Respiratory system


Respiratory system


Respiration is a term used to describe two different but interrelated processes: cellular respiration and mechanical respiration. Cellular respiration is the series of intracellular biochemical processes by which the cell produces energy by metabolism of organic molecules (see Ch. 1). This chapter is concerned with mechanical respiration, which involves the following steps:

Inhalation and exhalation are achieved by expanding and contracting the thoracic cavity using the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, drawing air in when the thoracic cavity expands and driving air out when it contracts. The respiratory system has two main functional elements: a conducting/cleaning system and a gaseous interchange mechanism. The conducting system begins as a system of cavities (nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx) which begin the cleansing, warming and moistening of air drawn in through the anterior nares (nostrils). These cavities are lined by respiratory epithelium with two cell types, one of which secretes mucus which traps particulate matter, whilst the other bears surface cilia which move the thin layer of mucus. Abundant blood vessels beneath the epithelium warm the air and seromucous glands in the submucosa secrete both mucus and a watery fluid which moistens the air. Lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx provides immunological surveillance against inhaled antigens. Some air is also taken in through the mouth and therefore bypasses these early cavities.

The air then enters a single tube (the trachea) that divides repeatedly to form airways of ever-decreasing diameter (primary or main bronchi, secondary or lobar bronchi and tertiary or segmental bronchi). In the larger airways, the epithelium has a similar structure and function to the upper respiratory tract. The wall of the trachea is held open by hyaline cartilage rings, which become irregular cartilage plates in smaller branches. Smooth muscle is also an important component of the wall, which contracts and relaxes to modify the diameter of the airway and therefore the flow of air, particularly in those air passages with less cartilage. The tertiary bronchi ramify into numerous orders of progressively smaller airways called bronchioles; these have muscle but no cartilage in their walls. The smallest bronchioles are called terminal bronchioles. These are the last of the purely conducting tubes.

The gaseous interchange system is a vast number of blind-ending sacs called alveoli, the walls of the sacs containing an extensive network of thin-walled blood vessels, the pulmonary capillaries. Gaseous exchange occurs between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries. This arrangement provides a huge surface area where blood and air are separated by a very thin barrier, facilitating gaseous exchange. The continuous process of gaseous diffusion requires appropriate gaseous pressure gradients to be maintained across the alveolar/capillary walls. This is achieved by rapid and continuous perfusion of the pulmonary capillaries by deoxygenated venous blood from the right side of the heart and regular replacement of alveolar gases by breathing. Between the end of the purely conducting part of the system (terminal bronchioles) and the alveoli is a series of transitional airways, the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, which become increasingly involved in gas exchange. These passages terminate in dilated air spaces called alveolar sacs which open into the alveoli.

The respiratory tract also contains two further elements with separate functions:

Aug 22, 2016 | Posted by in HISTOLOGY | Comments Off on Respiratory system

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