Surgical Training, Simulation and Assessment

Informal mentoring

Formal mentoring

Simpler to execute due to lower expectations

Greater workforce, monitoring, communication & administration

May be less successful despite high satisfaction levels

Training is not necessary

Support and expert training is mandatory

Social exclusion – more confident and dominating individuals attain the successful mentors

Understanding roles and responsibilities of each individual simpler, with assistance from organization

Trusting and respectful relationship

Once the mentor-mentee relationship has been created, support is then given

Empathy and friendship are of greater importance

Aims and objectives are not pre-determined

Clear rationale which allows both the mentor and mentee to have specific aims for the relationship

Both the mentors and mentees are personally chosen resulting in more effective cooperation in the pairing

Mentor-mentee relationship pre-planned

May be difficult due to low availability of mentors

For task-based learning in the short term, this type may prove to have greater benefits

Clearly outlined mentoring programme

Table 28.2
Types of available simulators [29]




Best suited uses

Virtual reality simulation

Reusable, data capture, objective performance evaluation, minimal setup time

Cost, maintenance, down-time, lack of real instruments, poor 3-D view, poor face validity

Basic skills and familiarisation, cognitive training

Bench-top/ Synthetic models

Portable, reusable, minimal risks, use of real instruments

Low-fidelity: acceptance by trainees, poor face validity

High-fidelity: cost

Dependent upon fidelity: low-fidelity best for part-task training, high-fidelity best for procedural simulation

Animal tissue

Cost-effective, minimal set-up time

Special facilities for storage, single use, anatomical differences

Basic surgical skills and Part-task training

Live animals

High fidelity, higher face validity, full procedures

Cost, special facilities and personnel needed, ethical concerns, single use, anatomical differences

Advanced procedural knowledge, procedures in which blood flow is important, dissection skills

Human cadavers

High fidelity, highest face validity, full procedures

Cost, availability, single use, compliance of tissue, infection risk

Advanced procedural knowledge, dissection, continuing medical education

Full immersion simulation

Cost-effective, reusable, minimal setup time, portability

Limited realism

Team training, crisis management

High-fidelity simulation

Reusable, high fidelity, data capture, interactivity

Cost, maintenance, and down-time; limited “technical” applications

Team training, crisis management

Table 28.3
Contemporary assessment tools for technical and non-technical skills

Technical skills

Observational tools

OSCE – based (Objective structured clinical examination)

 Objective Structural Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS),

 Global assessment of operative skills,

 Generic and procedure specific checklists,

 End-product analysis.

Error – analysis based

 Human Reliability Assessment – HRA

Non-observational tools

Virtual reality simulators

Motion analysis systems

 Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device (ICSAD)

 McGill Inanimate System for Training and Evaluation of Laparoscopic Skills (MISTELS)

Non-technical skills

Non-technical skills for surgeons (NOTSS)

 Situation Awareness

 Decision Making

 Task Management

 Communication & Teamwork


Observational teamwork assessment for surgery (OTAS)




 Shared-leadership and monitoring

Non-technical skills (NOTECHS)


 Leadership and Managerial Skills

 Situation Awareness and Vigilance

 Decision Making


Physical simulators use models to simulate operative experiences. They usually require a trained observer/mentor to assess the trainee’s performance. Various types of physical simulator exist, including synthetic “bench” model simulators, usually made of latex or plastic to represent the operative anatomy. Biological models such as animals, both ex-vivo and in-vivo, and human cadavers are often used for complex training. Virtual reality simulators use computers to generate a representation of the procedure and are becoming increasingly popular as technology improves. As they can provide in-built feedback on performance, trainees can use them in their own time without the need for an expert mentor to provide feedback [33].

Non-Technical Skills Training

Non-technical skills training is becoming increasingly emphasised in training curricula [8, 32], as appropriate use of these skills has been recognised as a key factor in the prevention of surgical errors [30]. Non-technical skills include social skills (communication, teamwork and leadership) as well as cognitive skills (decision-making and situational awareness). Other skills include personal resource factors such as ability to cope with stress and fatigue. Training for these skills is particularly hard in the real operative environment for several reasons. For example, teaching skills that are more abstract in nature than technical skills is even harder for mentors and proctors to teach while focusing on the procedure itself. Non-technical skills training can also utilise simulation to increase competence outside the operating theatre while preserving patient safety. This can be achieved by human performance simulation.

Human performance simulation may take place in real operating theatres with the whole surgical team. This can provide to be very useful for team training but is associated with significant costs and is dependent on availability of such facilities [2]. A cheaper and more feasible alternative is full immersion simulation (see Fig. 28.3), which is a blow-up simulated environment with theatre staff and equipment to replicate the operating theatre as a whole [11]. Simulated procedures can be carried out under specific scenarios to help trainees develop their non-technical skills in an observed and safe environment, where detailed feedback can be given afterwards. Full immersion simulation has been shown to be a feasible, valid and cost-effective means of training for non-technical skills [21, 22, 23].


Fig. 28.1
An overview of lifelong learning and regular assessment


Fig. 28.2
Structure of a mentorship programme ([1], with permission)


Fig. 28.3
Full immersion simulation (Photo with kind permission from Abdullatif Aydin and Oliver Brunckhorst)

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Oct 6, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Surgical Training, Simulation and Assessment

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