Started (After the Equipment Specifications)

Getting Started (After the Equipment Specifications)


• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

• Quality Programs (as standards)

• Protocols—(Commissioning, Equipment and Utility Qualifications, Process Performance Qualification)

Table 4.1 is a “wish list” of recommended documents and information that one should try to collect prior to starting the process validation. Many of these documents and drawings are critical to preparing the VMP. Others are needed for the protocols or SOPs. Be aware that each project is unique and not all documents are needed for every project. For example, the facility layout should also be available for the VMP so as to be able to show the paths that the materials and people will take in producing the product(s).


Table 4.1

Wish List



 Balance (eg, HVAC)



 Vendor tests—FAT/SAT






 Isometrics (WFI systems only)

 Equipment layout

 Air flow

 People flow

 Material flow


   In process

   Raw materials

   Waste material




 Preventive maintenance




 Change control





 Preventive maintenance



  In process



 Engineering design

 Functional requirement specifications (FRS)

 Operating ranges

  Critical process parameters

  Critical quality Attributes

 User requirements (URS)

Other Documents



  Ladder logic

  Source code

 Batch records

 List of critical/noncritical instruments

 Contractor certifications

  Personnel qualifications

  Equipment certifications


  Equipment use


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Mar 4, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Started (After the Equipment Specifications)

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