Vitamins and Minerals

Chapter 29 Vitamins and Minerals

Traditionally, vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Most of the water-soluble vitamins are precursors of coenzymes. The fat-soluble vitamins have more diverse functions, for example, as antioxidants or as precursors of hormone-like substances.

Another difference between these two classes of vitamins is their intestinal absorption. Water-soluble vitamins are readily absorbed, but the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins depends on mixed bile salt micelles. Therefore deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins are most likely to occur in patients with fat malabsorption. Supplements of these vitamins are most effective when they are taken with a fatty meal.

Most water-soluble vitamins are transported in the blood as such, but fat-soluble vitamins are transported either as constituents of lipoproteins or bound to specific plasma proteins. Finally, renal excretion of excess water-soluble vitamins is unproblematic, whereas fat-soluble vitamins must be metabolized to water-soluble products before they can be excreted. Therefore fat-soluble vitamins are more likely to accumulate in the body and cause toxicity.

Minerals are inorganic nutrients. The macrominerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and chloride are components of the body fluids and the inorganic matrix of bone. They are required in quantities of more than 100 mg/day. The microminerals, or trace minerals, are required in only small quantities and serve specialized biochemical functions.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of each nutrient, more recently labeled as dietary reference intake (DRI), is published by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States and by similar agencies in other countries. The DRI defines not a minimal requirement but a dietary intake that meets the requirements of 97% to 98% of healthy individuals in a category.

Table 29.1 summarizes the DRIs for adult men and women. Actual requirements depend also on age, body weight, diet, and physiological status. Increases in dietary intake of many nutrients are recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Table 29.1 Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamins and Minerals

Nutrient 70-kg Man 55-kg Woman
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Niacin 16 mg 14 mg
Riboflavin 1.3 mg 1.1 mg
Thiamin 1.2 mg 1.1 mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 1.3 mg 1.3 mg
Pantothenic acid 5 mg 5 mg
Biotin 30 μg 30 μg
Ascorbic acid 90 mg 75 mg
Folic acid 400 μg 400 μg
Cobalamin (B12) 2.4 μg 2.4 μg
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A 900 μg 700 μg
Vitamin D 5 μg 5 μg
Vitamin K 120 μg 90 μg
Vitamin E 15 mg 15 mg
Sodium 1.5 g 1.5 g
Potassium 4.7 g 4.7 g
Calcium 1 g 1 g
Magnesium 420 mg 320 mg
Chloride 2.3 g 2.3 g
Phosphate 700 mg 700 mg
Iron 8 mg 18 mg
Copper 900 μg 900 μg
Zinc 11 mg 8 mg
Manganese 2.3 mg 1.8 mg
Molybdenum 45 μg 45 μg
Chromium 35 μg 25 μg
Selenium 55 μg 55 μg
Iodide 150 μg 150 μg
Fluoride 4 mg 3 mg

Riboflavin is a precursor of flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) consists of a dimethylisoalloxazine ring covalently bound to the sugar alcohol ribitol (Fig. 29.1). Riboflavin is the dietary precursor of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), the prosthetic groups of the flavoproteins (from Latin flavus meaning “yellow”). Both riboflavin and the flavin coenzymes are yellow in their reduced form, with an absorption band at 450 nm. Although riboflavin and its derivatives are heat stable, they are rapidly degraded to inactive products on exposure to visible light. Therefore riboflavin deficiency can occur in infants receiving phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia (see Chapter 27), when riboflavin as well as bilirubin is destroyed by light in the skin.

Dietary riboflavin is absorbed by an energy-dependent transporter in the upper small intestine and transported to the tissues, where it is converted to the coenzyme forms FMN and FAD. The excess is excreted in the urine or metabolized by microsomal enzymes in the liver.

Good sources of riboflavin include liver, yeast, eggs, meat, enriched bread and cereals, and milk. Riboflavin deficiency usually occurs along with other vitamin deficiencies and is most common in alcoholics. Symptoms include glossitis (magenta tongue), angular stomatitis, sore throat, and a moist (seborrheic) dermatitis of the scrotum and nose. This deficiency may be accompanied by a normochromic normocytic anemia.

Dietary status can be assessed by fluorometric or microbiological determination of urinary riboflavin. Alternatively, the activity of erythrocyte glutathione reductase (see Chapter 22) is determined in freshly lysed red blood cells before and after the addition of its coenzyme FAD. In riboflavin deficiency, the apoenzyme is not completely saturated with its coenzyme; therefore, the enzymatic activity is increased by added FAD.

Niacin is a precursor of NAD and NADP

The term niacin, originally applied to nicotinic acid, is often used as a generic term for the vitamin-active pyridine derivatives nicotinic acid and nicotinamide:

In both the human body and dietary sources, niacin is present as a constituent of NAD and NADP. The dietary coenzymes are hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract, and free nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are absorbed in the small intestine. After their transport to the tissues, the vitamin forms are incorporated into the coenzymes (Fig. 29.2). Excess niacin is readily excreted by the kidneys.

NAD and NADP can be synthesized from dietary tryptophan, but the pathway is inefficient. Sixty milligrams of tryptophan, which is nutritionally essential itself, is required for the synthesis of 1 mg of niacin. Also, the pathway of endogenous niacin synthesis requires riboflavin, thiamine, and pyridoxine and therefore is impaired in patients with multiple vitamin deficiencies. Most people get about equal amounts of their niacin requirement from dietary tryptophan and from niacin. Good sources of niacin include yeast, meat, liver, peanuts and other legume seeds, and enriched cereals.

Thiamin deficiency causes weakness and amnesia

Dietary thiamin is readily absorbed and transported to the tissues, where it is phosphorylated to its coenzyme form thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) in an ATP-dependent reaction:

About 30 mg of the vitamin is present in the body, 80% of this in the form of TPP.

The TPP-dependent reactions are aldehyde transfers in which the aldehyde is bound covalently to one of the carbons in the thiazole (sulfur-and-nitrogen) ring of the coenzyme. One reaction type, the oxidative decarboxylation of α-ketoacids, is catalyzed by mitochondrial multienzyme complexes. Pyruvate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (see Chapter 21), branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase, and α-ketobutyrate dehydrogenase (see Chapter 26) all use the same thiamin-dependent catalytic mechanism.

A different reaction type is encountered in the cytoplasmic transketolase reaction (see Chapter 22) in which TPP transfers a glycolaldehyde from one monosaccharide to another. In general, the major catabolic, energy-producing pathways are most dependent on TPP.

Good sources include yeast, lean pork, and legume seeds. Thiamin deficiency can be evaluated by determination of transketolase activity in whole blood or erythrocytes, both before and after the addition of TPP. Alternatively, the plasma levels of lactate and pyruvate can be determined after an oral glucose load. These acids accumulate in persons with thiamin deficiency because pyruvate dehydrogenase requires TPP for its activity.

Vitamin B6 plays a key role in amino acid metabolism

Vitamin B6 is the generic name for the dietary precursors of the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (PLP). They include pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine as well as their phosphorylated derivatives (Fig. 29.3).

The phosphate is removed by intestinal alkaline phosphatase, and the dephosphorylated forms are absorbed. The total body content of PLP is only 25 mg in adults, and pyridoxal and PLP are the major circulating forms of the vitamin. Synthesis of the coenzyme form is described in Figure 29.4.

Several dozen enzymes of amino acid metabolism contain PLP as a tightly bound prosthetic group. In these reactions, the aldehyde group of PLP forms an aldimine derivative with the amino group of the amino acid. The aldimine is stabilized by an intramolecular hydrogen bond with the phenolic hydroxyl group (Fig. 29.5).

Liver, fish, whole grains, nuts, legumes, egg yolk, and yeast are good sources of vitamin B6. Serious deficiency is rare, but when it occurs it is characterized by peripheral neuropathy, stomatitis, glossitis, irritability, psychiatric symptoms, and, especially in children, epileptic seizures. Some of the neurological derangements may result from impaired activity of the PLP-dependent enzyme glutamate decarboxylase, which forms the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (see Chapter 16).

Dermatitis, glossitis, and sideroblastic anemia are other abnormalities in vitamin B6 deficiency. Sideroblastic anemia is a microcytic hypochromic anemia, similar to iron deficiency anemia but in the presence of normal serum iron. It is most likely caused by reduced activity of the PLP-dependent aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthase in the bone marrow and the resulting impairment in heme biosynthesis. Without heme, iron cannot be used for hemoglobin synthesis but accumulates in erythroblasts in the bone marrow. These iron-loaded erythroblasts are called sideroblasts.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is most common in alcoholics, in whom it contributes to sideroblastic anemia, peripheral neuropathy, and seizures. Some drugs, including the tuberculostatic isoniazid and the metal chelator penicillamine, can precipitate vitamin B6 deficiency by reacting nonenzymatically with the aldehyde group of pyridoxal or PLP:

Unlike the other water-soluble vitamins, vitamin B6 is toxic in high doses. The daily consumption of more than 500 mg of pyridoxine for several months leads to peripheral sensory neuropathy. Doses of 100 to 150 mg/day are used for the symptomatic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful nerve entrapment syndrome. The “therapeutic” effect of pyridoxine probably is unrelated to its vitamin function but is related to its toxicity on peripheral nerves.

Folic acid deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia

Folic acid consists of pteroic acid (pteridine + para-aminobenzoic acid [PABA]) and one to seven γ-linked glutamate residues. Dietary polyglutamate forms of folic acid are hydrolyzed to pteroyl monoglutamate in the intestinal lumen:

The monoglutamate is absorbed and reduced to the active coenzyme form tetrahydrofolate (THF) by dihydrofolate reductase in the intestinal mucosa. The monoglutamate conjugate of methyl-THF is the major circulating form of THF, but intracellular THF is present in the form of polyglutamate conjugates.

THF is a carrier of one-carbon units, which are bound to one or both of the nitrogen atoms N-5 and N-10 (Fig. 29.8):

CLINICAL EXAMPLE 29.4: Biotinidase Deficiency

The proteolytic degradation of biotin-containing enzymes, both in the intestinal lumen and in the tissues, produces the biotin-lysine conjugate biocytin (Fig. 29.7). Biotin is released from biocytin by biotinidase. Biotinidase deficiency causes nondietary biotin deficiency. Affected infants present with hypotonia, seizures, optic atrophy, dermatitis, and conjunctivitis. This condition can be cured easily with biotin supplements. Biotinidase deficiency is often included in newborn screening programs, along with other treatable congenital diseases. It can be diagnosed by enzyme assay in fresh serum or, as a screening test, on a strip of blood-soaked filter paper.

Folate deficiency leads to impaired DNA replication in dividing cells because of reduced synthesis of purine nucleotides and thymine. In the bone marrow, hemoglobin is synthesized normally and the cytoplasm grows at a normal rate, but cell division is delayed. Therefore the production of mature cells slows down, and the cells that are formed are oversized. The result is called megaloblastic anemia or macrocytic anemia. Megaloblasts are oversized erythrocyte precursors in the bone marrow, and macrocytes are oversized erythrocytes in the blood.

Good dietary sources include yeast, liver, some fruits, and green vegetables (from Latin folium meaning “leaf”). However, folate is heat labile, and losses during food processing can be extensive. The RDA is 400 μg, and total body stores are 5 to 10 mg. Low levels of serum folate are often encountered in late pregnancy, and megaloblastic anemia can be precipitated by pregnancy. Alcoholism and intestinal malabsorption syndromes can also cause folate deficiency.

Folate levels can be determined in serum and erythrocytes. In subacute deficiency, the serum “folate” (actually methyl-THF) declines within days, followed much later by a decrease of red blood cell folate. Deficiency signs appear only when the intracellular stores are depleted.

CLINICAL EXAMPLE 29.5: Sulfonamides

Unlike humans, most bacteria make their own folate from pteridine and PABA (Fig. 29.9). Therefore their growth can be inhibited with drugs that block folate synthesis. The sulfonamides are structural analogs of PABA that inhibit the synthesis of pteroic acid in bacteria. Although they do not kill the bacteria immediately, they prevent their growth. They are bacteriostatic, not bactericidal.

Trimethoprim is an inhibitor of bacterial but not human dihydrofolate reductase. It is frequently combined with the sulfonamide sulfamethoxazole for treatment of bacterial infections.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Vitamins and Minerals

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