Systems of Measurement

Systems of Measurement


United States Customary System

Systems of weights and measures have been in existence since the first trade occurred among prehistoric peoples. The Egyptians used the cubit, which may be the earliest known use of linear measurement. One cubit was the distance between the elbow and the tip of the little finger. Later, the Greeks and Romans adopted many of the measurements used in the Egyptian system. The United States Customary System of measurement is based on the English system of measurement, which draws largely from the Greek and Roman systems. The United States is one of a handful of countries in the world that still use this system. Scientists and most other countries prefer the metric system. However, in the United States, efforts to persuade the American public to adopt the metric system have not succeeded. Americans want their foot-long hot dogs, their gallons of milk, and their miles of road. However, change may come from the business community as international trade agreements mandate the use of the metric system as the standard for measurements.

Metric System

The metric system is based on fixed standards and on a uniform scale of 10. There are three basic units of measurement for length, weight, and volume. The basic units are as follows:

length = meter
mass = gram
volume = liter

The meter is defined as the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in 1299,792,458image of a second. The kilogram, or 1000 g, is defined as the mass of water contained by a cube whose sides are one-tenth the length of a meter or one decimeter in length. The liter is defined as the volume of liquid contained within that same cube.

Another measurement is area. This is a derivation of the measurement of length. By multiplying the length times the width of a square surface, the area of the surface can be determined. Area is measured in squared units. Common laboratory metric area measurements are mm2, cm2, and m2.

Prefixes before the basic units of measurement inform the reader if a measurement is larger or smaller than the basic unit. Memorizing the prefixes and their abbreviations in Table 3–1 will be helpful in learning the metric system.

Conversion Among Different Measurements Within the Metric System

Because the metric system is based on a scale of 10, conversion among different measurements within a unit is relatively simple (Table 3–2). A basic ratio and proportion calculation is all that is needed to perform the conversion.

In the clinical laboratory, many analytes—such as glucose—are measured in terms of milligrams per deciliter or the number of milligrams contained in 1 dL of plasma. Other analytes, such as the hormone prolactin, are measured in terms of nanograms per milliliter. In hematology, white blood cells historically are counted in terms of cubic millimeters (mm3)or currently expressed in units of liters of whole blood. The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is measured in femtoliters.

In other areas of healthcare, the metric term micro (0.000001 or 10−6) tends to be abbreviated as mc, but in the clinical laboratory as the Greek symbol μ. For example, microgram is frequently abbreviated as mcg for drug dosages, but as μg in the clinical laboratory.

Example 3–1

How many milliliters are in a 2.0-L soda bottle?

In order to convert liters to milliliters, the basic value of each must be known. According to Table 3–2, 1 mL is 10-3 smaller than the base value of 1 L; therefore, there are 1000 mL in 1 L.

As discussed in more detail in Chapter 4, ratio and proportion is a great math tool that can be used for many laboratory calculations provided that there is a proportional relationship between two ratios. A ratio can be expressed as a fraction with a numerator (the top number of the fraction) and a denominator (the lower or bottom number of the fraction). In the following example, both the numerators are liters and the denominators are in milliliters. The relationship ratio is that there are 1000 mL in 1 L, which can be also expressed in scientific notation as 103 mL are equal to 1 L. Therefore, X mL = 2 liters is also a proportional relationship. To solve a ratio and proportion calculation, the numerator of the first ratio (1 L) is multiplied by the denominator of the second ratio (X mL). The denominator of the first ratio (1000 mL) is then multiplied by the numerator of the second ratio (2 L). This is called crossmultiplication. The liter units will cancel out leaving the final result in milliliters.


Crossmultiplying the equation derives:


There are 2000 mL (2.0×103 mL) in a 2.0-L soda bottle.

String method

A shortcut way to perform conversions is called the “string” method. In this method, the number that you want to convert into a different unit is multiplied by an equivalent ratio or ratios. The units will cancel out and you will end up with the desired result. A benefit of this method is that although you need to know the relationships between the basic unit and the prefix units, you don’t need to know exact equivalents such as how many picograms are in a microgram. Using the string method to solve the first example problem yields the following equation:


The last example problem can be solved by:


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Nov 18, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Systems of Measurement

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