CHAPTER 17 Thyroid gland
Chapter contents
Anatomy and physiology
The thyroid is a bilobed endocrine organ situated on either side of the trachea and oesophagus. The lobes are joined anteriorly by an isthmus extending over the trachea. Each lobe is about 5 cm in length and extends from the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage to the sixth tracheal ring. The gland’s relationship to other neck structures is indicated in Figure 17.1. It is invested by the pretracheal fascia, which is firmly attached posteriorly to the second to fourth tracheal rings. For this reason, the gland and tumours arising from it characteristically move with the larynx on swallowing.
Histologically, the gland consists of numerous follicles (Fig. 17.2), which are the functional units capable of synthesising, storing and secreting triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine (T3 and T4); hormones having a wide range of actions stimulating metabolism. The follicles are spheroidal structures lined by a single layer of cuboidal follicular cells. The cells have microvillous processes embedded in the central store of thyroglobulin or colloid, which is a large iodinated glycoprotein from which T3 and T4 are subsequently split after endocytosis. In the euthyroid state the follicles vary in size but average 200 μm in diameter. Secretion of thyroid hormones takes place directly into the rich network of capillaries seen in this vascular organ. Longstanding stored thyroglobulin may accumulate calcium oxalate crystals and ageing follicular cells accumulate lipofuscin.
Historical perspective
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the thyroid was documented in the Martin and Ellis paper of 1934.1 It was further developed in papers by Tempka et al. and Piaggio-Blanco et al. in 1948 (cited in Grunze and Spriggs2) and the use of the technique was established subsequently by Scandinavian workers.3,4 FNA is now recognised to be the first-line investigation for a solitary or dominant thyroid nodule, has a valuable role in the diagnosis of the diffuse non-toxic goitre and can be used to confirm the diagnosis of clinically obvious malignancy, enabling the separation of treatable lymphomas from poor prognosis anaplastic carcinomas. FNA superseded core biopsy of the thyroid. Core biopsy was associated with an increased risk of patient discomfort and complications with little difference in diagnostic value. Modern narrow-bore single action needle devices are believed to be safer and may have a role in selected patients who have had previous inadequate needle aspiration or where FNA findings are discordant with clinical findings.5 At present the thyroid is one of the organs most frequently sampled by means of FNA.6
Clinical indications for FNA of thyroid nodules, the influence of thyroid imaging and mode of FNA guidance
The most frequent indication for thyroid FNA is in the evaluation of a solitary thyroid nodule or dominant nodule in the context of a nodular goitre. Prior to consideration of needle aspiration, the history, examination, biochemical and imaging findings need to be considered. Findings of significance for possible thyroid malignancy include a family history of thyroid cancer or adrenal phaeochromocytoma, previous head and neck irradiation, rapid growth, hardness or adherence of the lump to surrounding structures and the presence of associated lymphadenopathy. The minimum piece of biochemical data needed is the TSH level. Serological information and thyroid autoantibody levels can also be helpful in some circumstances. Imaging would usually be by ultrasound. If the TSH level is depressed suggesting thyroid overactivity, a radionuclide scan may be helpful. If the nodule is ‘hot’ indicating localised increased thyroid hormone production, FNA can be avoided as the incidence of malignancy is very low so long as there are no suspicious ultrasound or clinical findings.7
Thyroid nodules are now frequently first detected during the course of an imaging study. The management of these ‘incidentalomas’ depends on the type of imaging and in the case of ultrasound detection on the detailed high resolution characteristics. Focal nodules detected by fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography, FDG-PET scans, have a significant risk of malignancy. They are often primary thyroid cancers even when scanning is for staging another malignancy and warrant FNA.7,8 Focal hot nodules detected on technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile scintigraphy, sestamibi scans and confirmed to be discrete on ultrasound require aspiration as they are frequently neoplasms rather than functional nodules.7 Nodules first detected sonographically are frequently small. Modern high resolution and Doppler ultrasound has allowed the definition of suspicious features over and above description as solid or cystic and whether there is associated lymphadenopathy. These features include microcalcifications, the irregularity of the nodule margin and intra-lesional vascularity. Lesions of any size with suspicious features should be aspirated. Some of these lesions may be microcarcinomas of uncertain clinical significance but diagnosis and surgical removal is appropriate as a minority behave aggressively. Incidental ultrasonically detected thyroid nodules lacking suspicious radiological or clinical features and less than 10 mm in diameter are usually not aspirated as they have a low risk of malignancy. Larger nodules may be aspirated unless they are clearly cystic and ultrasound follow-up is feasible. Thyroid nodules are seen in at least 16% of patients undergoing neck CT or MRI. They do not automatically warrant needle aspiration. They should be evaluated by ultrasound and the decision to proceed to FNA should be made by the clinician on the basis of those findings.7
FNA using palpation alone for guidance is more rapid and less expensive than ultrasound guidance. It is particularly applicable to larger discrete nodules that are clearly within the thyroid. The ultrasonic features of these lesions give useful information as to their nature and allow assessment of the rest of the thyroid and local lymph nodes. If ultrasound is to be carried out then ultrasound guidance should be considered. It allows accurate placement of the needle in less well circumscribed or small nodules, it allows preferential sampling of solid areas in mixed solid-cystic abnormalities, is useful where previous palpation guided FNA has failed, where the anatomy is distorted by prior surgery, where lesions are close to major blood vessels or if the patient has a bleeding diathesis. While ultrasound guidance has advantages in certain circumstances, the adequacy and accuracy of thyroid FNA in large unselected series may be more dependant on the skills and technique of the operator rather than the mode of guidance.9
Aspiration by the pathologist with immediate staining and interpretation allows the preparation of optimal specimens and the best appreciation of the clinical history, examination findings and the results of biochemical, serological and imaging data. The procedure should be preceded by clinical examination of the neck from the front and behind the seated patient. The differential diagnostic possibilities of lumps in the neck should be considered (Table 17.1). Patient consent should be obtained. This may be verbal or written depending on local or national policies. The FNA procedure, risks and complications, particularly haematoma formation, should be described. The possibility of a non-contributory, false negative or false positive result should be mentioned.
Table 17.1 Fine needle aspiration of lumps in the neck
Structure | Pathology |
Thyroid | Multinodular goitre and colloid nodules |
Thyroiditis and hyperplasia | |
Neoplasms | |
Lymph nodes | Reactive |
Malignant – lymphomas and metastases | |
Salivary gland | Sialadenitis |
Neoplasms | |
Branchial arch remnant | Branchial cyst |
Carotid bifurcation | Carotid body tumour and aneurysm |
Lymphatics | Cystic hygroma |
Pharynx | Pharyngeal pouch |
Thymus | Ectopic thymoma |
Bone | Cervical rib, hyoid bone |
Skin and soft tissues | Skin tumours including dermoid cysts, lipoma, haemangioma, sarcomas, fasciitis and fibromatosis |
Parathyroid | Cyst or carcinoma |
Thyroid FNA should be carried out with the patient lying flat, positioned with a pillow beneath the shoulders and neck. This enables the head to fall back in a relaxed position, which separates the sternomastoid muscles, uncovering more of the lateral lobes of the thyroid. Patients will need reassurance as needle aspiration of the neck is one of the more alarming sites for aspiration cytology. They should also be asked not to speak or swallow during the procedure to avoid movement of the gland. A wipe with an alcohol swab is usually sufficient skin cleansing. Routine local anaesthetic injection is not recommended. When aspiration is performed in children topical anaesthetic cream is valuable but its use requires forethought, as the cream must be applied under an occlusive dressing for at least an hour to ensure anaesthesia. The vascularity of the thyroid means that a 23, 25 or 27 gauge bevelled needle should be used. For the majority of thyroid lesions at most only three passes of the needle in a single plane should be carried out; persisting beyond this results in blood contamination of the sample and the dilution or loss of diagnostic features. An exception is in sclerosing malignancies where multiple passes may be necessary to obtain sufficient material. Traversing the sternomastoid should be avoided as it is painful, obscures the depth of the lesion and muscle spasm makes directional control of the needle difficult. Use of a syringe holder allows comfortable single-handed operation of the syringe, freeing the other hand to localise the target.10 A syringe holder is particularly useful in cystic lesions where the fluid can be drained in a single needle pass.
With ultrasound guided FNA, use of plastic tubing between the needle and syringe allows an assistant to operate the syringe facilitating manipulation of the ultrasound probe. Ultrasonic localisation of the lesion and needle usually results in more bleeding and delay in preparation of slides which diminishes the quality of the specimen. Ultrasound guidance should be restricted to cases where it is advantageous for lesion localisation. The operator should not allow ultrasound gel to contaminate the specimen.5
Needle puncture without the use of an aspirating syringe, the capillary technique, may be advantageous for both palpation and ultrasound guided FNA. Holding the needle alone allows fine and controlled passes. Numerous studies have shown that this technique is particularly valid in the thyroid11–13 and achieves adequate specimens at least as often as conventional aspiration. In the experience of the author and other workers, blood contamination is reduced but the yield of diagnostic material can be reduced.14 The technique does not facilitate the diagnostic and therapeutic aspiration of cysts in the thyroid but is particularly recommended where previous aspirates have been heavily blood contaminated.
Specimen preparation
Material can be spread by a conventional one step technique but a two stage spreading technique may be used where there is heavy blood contamination.15 Cyst fluid should have both direct smear preparations and subsequent centrifuge, cytospin or thin-layer preparations made from the remaining fluid. May–Grünwald Giemsa (MGG) or a rapid Romanowsky-type stain such as Diff-Quik is recommended as this allows the visualisation of colloid and can be used alone in thyroid FNA. Alcohol wet-fixation and Papanicolaou (PAP) staining can provide complementary information in a minority of cases. Liquid-based cytology (LBC) preparations can facilitate examination of poor-quality blood-stained specimens and may partially compensate for poor aspiration or spreading technique. The technique is more expensive and time-consuming, however, and the definition of specimen adequacy has yet to be established.16 Comparisons between series of conventional and LBC specimens have given variable results and it is not yet clear whether this technique allows the level of diagnostic accuracy possible with good quality conventional preparations. Cytological features appreciated less often in LBC preparations include diffuse colloid, lymphocytes and in papillary carcinoma fewer nuclear grooves and pseudoinclusions. These preparations have also been reported to show loss of cellular preservation in groups, more cell shrinkage and disruption.17–22 Material collected into liquid preservatives for cytospins, cell blocks or commercial LBC fluids can be a useful adjunct to direct preparations particularly where ancillary studies are needed.
Contraindications and complications
There are no absolute contraindications to needle aspiration of the thyroid in cooperative patients. Overall FNA of the thyroid is a very safe procedure. The main risk is haematoma formation causing tracheal compression in those with large goitres or malignant tumours. There are a few reported cases of acute airway obstruction requiring surgical decompression after thyroid FNA.23 Care should be exercised in those who are anticoagulated using the smallest needle calibre possible with accurate and controlled needle passes. Clotting status should be checked prior to neck aspiration in those taking therapeutic doses of warfarin or heparin. FNA is usually possible in those taking standard doses of aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiplatelet drugs and prophylactic doses of heparin. Where it is safe to do so it would be preferable to suspend heparin treatment at least 8 h and antiplatelet therapy 3–5 days prior to aspiration. When there is a particular risk of haemorrhage, patients should be warned to seek medical attention if there is swelling or persisting pain after aspiration. Ultrasound guidance can facilitate the avoidance of larger vessels. Puncture of the carotid requires the aspirator to occlude the puncture site for 5 minutes. Puncture of the trachea may lead to transient coughing. Temporary laryngeal nerve paresis has been recorded post-aspiration,24 as has haemorrhagic necrosis of thyroid tumours, particularly adenomas.25 Needle track implantation by a thyroid malignancy is extraordinarily rare.26,27 Infection following FNA is also rare.28 Worrisome histological alterations such as regenerative nuclear changes, vascular proliferations, metaplasias and capsular pseudo-invasion may occur in approximately 10% of thyroid excisions following FNA but awareness of these artefacts by histopathologists avoids misdiagnosis. Cytopathologists need to be aware that reaspiration within a few weeks of a previous aspirate can show changes resulting from haematoma formation and healing.29
Normal cytological findings
Aspiration of normal thyroid tissue yields colloid and sheets of follicular cells together with similar dissociated cells (Fig. 17.3). The colloid stains blue/mauve with MGG or the Diff-Quik stain and is seen as a wash of background colour. The Papanicolaou method does not stain colloid well. If the aspirate is contaminated by blood, the diluted colloid may be difficult to distinguish from serum. Follicular cells are relatively small with regular round or slightly oval nuclei of a similar size to those of lymphocytes. The chromatin pattern is even and single small nucleoli are just discernible. Where aspirated in a sheet, the nuclei appear evenly spaced in a honeycomb pattern, each with a small amount of pale, poorly defined, cytoplasm. The cytoplasm of dissociated cells is disrupted and the cells usually appear as bare nuclei. Occasionally whole follicles may be aspirated and these appear as pseudo-giant cells in three- dimensional clusters. The central colloid is usually inapparent (Fig. 17.4).
The follicular cells may contain deep blue intracytoplasmic paravacuolar granules (Fig. 17.5). These consist of lysosomal accumulations of lipofuscin and haemosiderin. These granules can occur in normal thyroid but are more frequently seen in functional pathology, such as in a multinodular goitre where there are cystic and haemorrhagic changes. They also occur occasionally in neoplasms.30 Other pigments may accumulate in the thyroid and prolonged use of minocycline for acne results in a black thyroid with accumulation of lipofuscin and a pigment derived from the breakdown of the antibiotic.31
Extraneous cells can be obtained by the passage of the needle through the strap muscles of the neck or sternomastoid muscle. Striated muscle fibres stain a characteristic deep blue colour and cross-striations can be seen. Puncture of the trachea yields respiratory epithelial cells, mucus and occasionally fragments of cartilage. Adipose tissue is not usually obtained except in the very obese and its presence should raise the possibility of a lipoma of the neck,32 although there are other possibilities including aspiration of a thyrolipoma33 and adipose metaplasia in a nodular goitre.
Developmental abnormalities
Thyroglossal cyst
Should the thyroglossal duct persist, a thyroglossal cyst or sinus may form. This is a characteristically midline swelling most often present immediately below the hyoid bone. Presentation typically occurs in children or young adults with a history of a painless mass of long duration. The cyst may become infected, inflamed and then prone to spontaneous rupture through the skin with sinus formation. Histologically, the cyst is lined by respiratory-type or squamous epithelium with lymphoid tissue in the wall. There may be small amounts of adjacent thyroid tissue. FNA yields clear or mucoid fluid with degenerate foamy cells and respiratory or squamous cells. The possibility of skin or tracheal contamination should be considered. Some reactive lymphoid tissue may be obtained. Inflammatory cells predominate in infected cysts. The presence of thyroid follicular cells or recognisable colloid is less common. Cholesterol crystals may be seen. Rarely, carcinomas arise in a thyroglossal cyst or duct. These are usually papillary in type and follicular tumours are exceptionally rare. Squamous carcinoma and anaplastic carcinoma have been recorded but medullary carcinomas are unknown and this is thought to be a consequence of the embryological derivation of the parafollicular cells.34
Acquired non-neoplastic conditions
Multinodular goitre, colloid nodules and cysts
The thyroid gland is in a state of constant but varying activity, becoming more active at puberty, in pregnancy and with physiological stress. It even changes in size and activity during the normal menstrual cycle. These changes may lead to a sporadic goitre. Whether the goitre is sporadic or due to a well-defined cause (Box 17.1), with persistence of a goitrogenic stimulus the gland may cease to behave in an homogeneous fashion. While the patient is usually euthyroid, parts of the gland are hyperplastic whereas other areas are inactive and accumulate colloid. The latter areas form enlarged colloid nodules and the structure of these may break down, particularly after spontaneous haemorrhage, to form cysts. Radioiodine studies show the enlarged inactive follicles and cysts as radioactively cold areas, a characteristic shared with most thyroid neoplasms. Occasionally, a hyperplastic focus within a nodular goitre may cause clinical hyperthyroidism. Autoimmune thyroiditis or hyperplasia may supervene on a multinodular goitre and these cases become respectively hypo- or hyperthyroid.
Histologically, a multinodular goitre is characterised by nodularity with fibrosis, calcification and deposition of haemosiderin and cholesterol as evidence of previous haemorrhage (Fig. 17.6). Within the areas of fibrosis and haemorrhage, groups of follicular cells may show regenerative and degenerative changes.
Cytological findings: multinodular goitre
FNA of a small colloid goitre with little nodularity may yield normal findings. Aspiration of a colloid nodule yields abundant colloid and this may be recognised macroscopically as a thick transparent yellow fluid. It forms a varnish-like coat over the slide and tends to develop a crazy paving pattern of cracks (Fig. 17.7). This thick coat of colloid may be lost on staining if the slide has not been allowed to dry thoroughly. This can occur in a FNA clinic setting where immediate staining and interpretation is carried out and in this circumstance drying the slide in a stream of air, e.g. from a fan, is particularly recommended. Loss of colloid may result in a ghost image of the colloid being formed by red blood cells in the aspirate (Fig. 17.8). The colloid consistency is variable and may appear thin and diffuse but inspissated dense fragments of colloid may also be seen.
Degenerate foamy cells containing both haemosiderin and lipofuscin will be seen scattered among the colloid (Fig. 17.9). Conventionally, these are considered to be histiocytes, although some may be degenerate follicular cells. Follicular cells are also seen. These vary from being few in number to being numerous and most frequently occur in monolayered sheets. Follicular cells in multinodular goitre more frequently contain paravacuolar bodies. An appreciation of the ratio between the quantities of colloid and follicular cells is crucial to the distinction of the benign functional abnormality in a multinodular goitre from a potentially malignant follicular neoplasm. The presence of abundant colloid indicates a low likelihood of neoplasia. A high cellularity raises the suspicion of neoplasia. This assessment of the cell to colloid ratio is subjective and relies on optimal specimen preparation. In particular, a heavy admixture of blood dilutes the follicular cells and obscures the colloid. Blood clot, on occasion, may also give a false impression of increased cellularity by trapping groups of follicular cells. Repeat FNA by an experienced operator may be helpful and if the problem cannot be resolved excision biopsy should be recommended.
The number of follicular cells is likely to be increased where a hyperplastic nodule has been included in the aspiration and the cytological features of hyperplasia need to be searched for. These may be florid with the formation of marginal fire flares (see Fig. 17.13 and Hyperplasia, below), or may be more subtle with an increase in the amount of cytoplasm and mild patchy nuclear enlargement resulting in anisonucleosis with visible small single nucleoli. These changes are seen in cells originating from smaller, more active, follicles and foci of microfollicular architecture may be recognised in such cases. Features of hyperplasia are suggestive of a functional abnormality but occasionally well-differentiated tumours may show similar features including marginal ‘fire flares’. Reactive lymphocytes and oncocytic (Hürthle cell) change in follicular cells may be seen particularly where there is coexisting thyroiditis (see Thyroiditis, below). In a multinodular goitre, degenerative and regenerative changes in follicular epithelium may be marked (Fig. 17.10) and care must be taken not to mistake these cells for anaplastic carcinoma cells either of the spindle cell or giant cell form. The clinical and cytological context of these cells, which are usually few in number and show degenerative changes, must be taken into account.
Aspiration may also yield small fragments of loose fibrous stroma containing groups of follicular cells (Fig. 17.11). Fragments of calcification can be seen and some mimic Psammoma bodies. Nuclear grooves or nuclear inclusions, which are also regarded as indicative of papillary carcinoma, may be seen rarely as isolated findings in multinodular goitre.36
Where haemorrhage has occurred into a colloid nodule the aspirate is of chocolate-brown fluid with disappearance or shrinkage of the mass. The fluid requires centrifugation for proper examination. Degenerate red blood cells are present and in longstanding cysts cholesterol crystals are seen. Debris-containing foamy histiocytes may be numerous and follicular cells tend to be few and appear degenerate. The main differential diagnosis is with cystic degeneration in a tumour, particularly papillary carcinoma. If there is a residual mass this should be aspirated and the thyroid adjacent to a cyst should also be sampled. Almost half of benign cysts are cured by the first aspiration. Recurrent cysts should be excised for cure and to exclude an underlying neoplasm.37 Other differential diagnoses include thyroglossal cyst and parathyroid cyst.
Primary hyperplasia of the thyroid, or Graves’ disease, results from the presence of autoantibodies to the TSH receptor on follicular cells. These IgG antibodies mimic the action of TSH at the receptor site. Separate antibodies, which stimulate the cellular hyperplasia of the thyroid, are also present. Thyroid hyperplasia is one component of the syndrome of Graves’ disease which also includes exophthalmos and pretibial myxoedema. The condition affects females at least five times as often as males and has a peak age distribution in the third and fourth decades. The clinical features are a consequence of the hypermetabolic state induced by excess thyroxine and are summarised in Table 17.2.
Table 17.2 Manifestations of Graves’ disease
Psychological | Nervousness, emotional lability, heat intolerance, tiredness |
Nervous system | Tremor, eye changes |
Cardiovascular | Arrhythmias, tachycardia, cardiomegaly |
Gastrointestinal | Good appetite, weight loss, diarrhoea |
Musculoskeletal | Weakness (proximal myopathy), osteoporosis |
Skin | Hot and sweaty |
Histologically, there is diffuse hyperplasia with small follicles containing pale-staining colloid. The follicular cells appear crowded and may protrude as papillary projections into the follicle. The cells are enlarged and columnar with pale cytoplasm and scalloping of the adjacent colloid. Foci of Hürthle cell change may be seen and the thyroid interstitium may contain a reactive lymphoid infiltrate (Fig. 17.12).
Diagnosis is achieved by clinical examination, biochemical and serological tests. FNA is not necessary for primary diagnosis. Hyperplastic changes can be seen in other clinical situations (Box 17.2) and particularly as a focal change in multinodular goitre and in the initial stages of autoimmune thyroiditis (see below).
Cytological findings: hyperplasia
Aspiration of the thyroid yields blood-stained material due to the vascularity of the gland. Colloid may not be recognised and where it is seen it appears as a thin pink wash with MGG stains. Among the blood is a dispersed population of thyroid follicular cells of moderate cellularity with enlarged round nuclei and an easily discernible single nucleolus. There may be some variation in nuclear size. The cytoplasm is increased in amount and is fragile with a faintly frothy texture. It stains pale blue/grey with MGG stains. Bare nuclei may be present. Flat sheets of cells may be seen and in these groups the characteristic marginal vacuolation of cells is present. These pink soap bubble, colloid suds, flame or fire flare appearances (Fig. 17.13) are a manifestation of the active pinocytosis of thyroglobulin from the small follicles found in thyroid hyperplasia. They are found in the majority but not all cases of hyperplasia. Occasional small follicular structures and papillary formations may be seen. Small numbers of lymphocytes may be recognised, although these are often inapparent due to dilution by blood. The pathogenic overlap between Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis results in the recognition of Hürthle cell changes, epithelioid histiocytes and multinucleate giant histiocytes in some cases.38
Caution needs to be exercised in the interpretation of aspirates from Graves’ disease which has failed to respond to medical therapy. The drugs used, which interfere with thyroid hormone biosynthesis, can cause marked nuclear atypia as can the previous use of ablative radioactive iodine. This can lead to confusion with anaplastic or even papillary carcinoma.39 Dyshormonogenetic goitres similarly show florid hyperplastic features often with papillary architecture and also show nuclear atypia.
Inflammation of the thyroid can be subdivided into lymphocytic and autoimmune (Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis, de Quervain’s thyroiditis, Riedel’s thyroiditis and acute bacterial thyroiditis. FNA in this situation is usually carried out to exclude neoplasia as rapid enlargement of the gland, firmness, nodularity and fixation to surrounding structures may occur in inflammatory conditions. Ultrasound and isotope scans can be misleading and suggest neoplasia. Additionally, thyroiditis may coexist with a neoplasm such as papillary carcinoma and indeed primary lymphoma of the thyroid is predisposed to by underlying autoimmune thyroiditis. FNA can also contribute to the primary diagnosis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, particularly in the minority of cases which do not have classical serological changes.
Lymphocytic and autoimmune thyroiditis
The typical gross pathology is a diffuse firm enlargement of the thyroid gland with a pale grey lobulated cut surface. Occasionally the proliferation is nodular and peripherally placed nodules containing lymphoid and epithelial cells may be mistaken for malignancy in a cervical lymph node. Histologically (Fig. 17.14), there is a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with germinal centre formation. This is associated with destruction of the follicles and fibrosis. Occasional epithelioid histiocytes and multinucleate histiocytes are seen. The residual follicular cells show an oxyphilic metaplastic change termed oncocytic, Askanazy or Hürthle cell change. These cells may also show mixed hyperplastic features and form papillary infoldings. They show nuclear enlargement and variability in size and shape. Squamous metaplasia may be seen. In a minority of cases, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis may be predominantly a fibrosing process and can be confused clinically with malignancy.
Cytological findings: autoimmune thyroiditis
Aspiration cytology yields numerous lymphoid cells. These appear reactive and polymorphous with a mixed cell population of lymphocytes, centrocytes, centroblasts, immunoblasts, plasma cells, follicular dendritic cells and occasional tingible-body macrophages (Fig. 17.15). Large multinucleate histiocytes (Fig. 17.16) and small groups of epithelioid histiocytes (Fig. 17.17) may be seen. The latter can be distinguished from epithelial cells by the more delicate quality of their cytoplasm and the presence of footprint-shaped nuclei. The lymphoid cells may be seen admixed within groups of epithelial cells. The epithelial cells show oncocytic (Hürthle cell) change manifested by an increase in the size of the cell and nucleus. The cytoplasm is moderately dense and blue-grey (MGG stain) with a fine granularity better appreciated on the Papanicolaou stain. Cell-to-cell boundaries within the groups are not particularly well-defined. Some of the cell groups may have a vaguely papillary outline. The nuclei appear enlarged, sometimes grossly so. They are hyperchromatic and may appear atypical with variation in size and shape particularly in longstanding disease. Nucleoli can be prominent. Rarely, intranuclear inclusions are seen. In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis mixed Hürthle cell and hyperplastic appearances are commonly seen within individual cells (Fig. 17.18). The exact appearances in an aspirate are dependent on the phase of the disease. Early in the disease abundant lymphocytes are present and later Hürthle cell change and fibrosis predominate.40

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