Uncommon Causes of Healthcare-Associated Infections
Michael S. Gelfand
Kerry O. Cleveland
Some community-acquired infections are seen infrequently in hospitals either because they are rare (e.g., rabies) or because they are not endemic to the United States (e.g., hemorrhagic fever virus infections). Some of these infections are potentially lethal and have been transmitted in hospitals. Thus, the diagnosis of these infections can cause great concern and even panic among healthcare workers and infection control personnel. This chapter discusses such uncommon healthcare-associated infections.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
Rabies is a severe encephalitis caused by the rabies virus, a rhabdovirus, that infects mammals, including humans. In most areas of the world, rabies is almost always transmitted by the bite of an infected mammal. In the United States, most cases are now cryptic; that is, they occur without a clear exposure to the rabies virus (1, 2, 3 and 4). Of the 39 human cases reported in the United States since 1995, only 12 had reported bites (5). Many of these are believed to result from inapparent bites from bats or from rabies virus that comes into contact with a break in the skin or mucous membranes (2,4). The virus is believed to multiply at the inoculation site and then spread via peripheral nerves to the spinal cord and the central nervous system. By the time systemic symptoms develop, the virus has traveled peripherally down efferent nerves to nearly every organ and tissue including, most importantly for the life cycle of the virus, the salivary glands (1). The incubation period is usually 20 to 90 days but has varied from 5 days to many years (3,4). Antigenic and genetic analyses have demonstrated different viral strains that are endemic to different areas of the world and even to different animal species (3,4).
Human rabies has been acquired on all continents except the Antarctic. The epidemiology of rabies reflects that of local animal rabies. Dogs are the most important rabies reservoir for humans in underdeveloped countries. In the United States, wild carnivorous animals such as skunks, raccoons, bats, coyotes, and foxes are the most important reservoirs for rabies (3). Hawaii is the only state that remains rabies-free.
In the United States, rabies in humans has decreased from an average of 22 cases per year in 1946 to 1950 to 0 to 5 cases per year since 1960. The number of rabies cases among domestic animals has decreased similarly. However, approximately 16,000 to 39,000 persons receive rabies prophylaxis every year because of animal exposures, about half of which are nonbite exposures (6). The risk of rabies from nonbite exposures is extremely low. Scratches, abrasions, open wounds, or mucous membranes contaminated with saliva or other potentially infectious material (such as brain tissue) from a rabid animal are the usual nonbite exposures requiring prophylaxis. If the material containing the virus is dry, the virus can be considered noninfectious. Since 1980, an increasing number of human rabies cases have been associated with rabies variants that circulate in bats (2, 3 and 4). The nonbite exposures of highest risk appear to be exposures to large amounts of aerosolized rabies virus or to organs or tissues (i.e., corneas) transplanted from patients who died of rabies and to scratches from rabid animals (7). Two cases of rabies have been attributed to airborne exposures in laboratories, and two cases of rabies have been attributed to probable airborne exposures in a bat-infested cave in Texas (7).
Human-to-human transmission of rabies has occurred among 16 transplant recipients from corneas (n = 8), solid organs (n = 7), and vascular tissue (n = 1). Each donor died from rabies or a rabies-compatible illness (7). Two patients who received corneal tissue and one patient who received a liver from a rabies-infected donor did not develop clinical rabies (8).
The risk for rabies transmission to healthcare workers is low (9,10). Apart from organ and tissue transplants, bite and nonbite exposures inflicted by infected humans could theoretically transmit rabies, but no laboratory-diagnosed cases occurring under such situations have been documented (11). Two human-to-human transmissions of rabies by saliva (a bite and a kiss) are not laboratory confirmed (7).
Clinical Manifestations
The early manifestations of rabies are usually nonspecific and can be difficult to differentiate from other encephalitic diseases. These consist of malaise, fatigue, headache, anorexia, and fever. Rabies progresses to one of two distinct presentations: the most common is the furious form characterized by hydrophobia, aerophobia, or episodic agitation and anxiety; the least common is the paralytic form. Rabies should be considered in any patient with rapidly progressive encephalitis of unknown etiology, particularly in patients who have lived in an area with enzootic canine rabies. Only one human with documented rabies infection is known to have survived the illness (12).
In the United States, the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test is the standard test for measuring rabiesneutralizing antibody. The results from this in vitro cell culture neutralization test are available within 24 hours. In one study of antibody titers of rabies patients who did not receive postexposure treatment, 50% had serum antibodies by the 8th day and 100% by the 15th day of illness (13). Rabies virus may be demonstrated by immunofluorescent antibody staining of brain and skin tissue. The most reliable and reproducible of the direct immunofluorescent studies that can aid in patient diagnosis is that performed on neck skin obtained by biopsy (1). In this test, a 6- to 8-mm full-thickness wedge or punch biopsy specimen containing as many hair follicles as possible is obtained from the posterior aspect of the neck above the hairline. Histologic examination of brain tissue from human rabies cases typically shows perivascular inflammation of the gray matter, various amounts of neuronal degeneration, and, in many cases, characteristic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Negri bodies). A reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test may be the diagnostic procedure of choice for suspected rabies (4).
Prevention and Control
Patients who have suspected rabies should be placed on Contact Precautions (see Chapter 89) to minimize the number of possible healthcare worker exposures and to minimize anxiety, although Standard Precautions are adequate (14). Possible cases should be reported to public health officials immediately, so that they can assist with an epidemiologic and diagnostic workup. Healthcare workers who have had a significant exposure should receive postexposure prophylaxis (15). Casual contact with a person with rabies (i.e., touching the patient) or contact with noninfectious fluid or tissue (e.g., blood or feces) does not constitute an exposure and is not an indication for prophylaxis (7). Postexposure prophylaxis is recommended after contact with human rabies only if a bite or nonbite exposure (e.g., contamination of abraded skin or mucous membranes with saliva, nerve tissue, urine sediments, or other potentially infectious material) can be documented. Because postexposure prophylaxis after the onset of disease is of no known benefit, such treatment for patients after onset of clinical rabies is not recommended.
Prion diseases, or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), are rare, progressive, invariably fatal neurodegenerative disorders (16). This family of diseases includes classic or sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and variant CJD (vCJD) in humans. The purported unconventional causative agents are prions, which induce abnormal folding of cellular prion protein through a mechanism that remains debatable (17). The extremely small prions exhibit great resistance to chemical and physical agents (e.g., sterilization procedures), fail to induce either an inflammatory or an immune response, and lack demonstrable nucleic acid or nonhost protein (18). Although CJD is clearly transmissible to animals and humans (19,20), most cases of CJD occur sporadically and are of unknown cause (16), but CJD is also a genetic disorder inherited as a familial dominant trait (21).
A new form of CJD in humans, called vCJD, emerged in the 1990s and may be related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) (20,22,23). BSE is also known as “mad cow disease” and may be transmitted to humans by consumption of beef products contaminated by central nervous system tissue. An outbreak of BSE in cattle in the United Kingdom occurred from the early 1980s to the late 1990s (20). As of March 2010, a total of 216 cases of vCJD have occurred in humans, most of them in the United Kingdom (24). Strong laboratory and epidemiologic evidence indicates that vCJD is linked causally with BSE. The epidemics of BSE and vCJD in the United Kingdom have prompted blood-collection agencies in the United States to refuse donors who have lived or traveled in Europe for an extended period of time. vCJD occurs at an unusually young age compared with classic CJD (median age 26 years vs. 68 years) (22).
Infection by prions causes central nervous system degeneration with spongiform degeneration of gray matter, severe loss of neurons, vacuolization of neuronal cytoplasm, marked proliferation of astrocytes, and little inflammation. The actual mechanisms by which prions cause neurologic disease are unknown, but they appear to induce an abnormal irreversible folding of normal prion protein. There is no significant humoral or cell-mediated immune response to any known infectious agent. However, a characteristic brain protein can sometimes be detected in spinal fluid and used for diagnosis (25,26). Prions have been found in lymph nodes, liver, kidney, spleen, lung, cornea, and cerebrospinal fluid, although less regularly and in far lower titers than in the brain and spinal cord. The brain may contain at least 108 infectious units per gram (27).
The incidence of CJD in the United States is about one case per million persons per year (16). This incidence appears to have become stable since 1979. The age-specific incidence peaks at 65 to 69 years, but occasional cases occur as early
as the second decade and as late as the ninth decade of life. vCJD cases occur at a younger age (22).
as the second decade and as late as the ninth decade of life. vCJD cases occur at a younger age (22).
More than 250 iatrogenic cases of CJD have been reported worldwide (28). Most of these have been associated with the use of cadaveric dura mater grafts, growth hormone, and corneal grafts. Six cases are linked to contaminated invasive equipment, four with neurosurgical instruments, and two with stereotactic electroencephalographic depth electrodes. All of these equipment-related cases occurred before the routine implementation of sterilization procedures currently used in healthcare facilities. No such cases have been reported since 1976. There is no evidence of occupational transmission to healthcare workers (28).
Clinical Manifestations
Patients with CJD usually present with progressive mental deterioration. In about half the patients, cerebellar or visual signs dominate the clinical presentation with only moderate to minimal mental deterioration. Abnormal movements, usually including myoclonus, are found late in the illness. The progression of disease is usually relentless. Most patients die within 6 months. There are no verified recoveries.
Diagnosis can often be inferred by clinical features of the illness and by an immunoassay for protein 14-3-3 in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with rapidly progressive dementias accompanied by myoclonus or ataxia (25). A magnetic resonance imaging study may show characteristic findings for vCJD (22). However, a brain biopsy or autopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis (18,23).
Prevention and Control
Any program to prevent transmission of CJD and TSEs from patients in hospitals should first seek to detect all such patients before brain or other high-risk tissues (dura mater, spinal cord, and eyes) are biopsied. Such patients can be identified by screening patients for “unexplained dementia without a detectable brain mass.” Any patient meeting this description should be considered to have CJD until proven otherwise even if another diagnosis such as vasculitis is being considered. The neurosurgeons, pathologists, and others in the operating room, the pathology department, and the infection control department should be alerted about such a patient if a biopsy of high-risk tissue is being considered. Some neurosurgeons may elect not to biopsy potential CJD patients unless an alternate, treatable diagnosis is also under consideration. Hospitals should develop a CJD protocol for nervous system tissue biopsies done on such patients (28, 29 and 30,31). Disposable surgical instruments should be used when possible. Reusable instruments should be discarded or sterilized according to a CJD protocol or the instruments should be quarantined until another diagnosis is made. Powered instruments, such as drills and saws, should be avoided or covered by a disposable protective shield. Brain and other high-risk tissues should be labeled as “suspected CJD” before being sent to pathology. The pathology department should have a plan to track such tissue and quarantine and disinfect instruments, such as microtomes, that contact CJD tissue. It is important to note that formalin- and glutaraldehyde-fixed tissues may be infectious indefinitely (29). Confirmed CJD tissue can be managed as regulated medical waste per state regulations. No one suspected of having CJD should serve as a blood or tissue donor even though transmission of classic CJD has never been linked to blood, but vCJD has been transmitted via blood transfusion (32,33). Blood or blood products from such patients should be disposed of per state regulations for regulated medical waste.
CJD patients should be cared for using Standard Precautions (14). Sharps injuries involving spinal fluid or high-risk tissues can be cleansed using 0.5% sodium hypochlorite or 1 N sodium hydroxide (28,29). During an operation or autopsy, disposable surgical caps, water-repellant gowns, aprons, double gloves, and face visors (covering eyes, nose, and mouth) should be worn (29). Autopsies should be done only if the pathologist is aware of the potential diagnosis of CJD and uses the Precautions mentioned previously for the autopsy suite and pathology laboratory (29). When the patient dies, the morgue and funeral home should be notified that the patient had suspected or confirmed CJD.
The term viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) refers to the illness associated with a number of geographically restricted viruses. This illness is characterized by fever and, in the most severe cases, shock and hemorrhage (34). Although a number of other febrile viral infections may produce hemorrhage, only the agents of Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fevers (CCHFs) are known to have caused significant outbreaks of diseases with personto-person transmission.
None of these viruses are endemic to the United States. However, increasing levels of international travel result in rare cases of VHF imported into the United States, and there is concern that these viruses may be used for bioterrorism (34,35,36, 37, 38 and 39). When cases are hospitalized, there is often concern about the potential for healthcare-associated transmission. However, evidence shows that transmission of these viruses does not occur through casual contact and is rare in hospitals if adequate Standard Precautions are used (34,36,40). Hantaviruses can cause hemorrhagic fever and are endemic in the United States but are not spread person-to-person or in hospitals (41).
Lassa Fever Virus
Lassa fever virus is spread in Africa by a rodent not present in the United States. Person-to-person spread requires close personal contact or contact with blood or excreta. Careful follow-up of household and other close contacts of cases imported into Western Europe and North America has shown no evidence of secondary transmission from casual contact, in stark contrast to earlier reports from African hospitals (34,36). The clinical spectrum of Lassa fever is wide, and the likelihood ratio of illness to infection is 9% to 26% (42). After an incubation period of 1 to 3 weeks, illness begins insidiously with fever, sore throat, weakness, and malaise. The long incubation period increases the likelihood that asymptomatic cases will be imported into the
United States. The infection often progresses over several days to a generalized toxic syndrome with pharyngitis (often severe and exudative); retrosternal pain; vomiting; abdominal tenderness; and signs of vascular instability and capillary leakage including hypotension, bleeding, and edema of tissues. High levels of viremia and aminotransferase concentrations are associated with mortality and probably infectiousness of body fluids. The virus is present in blood and, sporadically, in the throat and urine of patients (40). Overall, the case-fatality rate is about 1% to 2% (42). Diagnosis can be made by viral isolation or by demonstrating immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to Lassa fever virus or a fourfold rise in titer of IgG antibody between acute- and convalescent-phase serum specimens (34,43). Treatment with ribavirin effectively reduces mortality (44).
United States. The infection often progresses over several days to a generalized toxic syndrome with pharyngitis (often severe and exudative); retrosternal pain; vomiting; abdominal tenderness; and signs of vascular instability and capillary leakage including hypotension, bleeding, and edema of tissues. High levels of viremia and aminotransferase concentrations are associated with mortality and probably infectiousness of body fluids. The virus is present in blood and, sporadically, in the throat and urine of patients (40). Overall, the case-fatality rate is about 1% to 2% (42). Diagnosis can be made by viral isolation or by demonstrating immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to Lassa fever virus or a fourfold rise in titer of IgG antibody between acute- and convalescent-phase serum specimens (34,43). Treatment with ribavirin effectively reduces mortality (44).
Marburg and Ebola Viruses
Marburg and Ebola hemorrhagic fever viruses are closely related, as is their endemic geographic area. The mode of acquiring natural infection is unknown. Secondary person-to-person transmission results from close personal contact. Healthcare-associated transmission has occurred with both viruses and appears to depend on contact with blood, secretions, and excretions (34,45). There is no evidence of spread by casual contact or aerosol. The onset of illness is abrupt, and clinical manifestations include fever, headache, general malaise, myalgia, arthralgia, and sore throat. These symptoms are often followed by diarrhea, abdominal pain, a desquamating morbilliform rash, and hemorrhagic manifestations including petechiae and frank bleeding. Diagnosis requires isolating the virus from blood, detection of nucleic acids using PCRs, or demonstrating IgM or rising IgG antibodies (46,47). Treatment is supportive. In one epidemic of Marburg hemorrhagic fever in Europe related to an imported African green monkey, the case-fatality rate was 23% for primary cases, but no deaths were reported among the six secondary cases (48). The incubation period ranges from 3 to 10 days for Marburg hemorrhagic fever. For Ebola hemorrhagic fever, the case-fatality rate is even higher, generally greater than 50% in reported epidemics. The incubation period ranges from 2 to 21 days and averages about 7 days (34).
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus
The CCHF virus is present in many wild and domestic animals in the endemic areas. Ticks act both as a reservoir and a vector for CCHF; ground-feeding birds may disseminate infected ticks (34). Humans become infected by being bitten by ticks or crushing them. Contact with blood, secretions, or excretions of infected animals or humans may also transmit infection. Healthcare-associated transmission is well described (34). Evidence suggests that blood and other body fluids are highly infectious and that airborne transmission is unlikely. Initial symptoms include fever, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Sore throat, conjunctivitis, jaundice, photophobia, and various sensory and mood alterations may develop. A petechial rash is common and may precede a hemorrhagic diathesis including hemorrhage from multiple sites. The case-fatality rate is estimated to range from 15% to 70%, but more than 15% of cases may be asymptomatic. The incubation period is 2 to 9 days. Diagnosis requires isolating the virus from blood or detecting rising IgG antibody or nucleic acids using PCR (49). Treatment is supportive.
The patient’s travel history, symptoms, and physical signs provide the most important clues to the diagnosis of any of the causes of VHF. Travel exclusively to urban zones in endemic areas or an interval of greater than 3 weeks from travel in an endemic area to onset of symptoms make VHF unlikely (34). Other patients at risk for VHF include those who, within 3 weeks before onset of fever, have had direct contact with blood or other body fluids, secretions, or excretions of a person or animal with VHF or who worked in a laboratory or animal facility that handles hemorrhagic fever viruses. A single case of any VHF in the United States should suggest bioterrorism unless there is an appropriate travel history (45).
Initial symptoms are flu-like and nonspecific. The differential diagnosis includes influenza, arboviral, and other viral infections; bacterial infections such as typhoid fever, toxic shock, streptococcal pharyngitis, and rickettsial diseases; and parasitic infections such as malaria. Symptoms and signs supporting the diagnosis of VHF are pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, a skin rash, and, later, hemorrhage and shock.
Prevention and Control
If clinicians feel that VHF is likely, they should take two immediate steps: (a) notify local and state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and (b) institute special precautions, including the use of a private room and use of gloves for all patient and specimen contact. The CDC in 1988 recommended precautions for VHF that were updated in 1995 and 2005 (34,35,50). Blood, urine, feces, vomitus, and respiratory droplets should be considered infectious. Gloves, gowns, face shields, and goggles should be used as necessary to prevent exposures to these body fluids. Patients should be placed on Contact Precautions (see Chapter 95) (14). In addition, the following measures should be implemented: (a) eye covering (goggles or shields) for all contact within 3 ft, (b) a negative pressure room and use of a high-efficiency particulate air respirator (mask) if aerosolization of virus is likely (e.g., patients who have a prominent cough), (c) use of class II biologic safety cabinet following biosafety level 3 practices for laboratory specimens, and (d) pretreatment of serum specimens with polyethylene glycol p-tert-octylphenyl ether (10 µL of 10% Triton X-100 per mL of serum) for 1 hour (50). All specimens should be marked with the biohazard symbol, so that all persons handling these specimens will be alerted to use proper precautions, including gloves. If a patient with any VHF dies, all unnecessary handling of the body, including embalming and autopsy, should be avoided. The corpse should be placed in an airtight bag and cremated or buried immediately.
Patients who likely have Lassa fever should be treated with ribavirin, as should all individuals who have had unprotected contact with the patient’s body fluids or excretions (44). Examples of unprotected contact include sexual intercourse, shared use of eating or drinking utensils, and failure to use gloves to handle items known to be contaminated with the patient’s blood or secretions.
Infections caused by Neisseria meningitidis are endemic throughout the world, but also occur in epidemics. Among civilians in the United States, meningococcal disease occurs primarily as single isolated cases or, infrequently, in small localized clusters. One third of all cases of meningococcal disease occur among patients 20 years of age or older. Healthcare-associated spread of the meningococcus is rare, but hospitalization of a case of invasive meningococcal disease is often associated with severe anxiety among healthcare workers caring for the patient.
N. meningitidis is a gram-negative diplococcus that produces a polysaccharide capsule that forms the basis for the serogroup typing system. There are at least 13 serogroups, but serogroups B and C cause most cases of meningococcal disease in the United States, with serogroup Y increasingly seen and serogroup W135 accounting for most of the rest (51).
Carriage of meningococci in the pharynx is common. One study found a 4.9% to 10.6% prevalence of carriage in a nonepidemic situation involving crowded living conditions (52). No disease was noted in this population. The median duration of carriage was 9.6 months, and a 5.7% to 12.5% yearly incidence of acquisition was noted. Crowding appears to be one important factor influencing the prevalence of meningococcal carriage. The risk of acquisition of carriage is also increased if the index carrier is ill rather than asymptomatic (53,54). Acquisition of a new meningococcal serotype can result in asymptomatic colonization (the carrier state), local infection, or, rarely, invasive disease. The recent acquisition of carriage, rather than chronic carriage, may be the factor associated with the greatest risk of disease, because carriage longer than 2 weeks results in the development of apparently protective type-specific antibody (55). Transmission is believed to occur by direct contact, including contact with large droplets from the nose and throat of infected or colonized carriers. Generally, close live-in or intimate contact (e.g., mouth-to-mouth contact) is required to transmit meningococci effectively, especially if the index carrier is asymptomatic (52).

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