T1-weighted images; T1W magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequencing that demonstrates anatomy (i.e. fat-/hydrogen-containing structures appear white); contrast with short T1 inverse recovery imaging; STIR
tachycardia pathological heart rate increase (>100 beats/minute)
tactile relating to touch/sense of touch
talar compression syndrome see syndrome, talar compression
talar declination angle; TDA angle subtended between longitudinal bisection of medial column (body of talus, navicular, medial cuneiform and first metatarsal) and the radiographic base plate on a lateral foot radiograph; low TDA indicates valgus/planovalgus foot; high TDA indicates cavus foot Figure P2
talar tilt test see test, talar tilt
talc; talcum finely powdered hydrous magnesium silicate; used as a base for topical application of an active medicament; reduces friction at skin surface; does not absorb moisture (see Tables A19 and V2)
talipes congenital foot deformity, about the talus
talocalcaneal coalition see tarsal coalitions
talonavicular joint; TNJ see talocalcaneal navicular joint
tannic acid astringent agent in dusting powders and lotions; used to treat tinea pedis Table A13
tap using a tendon hammer to elicit a tendon reflex
taping soft splintage used to immobilize/impose rest following trauma, sprain or overuse injury; non-elastic tape (2.5 cm wide) is applied in strips to maintain underlying structures in a position that minimizes further trauma and promotes healing; taping may also be applied for injury prophylaxis
tardive dyskinesia slow voluntary body movements; side-effect of long-term use of psychotropic drugs
target lesion characteristic skin lesion of erythema multiforme
tarsal projections radiographic views highlighting rearfoot joints, e.g. axial calcaneal projection, Harris–Beath projection (see Table R1)
tarsal tunnel syndrome; TTS see syndrome, tarsal tunnel
tarsometatarsal joints articulations between tarsal and metatarsal bones
tea tree oil; ti-tree oil essential oil extracted from Melaleuca alternifolia; 0.05–1% solution = antimicrobial; 4% solution = topical treatment of fungal infections and verrucae (see Table A13)
technetium-99 m;99mTc radioisotope of technetium, used during body-imaging scans
Tegasorb hydrocolloid wound dressing (see Table D10)
telencephalon central nervous system cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum)
temperature heat content, i.e. measure of kinetic energy of molecules within a substance
tendinous relating to, or composed of, tendon
tendon ‘strap’ of non-elastic collagenous fibrous tissue conveying muscle force to bone, to bring about movement of an interposed joint; formed of white, non-elastic tissue; continuous with muscle sheath and intramuscular septa; inserts into periosteum and underlying cortical bone see sharpey’s fibres
tendon hammer rubber-tipped hammer used to percuss (tap) tendon, to elicit a tendon reflex
tendon reflex; muscle stretch reflex skeletal muscle undergoes reflex contraction when it or its tendon is subjected to sudden stretch/tension; usually exaggerated in patients with an upper motor neurone lesion, and reduced/absent in the elderly or patients with a lower motor neurone lesion; often incorrectly termed ‘deep reflex’; see reflex and Table P10
tenorrhaphy surgical repair of a divided tendon
tenosynovitis inflammation of tendon and synovial sheath
tenotomy surgical division of a tendon, e.g. to correct contraction deformity
tenotoplasty reparative/plastic surgery to a tendon
tension strain applied linear load, e.g. to tendon (by muscle contraction)
tension strapping see figure-of-eight bandage
tension stress pressure (in pascals) occurring within a structure under load/during use
tensor muscle rendering a part firm/tense
teratogen; teratogenic agent causing abnormal fetal development
Terry’s onychodermal band see onychodermal band
test trial/experiment assisting diagnosis

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