the Protocol

Figure 8.4 Flow plan for protocol execution.

Samples need to be taken from the production line at intervals that will allow a sufficient statistical6 evaluation of the results. Each of the CPPs are tested, thus samples for each of the CQAs need to be taken several times during the run. Under normal operating conditions samples are taken at the beginning, middle, and end of each run. However, during validation executions samples need to be taken more frequently (eg, every hour).

Because of the extra samples needed during PPQ execution the QC lab or the contract lab to which the samples are to be sent for analysis must be prepared for the extra load. This includes not just the testing of the samples but also storage of the samples as necessary.

Sampling Plans7

Recording the Results

The Validation Report

• Summary of all data, preferably in table format

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Mar 4, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on the Protocol

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