Vitamins and minerals

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Vitamins and minerals

Chapter 13 Vitamins and minerals Chapter contents Reference values 93 People at risk from deficiencies 94 Metals 94 Two important elements 95 Trace elements 96 Water-soluble vitamins 102 Fat-soluble vitamins…

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Methods of administration

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Methods of administration

Chapter 15 Methods of administration Chapter contents Enteral administration 115 Different types of oral delivery system 117 General gastrointestinal tract health 119 Parenteral administration 120 A drug can be administered…

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Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: Introduction

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: Introduction

Chapter 14 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Introduction A good grasp of the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are vital for understanding the actions of orthodox drugs, herbs and supplements. Without such…

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Pharmacological Management of Migraine in Pregnancy

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pharmacological Management of Migraine in Pregnancy

Fig. 15.1 Improvement in migraine during pregnancy: outcomes of retrospective and prospective studies Fig. 15.2 Complete relief of migraine during pregnancy: outcomes of retrospective and prospective studies Table 15.1 Effect…

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Dental and Musculoskeletal Pain

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Dental and Musculoskeletal Pain

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016Dimos D. Mitsikostas and Koen Paemeleire (eds.)Pharmacological Management of HeadachesHeadache10.1007/978-3-319-19911-5_21 21. Dental and Musculoskeletal Pain Antoon De Laat1, 2   and Tara Renton3   (1) Department of Oral Health Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (2)…

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Medication-Overuse Headache (MOH)

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Medication-Overuse Headache (MOH)

Diagnostic criteria:  A. Headache occurring on ≥15 days per month in a patient with a preexisting headache disorder  B. Regular overuse for ≥3 months of one or more drugs that…

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