Sepsis, shock and trauma

Chapter 9. Sepsis, shock and trauma

Sepsis and infection 242

Fluid balance, shock and anaphylaxis 249

Major trauma 254

Fractures and minor trauma 259

Acute leg pain 270

Wounds and burns 272


Clinical assessment and immediate management

Start by assessing ABC. Thereafter, take a brief history of recent events, past medical and drug history (including allergies) from the patient and/or relatives. Look for clinical evidence of a source of infection and any haemodynamic disturbance or hypoperfusion. Patients with sepsis tend to be vasodilated (warm, bounding peripheral and forearm pulses ± hypotension).

Secondary survey

A more detailed assessment, focusing on possible sources of infection, can be undertaken once you are confident that the patient is stable. Aspects of the initial history and examination may need to be expanded. Friends and relatives may give you important additional information. Important pointers in this evaluation are summarized in Table 9.1, overleaf.

Table 9.1 Diagnostic pointers for patients with acute community-acquired sepsis
Presentation Consider Comments
Sore throat ± cervical lymphadenopathy Bacterial or viral pharyngitis; glandular fever Consider streptococcal bacteraemia if very unwell
Acute watery diarrhoea Viral infection or salmonella, campylobacter, C. difficile Ask about food and travel history, contact with young children or animals, recent antibiotics, achlorhydria or PPI therapy
Acute bloody diarrhoea Campylobacter, E. coli 0157, shigella or acute diverticulitis
Abnormal LFTs ± rigors and RUQ tenderness Ascending cholangitis; malaria if travel history; hepatitis Ask about travel; viral hepatitis unlikely if febrile
Headache, otherwise reasonably well Common with viral infections and many others, e.g. sinusitis Common symptom but consider possibility of neurosepsis
Headache with photophobia ± neck stiffness, vomiting and confusion Meningitis Seek senior help early. Rash suggests meningococcal septicaemia. Meningitis and encephalitis are difficult to distinguish – empirical treatment for both often needed. Follow local protocol
Headaches with fits and confusion rather than meningism Viral encephalitis; severe bacterial meningitis; cerebral malaria if travel history
Loin pain ± rigors Pyelonephritis Renal ultrasound ± KUB
Erythema, heat, swelling of skin and soft tissues Cellulitis Can be difficult to distinguish from DVT
As above, but with marked pain ± septic shock Necrotizing fasciitis Rare but serious; urgent surgical review required
New murmur, cutaneous signs, e.g. splinter haemorrhages, risk factors present Endocarditis Ensure 3 sets of blood cultures are obtained plus echo, ESR and CRP
Acute mono-arthritis or back pain Septic arthritis Look for signs of cord compression if spine involved
Rash Meningococcal infection, streptococcal infection, viral exanthems Remember non-infectious causes, e.g. drug rash


The following investigations should be performed in all patients, but should not delay resuscitation and immediate management, if the patient is unwell:

• FBC, Coag, U&E, glucose, LFT, CRP, lactate

• ABG if SaO 2 <92%, if shocked or evidence of hypoperfusion

• blood cultures, urinalysis and MSU, together with other site-specific samples, e.g. throat swab, sputum and stool

• CXR and ECG

• in returning travellers, thick and thin blood films for malaria or an antigen blood test (for P. falciparum) should be sent; the test available will depend on local laboratory policy; other conditions to consider and relevant investigations are summarized in Table 9.2 on p. 245

Table 9.2 Fever in a patient who has travelled overseas recently
Presentation Consider Comments
Headache ± rigors and CNS symptoms Malaria Send blood for thick and thin films ± antigen
Headache, abdominal symptoms; occasionally a faint rash (‘rose spots’) Typhoid/ paratyphoid Difficult to distinguish from malaria; send blood cultures
Cough and dyspnoea Legionnaires’ disease, viral RTI, avian influenza Avian ’flu must be considered if returning from an endemic area
Haemorrhagic features Viral haemorrhagic fever Very rare; major clinical and infection control challenge

• other tests may be appropriate in certain clinical settings, e.g. echocardiography in suspected endocarditis.

Antimicrobial therapy

Most hospitals have a site-specific prescribing policy for empirical antimicrobial therapy that incorporates national guidelines and local drug resistance data. An example is provided in Table 9.3 (see p. 245), but you should refer to local advice, where available.

Table 9.3 A guide to empirical antibiotic therapy for adults
aFor many patients on IV therapy, a switch to oral administration after 24–48 h is appropriate.
bMany hospitals now use a once-daily gentamicin regimen.
cThere is an increasing trend to use alternatives to cephalosporins.
dOmitted if the patient is not immunocompromised and is <55 years of age.
Clinical presentation Treatment Dose Days of therapy
Mild to moderate infection (all doses are for oral therapy)
Cellulitis Flucloxacillin + penicillin V 1–2 g 6-hourly 500 mg 6-hourly 7–14
Cystitis Co-amoxiclav 375 mg 8-hourly 3
Exacerbation of COPD Amoxicillin or clarithromycin 500 mg–1 g 8-hourly 500 mg 12-hourly 5–7
CAP Amoxicillin + clarithromycin 500 mg–1 g 8-hourly 500 mg 12-hourly 7
Severe infection (all doses are for IV therapya)
Cellulitis Flucloxacillin + benzylpenicillin 1–2 g 6-hourly 1.2–2.4 g 6-hourly 10–14
Pyelonephritis Ciprofloxacin ± gentamicin (if severe) 500 mg 12-hourly Local guidelinesb 7–14
Intra-abdominal sepsis Amoxicillin + metronidazole + gentamicin 1 g 8-hourly 500 mg 8-hourly Local guidelinesb 7–14
Meningitis Ceftriaxonec+ amoxicillind± aciclovir (in encephalitis) 2 g 12-hourly 2 g 6-hourly 10 mg/kg TDS 7–14
Sepsis, uncertain source Amoxicillin + metronidazole + gentamicin 1 g 8-hourly 500 mg 8-hourly Local guidelinesb 7–14
CAP Augmentin + clarithromycin ± flucloxacillin 1.2 g 8-hourly 500 mg 12-hourly 1–2 g 6-hourly 7–14
Postoperative or aspiration pneumonia Ceftriaxonec+ metronidazole 2 g once daily 500 mg 8-hourly 7–10

Always ask about drug allergies and only use IV treatment if the patient has specific indications for this, e.g. inability to swallow or severity criteria. If IV therapy is commenced, aim to switch to oral therapy within 24–48 h where possible. Prolonged IV antibiotic therapy will be required in some situations, e.g. endocarditis, meningitis. Empirical therapy may require modification once culture and sensitivity results are obtained. Do not hesitate to seek senior advice from microbiology or infectious diseases departments.

Infection in the immunocompromised

Immunocompromised patients are susceptible to infection with organisms that would not normally cause disease in healthy individuals. Such ‘opportunistic’ infection can occur because of dysfunction or failure of the host’s immune system, or reflect a breach in the body’s normal physical barriers to infection. The identification of immunodeficiency, of what ever kind, allows appropriate investigations to be undertaken and adequate broad-spectrum antimicrobial treatment to be prescribed, pending culture results.

HIV-infected individuals

Table 9.4 Medical conditions potentially related to HIV infection
System Condition(s)
Respiratory Atypical pneumonia (consider Pneumocystis), TB
GI Unexplained weight loss, chronic diarrhoea, oesophageal candidiasis
Haematological Lymphadenopathy, lymphoma, thrombocytopenia
Dermatological Kaposi’s sarcoma, seborrhoeic dermatitis, severe molluscum contagiosum
Oral Candidiasis, oral hairy leukoplakia
Others Acute HIV seroconversion, unusual infections, tumours or neurological

Neutropenic sepsis

Patients undergoing chemotherapy frequently develop drug-induced neutropenia. The risk of infection is increased when the neutrophil count falls below 1.0 × 10 9/L. A variety of infections may occur, including unusual and drug-resistant bacteria, fungi (e.g. candida, aspergillus) and viruses (e.g. VZV, CMV).

Neutropenic patients may become very unwell if treatment is delayed, so early empirical antimicrobial treatment should be started if there are features of sepsis (see above) or if the temperature rises above 38.5 °C once or 38 °C twice in 2 h. Figure 9.1 shows an example of a typical management protocol. Neutropenia without sepsis is managed differently and may not require either antibiotics or admission. Prophylactic antibiotics (e.g. ciprofloxacin) may be used along with further FBC monitoring.

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Figure 9.1
Management protocol for neutropenic sepsis.

Previous splenectomy

Following splenectomy, patients are at an increased risk of invasive bloodstream infections, particularly from S. pneumoniae and other encapsulated organisms such as N. meningitidis and H. influenza. Vaccination is usually offered, e.g. Pneumovac®, and many patients are prescribed low-dose penicillin prophylaxis. They are also at increased risk of severe malaria.

Intravascular devices

Intravascular devices, e.g. peripheral and central lines, constitute a breach of the normal host defences and predispose the patient to skin infection and bacteraemia. Insertion sites should be looked after carefully and inspected regularly. If infection develops, consider S. aureus (including MRSA) and coagulase-negative staphylococcal infection as potential causes. Empirical use of a glycopeptide antibiotic, such as vancomycin, may be indicated for suspected infection if the patient is unwell (refer to local protocol). If an infection develops when a line is already in situ, it may have to be removed.


The commonest cause of pyrexia is infection, although there are numerous other possible explanations, including drug reactions, malignancy and connective tissue disorders. Conversely, some patients with an infection may not develop a fever, particularly the elderly or immunosuppressed. Indeed, hypothermia is a well-recognized manifestation of severe sepsis.

Pyrexia of unknown origin

Table 9.5 Potential causes of a pyrexia of unknown origin
Infectious Non-infectious
TB (pulmonary or non-pulmonary) Drug reactions
Bacterial endocarditis Malignancy: lymphoma, leukaemia, solid organ (e.g. renal, GI)
Intra-abdominal abscesses Thyrotoxicosis and other endocrine diseases
Bone and joint sepsis Connective tissue disorders, e.g. RA, SLE, Still’s disease
Infected implanted medical device Still’s disease
Syphilis Thromboembolic disease
Lyme disease Alcoholic liver disease
Brucellosis Inflammatory bowel disease
Certain viral infections – HIV; CMV Granulomatous disorders, e.g. sarcoid
Fungal infections Hypothalamic dysfunction
Imported infections – malaria; amoebic liver abscess Factitious fever

PUO can pose a significant diagnostic challenge. Repeat the history and examination carefully since new findings may emerge. Further investigations should be guided, where possible, by the clinically suspected source, but they are likely to include:

• repeat blood cultures

• samples for AAFB and mycobacterial culture, including sputum, urine and any biopsy material

• serology: chlamydia, mycoplasma, CMV, HIV ± others, e.g. Q-fever, bartonella, brucella

• ANA, RF, ANCA screen

• echocardiogram (transoesophageal if available)

• imaging (US, CT or MRI) ± organ biopsy

• others, where indicated, e.g. lumbar puncture; liver biopsy; bone marrow biopsy; bronchoscopy and lavage; upper and lower GI endoscopy; labelled WBC scan.

Treatment should ideally be guided by the results of these investigations, but empirical antimicrobial therapy may need to be commenced if the patient is deteriorating and/or endocarditis is suspected.


Fluid balance

Fluid compartments

Total body fluid is approximately 60% of body weight, meaning that an average 75 kg male contains 45 L of water. This water is contained within distinct fluid compartments within the body. Intracellular fluid (ICF) accounts for two-thirds of body water (30 L). Extracellular fluid (ECF) accounts for one-third of body water (15 L) and is composed of:

• interstitial fluid (ISF) comprises three-quarters of the ECF; surrounds cells and does not circulate

• intravascular fluid comprises one-quarter of the ECF; circulates as the extracellular component of blood

• transcellular fluid accounts for fluid outside normal compartments, e.g. CSF, mucus.

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Figure 9.2
The capillary bed.

Capillary wall

The capillary wall acts as a filter through which water and solutes pass freely; larger molecules including plasma proteins and lipids are unable to pass through. Flow across the capillary wall is determined by the balance between hydrostatic pressure (forcing fluid out of intravascular space; determined blood pressure) and oncotic pressure (sucking fluid back in; generated by plasma proteins). In healthy individuals, the net effect is a small flow of fluid into the interstitial space, producing lymph. However, this balance can be altered in disease causing capillaries to leak protein, e.g. sepsis, resulting in a net loss to the interstitial space and oedema.

Cell wall

Although water moves freely across the cell wall, the movement of solutes is selective. Sodium, the main extracellular cation, is pumped out of cells in exchange for potassium (potassium and magnesium are the main intracellular cations).

Clinical relevance

A basic understanding of the fluid compartments of the body and the way in which fluid is likely to ‘shift’ is important when managing fluid balance. For example, an IV infusion of any fluid will initially increase the intravascular ECF, but the composition of the fluid will dictate its ultimate distribution:

• dextrose is quickly metabolized to water, passing freely throughout the total body water

• normal saline is isotonic with ECF and will increase the volume of interstitial fluid and plasma

• colloid solutions will be less able to diffuse across the capillary membrane and will stay in the intravascular space longer.

Normal maintenance requirements

Normal water requirements are estimated at 20–40 mL/kg per day. In healthy individuals this is achieved by drinking (approx. 1200 mL), eating (1000 mL) and water oxidation (300 mL). Fluid losses are comprised of urine (1500 mL) and insensible losses from skin and lungs (850 mL). The GI tract produces between 6–8 L of fluid/day, but most of it is reabsorbed with only 150 mL lost in faeces.

Fluid resuscitation

Intravenous fluid prescription should be regarded like any other type of prescribing and, where possible, patients should be encouraged to drink. Maintenance requirements and replacement fluids should be considered separately. Consider the following:

• urine output and daily weights are the best monitors of fluid balance

• for every 1 °C rise in temperature give an extra 1 L/day

• 1 L normal saline and 2 L 5% dextrose is a common maintenance regime

• avoid excessive saline infusion as this can cause hyperchloraemic acidosis

• GI secretions are electrolyte rich, so replace with saline like for like

• after surgery K + may rise due to cell damage, so check before supplementing.

See also the general guidance on prescribing fluids, ‘Prescribing blood and fluids’, p. 122.


Shock is defined as inadequate organ perfusion and tissue oxygenation. While profound shock is easy to recognize, earlier signs can be subtle.

Mechanisms and causes

Shock can be classified into hypovolaemic, cardiogenic and distributive forms depending on the underlying mechanism.

Hypovolaemic shock

In hypovolaemic shock, there is insufficient circulating blood volume. This may be due to haemorrhage, dehydration, burns or fluid sequestration, e.g. acute pancreatitis.

Cardiogenic shock

This results from primary cardiac pump failure, which may be due to acute myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy or dysrhythmia.

Distributive shock

The primary problem is diminished systemic vascular resistance (SVR), which may occur for several reasons:

• septic shock: vasodilatation in response to any severe infection (most commonly, Gram-negative endotoxin-secreting bacteria)

• anaphylactic shock: due to vasodilatation as a result of histamine release in response to an allergen, e.g. bee sting

• neurogenic shock: due to loss of vascular autonomic stimulation following spinal cord or brain injury.


The general treatment of shock must be aggressive and begin early. Remember the ABCDE approach (see ‘Assessment of the acutely ill patient’, p. 8). Establish a patent airway and ensure adequate oxygenation (>92%): this helps to reverse anaerobic metabolism and metabolic acidosis. Ensure adequate IV access is available (at least two green cannulae) and start IV fluids; see below.

Treat the underlying cause: consider broad-spectrum antibiotics if there is evidence of sepsis (fever, rash, signs of peripheral vasodilatation). If the patient is bleeding, transfuse O-negative blood initially, pending cross-match, and consider definitive intervention to stop bleeding, e.g. laparotomy or urgent endoscopy. Cardiogenic shock and pulmonary oedema should be managed as described in ‘Breathlessness’, p. 146.


Fluid resuscitation increases intravascular volume, venous return and cardiac output, but can be detrimental in patients with co-existing cardiac dysfunction or primary cardiogenic shock. Therefore, it is essential to assess intravascular volume state (mucous membranes, skin turgor, JVP, lung bases, oedema) accurately, early and regularly. Facilities should be available for invasive monitoring if bedside assessment of clinical parameters is not felt to be sufficient.

Fluid challenge

Where the patient appears hypovolaemic, give a fluid challenge:

• in adults, run in 250 mL of fluid as rapidly as possible (20 mL/kg in children)

• the speed and volume of the fluid are more important than its composition

• be more cautious in patients with co-existing cardiac disease, in whom central venous access and CVP monitoring should be considered

• it is essential to assess the effect of the challenge as soon it is complete; look at HR, BP, urine output and other measures of tissue perfusion.

Inotropes and vasopressors

Table 9.6 Physiological effects of inotropes
Inotrope HR SVR MAP CO
Dobutamine ++ ± ± ++
Noradrenaline ++ ++ ±
Adrenaline + + + ++

The principal goal of inotropic or vasopressor support is to improve tissue perfusion and restore normal aerobic metabolism. This is achieved by manipulating cardiovascular physiology in a way that seeks to reverse the processes that have resulted in shock. The differing haemodynamic profiles of the agents available allow some tailoring of inotropic support to the presumed mechanism(s) of shock.


Adrenaline (epinephrine) may be used in patients with multifactorial shock, e.g. sepsis in a patient with heart failure. It causes both an increase in cardiac contractility and output (β 1 inotropic effect) and a moderate increase in SVR (SVR increased by α 1 stimulation, slightly offset by β 2 stimulation in skeletal muscle beds).


Dobutamine is commonly used in patients with cardiogenic shock because it increases myocardial contractility and cardiac output (β 1 effect) but has little effect on SVR. β 2 stimulation in skeletal muscle beds can lead to significant vasodilatation in patients with sepsis in whom it can exacerbate hypotension and should be avoided.


Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) is a vasopressor. It is commonly used in patients with distributive forms of shock, e.g. septic shock. It results in peripheral vasoconstriction and an increase in SVR (α 1 effect). This increased afterload is beneficial in pure distributive shock but can adversely affect cardiac output in patients with significant LV dysfunction.

Outcome of shock

The mortality rate in septic shock is high and ranges from 30% to 50%. The prognosis of cardiogenic shock is poorer still. The outlook is best in hypovolaemic shock, assuming the cause of fluid or blood loss can be identified and treated.


Anaphylaxis is an acute life-threatening reaction, triggered by an immunological mechanism and resulting in a release of histamine and other vasoactive mediators. Symptoms usually develop within minutes of exposure to the stimulus, but may be delayed by up to 30 min. They may include: cutaneous features (e.g. pruritus, flushing, urticaria, angio-oedema); gastrointestinal features (e.g. nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea); wheeze and respiratory distress; vasomotor symptoms (e.g. syncope, hypotension, dizziness, tachycardia).

Management of an acute attack

An ABCDE approach should be adopted (see ‘Assessment of the acutely ill patient’, p. 8). If the patient is shocked, proceed as suggested on p. 251. The patient should be laid flat with their legs elevated. Give adrenaline (epinephrine) 1:1000, 0.2–0.5 mL IM or SC; this can be repeated after 5 min (in children 0.01 mg/kg, maximum 0.3 mg). Inhaled adrenaline can also be used for laryngeal oedema. Chlorphenamine (10–20 mg IV) should also be given. In prolonged reactions, or in the presence of hypoxaemia, oxygen should be given. In patients with bronchospasm not responsive to adrenaline, nebulized salbutamol 5 mg should be used. Corticosteroids should be started in all patients: IV hydrocortisone (100 mg every 6 h) should be used in severe attacks; oral prednisolone (30–40 mg) can be used in less severe episodes. If the patient is taking β-blockers, glucagon should be given (1–5 mg IV over 5 min ± infusion). Severe or prolonged cases should be managed in an HDU setting. A reaction that has been successfully treated may recur up to 8–12 h later, and patients should remain as inpatients for at least this period to allow adequate monitoring.

Attempts should be made to prevent future attacks and distinguish between an anaphylactic reaction and disorders that may mimic anaphylaxis. Identify possible precipitants from the history: drugs, bites or stings, foodstuffs (especially nuts, shellfish, packaged food dyes), skin contacts (e.g. latex), preceding activities (e.g. exercise, seminal fluid). RAST, skin testing and specific challenge tests can be used to identify clinically relevant allergens, under specialist supervision.

Patients with confirmed anaphylaxis should be given education on the avoidance of possible future allergens, the wearing of MedicAlert® jewellery, and when and how to self-administer pre-loaded adrenaline injection syringes. In some patients, specialist allergen immunotherapy or desensitization can be helpful (e.g. in insect venom anaphylaxis).

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