/fresh frozen plasma contains multiple factors for hemostasis and has increasingly been considered a critical component (see Fig. 31-1). C.  Platelet Administration   1.  Following traumatic injury or significant postoperative bleeding, the critical…

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Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs and Reversal Agents

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs and Reversal Agents

B.  Depolarizing neuromuscular block (also called phase I block) is often preceded by muscle fasciculation. During partial neuromuscular block, depolarizing block is characterized by (a) decrease in twitch tension, (b) no…

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Physiology of the Newborn

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Physiology of the Newborn

a.  To meet the elevated metabolic demand, neonatal cardiac output, relative to body weight, is twice that of the adult. This is achieved with a relatively rapid heart rate (140 beats…

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Basic Principles of Physiology

Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Basic Principles of Physiology

B.  Body fluids can be divided into intracellular and extracellular fluid, depending on their location relative to the cell membrane (Fig. 1-1).   1.  Interstitial fluid is present in the spaces between cells….

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Aug 14, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Diuretics

II.  Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors A.  Acetazolamide is the prototype of a class of sulfonamide drugs that bind avidly to the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, producing noncompetitive inhibition of enzyme activity, principally in the…

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