Vulva, vagina and cervix: normal cytology, hormonal and inflammatory conditions

CHAPTER 21 Vulva, vagina and cervix

normal cytology, hormonal and inflammatory conditions

Tanya Levine, Winifred Gray


The foundations for the success of cytological screening for cervical cancer were laid by two publications; Bales in 1927 and Papanicolaou in 1928 in which the morphology of cervical cancer cells in vaginal samples was described.1 Since then, the morphological spectrum of squamous and glandular abnormalities in cervical cytology has expanded to include pre-cancerous and invasive cervical tumours as well as tumours with origin elsewhere in the female genital tract and metastases from extra-genital sites. Crucial to the recognition of these cells is an understanding of normal vulval, vaginal, cervical and endometrial cytology, including hormonal and inflammatory/reactive conditions. The morphology of these cells is similar whether assessing conventional direct smears or newer liquid-based cytology preparations. Cytological findings in cervical neoplasia and other genital tract neoplasms are covered in Chapters 2327.

Gross and microscopic anatomy

The basic structure of the female genital tract is depicted diagrammatically in Figure 21.1, illustrating the different types of lining epithelium that may be seen in cytological samples from various sites.


The cervix is a cylindrical fibromuscular structure of variable length, within which lies the endocervical canal connecting the body of the uterus at the internal os with the vagina at the external os. The lower portion of the cervix protrudes into the vagina, forming the anterior, posterior and two lateral fornices in the upper vagina where pooling of secretions and exfoliated cells occurs. The outer aspect of the cervix, known as the ectocervix or portio vaginalis, is covered by squamous mucosa in continuity with vaginal epithelium distally and with the lining of the endocervix at or near the external os (Fig. 21.4).

The endocervical canal is not exposed to the vaginal pH and therefore retains its glandular lining of tall columnar epithelium, with an inconspicuous layer of reserve cells beneath. resting on basement membrane. The glandular mucosa forms branching crypts that extend into the stroma of the cervix in a racemose pattern for a distance of up to 5 mm; the orifices facing distally. The canal itself is narrow, being only a few millimetres wide, and in health, is filled by a plug of mucus. During the menstrual cycle the physical properties of the cervical mucus change. Prior to ovulation the mucus is dilute, and when spread on to a slide and dried, it forms a fern-like pattern (Fig. 21.5). After ovulation, the mucus becomes thicker and no longer demonstrates ferning.

It will be apparent from the above description that there is a point of junction between the squamous epithelium of the ectocervix and the lining of the endocervical canal. This meeting point is referred to as the squamocolumnar junction. The changes that occur in this area are of crucial significance in cervical pathology.

Squamocolumnar junction and transformation zone

Major changes in the size and shape of the cervix take place during reproductive life. Before puberty, the squamocolumnar junction forms the outer boundary of the endocervical glands, known as the ‘original’ squamocolumnar junction, coinciding with the site of the external os.

After puberty, the location of the squamocolumnar junction changes as the cervix alters in shape. The endocervical mucosa of the lower canal, including the underlying crypts, is everted and comes to lie on the ectocervical aspect of the cervix, resulting in an ectropion or ectopy (Fig. 21.6). An ectropion is clinically visible as a reddened zone extending out from the external os. It is sometimes mistakenly called an erosion, although no actual ulceration is present and the condition is physiological.

Endocervical eversion is followed by progressive metaplasia of the exposed mucosa to more protective squamous epithelium under the influence of the vaginal pH, the term metaplasia referring to a change from one type of epithelium to another. The metaplastic process arises in the reserve cell population that normally replenishes the columnar epithelium. Instead, these reserve cells differentiate as immature squamous metaplastic cells beneath the single layer of columnar cells on the surface (Fig. 21.7A).

The metaplastic layers increase and mature progressively to form a new normal squamous mucosa indistinguishable from the original squamous epithelium of the ectocervix. The underlying endocervical crypts remain facing on to the ectocervix as a permanent marker of the site of the original squamocolumnar junction and this can be recognised colposcopically as well as in histological section (Fig. 21.7B). Glands with orifices obstructed by the metaplastic process are prone to distend with mucus, even becoming visible macroscopically as rounded nodules on the ectocervix, known as nabothian follicles.

The extent to which eversion of the endocervix occurs varies in different women and the new junction may be asymmetrical in relation to the external os, with ectropion covering one or both sides of the ectocervix, even extending on to the vaginal walls. Ectropion is liable to recur with certain hormonal events. The most obvious of these is pregnancy, during which ectopy is a common finding due to enlargement of the cervix under the influence of progesterone. Some types of oral contraceptive therapy have a similar effect. After the menopause the cervix shrinks and the squamocolumnar junction migrates into the endocervical canal.

The area of metaplastic epithelium proximal to the original squamocolumnar junction is referred to as the transformation zone since it is an area of epithelial instability. Immature metaplastic cells appear to carry an extra risk of neoplastic change.

Structure of stratified squamous epithelium (Figs 21.8, 21.9)

The germinal layer is composed of a single row of small regular cells adhering to a basement membrane and showing signs of active growth. These undifferentiated cells are referred to as the basal cells. Above this layer it is possible to distinguish parabasal cells, immature and crowded, lying two to three cells deep. These cells mature into an intermediate layer of variable thickness in which the cells have more cytoplasm, the nuclei still show a recognisable chromatin pattern and the cells are bound to each other by intercellular cytoplasmic bridges.

In fully mature cervical squamous mucosa there is a superficial layer consisting of cells that do not normally mature any further. Intercellular bridges are not highly developed at this level so that the cell bonds are weaker. Superficial cells are actually dead or dying and exfoliate spontaneously. Sometimes a thin upper layer of cells with dark cytoplasmic keratohyaline granules may be present in histological sections, formed of the cells that precede keratinisation, but a keratinised layer is not seen under normal conditions.

Mucosal thickness depends upon hormonal status as the parabasal, intermediate and superficial layers are all hormonally responsive. Under the influence of oestrogen a superficial layer develops in about 4 days. This multilayered epithelium provides a barrier against external injuries and stores nutrients in the form of glycogen.

Cytological identification of epithelial cells

Identification of squamous cells from the various layers described above is a basic step in the interpretation of cervical smears. The Papanicolaou stain is ideally suited for this purpose, having been devised originally to assess hormonal status according to the degree of cytoplasmic maturation in vaginal squamous cells. Columnar and metaplastic cells are identified by a combination of morphology and staining reactions.

Two of the components of the Papanicolaou stain are cytoplasmic stains: eosin, which stains superficial cells pink or orange, and light green, which is taken up by the cytoplasm of all of the less mature cells. Because the stains are alcohol-based, the cytoplasmic staining is particularly delicate and translucent, unless keratinisation is present, when the staining becomes densely orangeophilic. Thus the full range of squamous cells can be identified by a combination of morphological and tinctorial features. The nuclei are stained by haematoxylin. Good fixation is an essential prerequisite for successful use of the Papanicolaou stain, particularly for revealing nuclear detail. The samples illustrated in this chapter are all stained by the Papanicolaou method except where otherwise stated. As far as possible, liquid-based cytological preparations have been used.

Endocervical cells (Fig. 21.15)

Sometimes cilia are visible, staining pink with eosin, attached to the terminal bar at the luminal pole of the cell (Fig. 21.17). Cilia are more commonly seen postmenopausally but may also arise with tuboendometrioid metaplasia which can occur in the process of healing of the cervical mucosa after injury such as post-conisation.

Occasionally endocervical cell cytoplasm may become distended by mucus producing a goblet cell appearance. Care should always be taken to examine the overall morphology of these cell groups to exclude the rare possibility of intestinal-type glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (see Ch. 24) (Fig. 21.18) Background mucus from endocervical cells stains variably, either faintly green or tinged with pink. The amount of mucus present in a sample, its quality and distribution also vary considerably (Fig. 21.19). With conventional smears a ‘ferning’ effect may be evident at the time of ovulation (Fig. 21.20). This pattern is not seen with liquid-based cytology preparations.

Endocervical cells may show considerable variation in nuclear size within a group, although the polarity is maintained (Fig. 21.21).

Metaplastic cells

These cells are a normal constituent of smears from the cervical os once the transformation zone has developed (Fig. 21.22). While immature, they do not exfoliate spontaneously but can be lifted from the surface of the cervix by the abrading action of a spatula or brush. With progressive maturation, the cells increasingly resemble intermediate and superficial cells from the original ectocervix and therefore cannot be recognised as a separate cell population in cervical samples.

The cytoplasmic projections that give a spidery contour to the single cells result from their forcible removal during sample taking. In metaplastic cell sheets the cytoplasmic projections may appear as fine intercellular bridges (Fig. 21.23). In the unstable environment of the transformation zone, premature keratinisation of these cells may occur and the cytoplasm is then a deep orange colour. Other degenerative changes such as vacuolation and the presence of intracytoplasmic polymorphs may be seen, even in the absence of significant inflammation. Degenerative nuclear changes may also occur if maturation of the transformation zone is arrested; these include pyknosis, referring to condensation of the entire nucleus, and fragmentation or dissolution of chromatin, referred to as karyorrhexis and karyolysis, respectively.

Other epithelial and inflammatory cells in cervical and vaginal smears

Endometrial cells

Endometrial cells may be seen normally in cervical samples up to 12 days from the onset of menstruation. Factors influencing their presence beyond this may reflect underlying endometrial pathology in a woman over 40 years of age or could be due to exogenous hormonal manipulation such as hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptive use; tamoxifen use, intrauterine device carriage and dysfunctional bleeding are further potential sources of endometrial cells outside the allowed phase of the cycle.

The appearance of endometrial cells varies with the stage of the cycle and their degree of preservation. During and shortly after menstruation they are grouped in well-formed tight three-dimensional clusters with a peripheral rim of epithelial cells and a central core of stromal cells (Fig. 21.24). Degenerative changes quickly supervene, with crumpling of the nuclei and disorganisation of the cells. These then stand out as small clusters of densely hyperchromatic crowded cells (Fig. 21.25), in contrast to the larger, more regular and better-preserved groups of endocervical cells. Neutrophil polymorphs are often seen within endometrial clusters. Endometrial cells of both epithelial and stromal origin can be very well preserved in liquid-based preparations reflecting prompt fixation at the time of sample taking. Loose aggregates and single histiocytes are often associated with shed endometrial cells and may be confused with severely dyskaryotic cells if their reniform nuclei and delicate cytoplasm are overlooked.

The cellular changes in endometrial cells in cervical smears in pathological states, such as endometrial hyperplasia or neoplasia, are described in Chapter 26.

Other inflammatory cells

Eosinophils, basophils (mast cells) and plasma cells (see Fig. 21.58) are occasionally seen in samples, recognisable by their characteristic morphology.

Cells other than inflammatory and epithelial cells


Cytological specimens can be contaminated at any stage in the collection, transmission or laboratory preparation of the sample. Liquid-based cytology preparations are less prone to contamination from these sources. In addition, cervical samples may include extraneous material from the vagina or vulva, even including parasites or their ova from the digestive tract, especially in those parts of the world where parasitic infestations are common.3 Even outside such endemic areas parasites are encountered from time to time in cervical smears and their identification is important in patient management.

Ova of the threadworm Enterobius vermicularis4 (Fig. 21.30) are not infrequently seen in smears from infected patients, especially if there is poor personal hygiene. The eggs are oval and are smaller than schistosome ova, with a smooth double-walled shell, often with one side flipped over. The larva can usually be recognised within. Occasionally adult forms can be identified (Fig. 21.31).

Descriptions of Ascaris lumbricoides, Taenia coli,5 Trichuris trichura, Hymenolepis nana6 and the microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti7,8 have been recorded. Schistosoma haematobium, S. japonicum and S. mansoni ova can be identified in smears as elliptical ova, larger than those of the threadworm E. vermicularis. The first two are the common types of schistosome ova found in cervical smears and are distinguished by the presence of either a terminal or lateral spine, respectively (Fig. 21.32).9 The trophozoites of Balantidium coli may be seen in patients with intestinal infestation by this uncommon protozoal organism (Fig. 21.33).

Pediculus humanus, the body louse, and the pubic louse, Phthirus pubis, are seen occasionally in cervical smears (Fig. 21.34). The louse may be damaged during smear preparation, with fragmentation of the tail part from head and legs.

Many external contaminants have been described, including pollen and insects due to atmospheric contamination, and also various fungi, either from contaminated laboratory solutions, the water supply or from the atmosphere (Fig. 21.35). Particulate material from sources such as tampons or glove powder is usually easily identified (Fig. 21.36).10

A refractile brown deposit overlying the central portion of the cytoplasm, known as ‘cornflake artefact’, may be seen in samples – particularly on direct smears and may obscure nuclear detail (Fig. 21.37). This is thought to result from the trapping of air on the surface of cells during mounting, especially in thickly spread direct smears. Inadequate removal of spray fixative containing Carbowax may cause similar problems. The artefact may be so marked as to require a further sample for accurate assessment.

Lubricant contamination may occasionally be seen with some liquid-based cytology preparations. The morphological appearances are variable and include amorphous blue deposits and stringy eosinophilic background material.11

Carryover of cellular material from one sample to another may occur during sample preparation, including staining, posing difficulty in assessing the findings. The contaminant cells are often distributed along the upper or side edge of the slide in direct smears and may be in a slightly different plane of focus from the rest of the cells. If there is any abnormality in the carryover it is confined to cells at this site and does not appear to relate to the morphology of other cells present.

Assessment of quality of smears

The question of adequacy of cervical samples is central to the success of cervical screening in the prevention of cervical cancer death (see Chs 2224). The problem of establishing exactly what constitutes an adequate sample has received increasing attention in recent years, culminating in broad guidelines from various sources, including the British Society for Clinical Cytology (BSCC), which has issued criteria for acceptability of smear quality12 (currently on direct conventional smears only). In North America, the Bethesda system (TBS) of terminology advocates a minimum threshold for sample adequacy.13 While there is by no means unanimity over these criteria, it is important that cytologists have a degree of confidence about the threshold of acceptability of sample quality.

The feature of paramount importance in assessing sample quality is that there should be adequate numbers of epithelial cells on the slide, with evidence that they are from the appropriate area of the cervix (Fig. 21.38). In theory, the latter requirement can only be satisfied if squamous metaplastic cells, endocervical cells and mucus are present to indicate transformation zone origin and if the sample taker has visualised the cervix and sampled the entire circumference of the transformation zone at the external os.14 Clearly, however, metaplastic cells will not be firmly identifiable once the transformation zone is fully mature, and endocervical cells will not always be sampled, especially after the menopause. Recognition of a representative sample therefore requires knowledge of the woman’s age and menstrual status and of any hormonal treatment.

Formal training in cervical sample taking is essential if the test is to be reliable and such training is increasingly available. As a quality assurance measure, the proportion of inadequate or unsatisfactory cervical samples in relation to the entire sample workload of a laboratory provides a valuable indication of the standard of reporting and of the level of expertise of the sample takers. The National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) has set up a system in England and Wales monitoring laboratory reporting against national targets to ensure that laboratories fall within acceptable ranges for all reporting categories.12

In the UK, to reduce the possibility of incorrect assessment by the laboratory, quality control screening procedures are mandatory for all negative and inadequate samples prior to report authorisation. These samples must be read by two independent screeners – one of whom will perform a full in-depth screen with overlapping fields of view and covering the entire sample. The second screener will perform a more rapid assessment of the sample. This may occur after the initial full-screening – so-called ‘rapid review’ or prior to the full-screen: ‘rapid pre-view’. These abbreviated quality assurance screening methods have been found to detect abnormalities missed on initial primary screening.1517

Criteria for assessing smear quality

Whether smears without any endocervical cells or recognisable metaplastic cells should be accepted as representative is debatable. The presence of these cells is determined largely by the position of the squamocolumnar junction and the state of maturation of the transformation zone, factors that are hormone dependent. Thus it may not be possible to include endocervical cells or identify metaplastic cells at all times. An additional factor is the nature of the sampling device (Fig. 21.39), the Aylesbury spatula giving a greater yield from within the canal than the Ayre spatula. Brushes and broom devices provide the largest endocervical component. There are many reports of comparative trials of the different smear taking instruments,1822 the general conclusion being that devices with an extended arm give a more representative sample and have a greater likelihood of including abnormalities

An excess of leucocytes obscuring epithelial cells (Fig. 21.40A) may require investigation for a treatable cause, especially if a discharge is present. Recommendation to repeat the smear at midcycle often provides a better sample than at other times of the cycle. Similarly, unsatisfactory smears taken postnatally should be repeated when normal menstrual cycles are re-established

Blood-stained smears are often poorly fixed or obscured by the blood (Fig. 21.40B). Contact bleeding on smear taking may be due to an ectropion, requiring treatment before a satisfactory smear can be obtained

Influence of sex hormones on squamous epithelium

The diagnostic potential of cytohormonal evaluation using vaginal smears was reported as early as 1925 by Papanicolaou.24 Hormonal cytology is a bioassay, which means that it is not a measurement of the concentration of circulating hormone; rather it is the effect of the hormone on the target organ, in this case the stratified squamous epithelium, that is evaluated and this may reflect the combined effect of several hormones. The ratio of superficial cells with pyknotic nuclei to less mature cells with vesicular nuclei was estimated at intervals, giving a karyopyknotic index (KPI). Other indices included counting cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm, so providing an eosinophilic index (EI). Such techniques have now been replaced by direct measurement of serum hormone levels.


Once the stratified squamous epithelium has matured under the influence of oestrogen, progesterone causes rapid desquamation of the topmost layers. The intermediate cells develop curled edges giving a folded appearance, and the cytoplasm often contains glycogen, staining yellow at the centre of the cell. Exfoliation occurs in compact clusters of cells in which the margins of individual cells are indistinct.

Many Döderlein’s bacilli (lactobacilli) and leucocytes appear in the smear. They bring about cytolysis of the intermediate cells, causing dissolution of the cell cytoplasm (Fig. 21.43). As a result, numerous naked vesicular nuclei are present and the smear may appear hypocellular. Further progesterone induces the appearance of boat-shaped navicular cells (Fig. 21.44).

When there is mild oestrogen deficiency, as may be encountered at the time of the menopause, the cytological pattern is difficult to distinguish from that of progesterone or androgen stimulation. The clusters are, however, usually slightly smaller, often containing no more than 10 cells.

If progesterone is administered to patients with an atrophic mucosa, maturation of the squamous epithelium including the superficial layers is the initial result. Administration of progesterone to patients with pre-existing mature epithelium leads to disappearance of the superficial layer and no superficial cells are found in the smear.


Administration of this hormone when the stratified squamous epithelium is atrophic and smears are composed exclusively of parabasal cells results in a predominance of intermediate cells (Fig. 21.45). The smears are particularly rich in cells.25 If androgens are administered to patients with fully mature stratified squamous epithelium, the opposite effect is seen: superficial cells disappear, to be replaced by intermediate cells. Prolonged administration of androgens produces a smear pattern with cytolysis.

Physiological cytohormonal patterns

These are best revealed in vaginal smears taken from the lateral vaginal wall, preferably sequentially; but the changes are mirrored by the findings in cervical smears. Vulval tissues are much less responsive to cyclical hormonal fluctuations, although subject to hormonally determined development and atrophy at the menarche and the menopause, respectively.

Sexual maturity

When menstrual cycles become ovulatory, the following consecutive patterns can be expected (see Fig. 21.46):


In the event of pregnancy, the corpus luteum does not involute but instead grows larger, producing increasing amounts of progesterone and oestrogen. The cytological pattern of pregnancy is that of heightened progesterone activity, with clustering and folding of intermediate cells and the presence of navicular cells. These boat-shaped cells are distended with yellow glycogen, having a rim of folded cytoplasm and the nucleus pushed to the periphery (Fig. 21.44). The changes are most pronounced in the third trimester, when numerous lactobacilli are seen and the accompanying cytolysis is at its height.

About 3 months after conception, the placenta takes over the task of producing progesterone and oestrogens from the corpus luteum. Arias-Stella changes, seen in the endometrium in some pregnancies, may also develop in endocervical glands and have been described as a rare finding in cervical or vaginal smears.26,27 The cells have an exaggerated secretory pattern as seen in the endometrial glands, and show enlarged degenerate hyperchromatic nuclei with intranuclear inclusions. The association with pregnancy and lack of any preserved abnormal chromatin pattern, combined with awareness of this entity, should ensure correct assessment of the findings.

Syncytiotrophoblastic cells are multinucleated cells from the outer surface of the chorionic villi and hence are foetal in origin, occurring only rarely in cervical cytology samples, for instance from patients with placenta praevia or in the presence of a threatened miscarriage. The cells are large, with an average of 50 nuclei per cell and a characteristic coarse-grained chromatin pattern resembling coarsely ground pepper. The number of nuclei is large in relation to the amount of cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is granular, in contrast to that of a histiocytic giant cell.

Cytotrophoblastic cells also cover the villi. They are cuboidal cells with central nuclei. Cytologically, these cells cannot be firmly identified and may mimic neoplastic cells due to their prominent nucleoli, coarse chromatin pattern and high N:C ratio (Fig. 21.47).

Intact placental villi have occasionally been identified in samples taken postpartum28 As illustrated in Figure 21.48, a villus may be recognised by its size and form, with degenerate trophoblastic cells and inflammatory debris coating a long three-dimensional structure which has a translucent quality internally.

Decidual cells are modified endometrial stromal cells responding to the high circulating progesterone levels in pregnancy or to high progesterone content oral contraceptives. Decidual changes may also occur in the stromal cells of the cervix and are occasionally sampled in smears taken during or shortly after pregnancy. The cells are swollen and pale due to their content of glycogen. They have abundant clear, sometimes vacuolated cytoplasm and central large nuclei. The chromatin is often smudged and ill-defined and nucleoli are prominent. Decidual cells can be recognised by the fact that, in contrast to squamous epithelial cells, they are not flat but convex; the cells are round to oval and the cytoplasm appears to be less dense than that of epithelial cells (Fig. 21.49).29

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