Fig. 24.1
Operating room set up (for a right-sided lesion): An overhead view of the recommended operating room configuration for a da Vinci thyroidectomy. The patient cart should always be placed contralateral to the location of the thyroid lesion. For a left-sided lesion, the patient and anesthesiologist should be rotated 180° and the scrub nurse should be on the left side of the assistant
Patient Positioning
Patient Preparation. The patient under general anesthesia is placed in a supine position on a small shoulder roll with the neck slightly extended. The arm is extended and a 5- and 6-cm vertical incision is marked in the anterior aspect of the ipsilateral axilla (Fig. 24.2a).

Fig. 24.2
(a) Patient position and skin incision line. The incision was made along the axillary skin crease on the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle (b) Modified arm position. The lesion-side arm was extended to expose the axillary area at the shoulder and flexed at the elbow at an approximately 90° angle to avoid brachial plexus neuropraxia
The arm is then replaced into its natural position to ensure that the incision will be hidden after the procedure is completed. The arm of the lesion side is raised straight superiorly but naturally within the range of shoulder motion to avoid brachial plexus paralysis. The arm is fixed to afford the shortest distance between the axilla and the anterior neck. This setup rotates the clavicle, lowering its medial aspect and providing excellent access to the thyroid. The alternative patient positing has been developed in the USA especially for the patients with some obstacles originated by a large body habitus [10–15]. The lesion-side arm was extended to expose his/her axillary area at the shoulder and then flexed at the elbow an approximately 90° angle such that the wrist is over the patient’s forehead with the palm facing the ceiling. The arm is then padded and fixed to an arm board overlying the forehead (Fig. 24.2b).
Creation of Working Space. After the patient is prepped and draped, a 5- to 6-cm vertical skin incision along the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle is made in the axilla, and a working space is then created in the plane between the subcutaneous tissue and the pectoralis major muscle by electrical cautery under direct vision. After exposure of the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, the dissection is approached through the avascular space of the SCM branches (between the sternal head and the clavicular head). The carotid sheath is separated down from the strap muscle, taking care not to injure the internal jugular vein (IJV) and the common carotid artery (CCA), and the omohyoid muscle is retracted superficially and posterolateral. Then, the strap muscles are elevated muscle until the medial one-third portion of the contralateral lobe of the thyroid is exposed. To maintain a working space, a spatula-shaped external retractor (Chung’s thyroid retractor) with a table mount lift is placed under the strap muscles and secured to the lift. To achieve an adequate working space, the incision entrance should be maintained to provide a height of >4 cm and the retractor blade should be >1 cm from the anterior surface of the thyroid gland (Fig. 24.3a, b).

Fig. 24.3
To achieve an adequate working space after retractor blade positioning, (a) the axillary incision entrance should be maintained to provide a height of at least 4 cm and (b) the retractor blade should be >1 cm from the anterior surface of the thyroid gland to provide enough space for movement of the robotic instrument
Robot Positioning and Docking
Robot Positioning and Cannula Placement. The camera arm is positioned set-up joint toward the patient’s head to insure maximum clearance for instrument arm. For the camera arm should be positioned in the middle of the incision of the patient’s axilla, the camera arm is in line with the camera cannula and center column of the patient cart. The “sweet spot” should be confirmed to maximize the range of motion for the instrument arms prior to docking. We have to align the blue arrow within the blue marker on the second joint or assure a ~90° angle between the first and third joints on the camera arm. We also achieve a straight line by aligning the clutch button, the third joint of the camera arm, and the gray dot in “da Vinci” on the center column. After then, the patient cartwheel is locked once the correct location of the camera arm within its “sweet spot” is reached. The cart’s arms are extended over the patient, and the cannulas are placed in the incision site with the remote centers located just inside the skin edge.
Docking Stage (Two-Incision Technique). The novel method of robotic thyroidectomy using a gasless transaxillary approach requires two skin incisions, axillary incision for camera, first and second robot arm access, and an anterior chest incision for the third robotic arm [4, 5, 28, 29]. In two-incision robotic thyroidectomy, a second skin incision (0.6–0.8 cm long) is made on the medial side of the anterior chest wall to insert the third robot arm, 2 cm superiorly and 6–8 cm medially from the nipple. A dual-channel telescope is placed on the central arm, and harmonic curved shears, together with a Maryland dissector, are placed on both lateral sides of the scope. A ProGrasp forceps is inserted through the anterior chest wall incision (Fig. 24.4a, b) [4, 30]. It is important that the angle and position of the da Vinci arm joints are optimized during this setup. The camera arm starts parallel with the retractor and centered above the thyroid. The instrument arms should come in at the edges of the incision and angle out away from the camera. Once the thyroid is visualized with the endoscope, the back end of the camera arm will form an inverted triangle with the instrument arms, while the instrument tips and endoscope tips will form a normal triangle at the surgical site. During the procedure, the robot arms and camera may need slight adjustments during the most extreme upper and lower pole dissections. After docking procedure, we should check for any external collisions and tweak arm position as necessary to ensure that there is full access to the target anatomy. Our initial robotic thyroidectomy procedures (about 700 cases) were performed using this novel method using two-incision approach.

Fig. 24.4
Two-incision robotic thyroidectomy. (a) Schematic of a two-incision thyroidectomy docking. A second 0.6–0.8 cm skin incision was created on the tumor side of the anterior chest wall to allow insertion of the fourth robotic arm (with ProGrasp forceps). (b) External view after port placement and instrument insertion
Docking Stage (Single-Incision Technique). After performing more than 700 robotic thyroidectomies via a two-incision technique, we found that we were able to perform robotic thyroidectomy without the second incision. According to single-incision technique, all robotic arms with camera are inserted through an axillary single incision. To prevent collision between robotic arms, we realize several tips and rules about there to place the ProGrasp forceps and how to introduce the robotic arms at appropriate angles and inter arm distances. For the conduit of the right-side robotic thyroidectomy via a single axillary incision, a 12-mm cannula for the 30° dual-channel endoscopic camera is placed in the center of the axillary incision. The edge of camera cannula is inserted in an upward direction and centered at the bottom of the incision. The tip of the camera is positioned to view the target anatomy by clutching the camera and extending tilting the back of the arm toward the floor. With the 30° down scope, this provides a good view of the thyroid. Before the 8-mm cannula is positioned in the incision, attach the ProGrasp to the robot arm and insert the instrument through the cannula until it is at full insertion. The tip of ProGrasp forceps is then positioned as parallel and just to the right side of the retractor blade at the top of the incision just above the thyroid. The 5-mm cannula of a Maryland dissector is then positioned on the left edge of the incision and the 5-mm cannula for the Harmonic curved shears at the right side of the camera. Therefore, all three instruments and the camera are inserted through the axillary incision (Fig. 24.5a, b) [4, 30].

Fig. 24.5
Single-incision robotic thyroidectomy. (a) Schematic of a single-incision thyroidectomy docking. All four robotic instruments and the camera were inserted through the axillary incision. (b) External view after port placement and instrument insertion. All instruments should be as far from each other as possible
If the setup has been performed correctly, the Maryland dissector arm, the Camera arm, and the ProGrasp forceps arm will form an inverted triangle externally with the insertion axis and make a triangle internally with the instrument tips. At this point, the ProGrasp forceps must be located as close as possible to the ceiling of the working space (the retractor blade). Instruments should be as far apart as possible. The arms must be spaced and positioned in a manner minimizing collisions between the instruments and the camera. If most movements could not be at the wrists during single-incision technique, large internal movements may cause external collisions.
Step-by-Step Review of Critical Elements of the Robotic Thyroidectomy
Console Stage. The general principle of operation proceeding for robotic thyroidectomy was the same manner as a conventional open thyroidectomy. The thyroid gland is retracted using a ProGrasp forceps on the fourth robotic arm, and dissection is performed employing a Harmonic curved shears and a Maryland dissector. This procedure allows the surgeon to use three robotic arms during thyroidectomy. We initiate the dissection of superior pole of the thyroid gland using the ProGrasp forceps to retract the thyroid downward and Maryland dissector to create traction on the thyroid tissue. The superior thyroid gland vessels are identified and individually ligated close to the thyroid gland to avoid injury of the external branch of superior laryngeal nerve using Harmonic curved shears. The upper pole of thyroid gland is separated from the cricopharyngeal and cricothyroid muscles until the superior parathyroid gland is exposed and preserved (Fig. 24.6a).

Fig. 24.6
Operative findings for robotic thyroidectomy. (a) Dissection around the superior parathyroid gland (SPG) and its vessels using a Maryland dissector and dissection with Harmonic curved shears. (b) Division of Berry’s ligament to free the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) from the trachea and CTM (cricothyroid muscle)
The thyroid gland is then pulled in a superior and medial direction using the ProGrasp forceps, and the lateral side of the CCND is performed from the CCA artery to the inferior thyroid artery superiorly and to the substernal notch inferiorly. All dissections and ligations of vessels are performed using the Harmonic curved shears. After exposing the CCA to the inferior thyroid artery, soft tissue and central compartment nodes are detached to the substernal notch until the anterior surface of trachea is exposed (Fig. 24.6b). The inferior thyroid artery is divided close to the thyroid gland using the Harmonic curved shears, and the whole cervical course of the RLN is traced. In the Berry ligament area, the thyroid gland is meticulously detached from the trachea to avoid direct or indirect thermal injury of the RLN. In cases of bilateral total thyroidectomy, contralateral lobectomy was usually performed after completing ipsilateral lobectomy. The removal of the contralateral lobe was done by capsular dissection through the thyroid capsule with adequate retraction of the thyroid lobe and trachea. The blood vessels were divided close to the thyroid capsule. The contralateral Berry’s ligament was divided by Harmonic curved shear close to the thyroid capsule while retracting the contralateral lobe laterally and taking care to preserve the contralateral RLN. In patients with a prominent trachea and a deeply located contralateral thyroid, the surgical table can be tilted by 10–15°, which provides optimal exposure of the contralateral trachea-esophageal groove. The resected specimen is removed through an axillary skin incision. A 3-mm closed suction drain is inserted through a separate skin incision under the axillary skin incision. Wounds are closed cosmetically. The axillary incision scar is completely covered when the arm is in its natural position (Fig. 24.7a, b). Apart from docking of the robotic arms, during console stage, the two-incision and single-incision robotic thyroidectomy procedures are the same.

Fig. 24.7
Postoperative outcomes. (a) Operative scar 3 months after robotic thyroidectomy. (b) Concealment of an axillary scar by a patient arm by her side in the normal position
Robotic Radical Neck Dissection Procedure
Although the papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) usually has shown a favorable prognosis and relatively mild biological behavior, but frequently, more than 30 %, metastasizes to regional LNs [31–33]. In PTC patients with lateral neck node metastases (N1b) should undergo total thyroidectomy with modified radical neck dissection (MRND). Standard guidelines for thyroid cancer treatment recommend that comprehensive neck dissection for DTC patients with lateral cervical LN metastasis is essential to address all levels (levels II–V) due to the possibility of skip metastasis. Recently, we described in detail robotic MRND using a gasless transaxillary approach for PTC and demonstrated its feasibility and provided details of operative techniques and short-term operative outcomes [4, 5, 34, 35]. In robotic MRND technique, the complete anatomical neck LN dissection, matching that of the open method, was found to be possible using excellent robotic instruments, such as magnified and three-dimensional operative field, a stable camera platform, multi-articulated and tremor filtering system, and three accessible robotic arms.
Patient Positioning
Patient Preparation. With the patient in the supine positions and under general anesthesia, the neck is extended slightly by inserting a soft pillow under the shoulder and the face is turned away from the lesion. The lesion-side arm is abducted by 80° from body to expose axilla and lateral neck, and the head is tilted and rotated to face the non-lesion side (Fig. 24.8) [4, 5, 34]. The landmarks for flap dissection are bounded by the sternal notch and the midline of the anterior neck medially, the anterior border of the trapezius muscle laterally, and the submandibular gland superiorly.

Fig. 24.8
Patient position for robotic MRND. The neck was extended slightly and the face was turned away from the lesion. The lesion-side arm was abducted 80° from the body to expose the axilla and lateral neck, and the head was tilted and rotated to face the non-lesion side
Creation of Working Space. A 7–8 cm vertical skin incision is made in the axilla along the anterior axillary fold and the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle. The subcutaneous flap from the axilla to the midline of the anterior neck is dissected over the anterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle and clavicle by electrical cautery under direct vision. After exposing the clavicle, subplatysmal flap dissection proceeds to the midline of the anterior neck medially, to the upper point where the external jugular vein and greater auricular nerve cross the lateral border of the SCM muscle superiorly. The external jugular vein is ligated at the crossing point of the SCM muscle. Laterally the trapezius muscle is identified and dissected upward along its anterior border. During the flap dissection in the posterior neck area, the spinal accessory nerve is identified and exposed along its course. After subplatysmal flap dissection, the clavicular head of the SCM is divided at the level of its attachment to the clavicle to expose the junction area between the IJV and the subclavian vein, and the dissection proceeds upward along with the posterior surface of the SCM to expose the submandibular gland and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. The proximal external jugular vein is then clipped and divided at the crossing point of the SCM lateral border, and soft tissue detachment from the posterior surface of the SCM is continued lateral to medial until the IJV and CCA are exposed. After flap dissection, the patient’s head is returned to the neutral position. A spatula-shaped wide external retractor (Chung’s retractor) is then used to raise and tent the skin flap at the anterior chest wall, the SCM, and the strap muscles to create a working space. The entire neck levels (level IIa, III, IV, Vb, and VI areas) are fully exposed by elevating the SCM muscle and the strap muscles. A second skin incision (0.6–0.8 cm long) is then made on the medial side of the anterior chest wall to allow the fourth robotic arm to be inserted (2 cm superiorly and 6–8 cm medially from the nipple).
Robot Positioning and Docking
Robot Positioning and Docking Stage. The robotic column is placed on the lateral side of the patient contralateral to the main lesion, and the operative table is positioned slightly obliquely with respect to the direction of the robotic column to allow direct alignment between the axis of the robotic camera arm and the operative approach. Proper introduction angles are important to prevent collisions between robotic arms. Four robotic arms are used during the operation. Three arms are inserted through the axillary incision. A 30° dual-channel camera is placed on the camera arm through a 12-mm cannula which should be placed in the center of the axillary skin incision. In particular, the camera arm has to be inserted to face upward which means the external third joint should be placed in the lower portion (floor) of the incision entrance, and the camera tip should be directed upward. The 5-mm Maryland dissector is installed on the left side of the camera and the Harmonic curved shears on the right side through 8-mm cannula. A ProGrasp forceps is placed on the fourth arm and inserted through the 8-mm anterior chest cannula. The Harmonic curved shear and the Maryland dissector arms should be inserted in the opposite manner to the camera arm (to face downward). Finally, the external three joints of the robotic arms should form an inverted triangle. These proper positioning of angles are important to prevent collisions between robotic arms.
Step-by-Step Review of Critical Elements of the Robotic MRND
Console Stage. Actually, the robotic modified radical neck dissection procedure is similar to conventional open technique. Lateral neck dissection is initiated from the level III and IV area around the IJV. The IJV is handled medially using the ProGrasp forceps, and soft tissues and LNs are pulled laterally using a Maryland dissector. Careful dissection is needed during the detachment of the LNs from the posterior aspect of the IJV to avoid injury to the CCA and the vagus nerve. Smooth, sweeping, lateral movements of a Harmonic curved shears can establish a proper plane and allow vascular structures to be differentiated from specimen tissues. The dissection of the IJV is progressed upward from level IV to the upper level III area. During this procedure, the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle is cut at the thyroid cartilage level. Bundle of LNs are then drawn superiorly using the ProGrasp forceps, and the LNs are meticulously detached from the junction of the IJV and subclavian vein. In general, the transverse cervical artery as a branch of the thyrocervical trunk courses laterally across the anterior scalene muscle, anterior to the phrenic nerve. Using this anatomic landmark, the phrenic nerve and transverse cervical artery can be preserved without injury or ligation. Further dissection is followed along the subclavian vein laterally. The inferior belly of omohyoid muscle is cut where it meets the trapezius muscle. The distal external jugular vein is then clipped and divided at its connection with the subclavian vein. Level VB dissection in the posterior neck area proceeds along the spinal accessory nerve in the superomedial direction, and is followed by level IV dissection, while preserving the brachial nerve plexus, the phrenic nerve, and the thoracic duct. The dissection proceeds by making turns at levels VB, IV, and III and then by proceeding upward to the level IIA area. The individual nerves of the cervical plexus are sensory nerves, and when encountered during dissection, some of them might be sacrificed to ensure complete node dissection, while preserving the phrenic nerve and ansa cervicalis.
After performing the level III, IV, and VB node dissection, re-docking is needed for a better operating view to dissect the level II LN. The external retractor is then reinserted through the axillary incision and directed toward the submandibular gland. The operating table should also be repositioned more obliquely with respect to the direction of the robotic column to allow the same alignment between the axis of the robotic camera arm and the direction of retractor blade insertion. Drawing the specimen tissue inferolaterally, soft tissues and LNs are detached from the lateral border of the sternohyoid muscle, the submandibular gland, and the anterior surfaces of the carotid artery and the IJV. Level IIA dissection is advanced until the posterior belly of the digastric muscle is exposed superiorly. After removing the specimen, fibrin glue is sprayed around the area of the thoracic duct and minor lymphatics, and a 3-mm closed suction drain is inserted just under the axillary skin incision. Wounds are closed cosmetically. The incision scar in the axilla is completely covered when the arm is in its neutral position (Fig. 24.9a, b) [5, 35].

Fig. 24.9
Comparison of postoperative scars 6 months after (a) conventional unilateral (right) open MRND and (b) bilateral robotic MRND
Review of Perioperative Outcomes
Perioperative Outcome
Over the past decade, robotic thyroidectomy has gained considerable traction in thyroid surgery, both locally in South Korea and abroad. Perioperative results, including operation time, volume of blood loss, length of hospital stay, occurrence of perioperative complications, and recurrence rates following robotic thyroidectomy, are summarized in Table 24.1 [9, 11–14, 16, 17, 21, 28–30, 34–45]. The operative safety and feasibility of robotic thyroidectomy were demonstrated in studies of 100, 200, 338, and 1,000 procedures performed by a single surgeon [9, 28, 29, 38] and of 1,043 procedures performed at several centers [40]. The major complication rate following 1,000 consecutive robotic thyroidectomies performed by a single surgeon was 0.8 %, whereas the rate following robotic thyroidectomy in 1,043 consecutive patients in several centers was 1.0 % [38, 40]. These complication rates are comparable to those following open thyroidectomy performed in experienced centers of excellence. However, these results come from centers with the largest worldwide experience with robotic thyroidectomy and may not be generalizable to less experienced centers, especially during their early adoption of this technique.
Table 24.1
Clinical outcomes after robotic thyroidectomy (or robotic modified radical neck dissection) using a gasless transaxillary approach
Author (year) | Cases | Pathology (patients) | Operation type | Operative time (Mean[±SD], min) | Major complicationsa (Conversion to open) | Hospital stay (Mean[±SD], days) | Recurrence | Character |
Robotic thyroidectomy with/without central compartment node dissection | ||||||||
Kang et al. [9] | 100 | PTMC (100) | TT and CCND (16) LTT and CCND (84) | Total:136.5 ± 36.6 | 0/80(0 %) | 3.0 ± 0.45 Console:59.9 ± 25.9 | None (None) | Single surgeon experience (Chung’s data) |
Kang et al. [28] | 200 | PTC (200) | TT and CCND (45) LTT and CCND (155) | Total:141.1 ± 38.8 | 1/200(0.5 %) | 3.2 ± 0.6 Console:57.6 ± 23.8 | None (None) | Single surgeon experience (Chung’s data) |
Kang et al. [29] | 338 | PTC (332) Benign (6) | TT and CCND (104) TT and CCND (234) | Total:144.0 ± 43.5 | 5/338 (1.5 %) | 3.3 ± 0.8 Console:59.1 ± 25.7 | None (None) | Single surgeon experience (Chung’s data) |
Ryu et al. [30] | 1,047 | PTC (1042) FTC (2) MTC (3) | TT and CCND (371) LTT and CCND (676) | Total:114.94 ± 27 | 5/1047 (0.5 %) | 3.13 ± 0.58 Console:48.26 ± 11.88
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