The eye

Chapter 23 The eye

Diagnosis of functional disorders of the eye (glaucoma, etc.) should always be carried out by a medical practitioner. The usual precautions when using extracts in the eye (e.g. sterility of eye drops, absence of irritation of solutions, etc.) must also be taken. Simple eye lotions containing mildly astringent and soothing plant products are very popular, especially those containing distilled witch hazel and eyebright herb extracts. However, ophthalmology clearly is not an area where phytotherapy is of wider importance.

Inflammation of the eye

Inflammation may be a result of an allergic reaction, infection or irritation due to dust or particles. Simple irritation of the eye can be treated with an eye lotion or drops, usually containing either extract of witch hazel (see Chapter 22), or the herb eyebright.

Eyebright, euphrasia officinalis L. and E. rostkoviana hayne (euphrasiae herba)

Euphrasia spp. (Scrophulariaceae) have a long history of use in eye disorders, as the name would suggest. The herb is found in meadows and grassy places throughout Europe and temperate Asia. The leaves are opposite near the base and alternate above, about 1 cm long, lanceolate, with four or five teeth on each side; the axillary flowers are two-lipped, small and white, often tinged with purple or with a yellow spot.

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Apr 8, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on The eye

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