Synovial fluid

CHAPTER 30 Synovial fluid

Anthony J. Freemont, John Denton


Normal synovial fluid

Synovial or diarthrodial joints are the most sophisticated in the body. Unlike fibrous or cartilaginous joints in which the bone ends are effectively tethered together with bands of motion-limiting fibrous tissue or cartilage, in synovial joints each bone end is covered by an independent layer of hyaline cartilage. The two cartilage-covered bone ends are separated by a narrow space containing the lubricant, synovial fluid. This arrangement allows two adjacent bones the freedom to move in multiple directions.

The downside of increased movement is decreased stability and as a consequence, all diarthrodial joints are inherently unstable. Stability comes from the joint capsule, ligaments and muscle tone. The capsule consists of dense fibrous tissue which, rather than joining the bone ends, forms a strong flexible sleeve that surrounds the joint and envelops the peripheral segments of the two bones. This creates a cavity inside the joint which, except for the cartilage, is completely lined by a specialised form of connective tissue called synovium. The synovium is covered by an incomplete layer of cells – the synoviocytes. There are two main types of synoviocyte: type A, derived from macrophages that phagocytose any debris that falls into the fluid from the joint lining, and type B, derived from synovial fibroblasts with a synthesising function.

Synovial fluid is a transudate of plasma supplemented with high-molecular-weight saccharide-rich molecules, notably hyaluronans, and a molecule called lubricin, produced by the type B synoviocytes.

Synovial fluid differs from all other body fluids in that the surfaces of synovium and cartilage (the tissues in immediate contact with the synovial fluid) are covered by an incomplete layer of cells. This means that there is no intact basement membrane, which in other tissues is a significant physical and chemical barrier to the movement of molecules and cells. It also means that the matrix of cartilage and synovium are in contact with the synovial fluid, allowing a relatively homogeneous chemical environment to develop within the joint. Because of this unusual arrangement it is perhaps better to regard the synovial fluid as a semi-liquid, avascular, hypocellular connective tissue rather than a true body fluid, such as may form in the pericardial, abdominal or pleural cavity.

Synovial fluid cytology

Cytology of synovial fluid differs in three important regards from that of other body fluids. First, synovial joints are very rarely affected by neoplastic processes. Second, ‘cytology’ of synovial fluid is better described as ‘microscopy’, as accurate recognition of non-cellular particulate material, such as crystals and matrix fragments, is essential to an understanding of the disease process within the joint. Third, the greatest diagnostic information comes not only from the recognition of cell types but also from their quantification.13

Gross analysis

Because synovial fluids from inflamed joints have a tendency to clot, they should be received in the laboratory in anticoagulant. Choosing the most appropriate anticoagulant is problematic. Because one of the key elements of synovial fluid analysis is examination for crystals, crystalline anticoagulants have to be avoided, as do chelating anticoagulants, which destroy crystals by removing core structural metal ions such as Ca2+. We find lithium heparin to be the best anticoagulant.

It is not possible to fix synovial fluid and the specimen therefore represents fresh tissue, and should be treated as such in every case. Even with refrigeration the optimum cytological information can only be extracted if the sample is examined within 48 hours of aspiration, and preferably as soon as possible within the first 24 hours.

Upon arrival in the laboratory the synovial fluid should be examined macroscopically. Macroscopic analysis involves a subjective assessment of colour, clarity and viscosity.

The nucleated cell count

A sample of synovial fluid, agitated to achieve the most uniform distribution of cells, is diluted to a known concentration with normal saline containing methyl violet as a supravital stain. A count of the number of nucleated cells is then performed, either ‘manually,’ using a haemocytometer chamber or by machine using an automated cell counting instrument such as a Coulter Counter.4 The number of cells is expressed per unit volume (usually /mm3). To convert this to cell counts per mL necessitates multiplying the cell count by 1000. Normal synovial fluid contains approximately 200 cells/mm3. In inflammatory joint disease the cell count exceeds 1000 cells/mm3 and in non-inflammatory arthropathies is usually less than 1000 cells/mm3. Cell counts in excess of 30 000 cells/mm3 are found predominantly in three clinical settings: rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis and reactive arthritis (a form of arthropathy associated with infection at an extra-articular site and caused by the presence of, and reaction to, epitopes of the organism, but not the whole organism, within the joint).


Several classes of crystalline material are found in joints.5,6 They consist of the following:

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