The Role of Immuno-Electron Microscopy in Amyloid Typing: The Experience of the Pavia Referral Center

Fig. 22.1
Abdominal fat aspirate. In the middle a bundle of collagen fibers is seen and on the left, a lipid droplet in the cytoplasm of an adipocyte. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate ×13,000


Fig. 22.2
(a) Abdominal fat aspirate. Amyloid fibrils surround a blood vessel (in the upper right corner). Uranyl acetate, lead citrate ×10,000. (b) Abdominal fat, surgical biopsy. Bundles of collagen fibers are seen showing the typical striated pattern. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate ×10,000


Fig. 22.3
(a) Abdominal fat, surgical biopsy. Amyloid deposits show apple-green birefringence and an absence of structure under polarized light. Congo red staining, ×20. (b) Abdominal fat, surgical biopsy. Bundles of collagen fibers show yellowish birefringence and a coarse fascicular structure under polarized light. Congo red staining, ×20

In most centers, the routine diagnostic protocol for patients suspected of having amyloidosis, but with a negative abdominal fat aspirate, usually includes either minor salivary gland or rectal biopsy and, when both give negative results, a biopsy is obtained from an involved “target” organ. In the latter case, either fibrosis or other pathologies, i.e., fibrillary glomerulopathy, may sometimes be misdiagnosed as amyloid at the light microscopic level [2]. The ultrastructural examination of biopsy samples is capable of confirming or ruling out the diagnosis of amyloidosis [3] and can identify even very small deposits of amyloid fibrils [1]. By electron microscopy, whatever the amyloidogenic protein may be, amyloid deposits typically appear as randomly oriented, non-branching fibrils measuring 8–10 nm in diameter (Fig. 22.2a), quite different from collagen fibers, which are much thicker and appear darker with routine stains (Fig. 22.2b).

Usually, only one amyloidogenic protein forms amyloid fibrils in each type of amyloidosis [4]. However, rare exceptions with mixed pathology (e.g., AL and Abeta2M) have been reported [5]. Definitive identification of the deposited amyloidogenic protein is crucial for a correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment, assessment of prognosis, and genetic counseling, when applicable [6]. Thus, once amyloid fibrils have been identified in a biopsy sample (Fig. 22.4), it is necessary to characterize the amyloid fibril protein [3, 7]. Light microscopic immunohistochemical differentiation among different types of amyloid fibril proteins, by means either of immunofluorescence or of other methods such as immunoperoxidase, may be sometimes difficult and carries a high rate of false-positive results due to unspecific stain [1, 811]. In contrast, immuno-electron microscopy can correctly characterize amyloid deposits in over 99 % of specimens, including tissues that are easy to sample, such as abdominal fat and minor salivary glands [12, 13].


Fig. 22.4
Endomyocardial biopsy. On the left, amyloid fibrils are seen and on the right, part of the cytoplasm of a myocardial cell with myofibrils. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate ×35,000

Electron and Immuno-Electron Microscopy

Techniques of Electron Microscopy

Samples for electron microscopy do not usually undergo routine formalin fixation and paraffin embedding, but formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples can be processed for ultrastructural examination and immuno-electron microscopy (Table 22.1), allowing the use of stored material for the characterization of amyloid proteins. Comparison of the paraffin block with a Congo red-stained slide can help to select the most relevant areas for ultrastructural study. Small portions of tissue are then extracted from the paraffin block, deparaffinized in xylene, rehydrated in a graded series of ethyl alcohols, washed in cacodylate buffer, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated, and embedded in epoxy resin as usual (see below).

Table 22.1
Processing of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues for conventional ultrastructural examination

Extract selected area (1–2 mm3) from paraffin block with a scalpel blade


2 h

Ethyl alcohol, absolute

20 min (minutes)

Ethyl alcohol 95 %

20 min

Ethyl alcohol 80 %

10 min

Ethyl alcohol 70 %

10 min

Ethyl alcohol 50 %

15 min

Ethyl alcohol 30 %

15 min

Cacodylate buffer 0.2 M, pH 7.3

10 min

OsO4 1 % in cacodylate buffer

1 h

Dehydration and resin embedding as usual

The processing of fresh biopsy samples for electron microscopy is summarized in Table 22.2. A small sample size is important in order to obtain good fixation of the tissue. Thus, specimens greater than 2–3 mm3 show poor morphology due to poor penetration of the fixing solution. The specimens are fixed by immersion in a modified Karnovsky solution [14] (see below), then washed in cacodylate buffer, dehydrated through a graded series of ethyl alcohols, and embedded in epoxy resin (Table 22.2). After polymerization at 60 ° C, ultrathin sections 600–800 Å (Angstrom) thick are cut with an ultramicrotome, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate (Reynolds’ solution [15]), and observed with an electron microscope.

Table 22.2
Processing of fresh tissues for a conventional ultrastructural examination

Karnovsky solution 0.5 %a

4 h or longer at 4 °C

Cacodylate buffer 0.2 M pH 7.2–7.3

1 h or longer at 4 °C

Post-fixation in OsO4 1 %

1 h at room temperature

Cacodylate buffer 0.2 M pH 7.2–7.3

10 min (minutes) or longer at room temperature

Ethyl alcohol 30 %

10 min at 4 °C

Ethyl alcohol 50 %

10 min at 4 °C

Ethyl alcohol 70 %

10 min at 4 °C

Ethyl alcohol 80 %

10 min at room temperature

Ethyl alcohol 95 %

20 min × 2 at room temperature

Ethyl alcohol, absolute

15 min × 3 at room temperature

Propylene oxide

30 min at room temperature

Propylene oxide-epoxy resin 1:1

1 h at room temperature

Propylene oxide-epoxy resin 1:3

Overnight at room temperature

Epoxy resin

48 h at 60 °C

aModified Karnovsky solution: 0.5 % glutaraldehyde, 2 % paraformaldehyde in 0.2 M cacodylate buffer, pH 7.3

Principles of Immuno-Electron Microscopy

Immuno-electron microscopy can be applied to virtually every tissue, either specifically fixed for ultrastructural examination or previously formalin fixed and paraffin embedded. The only limitations include good tissue fixation and the availability of antibodies to the amyloid protein under test. Many protocols have been developed since the introduction of colloidal gold to ultrastructural immunohistochemistry. Immuno-electron microscopy, using antibody probes conjugated with gold particles, permits high-resolution detection and localization of antigens either within the cells, on their surface, or in the interstitium. The two techniques most widely used in transmission electron microscopy consist of either immunolabeling before the specimens are embedded in resin (preembedding immunogold labeling) or immunolabeling after embedding in resin (postembedding immunogold labeling). Nonetheless, immunogold histochemistry has some general limitations, such as antigen preservation and antibody specificity. Successful detection and localization depends on the antigen-recognition specificity of the primary antibodies for the investigated antigen, on the preservation of the antigenicity of the target proteins, and on the ability of the antibodies to bind to the antigens. Antigenicity is frequently lost during the dehydration and embedding procedures. Suppression of immunoreaction in resin-embedded tissues may be due to intra- and inter-cross-links within aldehyde-treated proteins and the destruction of secondary and tertiary protein structures during dehydration [16]. Specimens embedded in acrylic resins without osmium tetroxide fixation show poor preservation of membranes and low contrast of tissue components, thus making it difficult to correlate the immunostains with tissue details.

For all the above reasons, fixation is one of the most important aspects of sample preparation [17] for immuno-electron microscopy because it affects the strength of the immunoreaction and the preservation of fine cellular structures. In general, fixatives that provide good morphology cross-link macromolecules rapidly and tightly, forming a gel-like structure in the tissues, and, thus, directly modify epitopes and severely inhibit immunoreactions. Due to these undesirable effects, many kinds of fixatives, fixation conditions, and procedures have been employed to label each antigen. Although glutaraldehyde is an excellent fixative for the preservation of morphology, it severely inactivates the immunoreactivity of many antigens and, hence, a better fixative for immuno-electron microscopy is a mixture of paraformaldehyde and a low concentration of glutaraldehyde (modified Karnovsky’s solution [7]).

Techniques of Immuno-Electron Microscopy

In our Pathology Unit of IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo/University of Pavia, electron microscopy is routinely used to confirm the diagnosis of amyloidosis. When ultrastructural examination demonstrates amyloid fibrils, immuno-electron microscopy is subsequently performed to identify the amyloidogenic protein. We use a postembedding method, i.e., immunostaining is performed on ultrathin sections on nickel grids, as summarized in Table 22.3.

Table 22.3
Postembedding immunogold on epoxy resin-embedded ultrathin sections

MWOa 350 W

3 min (minutes)b


Trypsin 0.05 % in PBSc

15 min 37 °Cb


10 min

NGSd 1:20 or egg albumin 1 % in PBS

15 min

Primary antibody

Overnight 4 °C

PBS-BSAe 1 %

5 min × 2

Gold-conjugated secondary antibody

1 h


8 min


5 min × 2


5 min × 2

aMicrowave oven

bOnly for weak antigens/antibodies

cPhosphate buffer saline

dNormal goat serum

eDistilled water

Usually, for diagnostic purposes, a panel of four primary antibodies is sufficient. This panel covers the commonest forms of amyloidosis: AL (kappa and lambda), AA, and ATTR; in selected cases we also perform immunogold labeling with antibodies directed against apolipoprotein AI and beta-2-microglobulin. Fibrinogen and lysozyme have also been investigated in rare instances with negative results. We have never so far encountered rarer forms of kidney amyloidosis such as ALect2. Enzymatic predigestion with trypsin can be used in some cases to unmask antigenic epitopes modified by fixation-induced protein cross-links, as is commonly performed in light immunohistochemistry. The optimal conditions (antibody source and dilutions, type and duration of pretreatment) must be determined in each laboratory. Table 22.4 gives an example of the conditions used in our laboratory.
May 14, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on The Role of Immuno-Electron Microscopy in Amyloid Typing: The Experience of the Pavia Referral Center

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