chapter 2 Normal Anatomy, Histology, and Cytology of the Respiratory Tract Sampling Techniques, Preparation Methods, Reporting Terminology, and Accuracy Transbronchial Fine-Needle Aspiration (‘Wang Needle’) Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided (EBUS) Fine-Needle Aspiration Transesophageal Fine-Needle Aspiration Molecular Testing of Lung Cancers Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Receptor Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor Noncellular Elements and Specimen Contaminants Nonneoplastic, Noninfectious Pulmonary Diseases Precursor Lesions of the Respiratory Epithelium Metastatic Cancers to the Lung Exfoliative cytology was first used to study cells of the respiratory tract in 1845.1 The ability to diagnose pulmonary diseases cytologically was appreciated as early as 1919,2 but it was not until the 1950s and 60s that pulmonary cytology came into its own as a diagnostic discipline. Its emergence was bolstered by the introduction of direct sampling methods via bronchoscopy and fine-needle aspiration (FNA),3 resulting in an impressive armamentarium of sampling techniques. Since then, the improved sensitivity (and common application) of thoracic imaging has created an ever-increasing need for the cytologic evaluation of pulmonary lesions. The respiratory tract can be categorized into upper and lower compartments. The upper airway extends from the sinonasal region to the larynx. The lower respiratory tract, which is the major focus of diagnostic respiratory cytopathology, extends from the trachea to the lungs. The tracheobronchial tree divides into progressively smaller units: bronchi, bronchioles, and respiratory acini. The trachea and bronchi are lined by a pseudostratified epithelium. The predominant cell is the ciliated columnar cell, which has a basally placed nucleus with finely textured chromatin. The luminal surface has a thick terminal bar with cilia (Fig. 2.1). Goblet cells, present in a ratio of approximately one per six ciliated cells, also have a basally located nucleus, but they lack cilia, and their cytoplasm is distended by mucus. Goblet cells secrete mucus, whereas ciliated cells move the mucus and entrapped contaminants up the airway. Adjacent to the basement membrane are basal or reserve cells: small, undifferentiated cells that are the presumed forerunners of the ciliated and goblet cells. Neuroendocrine cells, or Kulchitsky cells, are also present in the respiratory epithelium, but they are identified only with special stains or ultrastructural examination: They are argyrophil-positive and possess dense core granules. Fig. 2.1 Normal ciliated bronchial cells (bronchial brushing). Alveolar (pulmonary) macrophages vary in appearance depending on the amount and type of phagocytosed cytoplasmic material. In general, they have one or more round to oval nuclei and lacy or bubbly cytoplasm (Fig. 2.2). Numerous alveolar macrophages must be present for a sputum sample to be judged adequate. Under normal circumstances, a few white blood cells, such as neutrophils and lymphocytes, are also found within the alveolar compartment. An increased number of inflammatory cells is abnormal: Abundant neutrophils indicate an acute pneumonia, and numerous lymphocytes are usually associated with chronic inflammation. Familiarity with the variety of sampling and preparation methods is crucial for cytologic interpretation, because cytomorphology is different depending on the sampling and preparation method. The accuracy of respiratory cytology also varies depending on the specimen type. As with other nongynecologic cytology specimens, respiratory tract diagnoses are typically reported as “negative for malignant cells,” “positive for malignant cells,” or “nondiagnostic (unsatisfactory),” followed by a descriptive diagnosis. Inconclusive findings are commonly reported as “atypical cells present” (connoting a low degree of suspicion) or “suspicious for malignancy” (connoting a high degree of suspicion). Cancer is confirmed in 40% of “atypical” respiratory specimens and in almost 70% of those reported as “suspicious.”4 Atypical/suspicious cases usually remain inconclusive even after careful retrospective reexamination, which fails to reveal any morphologic features to reliably distinguish benign from malignant specimens.5 Collecting multiple sputum samples over several days optimizes sensitivity. Early morning, deep cough specimens are preferred.6 If the patient is not able to expectorate adequately, expectoration can be induced by having the patient inhale nebulized water or saline. Sputum induction increases the detection of lung cancer.7 When prompt preparation of sputum is not possible, the patient can expectorate into a 70% ethanol solution, which prefixes the specimen. A simple method of sputum preparation is known as the “pick and smear” technique, whereby fresh sputum is examined for tissue fragments, blood, or both. Smears are prepared from areas that contain these elements and immediately fixed in 95% ethanol. A modification of this is the Saccomanno method, which calls for sputum to be collected in 50% ethanol and 2% carbowax.8 The specimen is then homogenized in a blender and concentrated by centrifugation. Improved sensitivity has been demonstrated by the use of dithiothreitol (DTT) for homogenization.9 Smears are made from the concentrated cellular material. The Saccomanno method must be performed in a biologic safety hood due to the risks of infection from aerosolization. Sputum can also be processed using thin-layer methods or embedded in paraffin for cell block sections.10 The adequacy of a sputum sample is established by finding numerous pulmonary macrophages.6 Specimens consisting merely of squamous cells, bacteria, and Candida organisms are unsatisfactory because they represent only oral contents. Even ciliated cells, which also line the sinonasal passages, do not guarantee that a sample is from the lower respiratory tract. The presence of numerous macrophages indicates that a satisfactory, deep cough specimen of the lower respiratory tract has been obtained. In an adequate sample they should not be difficult to find: If they are absent or few in number, the sample should be reported as unsatisfactory. The sensitivity of sputum cytology for the diagnosis of malignancy increases with the number of specimens examined, from 42% with a single specimen to 91% with five specimens.11 The specificity of sputum examination is high, ranging from 96% to 99%, and the positive and negative predictive values are 100% and 15%, respectively.12 Thus, negative sputum results do not guarantee the absence of a malignancy, especially in a patient suspected of having lung cancer. The sensitivity of sputum cytology depends also on the location of the malignant tumor: 46% to 77% for central lung cancers but only 31% to 47% for peripheral cancers.13,14 Surprisingly, sensitivity is independent of tumor stage and histologic type. Accuracy in tumor classification is 75% to 80%15 and is tumor type-dependent.16 Complications of bronchoscopy are rare (0.5% and 0.8% for major and minor complications, respectively)17 and include laryngospasm, bronchospasm, disturbances of cardiac conduction, seizures, hypoxia, and sepsis. The incidence of major complications is higher for transbronchial biopsy (6.8%).17 Fiberoptic bronchoscopy allows direct visualization and sampling of the tracheobronchial tree. A brush is applied to the surface of an endobronchial lesion, and the entrapped cells are either smeared onto a glass slide or rinsed in a collection medium for thinlayer and/or cell block preparation. If smears are made, immediate fixation (by immersion into 95% ethanol or by spray fixation) of the smears is essential to preserve morphologic detail.6 The diagnostic accuracy of bronchial washing/brushing cytology is comparable to that of bronchial biopsy.18 Brushings with cell block preparation sometimes detect malignancy more reliably than bronchial biopsies.19 Accuracy improves when clinical history is provided with the specimen.20 The diagnostic yield also improves when several different sampling methods are used in concert.21,22 BAL is particularly useful for the diagnosis of opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients. The specimen can be examined cytologically and a portion also submitted for microbiologic studies. The distinction between oral contamination and a real bacterial infection can be difficult, but an abundance of normal squamous cells usually indicates contamination by oral flora, whereas neutrophils imply a real infection.23 In immunocompromised patients, the diagnostic yield for infectious pathogens is 39%, the sensitivity 82%, and the specificity 53%.24 In patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), BAL has a sensitivity for documenting infection comparable to that for transbronchial biopsy (86%); when used in combination with biopsy, sensitivity increases to 98%.25 Historically, the most common pulmonary pathogens detected by BAL in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–seropositive individuals were Pneumocystis jirovecii (78%) and bacteria (19%); the remainder were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, Histoplasma, and Cryptococcus.26 The frequency and distribution of infections has changed since the widespread use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) to treat HIV.27 Among HIV-seropositive individuals with nonspecific cytologic results, 27% prove to have pathogens, usually bacterial or fungal, by either culture or biopsy,28 which emphasizes the importance of a multimodal approach to diagnosis in this setting. BAL is also used for the diagnosis of malignancy, with sensitivity that ranges from 35% to 70%.29,30 The sensitivity of BAL for detecting malignancy is higher for multifocal or diffuse tumors.31 False-positive results are occasionally encountered due to atypical type II pneumocytes in the setting of pneumonia, diffuse alveolar damage,32 bone marrow transplantation,33 and chemotherapy.34 Transbronchial FNA is especially useful for the diagnosis of primary pulmonary lesions that lie beneath the bronchial surface and for staging lung cancer patients by sampling mediastinal lymph nodes.35–37 In these settings, the need for additional surgical procedures is eliminated in 20% of patients, and the cost is one-third that of mediastinoscopy.38 The lesion is aspirated with a retractable (Wang) needle passed through a flexible catheter that is sent down the bronchoscope. When transbronchial FNA is used to sample mediastinal lymph nodes, at least a moderate number of lymphocytes must be present to ensure the adequacy of the specimen and avoid a false-negative result.39 Ciliated respiratory epithelial cells are common contaminants because the respiratory mucosa needs to be breached to reach the target. For this reason, ciliated cells should not be taken as evidence of adequate sampling. Complications from transbronchial aspiration are rare and include endobronchial bleeding, which is usually controlled by suctioning. Contraindications are coagulopathy, respiratory failure, and uncontrollable coughing.40 Transbronchial FNA augments the diagnostic accuracy of bronchial washings, brushings, and endoscopic biopsies for the detection of primary pulmonary neoplasms.41,42 The sensitivity of transbronchial FNA by itself is 56% but increases to 72% when combined with bronchial brushing, washing, and biopsy. Specificity is 74%, and the positive and negative predictive values are 100 and 53% to 70%, respectively. Transbronchial FNA is accurate in distinguishing small cell from non–small cell lung cancer.43 For mediastinal staging of bronchogenic carcinoma, the negative predictive value of transbronchial FNA increases from 36% to 78% when negative specimens without sufficient lymphocytes are regarded as unsatisfactory for evaluation.39 The most common cause of false negatives is sampling error.42 The accuracy of mediastinal staging by FNA improves with the use of ultrasound guidance.35,36 Endobronchial ultrasound-guided (EBUS) FNA is an enhanced procedure for sampling mediastinal and paratracheal lymph nodes and peribronchial lung or mediastinal lesions. Its primary indication is nodal staging of non–small cell lung cancer,44–47 but it is also indicated for sarcoidosis and metastases from extrapulmonary primaries.48 This minimally invasive procedure is a safer alternative to cervical mediastinoscopy in selected patients. Using a bronchoscope equipped with an ultrasound probe tip, the operator performs an FNA with real-time ultrasound imaging of a lymph node or central lung mass. Sensitivity and specificity are 78% and 99%, respectively.49 To optimize sensitivity, a cytologist can assess the sample on-site for adequacy. In the absence of lesional cells, adequacy is defined as the presence of lymphocytes (if a lymph node is being sampled) or pigmented macrophages (in the case of a lung mass).48 As with transbronchial (Wang needle) FNA, ciliated respiratory epithelial cells are common contaminants and should not be taken as evidence of adequate sampling. The advantage of EBUS is that it increases accessibility to lower station lymph nodes: transbronchial (Wang needle) FNA can sample station 2 to 4 and 7 lymph nodes; transesophageal ultrasound-guided FNA can reach station 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 nodes; whereas EBUS can sample station 2 to 4, 7, and 10 to 12 nodes.48 Thus, combining esophageal FNA with EBUS is often performed for full accessibility. Although the EBUS FNA procedure itself is more expensive than transbronchial (Wang) FNA, it saves downstream costs due to its greater sensitivity, thus reducing any need for more surgical staging.50 Mediastinal lymph node sampling can also be done endoscopically by passing the needle through the esophagus.51–53 The addition of ultrasound guidance improves the accuracy of mediastinal lymph node sampling.54 Like bronchoscopic FNA, endoscopic FNA realizes significant cost savings53 and reduces the number of unnecessary thoracotomies.52 The diagnostic yield for mediastinal staging is greatly improved when endoscopic transesophageal FNA is used in combination with transbronchial FNA, with an accuracy that approaches 100%.55 As with transbronchial FNA, a moderate number of lymphocytes must be present to ensure the adequacy of the specimen and avoid a false-negative result. The ease, rapidity of diagnosis, and minimal morbidity of percutaneous FNA make it an attractive alternative to surgical biopsy in the evaluation of the patient with a peripheral pulmonary mass. FNA is of greatest benefit to patients for whom it spares a more invasive surgical procedure. Surgical intervention, in fact, can be avoided in up to 50% of patients with clinically suspected lung cancer.56 There are some contraindications, however. The most common complication of percutaneous FNA is pneumothorax. A radiographically detectable pneumothorax occurs in 21% to 34% of patients58; only 10%, however, require intercostal drainage tubes.58 The risk of a pneumothorax increases with the number of passes through aerated lung, and decreases if the path does not traverse aerated lung.58 Transient hemoptysis occurs in 5% to 10% of patients. Other complications are rare and include hemopericardium, hemothorax, air embolism, tumor seeding, and death.58,59 Percutaneous FNA is a reliable and accurate way to diagnose many pulmonary neoplasms. In a study of more than 13,000 FNA specimens from 436 institutions, the diagnostic sensitivity was 89% for the procedure itself and 99% for the pathologist’s interpretation.60 This difference indicates that most false-negative results are due to sampling error. About 15% of false-positive diagnoses and 5% of false-negative diagnoses have a significant, permanent, or grave influence on patient outcome.60 The reliability of a negative FNA result is a matter of controversy, given that negative predictive values range from 34% to 88%.61–64 For this reason, most investigators recommend a repeat aspiration or tissue biopsy when a specific benign diagnosis that accounts for the lesion cannot be made with certainty. The small, cutting (“core”) biopsy is no more accurate than FNA,61,65–67 but it is performed instead of FNA in some centers. With regard to the management of patients with primary lung cancer, it is important to discriminate small cell from non–small cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma (ACA) from squamous cell carcinoma (SQC). The distinction between small cell and non–small cell carcinoma is possible in more than 95% of cases,68 and between ACA and SQC in 88% of cases diagnosed by FNA.69 A variety of benign cells occasionally contaminate a percutaneous FNA. Such cells need to be recognized as contaminants and not misconstrued as lesional. In particular, mesothelial cells from the pleura are common, and in some cases they can be numerous (Fig. 2.3). They resemble the cells of a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (see “Adenocarcinoma”) but are identified as benign mesothelial cells by their relative flatness, cohesion, and the characteristic slitlike “windows” that separate the mesothelial cells from each other. Fig. 2.3 Mesothelial cells (fine-needle aspiration [FNA]). As DNA sequencing technology has progressed to single base pair resolution, it is increasingly evident that lung cancer is not a single disease but rather a heterogeneous group of molecularly defined entities. Today some of these cancers are treated with more effective and less toxic “targeted therapies” (as compared to conventional chemotherapy); thus, accurate pathologic and molecular classification is needed. Because many molecular techniques use amplification methods, large amounts of tissue are not necessary, and molecular classification can be performed successfully on small biopsy and cytology specimens.70 They require, however, that the sample have a minimum proportion of tumor to normal nuclei. Thus, assessment of the cytologic sample for its adequacy for molecular testing is a growing part of the cytologist’s job. Many of the new therapies target genetic aberrations in the receptor tyrosine kinase pathways. Abnormally activated receptor tyrosine kinases are linked to a cascade of downstream effector pathways (Fig. 2.4) that result in transcriptional activation of genes involved in tumor growth, invasion, and angiogenesis.71 The pathway molecules implicated in lung cancer pathogenesis include epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR, encoded by the proto-oncogene MET), vascular endothelial growth factor and receptor (VEGF, VEGFR), protein kinase ERBB2 (HER2), echinoderm microtubule–associated protein–like 4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (EML4-ALK), and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) (see Fig. 2.4). Bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody, and erlotinib, an EGFR inhibitor, are approved for clinical use; others are in clinical development. Fig. 2.4 Receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in cancer. EGFR amplification drives growth, invasion, and angiogenesis through activation of PI3K/AKT and RAS/RAF/MEK signaling and is seen in 30% to 60% of non–small cell lung cancers.72–74 It is mutated in its tyrosine kinase domain in greater than 30% of Asians and 10% of Caucasians with non–small cell lung cancer.75 Erlotinib, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, significantly improves overall survival of previously untreated non–small cell lung cancer patients.76 Moreover, erlotinib and gefitinib, the latter currently in clinical trials, are much less toxic than conventional chemotherapy. EGFR-mutated tumors respond much better than nonmutated tumors,38 but unfortunately, a majority develop resistance within a year. Resistance is due to the acquisition of additional mutations within the tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR, most often a T790M amino acid substitution in exon 20.77,78 EGFR inhibitors are currently in development to overcome resistance.79 MET is a proto-oncogene that encodes another receptor tyrosine kinase, HGFR (see Fig. 2.4), and its amplification is associated with resistance to EGFR inhibitors. The mechanism of resistance is beyond the scope of this chapter, but MET is amplified in 5% to 20% of EGFR-mutated, EGFR-resistant non–small cell lung cancers.80–82 Therapeutic anti-MET antibodies are in development.79 Bevacizumab is a highly effective monoclonal antibody targeting VEGF, a ligand implicated in tumor angiogenesis, significantly improving the overall survival of patients with non-squamous, non–small cell lung cancer when combined with carboplatin and paclitaxel.83 Sunitinib and sorafenib, tyrosine kinase inhibitors of VEGFR, are in development.79 HER2, a member of the EGFR family, is amplified or overexpressed in up to 23% of non–small cell lung cancers, but oddly, these patients do not benefit from anti-HER2 single-agent therapy.84,85 In a subset of lung cancers (3% to 10%), however, HER2 is mutated in its kinase domain86,87; for these patients, anti-HER2 antibodies and kinase inhibitors are in development. ALK is yet another receptor tyrosine kinase that plays an important role in a subset of lung cancers. When fused through chromosomal translocation to EML4, ALK becomes constitutively active, resulting in the activation of the pro-growth PI3K/AKT and RAS/RAF/MEK pathways (see Fig. 2.4). An EML4-ALK translocation is present in 5% to7% of non–small cell lung cancers. These patients have a unique clinical and molecular profile: they are nonsmokers and relatively young (median age 52) males without EGFR or KRAS mutations.88,89 EML4-ALK translocated tumors are exquisitely sensitive to crizotinib.90 The translocation is identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (Fig. 2.5). Fig. 2.5 Echinoderm microtubule–associated protein-like 4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (EML4-ALK) intrachromosomal translocation identified by dual color split-apart fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). BRAF is a form of RAF, a serine-threonine kinase that activates MEK (see Fig. 2.4). Mutation of exons 11 or 15 in the kinase domain is implicated in the early development of lung cancer and is seen in 3% of non–small cell lung cancers.90 These mutations are distinct from those seen in melanoma (V600E), raising concern that a BRAF-mutated lung cancer may not be responsive to the BRAF inhibitors currently used to treat melanoma.91 To circumvent this limitation, MEK inhibitors are in development. IGF-1R is a unique receptor tyrosine kinase in that deregulation of IGF-1R is associated with squamous lung cancers.92 Further, its amplification is associated with an improved prognosis.93 Antibodies targeting IGF-1R are under clinical development. Amplification of PIK3CA occurs in 12% to 17% of non–small cell lung cancers and is believed to play a role in resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy.94,95 Moreover, activating mutations of the kinase or helix domain are seen in 2% to 13% of non–small cell lung cancers.76,95,96 PI3K inhibitors are currently in clinical development. KRAS-mutated cancers carry a worse prognosis and are typically absent in patients with receptor tyrosine kinase mutations. These patients are usually smokers, and evidence suggests that they do worse when erlotinib is added to their chemotherapy,97 once more underscoring the importance of molecular testing in lung cancer. Preliminary evidence suggests that sorafenib, a weak inhibitor of downstream RAF, has efficacy in this group of otherwise treatment-resistant tumors.98 Benign squamous cells from the oral cavity often contaminate sputum and bronchial cytology specimens. Inflammatory conditions of the mouth caused by trauma, candidiasis, or pemphigus can exfoliate mildly atypical squamous cells with hyperkeratinization and nuclear degeneration, usually in small numbers. Such minimal changes should not be misinterpreted as squamous cell carcinoma (SQC). More marked (but still benign) squamous cell atypias occur adjacent to cavitary fungal infections and stomas, and with almost any injury to the lung (e.g., infarction, radiation, chemotherapy, sepsis, diffuse alveolar damage) and might result in a false-positive interpretation of SQC.33,34 Another, uncommon source of false-positives is malignant cells from head and neck cancers that contaminate sputum and bronchial specimens.99 Benign, reactive bronchial cell changes occur in response to noxious stimuli such as radiation, chemotherapy, and severe inflammation. Under such conditions, ciliated columnar cells can increase their nuclear area many times over, with multinucleation, coarsely textured chromatin, and large nucleoli (Fig. 2.6). Large clusters of bronchial cells known as Creola bodies (named after the first patient in whom they were recognized) are commonly seen in chronic airway diseases like asthma (Fig. 2.7). Fig. 2.6 Reactive bronchial cells (bronchial brushing). Fig. 2.7 Reactive bronchial cells (Creola body; bronchial washing). Markedly reactive changes in benign bronchial cells mimic adenocarcinoma. Malignancy can be excluded if the atypical cells have cilia and/or demonstrate a spectrum of changes (from benign to markedly atypical) rather than the two distinct cell populations typical of a malignant sample obtained bronchoscopically. Note that in sputum and FNA specimens, a helpful dual cell population (malignant cells and bronchial cells) is usually not apparent. As the surface epithelium of the respiratory tract is shed during lung injury, reserve cells proliferate and are seen in bronchial washings and brushings (Fig. 2.8). Fig. 2.8 Reserve cell hyperplasia (bronchial brushing). Because type II pneumocytes function as alveolar reserve cells, they proliferate after lung injury. When floridly hyperplastic, as in diffuse alveolar damage, the cells of type II pneumocyte hyperplasia resemble those of adenocarcinoma (Fig. 2.9). Fig. 2.9 Type II pneumocyte hyperplasia (bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL]). The only clue to avoiding an incorrect diagnosis of malignancy in a patient with type II pneumocyte hyperplasia may be the clinical history of respiratory distress and diffuse infiltrates. Thus, in an acutely ill patient with diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, markedly atypical cells should be interpreted cautiously.33 Sequential respiratory specimens can be helpful, inasmuch as hyperplastic pneumocytes are not present in BAL specimens more than 1 month after acute lung injury.32 Curschmann spirals are coiled strands of mucus that stain purple with the Papanicolaou stain (Fig. 2.10). In the past they have been associated with chronic respiratory diseases, but they are, in fact, a nonspecific finding not worth mentioning in the report. Fig. 2.10 Curschmann spiral (sputum). Ferruginous bodies are mineral fibers encrusted with ferroproteins. Dumbbell-shaped, ranging from 5 to 200 μm in length, they stain golden-yellow to black with Papanicolaou stain. Some but not all ferruginous bodies contain a core of asbestos. So-called asbestos bodies are distinguished from other ferruginous bodies by their clubbed ends and thin, straight, lucent core. Asbestos fibers are not visible by light microscopy but are usually much more numerous than asbestos bodies. Patients with known asbestos exposure usually have high numbers of ferruginous bodies in BAL fluid.100 Charcot-Leyden crystals are rhomboid-shaped, orangeophilic structures derived from degenerating eosinophils in patients with severe allergic disorders like asthma (Fig. 2.11). Fig. 2.11 Charcot-Leyden crystals (bronchial washing). Corpora amylacea are spherical structures with circumferential and radiating lines. They measure between 30 and 200 μm and are indistinguishable from those seen in the prostate. They have no known significance but are more commonly seen in older individuals (Fig. 2.12). Fig. 2.12 Corpora amylacea (bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL]). Specimen contaminants include vegetable matter (Fig. 2.13), pollen, and the pigmented fungus Alternaria (Fig. 2.14A and B). Fig. 2.13 Vegetable cells (sputum). Fig. 2.14 Alternaria (bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL]). Herpes simplex virus (HSV) pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, and pneumonia most commonly affect immunocompromised patients and neonates, and HSV-1 is the most common serotype to involve the respiratory tract. Ulcerative/necrotizing infections can involve the pharynx, larynx, tracheobronchial tree, or pulmonary parenchyma, and cytopathic changes are identical to those seen in other sites: multinucleation, nuclear molding, chromatin margination, and large nuclear (Cowdry A) inclusions (Table 2.1). The cytopathic changes of HSV are identical to those of herpes zoster. If the cytomorphologic changes are equivocal, the diagnosis can be confirmed by viral culture, immunohistochemistry, or in situ hybridization.101 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of the most common opportunistic infections. Patients with CMV pneumonia often present with fever, dyspnea, cough, and diffuse nodular or reticular interstitial infiltrates. Viral cytopathic changes (cytomegaly, large basophilic nuclear and small basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions) are found in bronchial cells, pneumocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts (see Table 2.1). The diagnosis can be confirmed by viral culture, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, or the polymerase chain reaction.101–103 Measles is a highly contagious, usually self-limited disease caused by the rubeola virus. The incidence has been curtailed due to the widespread use of a vaccine. Measles pneumonia occurs as an opportunistic complication, however, in children immunocompromised due to premature birth, cystic fibrosis, malignancy, or an immunologic disorder. Infection causes a giant cell pneumonia characterized by enormous multinucleated cells with cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions (see Table 2.1; Fig. 2.15).104 Similar findings are seen with infection by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The diagnosis is usually confirmed by detecting RSV antigen in BAL specimens. Adenovirus infection usually produces only a minor febrile illness, but adenovirus pneumonia can be severe and fatal, particularly in the immunocompromised. The virus causes two types of nuclear inclusions. One is the smudge cell, in which a large basophilic inclusion usually fills the entire nucleus and obscures chromatin detail. The other is eosinophilic inclusions that resembles the Cowdry A inclusion of HSV infection. A curious morphologic decapitation of ciliated columnar cells, called ciliocytophthoria, can be prominent.105 The detached cell apex, represented by only the terminal bar and cilia, without its nucleus, resembles a floating tuft of hair or eyelash (see Table 2.1). Several bacteria deserve special mention. Actinomyces species are a common inhabitant of the tonsillar area and thus a common contaminant of sputum and bronchial specimens (but not FNAs). Infection by Actinomyces, however, is uncommon. Pulmonary infection occurs by aspiration of oral contents or by direct extension from subdiaphragmatic abscesses. Actinomycosis is usually a chronic infection that may result in sinus tracts. The bacteria aggregate into grossly visible sulfur granules (so called because they look yellow on gross examination) and evoke a brisk neutrophilic response. When they appear in cytologic specimens as just an oral contaminant, Actinomyces bacteria are large blue “cotton balls” often associated with squamous cells, with no neutrophilic infiltrate, similar to what is occasionally encountered in Pap specimens (see Fig. 1.23). A true thoracopulmonary actinomycosis should be considered if the bacteria are associated with abundant neutrophils. Infection by M. tuberculosis commonly results in granulomatous inflammation (Fig. 2.16). Cytologic specimens contain aggregates of epithelioid histiocytes, lymphocytes, and Langhans giant cells. Necrosis may or may not be evident. Granulomas by themselves, however, are a nonspecific finding and can be seen in other conditions like fungal infections and sarcoidosis. A definitive diagnosis of tuberculosis rests on identifying the organisms with the help of a special stain (Ziehl-Neelsen) or by microbiologic culture. Cell block preparations are particularly useful for special stains, but rarely are more than one or just a few organisms identified. (By contrast, infection by M. avium-intracellulare, as seen in immunocompromised patients, often yields innumerable acid-fast organisms.) A sensitive (93%) and specific (99%) assay called the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct Test (MTD) is also available for the detection of M. tuberculosis and can be applied to respiratory specimens such as sputum.106 The assay amplifies M. tuberculosis ribosomal RNA by the polymerase chain reaction. Fig. 2.16 Granuloma (fine-needle aspiration [FNA], M. tuberculosis infection). In countries where M. tuberculosis is prevalent, the yield of acid-fast bacteria among all clinically suspicious lung masses can be very high.107,108 In immunocompromised patients with tuberculosis, there may be an abundance of acid-fast organisms but few well-formed granulomas. If Romanowsky-type stains are used in such cases, the abundant acid-fast organisms can be identified as negative images. Pulmonary fungal infections are readily diagnosed by cytology, particularly in transthoracic FNAs, and should be suspected whenever there is granulomatous inflammation and/or necrosis. Cell block material can be used for silver or periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stains. Many fungi have a characteristic microscopic appearance that enables a rapid, specific diagnosis (Table 2.2). Blastomyces dermatitidis inhabits wooded terrain. Although the lung is the primary target of infection, there may be distant spread to other organs, such as skin, bone, and the urinary tract. Coccidioides immitis infection is very common in endemic areas of the Southwest and Western United States, giving rise to positive skin tests in more than 80% of individuals in these areas. It produces a respiratory infection that usually resolves spontaneously but persists as a pulmonary mass in about 2% of patients. Multiorgan dissemination is more common in the immunocompromised patient. Because BAL or bronchial washings detect less than 50% of culture-positive cases,109 cytologic diagnosis is best documented by transthoracic FNA. The organisms appear as mature (sporulating) or immature spherules, often with a fractured (broken ping-pong ball) appearance (Fig. 2.17), and as free endospores (see Table 2.2) in a background of granular eosinophilic debris with little inflammation. Hyphae are seen in 5% of cases. FNA cytology is diagnostically far superior to the culture of aspirated material.110 Paracoccidioidomycosis, also known as South American blastomycosis, is caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Fig. 2.18) and is the most common systemic mycosis in Latin America.111 It frequently involves the lungs and mucocutaneous areas of healthy individuals and clinically simulates tuberculosis. There may be squamous metaplasia with atypia of the bronchial epithelium overlying granulomas, which may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in cytologic material.112 There is a high sensitivity (50% to 90%) for the detection of the organism in cell block preparations of sputum.113 Pulmonary infection caused by Sporothrix schenckii is uncommon and occurs mainly in immunocompromised patients, including diabetics and alcoholics. The clinical symptoms are nonspecific. Though often self-limited, these infections can become chronic, with mass lesions or cavitary nodule formation. The yeasts resemble Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, and Candida, and therefore culture or fluorescent antibody staining is necessary for definitive diagnosis.114 Aspergillosis. Aspergillus species can cause a variety of pulmonary disorders. Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is characterized by the expectoration of mucous plugs containing fungal organisms, numerous eosinophils, and Charcot–Leyden crystals. When invasive, there may be hemorrhagic necrosis caused by mycelial invasion of vessels. In cavitary lesions, the organisms sporulate, producing fruiting heads (Fig. 2.19) and are associated with polarizable calcium oxalate crystals. There may be an associated squamous cell atypia that is indistinguishable from carcinoma, making clinical correlation imperative.34 Fig. 2.19 Aspergillus niger fruiting body. Candidiasis. Candida pneumonia is a common opportunistic infection. An elevated level of Candida antigen in BAL fluid suggests true infection rather than colonization.115 The taxonomy of this organism, formerly called Pneumocystis carinii, has been debated, but microbiologists favor classifying it as a fungus, based in part on molecular evidence, hence the change in name to Pneumocystis jirovecii.116,117 The pneumonia caused by P. jirovecii is particularly common in immunocompromised individuals but has decreased in frequency since the advent of novel therapies.27 The clinical presentation includes dry cough, fever, and dyspnea. Pulmonary infiltrates are usually bilateral. The organisms are well demonstrated in BAL material, which has a sensitivity that compares favorably with transbronchial biopsy.118 They can also be detected in bronchial washings and induced sputum.119 With Papanicolaou stains, the organisms themselves are not visible, but masses of organisms enmeshed in proteinaceous material result in green, foamy alveolar casts that are more circumscribed than debris or lysed red blood cells (Fig. 2.20A). The cysts are visualized with silver stains. They are cup-shaped, measure 5 to 7 μm in diameter, and often have a central dark zone (Fig. 2.20B). No budding occurs, which helps distinguish them from Histoplasma. The Giemsa stain highlights the cysts as negative images, but the eight 1.5 μm intracystic bodies or trophozoites are stained as discrete blue dots either within the cysts or as free organisms (Fig. 2.20C). In some cases, the foamy alveolar casts are absent, and the organisms may be present only in vacuolated macrophages.120 Fig. 2.20 Pneumocystis jirovecii (bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL]). Direct immunofluorescence has higher sensitivity (up to 92%) than use of Giemsa, toluidine blue, and silver stains.121,122 Application of this method to induced sputum (Fig. 2.20D) is the preferred initial diagnostic step because it is noninvasive and highly accurate. Pulmonary strongyloidiasis is caused by the nematode Strongyloides stercoralis. It can affect immunocompetent people but is more common in the immunosuppressed patient and presents as a pneumonitis with hemoptysis. Infection of the lungs is caused by the hematogenous migration of the infective larva (filariform larva) from the gut or skin. Histologically, there is a hemorrhagic pneumonia. This organism is identified in sputum or bronchial material by its large size and is differentiated from other hookworms by its notched tail and short buccal cavity (Fig. 2.21). Dog heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection of the human lung has been documented by FNA.123 This microfilarial disease is transmitted from dogs to humans via mosquitos, resulting in entrapment within small pulmonary vessels and subsequent pulmonary infarction. Diagnosis is made by aspiration of the discrete peripheral nodule, which shows necrotic material, fragments of infarcted pulmonary tissue, chronic inflammation, a granulomatous response, and rarely the worm itself. The clinical and cytologic features of echinococcosis are described in Chapter 12 (see Fig. 13.4). Sputum may contain scoleces if pulmonary hydatid cysts rupture. Because of the risk of anaphylactic shock, aspiration of a clinically suspected hydatid cyst may be hazardous.57,124 Cytologic specimens show noncaseating granulomas composed of epithelioid histiocytes, with scattered lymphocytes and multinucleated giant histiocytes (see Fig. 2.16).125 The epithelioid histiocytes have round, oval, curved (boomerang-shaped), or spindle-shaped nuclei, with translucent, vacuolated cytoplasm, and are haphazardly arranged in a pseudosyncytial pattern. The cytomorphologic findings are nonspecific but include chunks of necrotic tissue (Fig. 2.22), giant cells, granulomas, and neutrophils. The differential diagnosis includes a necrotizing infection (e.g., tuberculous, fungal), lymphomatoid granulomatosis, and other uncommon pulmonary diseases. If suspected on the basis of its characteristic cytomorphology, the diagnosis can be substantiated with serologic studies. The serum immunofluorescent antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) test greatly aids in establishing the diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis. Although the classic (cytoplasmic) pattern (c-ANCA) is considered more specific, neither the c-ANCA nor the perinuclear (p-ANCA) pattern is entirely sensitive or specific for the diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis.126
Respiratory Tract and Mediastinum
Normal Anatomy, Histology, and Cytology of the Respiratory Tract
These columnar cells have oval nuclei and finely stippled chromatin. Numerous cilia project from the apical surface (Papanicolaou stain).
Sampling Techniques, Preparation Methods, Reporting Terminology, and Accuracy
Bronchial Specimens
Bronchial Brushings
Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Transbronchial Fine-Needle Aspiration (‘Wang Needle’)
Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided (EBUS) Fine-Needle Aspiration
Transesophageal Fine-Needle Aspiration
Percutaneous Fine-Needle Aspiration
Benign mesothelial cells are occasionally seen in percutaneous fine needle aspirates. They are arranged in flat, cohesive sheets. The cells have round or oval nuclei, small nucleoli, and a moderate amount of cytoplasm. Slitlike spaces between the cells (“windows”) can be appreciated (Papanicolaou stain).
Molecular Testing of Lung Cancers
This simplified diagram illustrates the pathways by which receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) stimulate growth, invasion, and angiogenesis (see text for details and abbreviations of individual RTKs). PI3K, Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; AKT, Protein Kinase B; RAS, Rous sarcoma oncogene; RAF, RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase; MEK, MEK kinase; ERK, extracellular-signal-regulated kinase, also known as Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase.
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Receptor
Echinoderm Microtubule–Associated Protein–Like 4-Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase
The arrows (left portion) point to the breakpoints within chromosome 2 that result in the intrachromosomal translocation. On the right, red and green probes flanking the ALK locus on chromosome 2p23.2 reveal red–green doublets at the wild type ALK loci (arrow head) but are split apart when ALK is rearranged and fused to EML4 on the same chromosome at 2p21 (arrow). The rearranged probes appear far apart because the chromatin of interphase nuclei is dispersed relative to that of chromosomal DNA. (Figure courtesy Dr. Lucian Chirieac, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Mass.)
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor
Benign Cellular Changes
Reactive Squamous Cell Changes
Reactive Bronchial Cell Changes
Reactive bronchial cells can show marked nuclear size variation. Note that cilia—evidence of their benign nature—are retained (Papanicolaou stain).
In chronic lung diseases, as in this case of asthma, clusters of reactive bronchial cells can assume a spherical shape and resemble the cells of an adenocarcinoma. Normal nuclear features and cilia indicate their benign nature (Papanicolaou stain).
Bronchial Reserve Cell Hyperplasia
These clusters of benign cells have hyperchromatic nuclei with nuclear molding. They are distinguished from small cell carcinoma by their extremely small size and the lack of necrosis. Compare these cells with the adjacent bronchial columnar cells (Papanicolaou stain).
Type II Pneumocyte Hyperplasia
In patients with lung injury, type II pneumocytes are markedly enlarged and may mimic adenocarcinoma, as seen here. This patient had diffuse infiltrates and marked respiratory distress due to diffuse alveolar damage. In such clinical settings, an unequivocal diagnosis of malignancy should be avoided, inasmuch as most patients with lung cancer are not usually ill at presentation (Papanicolaou stain).
Noncellular Elements and Specimen Contaminants
These coils of inspissated mucus are commonly seen in respiratory specimens and are a nonspecific finding (Papanicolaou stain).
These needle-shaped crystals from a patient with asthma are a by-product of eosinophil degranulation (Papanicolaou stain).
These large acellular bodies are somewhat variable in appearance. They may be spherical, as seen here, or angulated. They have fine radial striations and may have concentric laminations. Occasionally, there may be a central pigmented core. They are produced in the lung and other organs and have no known significance. Pulmonary corpora amylacea are not calcific, distinguishing them from psammoma bodies and the laminated spheres of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (Papanicolaou stain).
Some vegetable cells have elongated shapes and large nuclei, resembling the cells of keratinized squamous cell carcinoma. Their rectangular shape, uniform size, and refractile cellulose wall, however, help identify them as vegetable cells (Papanicolaou stain).
This pigmented fungus is rarely pathogenic. It can contaminate virtually any cytologic specimen, including cervicovaginal smears, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine. A, The slender septate stalks (conidiophores) are occasionally branched (not shown). B, The conidia are snowshoe-shaped and have both transverse and longitudinal septations (Papanicolaou stain).
Viral Infections
Herpes Simplex
Measles Virus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Bacterial Pneumonias
This aggregate of epithelioid histiocytes, the defining feature of the granuloma, has a syncytial appearance because individual cell borders are indistinct. Note the curved, elongated, boomerang-like shapes of some of the histiocytic nuclei. Interspersed lymphocytes are also seen (Papanicolaou stain).
Pulmonary Fungal Infections
Invasive Fungi
This sample was obtained by lung fine-needle aspiration (FNA) (cell block, periodic acid–Schiff [PAS] stain).
Pneumocystis jirovecii
A, With the Papanicolaou stain, the Pneumocystis organisms are not seen, but foamy proteinaceous spheres characteristic of this infection are identified. B, The cysts, which have a cup-shaped configuration and a central dark zone, are seen with the methenamine silver stain. C, The Giemsa stain outlines the cysts as negative images and stains the intracystic bodies or trophozoites. Each cyst, as seen here, contains eight intracystic bodies. D, The direct immunofluorescence test is highly sensitive, revealing green fluorescent-stained organisms and their extracellular products.
Echinococcosis (Hydatid Disease)
Nonneoplastic, Noninfectious Pulmonary Diseases
Wegener Granulomatosis
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Respiratory Tract and Mediastinum
