Infections of the Lower Respiratory System

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Chapter 69 Infections of the Lower Respiratory System Objectives 1. Define the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli, and explain the anatomic structure of the lower respiratory system. 2. List the most common…

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Sentinel Laboratory Response to Bioterrorism

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Sentinel Laboratory Response to Bioterrorism

Chapter 80 Sentinel Laboratory Response to Bioterrorism Objectives 1. Define and give examples of a biocrime. 2. Define and give examples of select agents. 3. Site two laws that govern the possession of…

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Blood and Tissue (Filarial) Nematodes

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Blood and Tissue (Filarial) Nematodes

Chapter 53 Blood and Tissue (Filarial) Nematodes Objectives 1. Describe the distinguishing morphologic characteristics and basic life cycle (vectors, hosts, and stages of infectivity) for each of the parasites listed. 2. Define…

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Neisseria and Moraxella catarrhalis

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Neisseria and Moraxella catarrhalis

Chapter 40 Neisseria and Moraxella catarrhalis Objectives 1. Identify the clinical specimens or sources for the isolation of pathogenic Neisseria spp. 2. List the Neisseria species considered normal flora and the sites…

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Laboratory Safety

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Laboratory Safety

Chapter 4 Laboratory Safety Objectives 1. Define and differentiate sterilization, disinfection, and antiseptic. 2. List the factors that influence the effectiveness of disinfectants in the microbiology laboratory. 3. Describe the methods used for…

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Infections of the Urinary Tract

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Infections of the Urinary Tract

Chapter 73 Infections of the Urinary Tract Objectives 1. Describe the anatomy and identify the structures of the urinary tract, for both males and females. 2. Name the organisms that colonize the…

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Nocardia, Streptomyces, Rhodococcus, and Similar Organisms

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Nocardia, Streptomyces, Rhodococcus, and Similar Organisms

Chapter 19 Nocardia, Streptomyces, Rhodococcus, and Similar Organisms Objectives 1. Describe the general characteristics of the aerobic actinomycetes, including their Gram stain morphology, microscopic morphology, colonial morphology, and biochemical reactions. 2. Describe…

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Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter

Chapter 34 Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter Objectives 1. List the Campylobacter species most often associated with infections in humans, and explain how they are transmitted. 2. Identify the culture methods for optimum…

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Tissue Cestodes

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Tissue Cestodes

Chapter 55 Tissue Cestodes Objectives 1. Describe and compare the life cycles of the tissue cestodes, including reservoir and intermediate hosts. 2. Describe the clinical manifestations and complications of cysticercus in the…

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