Ventricular System

Figure III-3-1. Ventricles and CSF Circulation

Figure III-3-2. Sagittal Section of the Brain
Lateral ventricles –via interventricular foramen of Monro→ third ventricle –→ fourth ventricle –via cerebral aqueduct→ subarachnoid space  (via foramina of Luschka and foramen of Magendie)

CSF Production and Barriers

Choroid plexus—contains choroid epithelial cells and is in the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles. Secretes CSF. Tight junctions form blood-CSF barrier.

Blood-brain barrier—formed by capillary endothelium with tight junctions; astrocyte foot processes contribute.

Once CSF is in the subarachnoid space, it goes up over convexity of the brain and enters the venous circulation by passing through arachnoid granulations into dural venous sinuses.

Figure III-3-3. Coronal Section of the Dural Sinuses

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Jun 16, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Ventricular System

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