Human Genetic Disorders

Fig. 13.1.
Down syndrome – brushfield spots on irides (A). Single transverse palmar creases and fifth finger clinodactyly (B). Gap between first and second toe (C).


Developmental delay, learning disabled (IQ = 40–80), poor Moro reflex, infantile hypotonia, joint hyperflexibility, and increased risk for Alzheimer disease


Congenital heart defects (endocardial cushion defects including atrioventricular canal defect and ventricular septal defects), increased risk for childhood acute leukemia, hypothyroidism, obesity, short stature, increased incidence of pulmonary hypoplasia, and duodenal atresia


Ultrasound findings may include increased nuchal translucency, thickened nuchal fold, congenital heart defects, duodenal atresia, short humerus and femur, short middle phalanx of fifth finger, and echogenic bowel


Seventy-five percent spontaneously abort in first trimester. Of those live born, 80% survival at age 30



Chromosome analysis identifies extra chromosome 21


Prenatal diagnosis through chromosome analysis of chorionic villi or amniocentesis


An increased risk could be indicated by altered prenatal maternal serum markers or non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) using cell-free fetal nucleic acids



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)

Chromosome and Gene Location

Additional chromosome 13



80% meiotic nondisjuncti on (47 chromosomes present)

  • 80–90% maternal, increases with maternal age

  • 10–20% paternal


20% unbalanced translocation (46 chromosomes with an extra chromosome 13 fused to another acrocentric chromosome)



1/10,000 births


Clinical Manifestations

Midline abnormalities ranging from simple ocular hypotelorism to cyclopia to complete absence of eyes, prominent occiput, microcephaly, malformed low-set ears, cl eft lip and palate, polydactyly, and transverse palmar crease (Fig. 13.2)


Fig. 13.2.
Trisomy 13 – showing hypertelorism and tubelike nasal structure. Polydactyly on foot.


Complete or incomplete holoprosencephaly, severe intellectual disability, seizures, deafness, hypotonia, and apneic spells


Congenital heart defects (hypoplastic left heart and ventricular septal defects), urogenital defects, cryptorchidism, bicornuate uterus and hypoplastic ovaries, polycystic kidneys, umbilical hernia, and omphalocele


Ultrasound findings may include holoprosencephaly, cleft lip and palate, cystic hygroma, polydactyly, congenital heart defects, cystic kidneys, and omphalocele


95% spontaneously abort. Of those live born, 90% die within first year of life



Chromosome a nalysis identifies extra chromosome 13


Prenatal diagnosis through chromosome analysis of chorionic villi or amniocentesis


An increased risk could be indicated by altered prenatal maternal serum markers or non-invasive p renatal screening (NIPS) using cell-free fetal nucleic acids



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome)

Chromosome and Gene Location

Additional chromosome 18



Meiotic nondisjunction

  • 95% maternal, increases with maternal age

  • 5% paternal



1/5,000–1/10,000 births


Clinical Manifestations

Microcephaly with prominent occiput, micrognathia, malformed ears, clenched hands, second and fifth digits overlapping third and fourth (Fig. 13.3), rocker bottom feet, single transverse palmar crease, and hypoplastic nails


Fig. 13.3.
Trisomy 18 – clenched hand and overlapping fingers.


Severe intellect ual disability, seizures, and hypertonia


Severe intrauterine growth retardation, congenital heart defects (ventricular septal defects), urogenital defects, cryptorchidism, horseshoe kidney, diaphragmatic hernia, and omphalocele


Ultrasound findings may include clenched hands, club and rocker bottom feet, micrognathia, congenital heart defects, omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia, neural tube defects, ch oroid plexus cysts, and cystic hygroma


Life Expectancy

95% spontaneously abort. Of those live born, 90% die within first year of life



Chromosome analysis identifies extra chromosome 18


Prenatal diagnosis through chromosome analysis of chorionic villi or amniocentesis


An increased risk could be indicated by altered prenatal maternal serum markers or non-invasive pr enatal screening (NIPS) using cell-free fetal nucleic acids



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)

Chromosome and Gene Location

Extra X chromosome in a male



Meiotic nondisjunction

  • 55% maternal nondisjunction

  • 45% paternal nondisju nction


Also may be mosaic XY/XXY or rarely XX/XXY



1/800 males


Clinical Manifestations

Tall habitus, undervirilized, small testes, gynecomastia, and poor musculature


Mild delay, behavioral immaturity, shyness, learning disabilities (reading) speech delay




Normal life expectancy



Chromosome analysis identifies XXY


Prenatal diagnosis through chromosome analysis of chorionic villi or amniocentesis


Maternal serum screening and ultrasound findings are not useful


An increased risk could be indicated by non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) using cell-free fetal nucleic acids



Testosterone suppleme ntation for the development of secondary sexual characteristics


Turner Syndrome (45, X)

Chromosome and Gene Location

Missing or structurally abnormal X chromosome



55% 45,X

  • 80% loss of paternal X chromosome

  • 20% loss of maternal X (no maternal age effect)


25% 46,XX

  • Structural alt eration in one X chromosome


15% mosaic

  • 45,X with 46,XX, 46,XY, or others



1/2,000–1/5,000 female births


Most common chr omosome finding in spontaneous abortions


Clinical Manifestations

Short stature, webbed neck (Fig. 13.4), lymphedema of hands and feet, high arched palate, cystic hygroma, low posterior hairline, and hypoplastic widely spaced nipples


Fig. 13.4.
Turner syndrome – webbing of the neck and low posterior hairline.


Normal or near normal intelligence; may have delay in speech, neuromotor skills, and learning abilities


Gonadal dysgenesis (infertility, primary amenorrhea), renal malformations (horseshoe kidney), cardiovascular malformations (coarctation of aorta, hypoplastic left heart), and increased risk f or gonadoblastoma if mosaic for some Y chromatin


Ultrasound findings include cystic hygroma (detectable after 10 weeks), lymph collections (ascites, pleural effusion), congenital heart disease, and renal anomalies


99% spontaneously abort; those who survive infancy usually reach adulthood



Chromosome analysis indicates monosomy X or other variants


Prenatal diagnosis thro ugh chromosome analysis of chorionic villi or amniocentesis


An increased risk could be indicated by altered prenatal maternal serum markers or non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) using cell-free fetal nucleic acids



Estrogen, thyroid, and growth hormone replacement therapy for development of secondary sexual characteristics and growth


Microdeletion Syndromes

See Table 13.1

Table 13.1.
Microdeletion Syndromes





Ataxia, seizures, happy demeanor, severe intellectual disability


Chromosome 1p36 deletion

Intellectual disability, dysmorphic, hypotonia, seizures


Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion (DiGeorge, velocardiofacial)

Cleft palate, heart defect, developmental delay, thymic and parathyroid hypoplasia


Cri du chat

“Cat-like” cry as newborn, microcephaly, intellectual disability



Lissencephaly, intellectual disability



Hyperphagia, obesity, intellectual disability, hypogonadism, small hands and feet



Sleep disturbances, self-injurious behaviors, intellectual disability



Supravalvular aortic stenosis, intellectual disability, hypercalcemia, social personality



High, broad nasal bridge, microcephaly, growth deficiency, clefting, hypertelorism, intellectual disability



Angelman Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




Angelman syndrome results from the loss of the maternally imprinted region at chromosome 15q11.2. Loss can occur via numerous mechanisms. Recurrence is dependent on mechanism of loss

  • 60–70% deletion of maternal 15q11.2

  • 5% paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) (two copies of the paternal chromosome)

  • 3% imprinting defect

  • 11% ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) mutation

  • 11% unknown





Clinical Manifestations

Prominent mandibl e, open-mouthed expression, hyperreflexia, microcephaly, brachycephaly, and optic atrophy


Ataxia, severe intellectual disability, seizures, and gross motor developmental delay


Absent speech, inappropriate laughter, arm flapping, and feeding difficulties


Most survive into adulthood



First-tier testing

  • Molecular methylation anal ysis identifies missing maternal allele

  • Methylation-sensitive multiple ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) detects missing maternal allele or deletion


Second-tier testing

  • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) or chromosomal microarray (CMA) identifies deletion

  • Molecular UPD studies identify two copies of paternal allele

  • Sequence analysis identifies m utations in UBE3A gene

  • Mutation analysis of imprinting center



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Prader–Willi Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




Prader–Willi syndrome results from the loss of the paternally imprinted region at chromosome 15q11.2. Loss can occur via numerous mechanisms. Recurrence is dependent on mechanism of loss

  • 75% deletion of paternal 15q11.2

  • 20–25% maternal UPD (two copies of maternal chromosome 15)

  • Remainder is thought to be due to imprinting defects





Clinical Manifestations

Hypotonia, hypogon adism, obesity, small hands and feet, almond-shaped eyes, and short stature


Mild to moderate intellectual disability


Failure to thrive and hyperphagia


Most survive into adulthood



First-tier testing

  • Molecular methylation analysis id entifies missing paternal allele

  • Methylation-sensitive MLPA detects missing paternal allele or deletion


Second-tier testing

  • FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion

  • Molecular UPD studies ident ify two copies of maternal allele if either first-tier test is abnormal

  • Mutation analysis of imprinting center



Not cu rable, supportive/symptomatic


1p36 Microdeletion Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




90–95% sporadic


5–10% familial translocations





Clinical Manifestations

Microcephaly, deep-set eyes, flat nasal bridge, cardiac malformations, and hypotonia


Intellectual disa bility and seizures


Growth retardation


Most survive into adulthood



Deletion may or may not be detected on chromosome analysis depending upon resolution of the study and size of the deletion


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Not curable, supportive/sympto matic


Cri Du Chat Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




85–90% sporadic (85% deletion, 4% mosaics, 3% ring chromosomes, 4% translocations)


10–15% familial trans locations, inversions, and parental mosaicism





Clinical Manifestations

“Cat-like” cry, microcephaly, hypertelorism, micrognathia, transverse palmar crease, and hypotonia


Intellectual di sability


50% no speech, growth failure


Most survive into adulthood



Deletion may or may not be detected on chromosome analysis depending upon resolution of the study an d size of the deletion


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Not curable, supportive/sympto matic


22q Deletion Syndrome (DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial Syndrome)

Chromosome and Gene Location




90% are deletions involving multiple genes


Approximately 10–15% are familial (autosomal dominant)





Clinical Manifestations

The disturbance of neural crest migration of pharyngeal pouches is thought to cause clinical features


Interpatien t variability may be dependent on extent of deletion


Hypertelorism, down-slanting eyes, high arched palate, micrognathia, low-set ears, bulbous nose, square nasal tip, cleft palate (velocardiofacial (VCF)), small open mouth, retrognathia, microcephaly, and slender hands and digits


Cardiac manifestations include tetralogy of Fallot, outflow tract defect, right-sided aortic arch, interrupted aortic arch, and ventricular septal defect


Mild-moderate learning dif ficulties, seizures, tetany, and emotional and behavioral problems


Hypoparathyroidism, neonatal hypocalcemia (DiGeorge (DGS)), immune/T-cell deficit (DGS), hypernasal speech, hypospadius, and short stature


Most reach ad ulthood if cardiac lesion is not life threatening



Hypocalcemia, decreased T cells


Deletion of 22q11 is usually not visible on chromosome analysis


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Cardiac surg ery, calcium supplements, and supportive care


Smith–Magenis Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




Most are sporadic interstitial deletions


A few cases of pericentric inversions with breakpoints in 17p11





Clinical Manifestations

Brachycephaly, flat, broad midface, and prominent forehead


Seizures and intellectual disability


Hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, behavioral problems including screaming outbursts and self- mutilation behaviors, and speech delay


Most survive into adulthood



Chromosome analysis detects deletion in most cases


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Not curable, supportive/sympto matic


Miller–Dieker Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




90% are sporadic deletions


Approximately 10–15% are familial





Clinical Manifestations

Lissencephaly, microcephaly, anteverted nostrils, carp mouth, and agenesis of corpus callosum


Seizures and intellectual disability


Failure to thrive and absent speech


Life expectancy is variable, but most die in childhood



Deletion may or may not be detected on chromosome analysis depending upon resolution of the st udy and size of the deletion


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Not curable, supportive/sympt omatic


Williams Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




Mostly sporadic


Few cases of autoso mal dominant inheritance have been reported



1/20,000 live births


Clinical Manifestations

Broad forehead, bitemporal narrowness, periorbital fullness, wide mouth, broad nasal tip, long philtrum, micrognathia, growth retardation, and small widely spaced teeth


Cardiac manifestations include supravalvular aortic stenosis and peripheral pulmonary stenosis


Intellectual disability


Gregarious personality, joint limitations, and hypercalcemia


Most survive in to adulthood



Elevated serum calcium


Deletion is usua lly not visible on chromosome analysis


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Eliminatio n of vitamin D and calcium from the diet


Wolf–Hirschhorn Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




85–90% sporadic


10–15% familial translocations





Clinical Manifestations

Microcephal y, hypertelorism, micrognathia, and hypotonia


Seizures and intellectual disability


Congenital heart defects, renal malformations, and genital malformations


Most survive into adulthood



Deletion may or may not be detected on chromosome analysis depending upon resolution of the study and size of the deletion


FISH and/or CMA identifies deletion



Not curable, supportive/symptoma tic


Chromosome Breakage Syndromes

Fanconi Anemia

Chromosome and Gene Location

Genetically heterogeneous (multiple gene loci involved)



Autosomal recessive





Clinical Manifestations

Short stature, ab sent or hypoplastic radii and thumbs, brown skin pigmentation, cryptorchidism, and renal anomalies


Pancytopenia, anemia, increased incidence of leukemia, and solid tumors


Molecular Basis of Disease

Multiple complementation groups have been identified and appear to be involved in the formation of a protein complex that participates in a DNA damage response pathway. The exact molecular mechanism that leads to impaired genomic stability has not been elucidated



Increased chromosomal breakage, gaps, and rearrangements after exposure to diepoxybutan e or mitomycin C (DNA alkylating agents)


Mutation analysis is available for specific mutations



Transfusions and bone marrow transplantation


Not cura ble, supportive/symptomatic


Bloom Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosomal recessive





Clinical Manifestations

Short s tature


Facial erythema


Increased susceptibility to infections


Increase incidence of leukemia


High pitched voice


Molecular Basis of Disease

Decreased activity of DNA ligase I leads to genomic instability and multisystem anomalies



Increased sister chromatid exchange (12× normal)


Quadrilateral formation is increased as are random breaks and translocations between nonhomologous chromosomes



Not curable , supportive/symptomatic


Minimize exposure to radiation/mutagenic agents


Ataxia Telangiectasia

Chromosome and Gene Location

11q22–q23, ATM gene



Autosomal recessive





Clinical Manifestations

Cerebellar a taxia, conjunctival telangiectasia, and IgA deficiency


Predisposition to malignancy


Increased infections


Growth failure, onset first 2 years of life


Molecular Basis of Disease

Defect in DNA repair mechanisms leading to chromosomal breakage, increased intrachromosomal recombination, sensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR), and abnormal resistance to inhibition of DNA synthesis by IR



Increased chromosomal breakage and X-radiation sensitivity; especially with breakpoints at sites of immunoglobulin genes or receptors


7;14 chromosomal translocation is identified in 5–15% of cells


Molecular analysis of ATM gene identifies mutation in approximately 95% of patients



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Treatment of i nfections and neoplasms and avoidance of radiation


Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Chromosome and Gene Location

Multiple loci



Autosomal recessive





Clinical Manifestations

Sensitivity to sunlight (blistering and freckling with little exposure, beginning in childhood)


Predisposition to malignancy (especially skin cancer)


Mental deterioration in some


Molecular Basis of Disease

Defect in ult raviolet-induced DNA repair mechanisms


Skin cells unable to repair sunlight-induced DNA damage



Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria; no routine clinical laboratory abnormality is observed in patients with XP


Cytogenetic analysis can identify clones of cells with chromosome abnormalities, increased ultraviolet-induced chromosome breaks, and sister chromatin exchanges


Fibroblasts show UV hyp ersensitivity and abnormal unscheduled DNA synthesis



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Avoidance of u ltraviolet light


Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders

A growing number of inherited disease syndromes (primarily neurologic) are known to be caused by the abnormal presence of an expanded tract of trinucleotide repeats within disease-specific genes (Table 13.2)

Table 13.2.
Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders



Gene location

Repeat sequence

Repeat location, type of region

Normal allele size (no. of repeats)

Expanded mutant allele (fully penetrant)

Fragile X syndrome




Noncoding region of Exon 1, 5′ untranslated region



Myotonic dystrophy type 1




3′ untranslated region


50 to >2,000

Myotonic dystrophy type 2




Intron 1



Friedreich ataxia




Intron 1



Huntington disease




Exon 1, polyglutamine coding



Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1




Exon 8, polyglutamine coding



Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2




Exon 1, polyglutamine coding



Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3




Exon 10, polyglutamine coding



Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6




3′ End of gene, polyglutamine coding



Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7




Exon 1, polyglutamine coding



Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy




Exon 1, polyglutamine coding




Typically, the clinical hallmark of these trinucleotide repeat diseases is anticipation. Anticipation is defined as the clinical observance of an earlier age of onset and increased rate of disease progression due to amplification in the number of expanded repeats in successive generations


The diagnosis is made by determining the number of trinucleotide repeats within a specific disease-causing expandable allele (within the proper clinical context). The normal allele will have a “normal range” of trinucleotide repeats, whereas the disease-associated (expanded) allele will contain an increased number of repeats (in the hundreds and thousands, for some diseases)


Fragile X Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location




X-linked d ominant



1/5,000 males (accounts for up to 5% of male intellectual disability)


1/2,500 females


Clinical Manifestations

Intellectual disability


Large narrow face, prominent forehead and jaw, with moderately increased head circumference, and large ears


Macroorc hidism (80%)


Molecular Basis of Disease

Expanded CGG repetitive element within FMR1 gene

  • 5–44 normal

  • 45–54 intermediate (minimal expansion due to meiotic instability in a small percentage of cases), no associated phenotype

  • 55–200 premutation (meiotic instability with potential to expand to full mutation), fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) characterized by cerebellar ataxia with the observation of white matter lesions on MRI and intentional tremor is observed in both males and females with almost half of all male premutation carriers affected by age 79; other clinical manifes tations of FXTAS include memory loss, cognitive deficit, parkinsonism, and neuropathy; premature ovarian failure (POF) is also observed in an average 21% of female premutation carriers; however, penetrance is inversely correlated with the number of repeats in the intermediate and premutation carrier ranges

  • >200 full mutation, leads to abnormal methylation and transcriptional suppression of FMR1 gene and absence of FMRP (RNA binding protein)

  • CGG repeat expansion is through female germ line (males transmit premutation repeat without much change)


Sherman paradox

  • Describes apparent deviation from traditional Mendelian inheritance and varies according to whether the causative gene is transmitted through a male or female

  • In fragile X, this is the result of expansion from premutation to full mutation through the female germ line only



Molecular analysis (PCR and Southern blot with methylation analysis) detects expanded CGG repeat and is the recommended first-tier molecular test, as expanded CGG repe ats account for ~99% of disease-causing mutations


Molecular analysis by sequencing and dosage analysis detect the remaining 1% of FMR1 mutations


Chromosomal fragile site may be apparent by standard chromosome analysis when culture d in folate-deficient/thymidine inhibiting media



Not curable




Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosomal dominant



1/8,000 (DM1 and DM2, together, represent the most common muscular dystrophy in adults)


Clinical Manifestations

Myotonia (sustained muscle contraction), muscle wasting, and facial weakness






Frontal balding


Cardiac conduction disturbances


Diabetes mellitus (5%)


Swallowing and speech disability


Respiratory failure


Neonatal hypotonia


Delayed motor development


Wide phenotypic range and age of onset from severely affected infants (congenital DM1) to classically affected adults (classic DM1) to minimally symptomatic elderly individuals (mild DM1) with mildly affected adults having myotonia and cataracts vs congenital DM1 which is characterized by severe weakness and often fatal respirato ry insufficiency


Molecular Basis of Disease

Expansion of a trinucleotide CTG repeat in t he myotonic dystrophy protein kinase (DMPK) gene

  • 5–34 normal allele size

  • 35–49 mutable normal (premutation) allele; not associated with disease

  • >50 full penetrance allele; severity of phenotype increases as repeat size increases (mild DM1: 50–150 repeats; classic DM1: 100–1,000 repeats)

  • >1,000 full penetrance allele, severely affected (congenital form)

  • Expansion occurs preferentially through mate rnal transmission but can also occur through paternal transmission



Molecular analysis identifies expanded repeat in nearly 100% of cases


Electromyogram demonstrates characteristic electrical myotonic discharges


Muscle biopsy ma y show marked proliferation of fibers within the central nuclei, sacroplasmic masses, and type 1 muscle fiber atrophy



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Monitor and treat for cataracts, cardiac conduction disturbances, diabetes, sleep apnea, hyp ogonadism, and other endocrine problems


Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 (Proximal Myotonic Myopathy)

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosomal dominant



1/8,000 (DM1 and DM2; together, th e most common muscular dystrophy in adults)


Clinical Manifestations

Myotonia (sustained muscle contraction), proximal weakness primarily in the thighs, and muscle pain




Cardiac conduction disturbances


Insulin insensitivity predisposing to hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus




Onset typically occurs in the third decade of life


Myotonic dystrophy type 2 includes DM2 and proximal myotonic myopathy (PROMM)


Molecular Basis of Disease

Expansion of a trinucleotide CCTG repeat in intron 1 of the CNBP/ZNF9 gene

  • Reported allele sizes usually include the total number of repeats/base pairs in the (TG) n (TCTG) n (CCTG) n repeat tract all present at the DM2 locus

  • Tetranucleotides (TCTG or GCTG) commonly interrupt the CCTG repeats in the normal range; however, these sequence interruptions are not found in fully expanded pathogenic alleles

  • 11–26 CCTG repeats (104–176 bp total allele length) normal allele

  • 27–74 CCTG repeats (177–372 bp total allele length) intermediate normal (intermediate/borderline alleles of unclear significance) allele; never been reported

  • 75–11,000 CCTG repeats (372–44,000 bp total allele length) full penetrance allele

  • CCGT repeat size typically co ntracts through either maternal or paternal transmissions and somatic instability causes CCGT repeat sizes to increase as the affected individual ages

  • Phenotype and age of onset cannot be predicted by CCGT repeat size as there is no correlation between repeat size and se verity of disease



Molecular analysis identifies expanded repeat in 99% of cases


Electromyogram demonstrates characteristic electrical myotonic changes


Muscle biopsy may show marked proliferation of fibers within the central nuclei and ty pe 2 muscle fiber atrophy



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Monitor a nd treat for cataracts, cardiac conduction disturbances, diabetes, and hypogonadism


Friedreich Ataxia

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosomal recessive





Clinical Manifestations

Progressive ataxia, muscle weakness, dysarthria, and dysphagia


Absent deep tendon reflexes and decreased vibration and/or joint-position sense


Optic nerve atrophy (25%)


Deafness (13%)




Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (66%)


Bladder dysfunctio n (urinary frequency and urgency)


Hammer toes, pes cavus (foot deformity marked by high arch), and restless leg syndrome


Diabetes (30%) or glucose intolerance (50%)


Obstructive sleep apnea (20%)


Age of onset is approximately 10–15 years for classic Friedreich ataxia (FRDA); however, ~15% of cases are associated with delayed onset (late-onset FRDA, LOFA, and very late-onset FRDA, VLOFA), and ~12% are associated with delayed-on set and intact tendon reflexes (FRDA with retained reflexes, FARR)


Molecular Basis of Disease

Expansion of a trinucleotide GAA repeat in intron 1 of the frataxin (FXN) gene

  • 5–33 normal allele

  • 34–65 premutation (meiotic instability with potential to expand to full penetrance allele) allele. (Note: the term borderline alleles, defined as 44–66, is sometimes used because the shortest repeat le ngth associated with disease has not yet been clearly determined)

  • 66–1,700 full penetrance allele

  • Carriers of permutation alleles are very rare; therefore, expansion of alleles from one generation to the next is typically not observed, and anticipation is not a hallmark characteristic of this disease

  • Statistically significant correlations have been observed between the size of the smaller of the two expanded alleles and age of onset (i.e., LOFA and VLOFA), presence of leg muscle weakness, duration of wheelchair use, and presence of other clinical manifestations



Molecular analysis identifies two expanded repeat sizes in 90–94% of cases


Molecular analysis by sequencing and dosage analysis detects the remaining FXN mutations


Nerve conduction studies generally show slow or absent sensory nerve conduction velociti es but normal motor nerve conduction



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Monitor for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (by echocardiography and electrocardiogram), diabetes, and deafness


Treat with assistive devices for weakness, antispasmodic agents for bladder dysfunction, and speech therapy to maximize communication


Huntington Disease

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosomal dominant



3/100,000–7/100,000 (Western European ancestry)


0.1/100,000–15/100,000 (range, all ethnicities)


Clinical Manifestations

Slowly progress ive fatal disorder with onset of neurologic or psychiatric changes usually in mid-life (35–44 years)


Life expectancy is approximately 50–60 years or about 15–18 years after initial onset of disease


Early (preclinical)

  • Behavioral/mood changes and personality changes (72%)

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Delusions and hallucinations

  • Abnormal eye movements

  • Minor changes in coor dination and movement


Middle (clinical)

  • Chorea (90%)

  • Involuntary movements

  • Difficulty with voluntary movements (slow, difficult to initiate or control, impaired reaction time, trouble with balance and walking)

  • Weakness

  • Dysarthria and dysphagia

  • Cognitive decline



  • Inability to walk and speak

  • Incontinence

  • Rigidity and dystonia

  • Total dependence on others


Juvenile Huntington disease (onset prior to age 20 years) is characterized by motor, cognitive, and psychiatric changes; however, the clinical presentation differs and is much more severe than in adults; epileptic seizures are also common


Molecular Basis of Disease

Disease results from an expansion of a trinucleotide CAG repeat in exon 1 of the HTT gene

  • 10–26 normal allele

  • 27–35 intermediate allele (meiotic instability, expansion to full penetrance allele may occur with transmission); not associated with disease

  • 36–39 reduced penetrance allele (at risk but not certain to develop symptoms of disease)

  • >40 full penetrance allele

  • >60 full penetrance allele is associated with juvenile onset Huntington disease

  • Expansion can occur through both maternal and paternal transmission; however, large expansions are more frequentl y observed through paternal transmission

  • Inverse correlation between number of CAG repeats and age of onset



Molecula r analysis identifies expanded repeat in 100% of cases


Imaging studies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) identifies atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen



Not curable, supportive/symptom atic


Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxias

Chromosome and Gene Location

Numerous loci have been identified, and more than 30 subtypes have been delineated (commonly referred to as spinocerebellar ataxias, SCAs are numbered by subtype with the exception of DRPLA; dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy)



Autosomal d ominant





Clinical Manifestations

Clinical manifestations vary by subtype; however, the most common features include adult-onset gait ataxia, dysarthria, ataxia (NOS), visual disturbance and diplopia, and dizziness


Peripheral neuropathy


Death usually occurs 10–20 years following age of onset


Molecular Basis of Disease

Many subtypes of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) result from expansion of trinucleotide CAG repeat, a lthough some (e.g., SCA5) result from nonrepeat mutations


SCA3 (also known as Machado–Joseph disease) is the most common subtype followed by SCA 1, 2, 6, and 7 (represented in Table 13.2)



Molecular an alysis identifies expanded trinucleotide repeat in most subtypes


Neuroimaging may be necessary to distinguish hereditary forms of ataxia from acquired forms



Not curable, supportive/symptoma tic


Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (Kennedy Disease)

Chromosome and Gene Location




X-linked recessive



1/50,000 males


Clinical Manifestations

Teen to adult onset, usually in the third to fifth decades of life


Slowly progressive proximal muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, and fasciculations with bulbar involvement, dysarthria, and dysphagia


Androgen insensitivity (gynecomastia, reduced fertility, testicular atrophy)


Normal life expectancy


Molecular Basis of Disease

Expansion of trinucleotide CAG repeat in t he human androgen receptor (AR) gene

  • 11–34 normal allele size

  • 35 unknown clinical significance

  • 36–37 reduced penetrance allele (at risk but not certain to develop symptoms of disease)

  • >37 full penetrance allele

  • The larger the expansion, the earlier the age at onset of disease and the more rapid the disease progression



Molecula r analysis identifies expanded repeat in 100% of cases



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Hormone replacement as needed


Monitor with annual strength testing and pulmonary function


Neuromuscular Disorders

Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Chromosome and Gene Location




X-linked r ecessive



1/3,500 (male) 1/1,500 (female carriers)

  • 30% of cases are new mutations

  • 5–15% of sporadic cases are result of gonadal mosaicism (mother carries a subpopulation of oocytes with the mutation)


Clinical Manifestations

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

  • Proximal muscle weakness le ading to difficulties involving gait, jumping, and climbing stairs

  • Positive for Gower sign (use of arms to push oneself into standing position by moving hands up one’s thighs, indicative of hip weakness)

  • Pseudohypertrophy of the calf muscles and proximal muscle weakness

  • Rapidly progressive with loss of ability to walk before age 13

  • Dilated cardiomyopathy (100% after by age 18)

  • Intellectual disability (25–35%)

  • Death usually occurs by the third decade in most


Becker muscular dystrophy

  • Milder course of muscle involve ment with later-onset skeletal muscle weakness

  • Slower progression, wheelchair dependent after age 16

  • Survival into the 30–40 s, with dilated cardiomyopathy being the most common cause of death

  • Cognitive problems ar e rare


Female carriers of Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD or BMD)

  • Muscle weakness (19% DMD carriers, 14% BMD carriers)

  • Myalgia cramps (5%)

  • Left ventricle dilation (19% DMD carriers, 16% BMD carriers)

  • Dilated cardiom yopathy (8% of DMD carriers)


Molecular Basis of Disease

Dystrophin is a protein found in the sarcolemma of normal muscle. It is thought to be involved in the anchorin g of the cytoskeleton of the muscle cell to extracellular proteins


DMD and BMD result from alterations within the dystrophin (DMD) gene


Deletions in 50–70% of DMD and BMD

  • Deletions that disrupt the reading frame of th e triplet code (frameshift mutations) lead to DMD

  • Deletions that do not disrupt the reading frame of the triplet code (in-frame mutations) most often lead to BMD


Duplications in 5–10% of DMD and BMD


Point mutati ons in 20–35% of DMD and 10–20% of BMD




  • Variability in size of muscle fiber s, degeneration, atrophy of individual fibers, and proliferation of endomysial and perimysial connective tissue


Antidystrophin antibodies detect

  • <5% of normal dystrophin in DMD

  • 5–20% in mild DMD or severe BMD

  • >20% normal dystrophin co rrelates with BMD


Serum creatinine phosphokinase (CK) concentration

  • >5–10× the normal range (100% of affected individuals)

  • 50% of DMD carriers and 33% of BMD carriers have elevated CK levels (2–10× normal)

  • Caution must be used as CK levels vary with age, pregnancy, and activity



  • Deletions and duplications detected directly by molecular analysis

  • Linkage analysis is available when deletion/duplication analysis negative



Not curable, su pportive/symptomatic


Treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy with medication and transplantation in rare cases


Corticoste roid therapy (prednisone) in affected individuals to improve strength and function


Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Types I–IV

Chromosome and Gene Location




Aut osomal recessive





Clinical Manifestations

See Table 13.3

Table 13.3.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Subtypes

Type I (WerdnigHoffmann)

Type II (Dubowitz disease)

Type III (KugelbergWelander)

Type IV

Onset 0–6 months

Onset after 6 months

Onset after 10 months

Onset second or third decade of life

Reduced fetal movements

Mild/arrested type 1

Ambulation feasible

Muscle weakness

General muscle weakness

Low muscle tone

Waddling gait

Independent ambulation

Low muscle tone


Muscle weakness

Respiratory muscle weakness

Finger trembling



Absent tendon reflexes


Tongue fasciculations

Increased life span when respiratory function preserved


Lack of motor development

Absence of tendon reflexes

Death often by 1 year


Molecular Basis of Disease

Survival motor neuron (SMN1) gene is homozygously deleted in nearly all of types I and II and ab out 80% of type III spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)


2–5% of type I SMA is caused by compound heterozygosity for an SMN1 deletion and point mutation


The presence of three or more copies of SMN2, a gene just adjacent to SMN1, is associated with a milder SMA phenotype in individuals with two SMN1 deletions and/or point mutations



The primary test used to diagnose individuals with SMA is molecular analysis for deletions in exon 7 and/or exon 8 of SMN1 gene


Muscle biopsy reveals group atrophy of type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers



Not curable, supportive/symptomat ic


Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease

Chromosome and Gene Location

Numerous loci have been identified



Autosomal dominant, recessive and X-linked forms (see Table 13.4)

Table 13.4.
CharcotMarieTooth ( CMT) Subtypes

Disorder (% of CMT)

CMT1 (50 %)

CMT2 (20–40 %)

CMT4 (rare)

X-linked CMT (10–20 %)

CMT1A (70–80 %)

CMT1B (5–10 %)

Gene location



Multiple loci

Multiple loci


Gene name



Multiple genes

Multiple genes

GJB1 (90 %), PRPS1, other unknown genes


Autosomal dominant

Autosomal dominant

Autosomal dominant

Autosomal recessive

X-linked dominant

Molecular genetics

1.5 kb duplication of PMP22, point mutations in PMP22

Point mutations in MPZ

Point mutation in NFL and HSPB1

Point mutations in GDAP1, EGR2, or PDX

Point mutations in GJB1



1/3,300 (the mos t common genetic cause of neuropathy)


Clinical Manifestations

Hereditary neuropathy resulting in progressive distal muscular atrophy and weakness of arms and legs (presenting in first to third decade)


Pes cavus


CMT1 – Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 1 (50%)

  • Demyelinating per ipheral neuropathy

  • Distal muscle weakness and atrophy

  • Decreased nerve conduction velocities

  • Absent deep tendon reflexes

  • Onset 5–25 years

  • Six subtypes (CMT1A–CMT1F) are dis tinguishable only by molecular analysis

  • Autosomal dominant inheritance


CMT2 – Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2 (20–40%)

  • Axonal (non-demyelinat ing) neuropathy

  • Distal muscle weakness and atrophy

  • Normal or slightly decreased nerve conduction velocities

  • Deep tendon reflexes are preserved

  • Milder phenotype than CMT1

  • 15 subtypes distinguishable by molecular analysis

  • Autosomal dominan t inheritance


Autosomal dominant intermediate CMT

  • Demyelinating and axonal neuropathy

  • Decreased nerve conduction velocities


CMT4 – Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 4

  • Demyelinating or a xonal neuropathy

  • Distal muscle weakness and atrophy

  • Pes cavus

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance


CMTX – X-linked Charcot–Marie–Tooth (10–15%)

  • Axonal neuropathy in males, intellec tual disability, deafness, and spasticity

  • Five subtypes


Molecular Basis of Disease

Multiple gene s at different loci are involved (see Table 13.4). Molecular analysis is available for many subtypes. Some subtypes are clinically indistinguishable and are designated solely on molecular findings



Molecular testing is available for many of the CMT subtypes


Electrophysiological studies and nerve biopsy may be helpful in distinguishing it from other acquired and hereditary forms of peripheral neuropathy and in establishing a diag nosis of CMT



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosoma l dominant





Clinical Manifestations

Recurrent transient palsies (i.e., carpel tunnel syndrome and foot drop)


Sensory dysfunction (result of compression to peripheral nerve)


Pes cavus (20%)


Absent ank le reflexes (50–80%) and reduced tendon reflexes (15–30%)




Molecular Basis of Disease

Deletion at 17p11.2 involving the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) gene (80%) or poin t mutations in the PMP22 gene (20%)


Unequal crossing over between misaligned repetitive elements leads to the hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) deletion and the CMT1A duplication syndromes


De novo mutations are most often paternally derived



Cytogene tics using FISH or molecular genetics analysis identifies deletion at 17p11.2 involving the PMP22 gene or a point mutation


Nerve biopsy reveals sausage-shaped swellings of myelin sheath


Increase in distal motor latency of the median nerve at the wrist in both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals


Reduced motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity



Not curable, supportive/sympt omatic


Skeletal Disorders


Apert Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

10q24 (FGFR2)



Autosomal dominant, vast majority due to new mutation





Clinical Manifestations

Brac hycephaly due to coronal craniosynostosis


Hypoplasia of midface and hypertelorism


“Mitten hand” deformity; symmetric and severe osseous or cutaneous syndactyly affecting hands and feet, and broad thumbs and great toes


Fused ce rvical vertebrae, typically C5–C6


Genitourinary anomalies in 10%


Cardiac anomalies in 10%


Intellectual disability


Molecular Basis of Disease

Mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2), tyrosine kinase receptor involved in regulation of osteogenesis


Two common gain-of-function mutations account for >98% of cases



Targeted m olecular testing for common mutations, whole-gene sequencing, and deletion/duplication studies of FGFR2 are all available



Not curable, sup portive/symptomatic and surgical management


Early surgical consultation and correction are important to reduce the risk of intracranial pressure


Crouzon Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

10q24 (FGFR2)



Autosomal dominant with variable expressivity





Clinical Manifestations

Coron al, lambdoid, or sagittal craniosynostosis


Hypoplasia of midface






Beaked nose


Normal intelligence


Molecular Basis of Disease

Mutation in FGFR2, tyrosine ki nase receptor involved in regulation of osteogenesis



Targeted molecular testing for common mutations, sequencing of select exons or the entire FGFR2 gene, and deletion/duplication studies of FGFR2 are all available



Not curable, supp ortive/symptomatic and surgical management


Pfeiffer Syndrome (Types I–III)

Chromosome and Gene Location

8p11.2 (FGFR1) type I


10q24 (FGFR2) types I–III



Autosom al dominant with variable expressivity





Clinical Manifestations

See Table 13.5

Table 13.5.
Clinical Findings of Pfeiffer Syndrome





Type I

Brachycephaly (premature synostosis of coronal and often sagittal sutures)

Broad, medially deviated thumbs and great toes, variable syndactyly

Typically normal

Hearing loss, hydrocephalus occasionally

Type II

Cloverleaf skull (premature synostosis of all but metopic and squamosal sutures), extreme proptosis

Broad, medially deviated thumbs and great toes, elbow ankylosis/synostosis

Developmental delay/intellectual disability commonly

Choanal stenosis/atresia, laryngotracheal anomalies, hydrocephalus, seizures

Type III

Turribrachycephaly (premature synostosis of bicoronal, sagittal, and metopic sutures), extreme proptosis

Broad, medially deviated thumbs and great toes

Developmental delay/intellectual disability commonly

Choanal stenosis/atresia, laryngotracheal anomalies, hydrocephalus, seizures

Adapted from Robin et al. NH, Falk MJ, Haldeman-Englert CR. (Updated [09/27/2007]). FGFR-Related Craniosynostosis Syndromes. In: GeneReviews at GeneTests: Medical Genetics Information Resource (database online). Copyright, University of Washington, Seattle. 1997–2009. Available at . Accessed [04/09/2009]


Molecular Basis of Disease

Type I: mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 1 (5% of cases) or 2 (95% of cases), tyro sine kinase receptors involved in regulation of osteogenesis


Type II or III: mutation in FGFR2, tyrosine kinase receptor involved in regulation of osteogenesis



Targeted molecular testing for common mutations, sequencing of select exons or the entire FGFR1/FGFR2 genes, and deletion/duplication studies of FGFR1/ FG FR2 are all available



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic and surgical management


Types II and III are typically more severe and have an increased risk for early death, but early and aggressive surgical and medical treatment may increase the possibility of a positive outcome


Saethre–Chotzen Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

7p21.1 (TWIST1)



Autosomal dominant





Clinical Manifestations

Brachyc ephaly due to coronal craniosynostosis




Maxillary hypoplasia


Small ears with prominent crus


Cutaneous syndactyly


Normal intelligence typically


Patients wi th microdeletions may have intellectual disability


Molecular Basis of Disease

Typically caused by loss of function of the TWIST gene, which negatively regulates FGFR and osteogenic transcription factors. Loss-of-function mutations, exonic or whole-gene deletions, and translocations/inversions involving 7p21 have all been reported



Targeted molecular testing for common mutations, sequencing of select exons or the entire gene, and deletion/duplication studies of TWIST1 are all available



Not curab le, supportive/symptomatic and surgical management


Muenke Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

4p16.3 (FGFR3)



Autosomal dominant





Clinical Manifestations

Brachyc ephaly due to bilateral coronal craniosynostosis or anterior plagiocephaly due to unilateral coronal craniosynostosis


Intellectual disabilities




Hearing loss


Carpal bone and/or tarsal bone fusions


Broad toes and/or thumbs


High-arche d palate or cleft lip and/or palate


Molecular Basis of Disease

Specific pathogenic mutation p.Pro250Arg in FGFR3 which accelerates bone differentiation



Targeted molecular testing for the common mutation, sequencing of select exons or the entire gene, and deletion/duplication studies of FGFR3 are all available



Not curable, supportive/sym tomatic



Chromosome and Gene Location

4p16.3 (FGFR3)



Autosoma l dominant; 80% result from a new mutation





Clinical Manifestations

Short stature, proximal shortening of long bones, disproportionate shortening of limbs, and gen u varum


Large head, frontal bossing, and hypoplasia of midface


Infantile hypotonia


Gross motor developmental delay


Normal int elligence


Normal life expectancy


Also at risk for cord compression due to odontoid hypoplasia


Molecular Basis of Disease

Mutation in transmembrane domain of fibroblast growth factor transmembrane receptor (FGFR3)


>99% caused by same mutation



X-ray implicates skeletal involvement


Targeted mutation testing for the common mutations in FGFR3 that account for >99% of cases is available. Sequencing of select exons or the entire FGFR3 gene is also avai lable



Not curable, supportive/sympto matic


Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Types I–VII)

Chromosome and Gene Location

See Table 13.6

Table 13.6.
Clinical Findings of Osteogenesis Imperfecta


Clinical findings


Abnormal collagen chains

Type I

Autosomal dominant

Bone fragility, blue sclera, hearing loss



Type II

Autosomal dominant, but usually new germ line mutation, 6–7% recurrence risk due to parental gonadal mosaicism

Perinatal lethal, calvarial under-mineralization, beaded ribs, compressed long bones, dark blue sclera


Pro-a1(I) Pro-α2(I)

Type III

Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive (rarely)

Multiple prenatal bone fractures, limb shortening, limb deformities, deafness, blue sclera


Pro-a1(I) Pro-α2(I)

Type IV

Autosomal dominant

Mild short stature, mild deformity, dentinogenesis imperfecta, normal/gray sclera


Pro-a1(I) Pro-α2(I)

Type V

Autosomal dominant

Variable stature, multiple fractures, moderate bone deformities, normal sclera


Type VI


Mild short stature, multiple fractures, rhizomelic shortening, normal sclera


Type VII

Autosomal recessive

Mild short stature, multiple fractures, bone deformity, normal sclera


Adapted from: Steiner RD, Adsit J, Basel D. COL1A1/2-Related Osteogenesis Imperfecta. 2005 Jan 28 [Updated 2013 Feb 14]. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993–2014. Available from: . Accessed [11/21/2014].



See Table 13.6





Clinical Manifestations

See Table 13.6


A genetic consulta tion is recommended given clinical and molecular genetic diagnosis of one of the many types may be quite complex


Molecular Basis of Disease

Collagen is the major protein of the white fibers of connective tissue, cartilage, and bone


There have been nu merous types of collagen identified


Mutations in the procollagen genes, whose products make up the triple helix of type 1 collagen, lead to the various types of osteogenesis imperfecta


Clinical presentation is dependent on the extent to which the mutation alters the protein product



X-ray implicates s keletal involvement


Molecular genetic testing of the procollagen and some of the other disease-causing genes is available


Collagen testing on cultured fibroblasts available



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Surgical inte rvention when indicated


Connective Tissue Disorders

Marfan Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

15q21.1 (FBN1)



Autosomal dominant


15–30% result from a new mutation



1 in 5,000–10,000


Clinical Manifestations

Diagno sis based on clinical criteria


Tall, thin habitus, long extremities, and arachnodactyly (Fig. 13.5A)


Fig. 13.5.
Marfan syndrome – arachnodactyly, wrist sign (A). Pectus deformity and striae on shoulders (B). Intraoperative view of dilated aortic root (C).


Pectus deformities (Fig. 13.5B) and scoliosis


Ectopia lentis and retinal detachment


Mitral valve prolapse, aortic dilation (Fig. 13.5C), and aortic aneurysm


Without treatment, life expectancy is reduced to about two-thirds normal life span. With proper management of cardiovascular manifestations, life expectancy approximates that of the general population


Molecular Basis of Disease

FBN1 codes for fibrillin, a structural protein, which is the major constituent of microfibrils



Sanger sequencing a nd deletion/duplication testing via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is available for the FBN1 gene


FBN1 analysis is also available as a part of several clinically available multigene panels which utilize next-generation sequencing



Surgical inte rvention when indicated


Close monitoring of heart defects as they can lead to sudden death


Use of beta-adrenergic blockade


Clinical trials underway to assess the potential benefits of angiotensin II receptor antagonist drugs (losartan) on slowing aneurysm progression


Referral to genetics for personal and family history evaluation, detailed medical exam, and app ropriate health management


Loeys–Dietz Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

9q22 (TGFBR1), 3p22 (TGFBR2), 15q22.33 (SMAD3), and 1q41 (TGFB2)



Autosomal dominant


~75% result from new mutation



Unknown, no apparent enrichment in any ethnic group


Clinical Manifestations

Minimal clinical diagnostic criteria not established


Two clinical phenotypes described. LDS type I has vascular, skeletal, and craniofacial findings. LDS type II has vascular, skeletal, and cutaneous findings


Dilatation or dissection of the aorta. Aortic dilatation presents in >95% of probands. Arterial aneurysms tend to be more aggressive and dissect at smaller aortic dimensions than in Marf an syndrome


Other arterial aneurysms and tortuosity throughout the arterial tree


Pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum and scoliosis


Joint laxity




Talipes equinovarus


Ocular hyper telorism, bifid uvula/cleft palate, and craniosynostosis (most commonly sagittal, but also coronal and metopic) in LDS type I


Translucent skin, easy bruising, and dystrophic scars in LDS type II


Molecular Basis of Disease

Mutations in genes coding for a transforming growth factor ligand, cofactor, and two receptors, which regulate a variety of cellular processes, including proliferation, differentiation, cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and formation of the extrac ellular matrix



Sanger sequencing and deletion/duplication testing via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is a vailable for TGFBR1, TGFBR2, SMAD3, and TGFB2


TGFBR1, TGFBR2, SMAD3, and TGFB2 analysis is also available as a part of several clinically available multigene panels which utilize next-generation sequencing



Echocardiography at frequent intervals to monitor ascending aorta, MRA, or CT as indicated


Early and aggressive surgical intervention


Use of beta-adrenergic blockade


Referral to genetics for personal and family history evaluation, detailed medical exam, and ap propriate health management


Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection

Chromosome and Gene Location

Seven genes and two loci have been associated with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (TAAD):

  • TGFBR2 on 3p22

  • TGFBR1 on 9q33–q34

  • MYH11 on 16p13.13–p13, 12

  • ACTA2 on 10q22–q24

  • MYLK on 3q21

  • SMAD3 on 15q22.33

  • AAT2 (TAAD1) locus on 5q13–q14 (causative gene unknown)

  • AAT1 (FAA1) locus on 11q23.3–q24 (causative gene unknown)

  • Rare cases of FBN1 mutations, 15q21.1, have been associated with isolated TAAD (incidence unkn own)



Autosomal dominant



Aortic aneurysms account for approximately 1–2% of deaths in industrialized society


Approximately 20% of familial TAAD is accounted for by mutations in known genes. It is likely that other genes with variable penetrance have yet to be discovered


Clinical Manifestations

Major diagnostic criteria for TAAD are the following:


Presence of dilatation and/or dissection of the ascending thoracic aorta or dissection of the descending aorta just distal to the origin of the subclavian artery


Exclusion of Marfan syndrome, Loeys–Dietz syndrome, and other connective tissue abnormalities


Other occasional manifestations include inguinal hernia, scoliosis, aneurysms in other portions of the aorta, cerebral aneurysms, livedo reticularis (ACTA2), iris flocculi (ACTA2), bicuspid aor tic valve (ACTA2), and patent ductus arteriosus (MYH11)


Molecular Basis of Disease

TGFBR1, TGFBR2, and SMAD3 code for proteins that regulate a variety of cellular processes, including proliferation, differentiation, cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and formation of the extracellular matrix. Mutations in TAAD families are most often found in the kinase domain of these proteins, though rarely other mutations have been reported


MYH11 codes for smooth muscle heavy chain protein. Smooth muscle myosin is the major contractile protein of smooth muscle and is composed of a MYH11 dimer and two pairs of nonidentical light chains


ACTA2 codes for smooth muscle cell alpha-actin, a major contractile protein in smooth muscle cells


MYLK codes for a phosphokinase which facilitates interactions between myosin and actin filaments, important in contractile activity



Sanger sequencing and deletion/duplication testing via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is available fo r TGFBR1, TGFBR2, MYH11, ACTA2, FBN1, and SMAD3


Sanger sequencing is available for MYLK


TGFBR1, TGFBR2, MYH11, ACTA2, MYLK, FBN1, and SMAD3 analysis is also available as a part of several clinically available multigene panels which utilize next-generation sequencing



Echocardio graphy to monitor aortic root, consider imaging entire aorta and other vasculature


Prophylactic surgical repair of the aorta (timing depends on rate of progression, causative gene, etc)


Medications that reduce hemodynamic stress, such as beta-adrenergic blockade


Aggressive treatment of hypertension


Assessmen t and standard treatment for hernias and scoliosis


Referral to genetics for personal and family history evaluation, detailed medical exam, a nd appropriate health management


Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

Classic type: 9q34 (COL5A1), and 2q31 (COL5A2)


Vascular type: 2q31 (COL3A1)



  • Hypermobility type: c ausative gene is mostly unknown; there are some cases of TNXB mutations (6p21)

  • Kyphoscoliotic type: 1p36 (PLOD1)

  • Arthrochalasia type: 17q21–q22 (COL1A1), and 7q22 (COL1A2)

  • Spondylocheiro dy splastic form: 11p11.2 (SLC39A13)

  • Dermatosparactic type: 5q35.3 (ADAMTS2)

  • Musculocontractural type 1: 15q15.1 (CHST14)

  • Progressive kyphoscoliosis, myopathy, and hearing loss type: 7p15 (FKBP14)



Classic type, arthrochalasia type, and vascular type are autosomal dominant


Most rare forms of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome are autosomal recessive


Mutations in TNXB can be inherited in an autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive manner



Classi c type: estimated 1/20,000


Vascular type: estimated 1/250,000


Clinical Manifestations

Classic type

  • Skin hyperex tensibility

  • Smooth, velvety skin

  • Widened atrophic scarring

  • Abnormal, delayed wound healing

  • Joint hypermobility

  • Joint dislocations

  • Easy bruising

  • Generalized tissue fragility

  • Less common ly, mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse, aortic root dilatation, and spontaneous rupture of large arteries


Vascular type

  • Thin, translucent skin

  • Characteristi c facial appearance (thin nose and lips, emaciated face with prominent cheekbones, eyes appear sunken or bulging, often with coloring around them and thin telangiectasia on the eyelids)

  • Easy bruising

  • Arterial, intestinal, and/or uterine fragility

  • Vascular rupture or dissection

  • GI perforation

  • Org an rupture


Molecular Basis of Disease

Collagen is the major protein of the white fibers of connective tissue, cartilage, and bone


Mutations in collagen genes lead to decreased synthesis, altered secretion, and instability of collagen


The defect for some types is unknown



Protein analysis is available for some subtypes


Histological features are nondiagnostic


Sanger sequencing and deletion/duplication testing via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is available for COL5A1, COL5A2, COL3A1, COL1A1, and COL1A2


Sanger sequencing is available for PLOD1


ADAMTS2 , CHST14, COL1A1, COL1A2, COL3A1, COL5A1, COL5A2, FKBP14, PLOD1, and SLC39A13 analysis is also available as a part of several clinically available multigene panels which utilize next-generation sequencing



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Referral to genetics for personal and family history evaluation, detailed medical exam, and a ppropriate health management


Stickler Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

12q13 ( COL2A 1) and 1p21 (COL11A1) account for the majority of individuals with Stickler syndrome


Also associated with 6p21.3 (COL11A2), 6q13 (COL9A1), 1p33–p32 (COL9A2), and 20q13.3 (COL9A3)



Autosomal dominant for COL2A1, COL11A1, and COL11A2


Autosomal recessive for COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3



While the exact prevalence is unknown, estimations based on incidence of Pierre Robin sequence in newborns and the percent of these newborns who develop signs or symptoms of Stickler syndrome are approximately 1 in 7,500–9,000


Clinical Manifestations

Progressive myopia, retinal detachment, and blindness


Pierre Robin sequence (micrognathia and abnormal smallness of the tongue, often with cleft palate)


Severe myo pia, congenital glaucoma, retinal detachment, and cataracts


Premature degenerative changes in various joints with abnormal epiphyseal development


Mitral valve prolapse


Molecular Basis of Disease

The COL2A1 gene encodes the chains of type II collagen, a major structural component of cartilag inous tissues


The COL11A1 gene encodes the alpha 1 chain of type XI collagen, thought to play an important role in fibrillogenesis by controlling lateral growth of collagen II fibrils


The COL11A2 gene encodes the alpha 2 chain of type XI collagen expressed in cartilage but not in adult liver, skin, tendon, or vitreous


The COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3 genes code for type IX collagen which, together, form a subunit of three alpha chains found in tissues containing type II collagen



Skeletal X-ra ys show changes of a skeletal dysplasia


Sanger sequencing and deletion/duplication testing via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is available for COL2A1, COL11A1, COL11A2, COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3


COL2A1, COL11A1, COL11A2, COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3 analysis is also available as a part of several clinically available multigene panels which utilize next-generation sequencing



Not curable, supportive/symptomatic


Referral to geneti cs for personal and family history evaluation, detailed medical exam, and appropriate health management


Alport Syndrome

Chromosome and Gene Location

Xq22.3 (COL4A5), 2q36–q37 (COL4A3), and 2q35–q37 (COL4A4)



COL4A5 mutations are inherited in an X-linked pattern (80% total AS cases)


COL4A3 and COL4A4 cases are inherited in both autosomal recessive (15% total AS cases) and autosomal dominant (5% total AS cases) patterns



Estimated to be 1 in 50,000 live births


Clinical Manifestations

Renal failure


Sensorineural deafness




Macular changes


Molecular Basis of Disease

Mutations in the typ e IV collagen genes result in abnormalities in expression of the collagen chains and absent or defective structure and function in the collagen networks of the basement membranes


Molecular testing on clinical basis



Microscopic hematuria


Urinary red cell casts






Abnormal glomer ular basement membrane on electron microscopy



Referral to genetics for personal and family history evaluation, detailed medical exam, and appropriate health management


Not curable, sup portive/symptomatic


Kidney transplant as indicated


Hematologic Disorders

Alpha Thalassemia

Normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A) is a tetramer of two alpha and two beta globin chains. The alpha thalassemias are a group of inherited conditions characterized by decreased synthesis of alpha globin chains, resulting in an imbalance of globin chains in the formation of the hemoglobin (Hb) tetramer


Chromosome and Gene Location

16p13.3-pt er (there are two alpha globin genes present at this locus on both copies of chromosome 16 for total normal complement of four alpha globin genes)



Complex: individuals with alpha thalassemia may have alterations in two, three, or four alpha globin genes



Varies by po pulation; most common in African-American, Southeast Asian, Mediterranean, and Indian populations


Severe forms occur predominantly in Asians


Clinical Manifestations

An individual with one altered alpha globin gene is a “silent” carrier and typically does not have any clinical symptoms (α+-thalassemia)


Individuals with two altered alpha globin genes, either of different chromosomes (i.e., in trans) or on the same chromosome (i.e., in cis), have alpha thalassemia trait (α0-thalassemia), which manifests as minimal anemia with microcytosis


Hemoglobin H (Hb H) disease results when three alpha globin genes are altered. Hb H is an abnormal tetramer of four beta chains and is unstable. Thus, Hb H disease is a form of hemolytic anemia. This is characterized by moderate anemia, enlarged liver and spleen, and erythroid hyperplasia in the bone marrow


Bart hydro ps fetalis results when all four alpha globin genes are not functional. Hb Bart is a tetramer of four gamma chains. The oxygen affinity of hemoglobin Bart is so high that it cannot release oxygen to the tissues. Onset is in the fetal period and includes severe hypochromic anemia, extramedullary erythropoiesis, generalized edema, pleural and pericardial effusions, hepatosplenomegaly, and hydrocephalus. This condition is not compatible with life; death occurs from anoxia in utero


Molecular Basis of Disease

Alpha thalassemia results from mutations in the HBA1 and HBA2 genes that encode α1-globin and α2-globin, respectively. Mutations result in reduced production of the alpha globin chains. The clinical severity is determined by the degree of alpha globin chain deficiency relative to beta globin production. Numerous mutations have been found


The most common types of mutations are deletions of one or both alpha globin genes, which results from the misalignment and subsequent recombination of the alpha globin genes during meiosis (i.e., nonhomologous crossover)



Red blood cell indices reveal microcytic anemia in Hb H and α-thalassemia trait. Silent carriers generally have normal red blood cell indices. Hb Bart disease shows macrocytic red blood cells


Peripheral blood s mear demonstrates hypochromic red cells and anisopoikilocytosis in Hb Bart syndrome. In Hb H disease, microcytosis, hypochromia, anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis are apparent. Carriers have morphologic changes that are less severe than affected individuals and may also have reduced MCV and MCH


Inclusion bodies can be shown in Hb H disease using supravital stain; carriers and those with alpha thalassemia trait can also show small amounts of inclusions


Hemoglobin analysis (e.g., electrophoresis, HPLC, and isoelectric focusing) detects the presence of Hb H (the abnormal β-globin tetramer) in adults and Hb Bart (an abnormal ϒ-globin tetramer) in infants


Molecular genetic analysis is clinically available



Hemolytic or aplastic crisis caused by Hb H disease can be treated with red blood cell transfusions


Splenect omy may be performed in cases of massive splenomegaly


Iron chelation therapy is used if chronic blood transfusions are necessary


Surveillance includes hematologic evaluation and growth and development assessment. Iro n overload should be monitored in individuals requiring transfusions


Beta Thalassemia

Chromosome and Gene Location




Typically autosomal recessive



Most commo nly found in Mediterranean and Southeast Asian populations but also in Middle Easterners, Africans, and African Americans


Clinical Manifestations

The clinical presentation and classification of beta thalassemia is dependent on the extent to which beta chain production is decreased and the resulting imbalance of alpha globin chains to non-alpha globin chains


Beta thalasse mia becomes clinically evident as fetal hemoglobin production decreases after birth and adult hemoglobin fails to replace it (around 6 months of age)


Beta thalassemia major results from the homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations that severely reduce beta chain production

  • Onset between 6 and 24 months

  • Characterized by microcytic anemia, failure to thrive, fever, diarrhea, liver and spleen enlargement, and progressive pallor

  • Complications from iron overload include growth retardation, failure of sexual maturation, dilated cardiomy opathy, pericarditis, liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, diabetes, and parathyroid, thyroid, and pituitary insufficiency

  • Death often occurs in second or third decade due to cardiac complications

  • Untreated individuals exhibit severe failure to thrive, jaundice, increased skin pigmentation, liver and spleen enlargement, poor musculature, “chipmunk face,” skeletal deformities, and stunted growth and have a shortened life expectancy


Beta thalassemia intermedia has m ilder phenotype and results from homozygosity or compound heterozygosity of alleles with reduced beta chain production; it may result from coinheritance of alpha and beta thalassemia

  • Variable presentation may include milder anemia, liver and spleen enlargement, moderate skeletal features, pallor, jaundice, cholelithiasis, osteopenia and osteoporosis, and extramedullary erythropoietic masses

  • There is an increased risk for iron overload due to increased absorption of iron in the intestine

  • Transfusions are performed as needed


Beta thalassemia minor or thalassemia trait refers to a heterozygous carrier state. Carriers generally do not exhibit clinical symptoms other than possible mild anemia


Molecular Basis of Disease

Beta thalassemia results from mutations in the HBB gene, which encodes for the beta hemoglo bin subunits


The clinical presentation of beta thalassemia is dependent on the extent to which the genetic alteration disrupts beta chain production ranging from complete absence of production (i.e., β0 mutations) to “silent” or mild production disturbances (β+ mutations) and subsequently imbalance in the alpha to non-alpha globin chain ratio


Normally, both alpha and beta globin chains are produced in roughly equal amounts. When beta globin synthesis is decreased, there are more free alpha chains. Free alpha chain s are very unstable and precipitate in the red cell. This results in ineffective erythropoiesis and anemia. Subsequently, there is a phenomenal increase in erythropoiesis with marrow expansion and persistence of erythropoiesis in the liver and spleen


More than 200 genetic alterations hav e been described in the HBB gene, including:

  • Nucleotide substitutions

  • Deletions

  • Transcriptional mutations

  • RNA processing mutations


Molecular analysis may be helpful in determining clinical phenotype and identifying at-risk relatives



Red blood cell indices reveal microcytic anemia


Peripheral blood smears show nucleated red blood cells, microcytosis, hypochromia, anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis

  • Carriers have reduced MCV and M CH, and RBC morphology is less severe than in affected individuals. Nucleated red blood cells are generally not seen in carriers


Elevated iron


Hyperplastic marrow with hyperplasia of red cell precursors


Hemoglob in analysis shows reduced amounts of Hb A (normal adult hemoglobin) and increases in normal minor hemoglobins, such as Hb A2


Molecular analysis is clinically available



Thalassemia major

  • Regular transfusions to correc t anemia, suppress erythropoiesis, and inhibit gastrointestinal absorption of iron

  • Iron chelation to prevent iron overload

  • Bone marrow transplantation from HLA-identical sib or cord blood transplantation from related donor

  • Ongoing surveillanc e is necessary to monitor effectiveness of transfusion and chelation therapy

    Regular physical exams including growth and development assessment


    Liver function tests; serum ferritin


    Ophthalmologic, audiologic, and cardiac exams


    Endocrine function and liver ultrasound


    In adults, bone densitometry, serum AFP, and gallbladder echography are also assessed



Thalassemia intermedia

  • Symptom atic therapy

  • Splenectomy

  • Folic acid supplementation

  • Sporadic red cell transfusions

  • Radiotherapy, transfusions, and hydroxyurea for treatment of extramedullary erythropoietic masses

  • Chelation therapy if iron overload develops


Sickle Cell Anemia

Chromosome and Gene Location




Autosomal recessive



1/500 African-Ame rican births


Clinical Manifestations

Severe anemia


Painful swelling and crisis due to vaso-occlusive episodes usually affecting the limbs, back, abdomen, and chest


Pneumococcal sepsis


Leg ulcerations


Enlarged spleen




Acute chest syndrome (e.g., the presence of infiltrate on chest radiograph, sometimes including lower respiratory tract symptoms, fever, and hypoxemia)


Autosplenect omy (i.e., the reduction in spleen size due to continual splenic infarctions resulting from the filtration of abnormal red blood cells)

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Sep 21, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Human Genetic Disorders

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