High-Throughput Screening Data Analysis

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on High-Throughput Screening Data Analysis

Screening phase # of replicates # concentrations/ sample Total # of different test samples Total # of wells Pilot 2–3 1 103–104 2⋅104 Primary 1 1 105–1.5⋅106 105–1.5⋅106 Confirmation (experiment…

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Statistical Methods for Comparability Studies

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Statistical Methods for Comparability Studies

Fig. 26.1 Decision tree—defining critical quality attributes comparability criteria The first step in comparability determination is defining the target CQAs (T). To assess manufacturing capability (ΔM), one must have two…

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Assessing Content Uniformity

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Assessing Content Uniformity

and Steven Novick2 (1) GSK, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA (2) MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD, USA   Abstract Content Uniformity tests are used to establish that the dosage units of a drug…

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Acceptance Sampling

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Acceptance Sampling

Fig. 20.1 Operating characteristic (OC) curve Figure 20.1 shows a vertical line drawn at the lot percent defective value of 1.5 %. The value on the vertical axis where the vertical line crosses…

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Lifecycle Approach to Bioassay

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Lifecycle Approach to Bioassay

Fig. 17.1 Four parameter logistic regression with asymptotes A and D, 50th percentile C and slope B A model derived from Michaelis-Menten kinetics is the four-parameter logistic regression equation: (17.1)In…

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