CHAPTER 94 Stress Echocardiography
Adding a cardiac imaging test to an exercise electrocardiography (ECG) test (EET) or a pharmacologic stress test is indicated when there is need to define the location, overall extent, or functional significance of CAD. Differing from an EET, which cannot predict which obstructed coronary artery is causing a positive test, stress echo is able to determine which coronary artery is obstructed by noting which ventricular wall becomes ischemic (Table 94-1). Although coronary angiography may not be the best method for determining the functional significance of CAD, it can be used as the gold standard when comparing the accuracy of nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging with stress echo. In the revascularized patient, several meta-analyses compared the accuracy of these two tests for detection of restenosis. Based on results showing very similar sensitivities, specificities, and accuracies for diagnosis of CAD, the choice of imaging for CAD after revascularization will likely depend upon clinician experience and other local factors, such as availability and expertise. Regarding prognosis for patients with CAD, several other meta-analyses compared stress echo with myocardial perfusion imaging and demonstrated comparable results. If echo images are excellent, stress echo may be more accurate than myocardial perfusion imaging.
TABLE 94-1 Left Ventricular Wall Segments and Corresponding Coronary Artery Supply
Echocardiographic Segment | Coronary Artery |
Basal, mid-, and apical anterior | LAD |
Basal, mid-, and apical anterior septum | LAD |
Apical lateral | LAD |
Basal and mid-anterolateral | LAD/LCA |
Basal and mid-inferior | RCA |
Basal and mid-inferior septum | RCA |
Apical inferior | RCA/LAD |
Basal and mid-inferolateral | LCA |
LAD, left anterior descending artery; LCA, left circumflex artery; RCA, right coronary artery.
Physiology of Stress Echocardiography
Normally, as the heart rate increases with exercise, the walls of the left ventricle increase contractility, increase endocardial excursion (>5 mm), become hyperdynamic, and thicken in systole. Depending upon the exercise protocol utilized, the ejection fraction will also normally increase. Consequently, the end-systolic volume, which is the actual size of the left ventricle at end-systole, decreases. In the patient with obstructive CAD, with increasing exercise, a threshold is eventually reached at which the heart’s demand for oxygen exceeds the supply. At this threshold, the heart becomes ischemic, first regionally or in segments, and then often globally. Although it is best to obtain echo images within the first minute of discontinuing exercise, this blunting of wall motion will typically persist for 3 to 5 minutes depending on the severity and duration of the preceding ischemia. Interpretation of a stress echo test consists of quantifying these transient regional wall motion abnormalities (Fig. 94-1) as well as the global function (i.e., ejection fraction/end-systolic volume). Transient ischemia is assessed and quantified by comparing pre- and postexercise echo images. (Depending on the protocol, images are also sometimes obtained at maximal exertion.)
From an ECG perspective, with subendocardial ischemia, the patient usually demonstrates ST segment depression (i.e., a positive exercise EET; see Chapter 93, Exercise Electrocardiography [Stress] Testing) in several leads. Usually this depression is followed by chest discomfort (i.e., angina) as the “ischemic cascade” progresses. The term “ischemic cascade” describes the predictable sequence of events that occur after the onset of ischemia. With stress echo, earlier aspects of this ischemic cascade can be noted. Soon after the metabolic abnormalities are produced from ischemia, diastolic abnormalities appear, and these can be seen with stress echo. The appearance of these abnormalities is rapidly followed by myocardial perfusion defects and, in turn, by wall motion abnormalities again seen on stress echo. In other words, ischemic changes can be seen on perfusion imaging and stress echo prior to the development of ECG changes on EET. Eventually chest pain may develop, the exception being patients who experience so-called “silent angina” (typically patients >70 years of age, possibly earlier in diabetics). In patients with silent angina, dyspnea or dyspnea with exertion is a common presentation of an anginal equivalent.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Dobutamine echo is probably the preferred method of evaluating a patient preoperatively for high-risk or vascular surgery. See Box 94-1 for shortcuts to determine indications for noninvasive testing prior to noncardiac surgery. (See also Chapter 230, Preoperative Evaluation.)
Box 94-1 Shortcuts to Determine Indicators for Noninvasive Testing before Noncardiac Surgery
From ACC/AHA: 2007 Guidelines on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery. Circulation 116:1971–1996, 2007.
Determination of Pretest Probability
Pretest probability can be estimated by a description of the chest pain and the patient’s gender and age. Typical angina is described as substernal, exertional, and relieved by rest or nitroglycerine. Chest discomfort with two of these three characteristics is atypical angina. Chest discomfort with only one of these characteristics is considered nonanginal chest pain. Using these three descriptions, pretest probability tables and their corresponding graphs (see Table 93-1 and Fig. 93-4 in Chapter 93, Exercise Electrocardiography [Stress] Testing) can be readily applied to determine pretest probability. Determining pretest probability may also be helpful when assessing prognosis.
NOTE: It is also helpful to have a trained technician assisting (see Fig. 93-11 in Chapter 93, Exercise Electrocardiography [Stress] Testing). Technician certification for exercise testing is available through the American College of Sports Medicine. In many centers the technician prepares the patient; monitors the electrocardiograph and the patient’s response to exercise, his or her heart rate, and BP; obtains the pre- and postexercise echo images; and prepares the results for interpretation. For low-risk patients, the technician may actually perform the entire study without a physician being present. Otherwise, the clinician should examine the patient before, during, and after the procedure; confirm which protocol to use; and terminate the study. The clinician should also monitor the ECG tracing when the technician is taking BP readings, and the clinician should interpret the final results.
Preprocedure Patient Preparation

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