CHAPTER 175 Saddle Block Anesthesia
• For use in obstetrics when time or other circumstances do not allow the use of continuous catheter spinal or epidural anesthetic techniques (e.g., routine delivery, assisted delivery [forceps, vacuum], episiotomy or perineal repair, or other obstetric procedures).
• To provide quick relief so that a laboring patient can remain stationary for epidural catheter placement.
• Genital surgery (e.g., dilation and curettage, hysteroscopy, vaginal surgery, adult circumcision, orchiectomy, or complicated vasectomy).
• Blood dyscrasias; coagulopathy; prolonged international normalized ratio, prothrombin time, or activated partial thromboplastin time; thrombocytopenia.
Equipment and Supplies
• Disposable spinal tray containing the following
• Medications
Hyperbaric anesthetic
Tetracaine 1% (2-mL vial) mixed at the time of use with an equal volume of dextrose 10% (5-mL vial) to make the solution hyperbaric, or
Epinephrine 1:1000 (1-mL vial); addition of 0.2 to 0.3 mg (0.2 to 0.3 mL of 1 : 1000) epinephrine to tetracaine will produce vasoconstriction and prolong the duration of anesthesia by about 50%
Ephedrine 5% (1-mL) in case hypotension develops (the usual dose to treat hypotension is 10 mg [0.2 mL] intravenously [IV])
• Patient monitoring equipment, including automated blood pressure (BP) device, continuous electrocardiograph (ECG), and pulse oximeter
• Emergency and resuscitative equipment, including suction, positive-pressure breathing device (Ambu-Bag), oxygen, and defibrillator (Having general anesthesia equipment available may be useful [e.g., endotracheal tubes, laryngoscope].)