Wagner ulcer classification system see Table U2
walking cycle gait cycle; see Tables G1, G3 and G5
walking–running cycle see Table G4
warm-water foot bath see foot baths
wavelength distance from phase to phase (i.e. peak/peak; trough/trough) of two adjacent waves
wear marks see Table S5 (Figure W1)

Figure W1 Shoe wear marks seen in cases of (A) chronic hallux limitus; (B) pes cavus; (C) pes plano valgus see Table S5. This article was published in Neale’s Disorders of the Foot, Lorimer, French, O’Donnell, Burrow, Wall, Copyright Elsevier, (2006).
webbing skin fold between bases of two adjacent digits
Weber–Cockayne epidermolysis bullosa see EB simplex
webspace area of interdigital soft tissue extending from base of toes to metatarsophalangeal joints
weever fish (Trachinus vipera) fish (found in sea off the south coast of England) whose dorsal spine causes a painful sting when trodden on; pain of the sting is reduced by immersing area in hot (~45 °C) water, or by rubbing site with a potassium permanganate crystal; old sting sites may show haemosiderosis
weight force imposed by a body, i.e. product of its mass (in kg) and acceleration due to gravity (i.e. 980.665 cm/s2); recorded in newtons (N) (see newton)
weight-bearing effects of gravity and ground reaction force on the foot and lower limb during stance
weight-bearing cast cast applied to foot and lower leg to protect foot tissues from weight-bearing forces and stress during ambulation; prior to application, the foot and lower leg are wrapped in protective soft wadding bandage, with additional layers over bony prominences; several layers of casting bandage are applied (with 50% overlap at each turn) whilst the assistant supports the limb and the foot is held in neutral (90 ° to lower leg); finished cast is massaged during setting to ensure a smooth even fit; cast sole is reinforced with a walking support/rubber rocker (see bi-valve cast)
Weil osteotomy; proximal displacement osteotomy surgical division of distal part of a bone and fragment displacement allowing distal part correction/realignment (see metatarsal osteotomy)
Wernicke’s encephalopathy see syndrome, Wernicke’s
wheat germ and pyrogallol (WP) ointment see WP ointment; pyrogallol
Whipple’s disease see disease, Whipple’s
white matter see substantia alba
white soft paraffin purified paraffin wax; used as an emollient
Wick catheter technique see slit-catheter technique
Wickham’s striae see lichen planus
wild mandrake see podophyllum resin
Wilson’s disease; exfoliative dermatitis see disease, Wilson’s
windlass effect increased sagittal-plane curvature of the medial longitudinal arch at toe off, with increased plantar fascia tension, facilitating effective gait; plantar fascia insertions (as slip into plantar aspects of toes, via the flexor sheaths) are pulled distally as metatarsophalangeal joints/toes dorsiflex (e.g. at toe off), causing tension in the plantar aponeurosis (Figure W2)

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