CHAPTER 2 Respiratory tract
The importance of cytological techniques for investigation of respiratory conditions has been recognised since the earliest days of clinical cytology,1 as described in the Introduction to this book. The rise in incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma throughout the twentieth century, related to smoking, ensured that examination of sputum and bronchial secretions for malignant cells became a major part of the workload of all routine cytology laboratories.2
Developments in sampling techniques, in particular the advent of fibreoptic endoscopic techniques in the 1960s and the more recent use of fine needle aspiration (FNA) for obtaining material, have changed the practice of respiratory tract cytology, although not completely supplanting more traditional methods. Bronchial brushings and lavage procedures usually yield better diagnostic material than simple exfoliative sampling and can be used for sequential studies.3,4 FNA cytology of the lung in many ways paralleled exfoliative cytology of the respiratory tract, initial reports of detection of lung cancer occurring as early as 1886.5 Radiological imaging allows FNA sampling of lesions at virtually any site within the thorax and has improved the safety of these procedures.6,7 The British Society for Clinical Cytology (BSCC) has issued guidelines on the procurement, assessment for adequacy and examination of exfoliative samples and endoscopic specimens8 as has the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology in the United States.9 The last few decades have seen ample demonstration of the sensitivity and predictive value of cytodiagnosis of lung tumours, an acceptance of all cytological modalities as a basis for management, and gradual extension of the range of diagnoses to virtually all neoplastic, and some of the non-neoplastic, processes affecting the lung and mediastinum.10–15
Preparatory techniques and diagnostic applications
Upper respiratory tract
Spontaneous nasal secretions may be collected on a moistened swab, or with a gently abrasive rhinobrush,16 or simply by nose blowing. May-Grünwald Giemsa (MGG) staining of air-dried preparations is used to assess eosinophil levels in cases of allergic rhinitis, challenging with inhaled allergens to identify the underlying cause.17 Increased exfoliation of epithelial cells has also been noted in cases of nasal hyper-reactivity.18
Nasopharyngeal sampling by swab has been used for rapid diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and has been proposed as an effective screening method in areas with a high incidence of this tumour.19 Pharyngeal and laryngeal samples are usually collected under direct vision by direct scraping of the lesion. FNA is appropriate if there is an intact mucosa covering a tumour such as lymphoma. Imprint cytology of biopsies from laryngeal and pharyngeal biopsies has proved useful, providing a rapid accurate diagnosis for clinical management and excellent correlation with histology.20
Sputum is a complex mucoid product resulting from disease or damage within the airways. Microscopic examination of this material may yield information about both benign and malignant conditions, with the advantage that sputum cytology is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and can detect between 60% and 90% of malignancies if 3–5 specimens are examined. However, sputum has the disadvantages of not localising the lesion, of being much less sensitive for peripheral than for central lung lesions and of resulting in delays in diagnosis for hospital inpatients if multiple samples are needed. With the widespread use of fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) today, the clinical value and cost-effectiveness of examining this material is limited.3 Sputum cytological examination combined with other screening examinations may play an important role in the early detection of lung cancer or in the selection of the optimal target population for more intensive lung cancer screening.21 This aspect of sputum examination is discussed later in the chapter under the heading screening for squamous cell carcinoma (see p. 62).
Sputum can be processed in a variety of ways but all specimens must be regarded as potentially infective. The traditional ‘pick and smear’ method, using alcohol fixation and Papanicolaou (PAP) staining is optimal for routine sputum examination. A variety of other preparation and storage methods for sputum have been tried and are still evolving. Mechanical liquefaction and concentration as well as cell block technique have been used successfully in some centres.22,23
Recent advances in liquid-based cytology have led to a revolution in cytological specimen preparation. Thin layer preparation methods yield well-preserved, clearly displayed cells without background debris, excellent for diagnosis of malignancy. The sample is placed directly into a preservative solution available commercially from the manufacturers of the various processing devices now available, as described in Chapters 1 and 36. These liquid-based samples have the added advantage of providing spare material for special stains and other adjunctive techniques, including immunocytochemistry.24
Sputum cytology using the liquid-based cytology method improves the diagnostic accuracy for evaluating lung cancer by reducing the unsatisfactory and false negative rates.25
Induced sputum
Where sputum production is poor, it can be increased artificially by inhalation of an aerosolised irritant solution. Induced sputum is a useful non-invasive method for the assessment of airway and parenchymal lung diseases. The procedure has proved particularly effective for obtaining adequate sputum samples in non-smokers and has a role in the investigation of opportunistic infections. It has a role and is an additional technology for the diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases, especially when there are clinical contraindications for performing bronchoscopy or when tissue confirmation is absent for any reason.26
Bronchial aspirates and washings
The flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope, developed in Japan in the 1960s, has provided a greatly improved technique for aspirating secretions directly from the lumen of the bronchus or trachea compared with the rigid bronchoscope previously used. Bronchial washings obtained by FOB can reach and sample up to 90% of malignant lesions with a low rate of complications, although very peripheral lesions, pleural lesions, and submucosal and mediastinal masses cannot be directly sampled. The washings are obtained by instilling normal saline into the bronchus and withdrawing the fluid by suction to collect washings from a large area of mucosa. Direct preparations can be made, or concentration procedures by liquid-based cytology or membrane filtration may be employed.22
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
Elucidation of pulmonary infiltrates and identification of opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients are important applications of this procedure as described in Chapter 16. Part of the sample should be submitted for microbiological culture. Papanicolaou staining is combined with other stains for opportunistic infections. Thin layer methods are less suitable as both organisms and inflammatory cells may be selectively lost in the preparation, a risk that can be circumvented by dividing the sample between the commercial cell fixative and saline. This will then allow MGG staining for cell differential counts.
BAL fluid examination is one of the initial procedures in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease.27 Differential counts on the inflammatory cell population in lavage fluid have been shown to reflect the histological findings in cases of pulmonary fibrosis and non-infectious granulomatous lung disease and serial lavage has found a place in monitoring progress of these conditions.28 BAL also has a limited role in diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer.
Fine needle aspiration (FNA)
FNA material may be obtained either by a transbronchial or transthoracic approach. The procedure is of particular value for tumour diagnosis and staging if bronchoscopy has failed to achieve a diagnosis or is inappropriate. The introduction of ultrasound guided imaging has improved the accuracy of sampling, while use of a fine gauge needle (19–22G) makes the procedure safe and well-tolerated.7 Aspiration is performed at bronchoscopy using a flexible metal needle to which suction is applied.7
Recent advances in technology have led to the development of the combined endoscope/ultrasound probe which allows direct, real-time visualisation of the needle during aspiration (EBUS-FNA). This is particularly useful in the transcarinal aspiration of mediastinal structures but is of less value for certain pulmonary lesions due to intervening air within the lung tissue.29–31571
The advantages and limitations of FNA in lung tumour diagnosis have been highlighted31–33 and the BSCC has issued general guidelines for optimising its use.34 Air-dried and wet-fixed slides can be prepared; spare material obtained by rinsing the needle in normal saline or tissue culture medium can be processed as a cell block or by cytospin for other stains and for immunocytochemistry.35 Alternatively, the entire sample may be processed for liquid-based cytology. Electron microscopy, tumour proliferation studies and cytogenetic analysis are among the additional procedures that can be performed on FNA material.
Pneumothorax is a potential complication of FNA, although only 4–10% of these patients require a chest drain.36,37 Patients with emphysema are at greater risk.38 Because of the risk of complications, FNA is contraindicated in unconscious or uncooperative patients and in those with respiratory failure, haemorrhagic diathesis or intractable coughing.
General respiratory tract findings
Not surprisingly, there are many variations in cell structure throughout the respiratory system, and their delicate balance is frequently disturbed by disease. A comprehensive knowledge of the normal findings is therefore necessary to understand the pathological changes encountered in cytological specimens.39
Normal histology of the respiratory tract
Two different types of epithelium form the mucosa of the respiratory tract, their exact distribution varying with age. Stratified squamous epithelium covers areas liable to abrasion, such as the nasal vestibule, nasopharynx, lingual surface of the epiglottis and the vocal cords. Elsewhere a complex layer of glandular cells is found. Squamous mucosa is composed of basal, parabasal, intermediate and superficial cells, and is not keratinised in health. Beneath the basement membrane of this epithelium lies a fibrocollagenous stroma containing blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves and seromucinous glands (Fig. 2.1). Inflammatory cells of the immune system, mainly lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, are also seen migrating into the overlying epithelium. In strategic areas lymphoid cells aggregate into organised tissue masses forming the tonsils and adenoids.
The bronchial tree and remainder of the upper airways are lined by specialised respiratory epithelium (Fig. 2.2). This consists of a pseudostratified layer of ciliated tall columnar cells interspersed with mucin secreting goblet cells, which have microvilli on their luminal surfaces. There are approximately five ciliated cells for each goblet cell. Mucin from the goblet cells coats the airways with a sticky layer within which inhaled particles, organisms and cell debris are trapped. The cilia have a metachronous beat which sweeps this material upwards, to be expectorated or swallowed.
General cytological findings in respiratory samples
Cell population
Other components of respiratory samples
Criteria for assessing adequacy of samples
Sputum specimens are judged adequate when plentiful pulmonary macrophages can be identified.48 The presence of columnar cells is ambiguous since they may be from the nasal passages or upper airways. Macrophage counts have been used to quantify the adequacy of sputum specimens,49 and to relate these findings to smoking status,50 but the procedures are too time-consuming for routine laboratory work. All samples irrespective of their apparent quality should always be screened fully as malignant cells are occasionally found.
Bronchoalveolar lavages contain many macrophages and, provided the first aliquot is discarded, should be virtually free from any cells from the upper airways. In a study of over 1500 lavage samples prepared by filtration and cytocentrifugation, however, Chamberlain et al. reported an unsatisfactory rate of 30% as judged by: fewer than 10 alveolar macrophages/high- power field; fewer macrophages than cells from the airways; a mucopurulent exudate; cellular changes due to degeneration; or the presence of laboratory artefacts.51 These criteria are important when inflammatory cells are to be quantified as in the investigation of interstitial lung diseases.52 Adequate sampling is also essential in evaluating specimens for opportunistic infections as discussed in Chapter 16.
Non-specific reactive changes in cytological preparations
Bacterial infective diseases
Bacterial pneumonia
The term pneumonia generally denotes acute inflammation of lung parenchyma due to invasion by microorganisms. This is in contradistinction to pneumonitis where physical agents are involved, or alveolitis, which is due to allergic or fibrosing inflammatory reactions within the alveoli.59 Although the incidence of pneumonia and its mortality have fallen substantially with the advent of antibiotics, the disease remains an important cause of morbidity and death, especially at the extremes of life and in debilitated or immunosuppressed patients.
The usual sequence of events once organisms have lodged in the alveoli or distal airways is an immediate acute inflammatory response, with outpouring of oedema fluid, fibrin, neutrophil polymorphs and red blood cells (Fig. 2.21A). Some organisms produce a rapidly spreading infection, involving the entire lobe in a process of consolidation. Other organisms are subject to host defence mechanisms limiting spread to a more patchy distribution. These two processes are known as lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia, respectively. The distinction is by no means absolute, but remains valid in many cases. Certain viruses and mycoplasma organisms induce interstitial pneumonia involving inflammation of alveolar walls rather than alveolar spaces.
Cytological findings: bacterial pneumonia
Macroscopically, sputum is often purulent or noted to be rusty due to the presence of blood. Neutrophil polymorphs dominate the microscopic picture (Fig. 2.21B), often at the expense of pulmonary macrophages, obscuring all other cells in some cases. The specimen may be deemed unsatisfactory for cytological assessment if epithelial cells are totally obscured.
Higher bacteria, such as Actinomyces organisms (Fig. 2.22) have a more defined appearance, forming colonies of radiating filamentous Gram-positive bacteria which may be visible in macroscopic samples as ‘sulphur granules’.60 The related organism, Nocardia (Fig. 2.23) stains faintly pink by the PAP method, exhibits negative staining with MGG and is well demonstrated by Grocott’s silver stain. Nocardia pneumonia is a recognised cause of infection after cardiac transplantation, often producing a solitary nodule, which may be subjected to FNA.61
Legionella organisms, the bacteria causing Legionnaires’ disease, have been described in sputum, bronchial samples and FNA material.62 They are tiny Gram-negative bacilli which can be demonstrated by silver stains and by immunofluorescence.
Pulmonary tuberculosis
The incidence of infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis fell dramatically in developed countries during the twentieth century, due to improvements in public health and the advent of effective chemotherapy. Nevertheless, tuberculosis remains one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality throughout the world,63 and is again occurring more frequently in Western countries. This is partly attributable to the increasing numbers of disadvantaged groups within affluent societies but also due to the emergence of resistant strains of the organism and because conditions associated with immunosuppression are becoming more common.64 The latter group of patients are also susceptible to infection with atypical mycobacteria such as M. avium-intracellulare, M. kansasii and M. fortuitum (see Ch. 16).
The natural history and pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis were expounded by Rich, in 1951.65 The causative organism was isolated in 1852 by Koch, and antibiotic treatment has been available from the 1940s. Awareness of the pathology and cytological findings is important to ensure early diagnosis and treatment.
Primary infection usually occurs in childhood by droplet spread. The organisms are localised in the lung parenchyma and the draining hilar lymph nodes, forming a primary tuberculous complex. Macrophages and lymphocytes mount a defence reaction; with persistence of organisms and their breakdown products macrophages take on an epithelioid appearance. After about 1 week, some of the epithelioid cells fuse to form Langhans giant cells, with many nuclei arranged in an arc at one pole of the cell. Lymphocytes accumulate and the whole circumscribed focus of inflammation is known as a granuloma (see Box 2.1). Within about 2 weeks, the centre of the granuloma starts to undergo caseation necrosis of a characteristic soft cheesy consistency (Fig. 2.24). Epithelioid histiocytes and Langhans giant cells tend to form palisades around the edge of the caseous material and it is in this area that acid-fast tubercle bacilli are most often found.
Box 2.1 Some conditions associated with pulmonary granulomata
Awareness of this stage of the disease is important in cytology. The patient has a cough productive of sputum. Bronchoscopy may be undertaken for the collection of washings and brushings to exclude malignancy and to obtain material for culture. Effusions are common. Localised pulmonary lesions occur, simulating malignancy radiologically and inviting FNA sampling. Thus, a variety of methods of cytological investigation may be employed. The findings are well-documented in sputum and bronchial secretions.66 The characteristic features of granuloma formation are best seen in FNA material.67
Cytological findings: pulmonary tuberculosis
An analysis undertaken in Brazil by Tani et al.68 in 1987 of over 100 tuberculous cytology samples other than FNAs revealed increased numbers of macrophages in 100%, excess neutrophils in 98% and increased lymphocytes in 85% of the specimens. Epithelioid cells were present in 56% and giant cells in only 40% of the samples.
Epithelioid histiocytes are elongated macrophages with pale cytoplasm devoid of any tingible ingested material such as carbon pigment. Their nuclei are drawn out and indented or folded, producing a variety of footprint-like shapes. The chromatin is finely divided and nucleoli are usually inconspicuous. The cells are arranged in loose aggregates in sputum or washings, but may be aspirated in ragged clumps by FNA (Fig. 2.25). Macrophages of more usual type can also be seen.
Langhans giant cells are characteristic of the disease but are not often seen in cytology samples, apart from FNA material. They are 2–10 times the size of mononuclear macrophages and may contain up to 100 or so ovoid nuclei, typically distributed at one pole of the cell (Fig. 2.26). This feature and absence of ingested carbon help to distinguish them from other multinucleated pulmonary macrophages. The cytoplasm is amphophilic with Papanicolaou staining or pale blue with MGG.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis may be demonstrated, especially in FNA material using Ziehl Neelsen stain, which reveals a beaded magenta pink straight or slightly curved slender bacillus 1–4 μm in length. Fluorescent methods, such as Rhodamine-auramine staining are quicker to screen if there are large amounts of material. The organisms are sometimes visible as negative staining images within caseous material in FNA preparations stained by MGG (Fig. 2.27) or in sputum when there is a high load of acid fast bacilli.
Viral infections
The cytopathic effects are noted mainly in sputum and bronchial secretions and can be seen on PAP staining. Immunostaining will provide firm identification of the virus. Non-specific inflammatory, reactive and degenerative changes are also often present, providing a background to the diagnosis.
Non-specific cytological findings: viral infections
Inflammatory cells and necrotic debris are a frequent finding in the early stages, especially in those infections caused by influenza and parainfluenza viruses.69 Ciliocytophthoria with fragmented ciliated and pyknotic nucleated remnants is a variable feature. The phenomenon was first described in adenovirus infections, but is not specific, occurring in other infections and also in association with neoplasia and radiotherapy.58
Bronchial and alveolar cell hyperplasia may be seen, producing clusters of enlarged epithelial cells with swollen hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli, as found in a variety of inflammatory states. These changes are easily confused with malignancy but the cohesiveness of the groups in only small numbers and absence of single dissociated abnormal cells favour a reactive process.70
Herpes simplex virus (Fig. 2.28)
Bronchial epithelial cells and macrophages become multinucleated, with swollen nuclei clustered tightly together, leading to characteristic moulding of nuclear contours. Loss of chromatin pattern follows, due to the presence of viral inclusions. Nuclei take on an empty homogenised ‘ground glass’ appearance, with a prominent surrounding nuclear membrane.71
The cell changes often occur in a clean background, although if necrotising pneumonia has supervened acute inflammatory cells and necrotic debris are seen. Herpetic infections may be associated with atypical changes in bronchial epithelium as described above;70 conversely, patients with treated lung cancer are predisposed to herpetic infections if treatment involves immunosuppression.72

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