
Chapter 33 Trisectionectomy


Trisectionectomy is the most extensive hepatic resection procedure possible, short of total hepatectomy in preparation for orthotopic liver transplantation. Left trisectionectomy, also called extended left hepatectomy, involves the resection of the left hepatic segments (2, 3, and 4) as well as the right anterior sector (segments 5 and 8). Resection of the caudate lobe (segment 1) is also occasionally included in this procedure. Right trisectionectomy, also referred to as extended right hepatectomy, involves resection of the right lobe of the liver (segments 5, 6, 7, and 8) as well as segment 4 of the left lobe. These extensive procedures are primarily indicated in patients with extremely large hepatocellular carcinomas involving both hepatic lobes, large hepatoblastomas in pediatric patients, and centrally located (hilar) cholangiocarcinomas. Trisectionectomy has also been described in case reports for the management of a variety of metastatic lesions and for a host of benign hepatic diseases.

As experience with hepatic resection has evolved since the late 1980s, significant improvements in perioperative morbidity and mortality have been realized. Nonetheless, because it involves the resection of up to 70% to 80% of functional hepatic mass, trisectionectomy places patients at considerable risk for postoperative morbidity. In a study of over 1800 liver resections performed at Memorial Sloan-Kettering from 1991 to 2001, investigators found that the incidence of postoperative morbidity and mortality increased significantly as the number of segments involved in the resection increased. For patients undergoing trisectionectomy at that institution, the complication rate of 75% and operative mortality rate of 7.8% were significantly higher than for patients undergoing less extensive resections.1 When the same authors analyzed a subgroup of 226 patients undergoing only extended hepatic resections, they were able to identify a total of five factors that were most predictive of in-hospital mortality: cholangitis, creatinine greater than 1.3 mg/dl, total bilirubin greater than 6 mg/dl, intraoperative blood loss greater than 3 L, and vena caval resection.2 The presence of any two of these factors was associated with 100% mortality, whereas the absence of any of these factors was associated with only 3% mortality. In the largest series of left hepatic trisectionectomies published to date, from Nishio and colleagues,3 revealed an overall morbidity rate of 46% and a 30-day mortality rate of 7%. Preoperative jaundice and intraoperative blood transfusion were identified by multivariate analysis to be the major risk factors for postoperative morbidity in this group of 70 patients.

Knowledge of the variables most predictive of postoperative morbidity has stimulated a number of modifications in the preoperative and intraoperative management of patients undergoing extended hepatic resection. Preoperative management options such as portal venous embolization and biliary drainage, as well as intraoperative techniques aimed at limiting blood loss, have enabled trisectionectomy to be performed with minimal perioperative mortality and major postoperative morbidity. One analysis of 58 major hepatic resections, including 49 trisectionectomies, reported 0% perioperative mortality and a 43% morbidity rate, with no cases of postoperative liver failure.4 Other groups are reporting similar outcomes, indicating that trisectionectomy for oncologic diagnoses can be performed with minimal short-term mortality.5,6


Skin Incision

Inadequate Exposure

The standard skin incision used for trisectionectomy is the bilateral subcostal incision with extension of the midline cephalad toward the xyphoid process. In special cases, however, this incision may not provide optimal exposure. This is especially true for redo hepatic resections involving the right hepatic lobe, for large tumors in the superior portions of the right or left hepatic lobes, or when the IVC requires dissection above the level of the diaphragm.


Maximizing the position of a self-retaining retractor may permit better visualization of the suprahepatic and retrohepatic IVC.8 In cases in which manipulation of the retractor still does not provide adequate exposure, extension of the subcostal incision further to the right or left may help to improve exposure. Rarely, creating a modified thoracoabdominal incision permits exposure to the chest and supradiaphragmatic vena cava and may be especially useful in patients with bulky tumors of the superoposterior portions of the right hepatic lobe, especially in large patients.9

Mobilization of the Liver

Postoperative Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion is one of the most common complications after major hepatectomy and likely has a multifactorial etiology. A retrospective review of 254 patients undergoing liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma at one institution found the incidence of patients developing postoperative intractable pleural effusion to be 5.9%.10 The pressure differential between the abdominal and the thoracic spaces, combined with compromise of the diaphragmatic barrier owing liver mobilization, can cause ascitic fluid to traverse the diaphragm and accumulate in the right pleural space. Patients with some degree of underlying cirrhosis are also commonly hypoalbuminemic and may also have high portal venous pressures that are transmitted to the azygous vein, thus promoting transudation into the pleural space.11


Intraoperatively, pleural drainage using an indwelling central venous catheter in the pleural cavity has been shown to be efficacious in preventing the accumulation of pleural fluid after hepatectomy.12 Postoperative drainage for pleural effusion is indicated either in patients who are experiencing difficulty weaning from mechanical ventilation or in those who have marginal respiratory function postextubation. Management options include diuretic administration, pleural drainage via either thoracentesis or a pleural drainage catheter, and pleurodesis. In a study of 10 patients with postoperative pleural effusion, 4 responded to conservative management with diuretics, 4 required pleural drainage, and 2 required pleurodesis.11


Alternatively, argon beam coagulation of the dissected diaphragmatic surfaces may help to seal these tiny routes for fluid migration intraoperatively. Yan and colleagues12 compared two groups of hepatectomy patients, one who underwent separation of the liver from the diaphragm using argon beam coagulation and the other undergoing suture ligation of bleeding points from the diaphragmatic attachments. Patients in the argon beam coagulation group had a 3.8% incidence of postoperative pleural effusion, whereas patients in the suture ligation group had a 10.5% incidence (P < .01). In a separate prospective, randomized trial of 60 patients undergoing hepatectomy, 28 underwent argon beam coagulation of the cut surface of the hepatic ligaments and bare area of the retroperitoneum whereas 32 did not. The two groups of patients were similar with respect to demographic characteristics as well as preoperative and postoperative liver function. One of the 28 patients receiving argon beam coagulation developed postoperative pleural effusion at 3 days postoperatively compared with 9 of the 32 patients who did not receive argon beam coagulation.11

Control of Inflow Vessels

Hepatic Necrosis due to Hepatic Arterial or Portal Venous Injury or Thrombosis

Because trisectionectomy involves the removal of a large majority of functional hepatic mass, injury to any of the major structures that provide vascular inflow to the remnant liver can have severe consequences.


The best way to prevent hepatic arterial injury is to have a thorough knowledge of variants to normal hepatic arterial anatomy and to carefully assess the anatomy of individual patients through preoperative multisection computed tomographic arteriography. “Normal” hepatic arterial anatomy, which is present in only 55% of patients, consists of a common hepatic artery coming off of the celiac axis, giving off a gastroduodenal branch to then become the proper hepatic artery.19 The proper hepatic artery travels toward the liver within the hepatoduodenal ligament, lying anterior to the portal vein and to the left of the common bile duct. In up to 20% to 30% of patients, a left hepatic artery arises from the left gastric artery. This can be either an accessory left hepatic artery (which occurs in addition to a left branch of the proper hepatic artery) or a replaced left hepatic artery (which represents the sole arterial supply to the left segments of the liver). In approximately 17% of patients, a right hepatic artery arises from the superior mesenteric artery. This artery, which can also serve as either an accessory or a replaced right hepatic artery, travels within the hepatoduodenal ligament posterior to the common bile duct, then to the right of the common hepatic duct as it approaches the hilum of the liver.20

Injury to the Arterial Supply of the Biliary System


Knowledge of the arterial blood supply to the extrahepatic biliary system is important in order to avoid ischemic insult to the biliary drainage of the remnant liver after trisectionectomy. The epicholedochal plexus at the biliary bifurcation derives its blood supply primarily from the right hepatic artery, which sends a branch to the plexus when it passes posterior to the common bile duct. Therefore, dissection and division of the right hepatic artery during right trisectionectomy should be performed to the right of the common bile duct in order to avoid damaging this branch.21 Furthermore, division of biliary structures during major hepatectomy should be delayed until after parenchymal resection in order to avoid biliary injury. Minimization of hilar dissection is also preferable in order to avoid injury to the vascular supply of the remnant biliary duct. Recently described techniques in which the glissonian sheaths of the segments to be resected are isolated and divided individually can help limit the degree of hilar dissection necessary to achieve resection.22

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Jun 21, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Trisectionectomy

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