Review on Advanced Techniques in 2-D Fetal Echocardiography: An Image Processing Perspective

Khin Wee Lai, Yan Chai Hum, Maheza Irna Mohamad Salim, Sang-Bing Ong, Nugraha Priya Utama, Yin Mon Myint, Norliza Mohd Noor and Eko SupriyantoLecture Notes in BioengineeringAdvances in Medical Diagnostic Technology201410.1007/978-981-4585-72-9_3
© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2014

3. Review on Advanced Techniques in 2-D Fetal Echocardiography: An Image Processing Perspective

Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi , Heamn Noori Abduljabbar  and Eko Supriyanto 

Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Center, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai-Johor, Malaysia



Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi


Heamn Noori Abduljabbar


Eko Supriyanto (Corresponding author)


Vast advancement of digital ultrasound imaging technology in diagnostic and therapeutic purposes has benefitted from the large development of image processing systems. The conjugation of these two fields has supported the ultrasound imaging system with sophisticated data analysis and visualization in a more lucid and interactive way and opened wide opportunities to new ultrasound imaging applications. In obstetric care, two-dimensional (2-D) fetal echocardiography has become main routine procedure to evaluate cardiac status of the fetus so that any cardiac anomalies can be detected earlier. Seeing that fetal cardiology has its functional uniqueness, fetal echocardiography has its specific assessment techniques that differ from other purposes. Furthermore, the existing conventional fetal echocardiography techniques are found to have some limitations that hamper the accuracy of the assessment. On the other hand, the current rapid development of computer technology in medical imaging, especially in fetal echocardiography, has been proven to improve the image quality and measurement accuracy of the fetal heart imaging. This chapter provides a review of 2-D fetal echocardiography techniques in image processing point of view. We concentrate our review on three main aspects to support diagnosis in 2-D fetal echocardiography: speckle reduction, image segmentation, and image analysis. This review is mainly aimed at appraising several advanced techniques in fetal echocardiography and finding possibilities for future developments in both clinical and research fields.

Two-dimensional fetal echocardiographyCongenital heart diseaseCardiac magnetic resonanceImage processingSpeckle reductionImage segmentationImage analysis

3.1 Introduction

Congenital anomalies (also referred as birth defects, congenital disorders, or congenital malformations) are mostly related to cardiac defects, neural tube defects, and Down syndrome (World Health Organization 2012; Lowry et al. 2013). The congenital heart disease (CHD) problem, as the most common severe congenital anomaly found in neonates, has significant impact not only on infant morbidity and mortality, but also on health care cost in children and adults. Although the etiology is exactly unknown, the incidence of CHD is closely related to other associated major and minor non-cardiac anomalies. This is mostly associated with potential genes and molecular mechanisms, exogenous, and other multifactorial factors that affect embryonic development phase, such as maternal risk and environmental factors (Gembruch 1997; Sander et al. 2006; Baardman et al. 2012). Therefore, CHD cases necessitate to be managed by prenatal screening procedure to improve the survival rate of the fetus. This is realized by performing an in-depth fetal cardiovascular evaluation by using fetal imaging device (Gardiner 2001; Garne et al. 2001).

In the literature, to the authors’ knowledge, fetal heart can only be monitored by using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and fetal echocardiography (Sklansky 2004; Prakash et al. 2010). Fetal echocardiography, as the main obstetric imaging screening for fetus, is considered to be the most effective fetal monitoring system with excellent diagnostic accuracy to diagnose cardiac anomalies prenatally (Meyer-Wittkopf et al. 2001; Chew et al. 2007; Deng and Rodeck 2004), due to its non-radiation exposure, real-time capability, economic rate, and ease of access. The main purpose of fetal echocardiography is to perform assessment of fetal cardiac structure and function, detect complex structural malformation in early stage, and recognize the presence of a defect by using a specialized sonography system. With the combination of expertise knowledge and imaging instrument, most forms of major heart disease have become recognizable by prenatal ultrasound (World Health Organization 2012; Allan et al. 1994; Jaeggi et al. 2001; Lagopoulos et al. 2010). Such screening examination is proven to optimize fetal cardiac monitoring by identifying and characterizing the progression of congenital anomalies before delivery and to aid management decisions in delivery, treatment, or interventions (Garne et al. 2001; Levi 2002; Carvalho 2002; Lee 2013; Carvalho et al. 2013; Ayres 1997; Chitty and Pandya 1997).

In this review, we attempt to provide supplementary information about technical aspects in fetal echocardiography by bringing up the discussion into newer issues in image processing and analysis methods for developing 2-D fetal echocardiography applications. We also restrict our discussion specifically in 2-D fetal echocardiography for diagnostic purpose only. Therefore, topics related to interventional echocardiography is not included in this review. We organize the article by presenting a brief introduction about general aspects in fetal echocardiography. A comparison between CMR and fetal echocardiography is also given here. Section 3.2 reviews about fetal heart imaging modalities, CMR and fetal echocardiography, including the new developments. In Sect. 3.3, a brief overview on basic clinical routine and standards in 2-D fetal echocardiography is portrayed. Furthermore, a thorough discussion on imaging and image processing to solve problems in 2-D fetal echocardiography images is revealed. The discussion includes transducers and settings, speckle reduction, image segmentation, and image analysis. Furthermore, a concise evaluation of these techniques is given to describe the advantages and drawbacks of the techniques. Finally, possible future directions for clinical and research applications are proposed.

3.2 Fetal Heart Imaging

The major issue in choosing fetal heart imaging is about noninvasive modality. Although echocardiography remains the core of noninvasive cardiac imaging, the existence of CMR is potential to take part in improving the quality of the diagnosis (Prakash et al. 2010). In this section, we perform a simple comparison study of the two modalities, CMR and echocardiography, to characterize the diagnosis constraints.

3.2.1 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR): A Brief Overview

CMR, as the branch of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that specializes in cardiovascular imaging, also has the potency to perform fetal heart imaging. Hitherto, CMR has been greatly implemented to scan CHD in infants, children, and adults, especially in the anatomic assessment of cardiovascular anomalies before and after surgery, quantification of biventricular function, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), measurement of systemic and pulmonary blood flow, quantification of valve regurgitation, identification of myocardial ischemia and fibrosis, and tissue characterization (Prakash et al. 2010; Pennell 2010; Tsai-Goodman et al. 2004; Chung 2000; Khattab et al. 2013; Orwat et al. 2013). Although CMR is considered to be new concept in fetal cardiac imaging, several studies have shown its bright prospect for further development. Initially, fetal CMR was only applied in postmortem and in vitro studies (Deng and Rodeck 2004; Fenton et al. 2001; Kurihara et al. 2001). Excellent results were obtained in these studies due to the absence of cardiac motion, high-resolution, and wider field of view. Recently, fetal CMR has been expanded to much wider clinical cases with fetuses (Saleem 2008; Manganaro et al. 2008; Dong et al. 2013). Promising outcomes out of these studies have confirmed that fetal CMR technology is applicable in the assessment of fetal cardiac structure and function with exceptional image quality. However, some natural drawbacks, such as spatial and temporal resolution problem, as well as motion artifacts due to fetal cardiac movement and fetal motoric movement, occur hampering important information of the CMR (Sklansky 2004; Prakash et al. 2010). Still, the role of fetal echocardiography as the gold standard in prenatal detection of cardiac malformation cannot be replaced. The fetal CMR remains as a complementary by evaluating abnormalities and underlying etiologies that cannot be readily performed using fetal echocardiography (Frates et al. 2004).

3.2.2 Fetal Echocardiography: A State-of-the-Art Appraisal

Enormous progression in fetal echocardiography technology nowadays has enabled health care professionals to obtain more interactive and high-resolution detailed images of the growing fetus. This evolution also brings more possibilities to diagnose a much wider variety of structural malformations, genetic syndromes, and diseases from early stage of pregnancy (DeVore and Sklansky 2003; DeVore 2010; Mondillo et al. 2011; Li et al. 2013; Goncalves et al. 2004; Yagel et al. 2011). Furthermore, the advancement of ultrasound device for fetal echocardiography has triggered new varieties of applications, such as fetal assessment methods in multidimensional scheme (ranging from conventional two-dimensional/2-D, three-dimensional/3-D, and four-dimensional/4-D modes), multimodality imaging system, and fetal cardiovascular monitoring for fetoscopic surgery (Uittenbogaard et al. 2008; Elmstedt et al. 2011; Paladini et al. 2004; Kohl 2002). Beyond doubt, the involvement of imaging technology, image processing and analysis, and visualization techniques, combined with high-end ultrasound transducer system, is significant in developing such fetal echocardiography applications.

A large number of reviews on fetal echocardiography have been published over the last decade. Based on our findings, most of these reviews are blended between clinical and engineering fields since fetal echocardiography theme converges interdisciplinary collaborations. However, it can be intricate for researchers to track one sub-topic for their scientific purposes. In this regard, we intentionally categorize publications on fetal echocardiography reviews into two clusters, clinical and technical reviews, to streamline the topic tracking. The clinical reviews mostly emphasized on the accuracy and applicability of fetal echocardiography to detect and diagnose fetal cardiac anomalies, while the technical reviews generally underscored on the fetal echocardiography system and imaging techniques.

The review of Gembruch (1997) revealed the risk factors and the importance of taking punctual gestational age for the examination and improving personnel expertise in obtaining an accurate result. The importance of scanning in the exact gestational age and operator capability in improving the fetal echocardiography accuracy is also strengthened by Uittenbogaard et al. (2003) and Rasiah et al. (2006). The study of Gardiner (2001) and Comas et al. (2012) highlighted fetal cardiac function evaluation and its technical considerations by using current imaging modalities. This functional echocardiography is found to be important in selecting high-risk populations and several fetal conditions including intrauterine growth restriction, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, maternal diabetes, and congenital diaphragmatic hernia. M-mode annular displacement, pre-cordial venous Doppler flow assessment, and myocardial performance index (MPI) are considered to be the recommended methods. However, these modalities are perhaps most appropriate when pathological information is provided. Ayres (1997) described advances in transducer technology for fetal echocardiography. With support from computer processing and visualization, multidimensional acquisition can be performed dramatically. The implementation of new Doppler tissue imaging in combination with image resolution is also possible to provide obstetricians and pediatric cardiologists with more tools and techniques for earlier and more precise detection of fetuses with cardiac defects. Orwat et al. (2013) depicted the comparison of imaging modalities and their applications to diagnose adult CHD. Among the compared modalities, echocardiography noticeably remains the routine main imaging technique. The review of Li et al. (2013) discovered that three section views (four-chamber view, outflow tract view, and three-vessel trachea view) should be included in scan protocol to obtain great diagnostic potential for fetal echocardiography. Furthermore, extended cardiac echography examination (ECEE) as a specific protocol is proven to be capable of identifying some minimal defects in utero and provide more detailed information on suspicious fetal heart. While spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) technology can be used to provide more detailed information for local situation of defects, especially for fetal cardiac intervention planning.

In technical reviews on imaging aspects of fetal echocardiography, the appraisals of Sklansky et al. (2004), Deng and Rodeck (2004), and Budorick and Millman (2000) seem to focus their studies on comparison of several imaging modalities for fetal cardiac examination and overview of supporting equipment and applications on fetal echocardiography. Budorick and Millman (2000) provided a comprehensive review on the fetal cardiac imaging modalities. The topic about 3-D ultrasound system was also explained thoroughly, ranging from gating system, real-time system, to the quantitative measurement of the scanned fetal heart. The new 3-D ultrasound system is shown to be capable of facilitating the evaluation of the dynamic function of the fetal heart for better analysis of complex cardiac anomalies in the future.

Out of the aforementioned technical reviews, we also noted several technical reviews that specifically concentrate on image processing, analysis, and visualization. Although the review of Whittingham (2007) outlined the physics of ultrasound imaging system, some of the analysis also focused on image acquisition scheme. In this regard, different modes of diagnostic scanning and techniques for improving image quality within the constraints of real-time operation have been remarked. Furthermore, the detailed review of Sklansky (2004) that underlined the 3-D ultrasound system for fetal echocardiography obviously provided brief overview about image acquisition, gating, processing, and display aspects. Not only 3-D ultrasound system, improvement in image resolution and screening techniques has also been discussed. The review of Deng and Rodeck (2004) has accentuated the use of image processing, analysis, and visualization in fetal cardiac imaging technology. A number of applications, such as dynamic three-dimensional echocardiography, myocardial Doppler imaging, harmonic ultrasound imaging, and B-flow sonography, have been summarized in terms of technical principles and clinical potentials. Moreover, the use of biomicroscopy, MRI, and multimodality imaging system has also been investigated to see the viability of such modalities for fetal cardiac imaging. Appropriate use and couse of these new tools are found not only to provide unique information for better clinical assessment of fetal cardiac disease, but also to offer new ways to improve understanding of cardiovascular development and pathogenesis. After all, it can be wrapped up that particular attention of the accessible reviews above is nowadays directed toward multidimensional imaging, specifically 3-D echocardiography, as a result of its comprehensive information in the prenatal diagnosis of CHD.

3.3 Basic Clinical Routine and Standards in Fetal Echocardiography

The development of the fetal heart begins at conception and completely formed by 8 weeks into pregnancy. Accordingly, CHD occurs during this development phase. Since the anatomy and physiology of the fetal heart is different from those of pediatric or adult, the abnormality is also unalike. In comparison with pediatric heart, the extension of fetoplacental circulation brings about difference in the assessment of the function in the fetal heart. Furthermore, due to extracardiac abnormalities and chromosomal defects, specific lesions may differ in characteristics. The fetal heart has specific abnormality spectrum, cardiac anatomy complexity, specific positioning, small size, and circulation differences which are represented by placental circulation of the blood to the fetal heart and return back to the placenta. Based on these characteristics, the requirement of an ideal fetal echocardiography for CHD imaging should be able to define all anatomical aspects of cardiac structure and evaluate physiological consequences of CHD. Therefore, performing an optimal fetal echocardiographic screening requires special professional prenatal sonographer with cardiac anatomy knowledge and suitable echocardiography device that generates high-resolution real-time images. Thanks to the development of the sophisticated imaging tool, detailed information on the fetal heart structure, function, and time-related events has become available (Gardiner 2001; Prakash et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2008).

The Clinical Standards Committee (CSC) of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) has a concern to develop practice guidelines and consensus statements that provide health care practitioners with a consensus-based approach for diagnostic imaging (Lee et al. 2008). The guidelines for performing basic and advanced procedures of fetal echocardiography have been largely documented and published in Lee et al. (2008), Barboza et al. (2002), Allan (2004). These procedures highlighted the scanning period based on gestational age, some technical factors for scanning, and cardiac examination in basic and extended methods (Lee et al. 2008). On the subject of our review on image processing perspective, we concentrate our discussion on scanning technical aspects.

Regarding the technical aspects for the examination, the echocardiography equipment for diagnostic purpose strongly depends on the application. Therefore, the choice of echocardiography application differs technically according to clinical constrains, such as maternal and fetal physical status, type of CHD diagnosis that needs to be obtained, gestational age, region of interest to be scanned, and so on that have been clearly revealed in the fetal echocardiography guidelines (Lee 2013) as well as technical constrains (type of transducer, technical settings, supporting equipment, acquisition and recording technique, processing system, data dimension visualization, and other technical requirements). However, we restrict our review only on the configuration for the aforementioned applications.

3.4 Imaging and Image Processing in Two-Dimensional Fetal Echocardiography

Rapid advancement in transducer technology and computer system has transmuted the 2-D imaging perspective into higher dimension of imaging system. Although the use of the 2-D echocardiography is considered to be old-fashioned, such scheme still becomes the gold standard for prenatal imaging of the fetal heart and situs (Rychik 2004). The important discussion in 2-D fetal echocardiography can be categorized into two groups: clinical and technical issues. Clinical issues encompass two points: challenges in performing diagnostic screening and the choice of transducers, while technical issues cover three aspects: ultrasound devices, acquisition techniques, and post-processing methods.

In clinical practice, 2-D fetal echocardiography is still powerful in clinical routine and plays a main role in obstetric diagnostics, especially when the availability of sophisticated multidimensional imaging modalities is limited. In diagnostic purpose, the so-called grayscale imaging scheme is the basis of a reliable fetal cardiac examination. In this scheme, 2-D fetal echocardiography is particularly used to observe the ‘basic view’ and ‘extended basic view’ screening for the four-chamber view, which allows assessment of abnormalities involving the atria and the ventricles, as well as right and left ventricular outflow tract and great artery, for more effective screening for CHD. However, many anomalies can still be missed (Gardiner 2001; Jaeggi et al. 2001; Lee 2013; Barboza et al. 2002; Allan 2004; Rychik 2004). Then, again, some clinical drawbacks on the 2-D-based method may occur hampering the scanning reliability. Occasionally, despite the regular 2-D fetal echocardiography procedure yields no abnormality results, particular undetected cardiac anomalies are still found sometime after birth (Sklansky 2004; Buskens et al. 1996). Additionally, separated assessment of the fetal heart and circulation may cause incomprehensive observation. This occurs because the pathophysiology of pregnancy to study uteroplacental circulation is performed by obstetrician using Doppler, while the morphological aspect of cardiac development is investigated by cardiologist by means of M-mode and Doppler (Gardiner 2001; Campbell et al. 1983; Allan et al. 1982, 1987). On the subject of the aforesaid clinical drawbacks, some factors have been thought to contribute to such problems, such as tremendously operator dependent with unreliable sonographic window. This limitation may be part of the cause of the commonly time-consuming acquisition.

  • Transducers and Acquisition Settings for 2-D fetal echocardiography

On the choice of transducer, the accuracy of a fetal echocardiogram is affected by the scanning time during gestation when the study is performed and the transducer type to obtain the correct fetal heart characteristic. Basically, transvaginal echocardiography and transabdominal echocardiography are the two standard modalities currently being used in prenatal screening for congenital cardiac and extracardiac defects. Both transducers have been fostered primarily by the introduction of higher-frequency and higher-resolution ultrasound probes, so that they suit with early screening. However, transvaginal echocardiography is more applicable for observing cardiac defects at earlier gestational age of pregnancy (Gardiner 2001; Ayres 1997; Chitty and Pandya 1997; Budorick and Millman 2000).

In technical point of view, selecting the right transducer for certain application is indispensable to generate a correct and reliable image. In this regard, we draw our attention to define the appropriate transducer type, settings, and applications. The basic requirement of the 2-D fetal echocardiography transducer is excellent B mode, with a good cine-loop facility for scrolling back frame by frame and capturing the frame of interest as well as real-time scanning capability. Afterward, a special preset of a transducer for evaluating fetal heart is high frame rate, decreased persistence, and increased compression. The high frame rate is achieved by parallel processing, where the transducer transmits one line and receives two, resulting in a doubling of previous rates. The standardized frame rate setting for fetal echocardiography is 4–5 MHz. When the frame rate is decreased, the spatial resolution will be compensated as well (Gardiner 2001; Turan et al. 2009). Furthermore, the transducer frequency is the other feature that plays an important role in ultrasound image quality, as the higher the frequency, the higher the resolution and the greater anatomical detail can be obtained. While for the lower frequency, it is related to increased penetration of the sound beam (Sklansky 2004). In resolution setting, high-spatial, high-temporal, and high-contrast resolutions guarantee the accuracy of the diagnostic of most cardiac anomalies. The spatial resolution determines the anatomical details of the cardiac structures, while the temporal resolution reveals the motion factor (Turan et al. 2009; Chaubal and Chaubal 2009; Ng and Swanevelder 2011). For contrast resolution, it can be achieved by setting the dynamic range into low value. Additionally, the use of contrast agent is found to be effective in generating better contrast (Senior et al. 2009). However, it is considered to be unwise for the use of contrast agent in fetal echocardiography. The existence of artifacts is also a common phenomenon that determines the quality and diagnostic value of the image. Definitely, it is also necessary to provide color Doppler, pulsed Doppler, and continuous-wave Doppler for blood flow visualization and quantification. The availability of advanced fetal echocardiography applications, such as STIC, tissue Doppler, and multiplanar imaging, is certainly more advantageous (Chaubal and Chaubal 2009).

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