Zadik’s procedure; surgical matrisectomy surgical correction of ingrowing toenail; i.e. reflection of eponychium to access nail matrix; excision of outer margins of nail plate, the local nail wall and associated matrix areas (to reduce nail plate width and involution permanently); soft tissues are reapproximated and sutured in place (alternatively, entire nail plate and nail matrix are excised) Figure W3
Zeel; Rhus toxicodendron homeopathic anti-inflammatory medication
zinc deficiency dietary deficiency of zinc; characterized by delayed healing of chronic wounds
Zosteotomy see scarf osteotomy
Z plasty surgical procedure to elongate contracted/congenitally shortened soft tissue; Z-shaped incision made across line of greatest tension/contraction; triangular flaps so created are raised to either side, transposed and sutured into place Figure VI
zygodactyly total syndactyly of all toes, e.g. as in Apert’s syndrome