Respiratory physiology

Chapter 4 Respiratory physiology

4.1 Mechanics of pulmonary ventilation

Pulmonary ventilation refers to the movement of air in and out of the lungs during breathing. Alveolar gas concentrations are kept at the required level by continuous alternation between expiration, which expels O2-depleted and CO2-loaded gas, and inspiration, which replaces this with normal air. The necessary flow of gas is driven by pressure gradients generated by the movements of the chest wall and diaphragm.

Relevant structures

Air enters the nose and is drawn through the nasopharynx into the larynx. It passes through the glottis before entering the trachea, which divides into the right and left main bronchi going to the two lungs. The airways continue to branch, decreasing in diameter (Fig. 59). Bronchi, which have cartilage in their walls, lead into bronchioles, which do not, and are, therefore, collapsible. The airways finally terminate in grape-like collections of alveoli, the main site of gas exchange. Bronchi and bronchioles contain smooth muscle and the airways are lined by mucus-secreting cells within a ciliated epithelium. These have important protective functions. The alveoli have a thin epithelial wall and are covered on their inner surface by a narrow layer of alveolar fluid. Pulmonary connective tissue contains a large amount of elastic tissue which is stretched beyond its passive resting length at normal lung volumes and, therefore, generates tension.

The lungs lie within the thoracic cavity. The outer surface of the lung is covered by a membrane known as the visceral or pulmonary pleura, and this is separated from the parietal pleura, which lines the inside of the thoracic cavity, by the thin layer of pleural fluid filling the intrapleural space (Fig. 59). This is sometimes called a potential space, since it contains liquid rather than gas. Liquids cannot be easily expanded or compressed and so the two layers of pleura normally remain tightly adherent to one another. The outer surface of the lung is forced to follow the movements of the diaphragm and chest wall so that lung volume increases and decreases as thoracic volume changes.

Functions of the airways

The airways have three main functions

Forces acting on the lung

During quiet breathing, three forces act on the lungs. Two tend to collapse the lung but these are opposed by a third, distending force or pressure.

Surfactant and alveolar surface tension

The magnitude of the surface tension resulting from the alveolar fluid is important in determining the forces necessary to keep the lungs inflated. Surfactant is a natural detergent-like substance, which is secreted into the alveoli by specialized epithelial cells in the alveolar wall known as type II alveolar cells (see Fig. 68). This reduces the surface tension relative to that of a simple electrolyte solution and allows the lungs to be kept expanded at a much less negative intrapleural pressure than would otherwise be possible. Infants born prematurely often produce inadequate amounts of surfactant and the increased effort of inflating the lungs leads to breathing difficulties, a condition known as respiratory distress syndrome.

Surfactant and alveolar stability

The surface tension in the alveoli is not just important in determining the overall effort necessary to inflate the lungs but also helps reduce the tendency of individual alveoli to collapse as they change diameter. This phenomenon, which is called alveolar instability, is best understood by considering the relationship between the distending pressure (ΔP) necessary to keep an alveolus (or any distensible sphere) inflated, its radius (r) and the tension in the walls of the alveolus (T), as described by the law of Laplace (Eq. 17 in Fig. 62). The necessary distending pressure is proportional to the tension in the wall of the sphere but inversely proportional to its radius (Fig. 62A).

As alveoli become smaller, i.e., as r decreases, pressure will tend to increase, assuming that the surface tension, which contributes significantly to the wall tension (T), remains constant. This means that the pressure should be higher in small alveoli, causing them to collapse by driving air into larger alveoli with lower internal pressures (Fig. 62B). Surfactant helps prevent this since, as alveolar diameter decreases, the concentration of surfactant in the alveolar fluid increases, reducing surface tension. Thus, alveolar wall tension (T) and radius (r) decrease (or increase) in parallel with each other and alveolar pressure (ΔP) is little affected.

Muscles of respiration

Inspiration is an active process in which the thoracic volume is increased by the action of the relevant muscles. The dome of the diaphragm is pulled down during diaphragmatic contraction, thereby increasing the vertical height of the thoracic cavity. This is augmented by contraction of the external intercostal muscles between the ribs, which raises them into a more horizontal position, increasing the width of the thorax from front to back. Accessory muscles in the neck, including sternocleidomastoid and scalenus, may also be used during maximal inspiration to elevate the sternum and first two ribs.

The intercostal muscles are innervated by inter-costal nerves from the thoracic spinal cord but the diaphragm is innervated by the phrenic nerves, which arise from cervical spinal nerve roots 3, 4 and 5 before descending through the thorax to their destination. Because of this, high cervical cord damage is likely to be fatal, since respiration ceases. Lower level spinal injuries may leave a patient severely handicapped without being immediately life-threatening, since the phrenic output to the diaphragm is adequate for resting inspiration even in the absence of intercostal muscle contraction.

Quiet expiration is passive and relies on elastic recoil of the stretched lungs as the inspiratory muscles relax. The outward flow of gas may be actively accelerated during forced expiration by contraction of the abdominal muscles, which increases the intra-abdominal pressure forcing the diaphragm upwards, and of the internal intercostals, which actively pull the ribs downwards.

Pressure changes during ventilation

Intrapleural pressure is about −4 cmH2O at the end of quiet expiration (Fig. 64). Contraction of the inspiratory muscles increases the outward force exerted by the diaphragm and chest wall on the parietal pleura and causes the intrapleural pressure to fall to about −9 cmH2O. This raises the distending pressure acting across the walls of the alveoli (i.e., the difference between the intra-alveolar and intrapleural pressures, Fig. 61B) and so causes the lung to expand. A small, negative intra-alveolar pressure is generated by the expansion of the alveolar walls and this draws air in from the atmosphere. (This is analogous to drawing fluid into a syringe by pulling outwards on the plunger.) In forced inspiration, maximal contraction of the inspiratory muscles is reinforced by use of the accessory inspiratory muscles in the neck, which elevate the sternum and upper ribs as well. This leads to the generation of much more negative intrapleural pressures (e.g., −30 cmH2O) and more rapid airflow.

During passive expiration, the elastic recoil of the stretched lungs produces a positive intra-alveolar pressure which drives air out (Fig. 64). Active contraction of abdominal and internal intercostal muscles during forced expiration generates strongly positive intrapleural pressures (e.g. +20 cmH2O) which deflate the lungs more rapidly.

4.2 Pulmonary function tests

Measurements of lung function are of great clinical significance because they allow respiratory disease to be classified pathophysiologically, its severity to be assessed and the benefits of therapy to be monitored objectively. Appropriate interpretation of these tests requires a knowledge of the normal pulmonary function test values which provide a benchmark for comparison.

Lung volumes

The volume of gas which can be moved in and out of the lungs during breathing is highly dependent on age, sex, body build and level of fitness, making it difficult to quote a single normal value for most of these measures.

Lung capacities

Functional residual capacity is the volume of gas left in the lungs at the end of quiet expiration; this can be estimated using a variation of the indicator dilution technique (Section 1.1). A known amount of the inert gas helium is equilibrated with the gas in the lungs. Since helium is insoluble in water and, therefore, does not diffuse out of the alveoli, the final concentration achieved can be used to calculate the functional residual capacity, which is typically about 3 L. This means that the normal tidal volume of incoming air (about 450 ml) is mixed with a 6–7 times larger volume of residual gas in the lungs, greatly reducing the breath-to-breath changes in alveolar O2 and CO2 concentrations during quiet respiration.

Ventilation rates and minute volumes

The respiratory minute volume is the amount of new air being brought into the lungs each minute and can be calculated from the respiratory rate (about 12–15 min−1) and the tidal volume (450 ml).

(Eq. 19) image

Dead space and alveolar ventilation rate

Not all the inspired air will actually reach the areas where gas exchange with the pulmonary circulation can take place. The volume which has to be ventilated but which does not participate in gas exchange is called the dead space. The anatomical dead space includes all the airways down to bronchiolar level. The air which enters these during inspiration is immediately expelled again at the beginning of the next expiration without contributing to pulmonary oxygenation. In some areas of the lung, there may also be alveoli which are ventilated but receive very little pulmonary perfusion. These regions cannot contribute to gas exchange either, and when their volume is included, we refer to the resulting total as the physiological dead space. It is this measurement which is of functional significance. Normally the dead space is about 150 ml.

The purpose of ventilation is to regulate alveolar gas concentrations. The rate at which the gas in the alveoli is renewed is determined by the alveolar ventilation rate where:

(Eq. 20) image

It can be seen from this that any increase in the dead space automatically increases the respiratory minute volume necessary to achieve a given rate of alveolar ventilation. This is important in disease states which increase the physiological dead space. Also, in patients requiring artificial ventilation, a considerable volume of tubing is used to connect the airways to the ventilator itself. This adds to the dead space of the system and the tidal volume delivered by the machine has to be increased appropriately to ensure adequate alveolar ventilation.

Forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume

In clinical practice, these measurements are often used to classify respiratory disease as either restrictive or obstructive in type. The patient is asked to take a maximal inspiration and then to breathe out as rapidly and fully as possible into a specialized spirometer which plots the expired volume against time in seconds (Fig. 66). Two measurements are commonly made from this.

Forced vital capacity (FVC) is the total volume of expired gas. This is similar to the vital capacity but is measured during forced expiration. The FVC is reduced in restrictive lung diseases. These may arise from conditions which limit the compliance of the lungs, e.g., lung fibrosis, or from a reduction in available lung volume caused by removal or collapse of part of the lung.

Forced expiratory volume (FEV) is the volume of gas expelled in a given time; if this is measured for the first second it is called the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1). This is limited by the speed with which gas can be forced through the airways and is decreased in obstructive lung disease. Since the actual magnitude of FEV1 is always reduced in parallel with any reduction in FVC, even in the absence of obstruction, it is the ratio of FEV1/FVC which is most useful diagnostically. This ratio should normally exceed 0.75 (75%) in healthy individuals but often falls below 0.5 (50%) when there is increased airways resistance, e.g., in asthma.

Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)

This is a simple test of ventilatory function which is widely used in clinical practice. The patient is simply asked to blow air out of their fully inflated lungs as rapidly as they can and the peak flow rate achieved is recorded with a flow meter. Normal values are again very dependent on age, sex and build but are of the order of 400 L min−1. This may fall dramatically in cases of obstructive airways disease.

4.3 Gas exchange in the lungs and tissues

The movement of O2 and CO2 in and out of the capillaries both in the lungs and in the peripheral tissues depends on gas diffusion. This is affected by three main factors.

Pressure gradients drive gas movements. The relevant SI unit of pressure is the kPa (1000 N m−2), although mmHg is also often used in respiratory physiology (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa). Differences in total pressure lead to bulk flow of a gas mixture, e.g., air flows from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. At the interface between two gas mixtures, however, the tendency for any individual gas to diffuse from one region to another is determined by differences in the partial pressure for that gas, i.e., diffusion is driven by partial pressure gradients.

Partial pressure is defined as the pressure a gas would exert if it alone occupied the total volume available to the mixture of gases. It is determined both by the concentration of a gas, expressed as a fraction of the total mixture, and the total pressure of the mixture. For example, if we consider a mixture of gases at a total pressure of 1 kPa, and if 20% of the mixture is O2, then the partial pressure of oxygen (image) can be calculated as follows:

(Eq. 21) image

We could double the partial pressure of O2 to 0.4 kPa either by increasing its concentration to 40%, or by doubling the total pressure of the mixture to 2 kPa. It is also important to note that the partial pressures of all the gases in a gas mixture must always add up to the total pressure of the mixture.

The diffusion coefficient for each gas is a measure of the ease with which it can diffuse through the aqueous body fluids, and is determined by its solubility in water and its molecular weight.

(Eq. 22) image

Even though CO2 has a higher molecular weight, it diffuses about 20 times more easily than O2 since it is much more soluble in water. Both gases are highly lipid soluble and so pass easily through cell membranes.

Gas exchange in the lungs

Gas exchange depends on the partial pressure gradients between alveolar air and pulmonary arterial blood for O2 and CO2. Effective gas exchange also requires easy diffusion between alveoli and blood and an appropriate balance between ventilation and perfusion within the lungs.

Alveolar gases

Room air is chiefly a mixture of N2 and O2, with variable amounts of water vapour and a tiny percentage of CO2 (Table 5). Although the average total pressure in the alveoli is equal to that in the atmosphere, alveolar air differs from the air we breathe (the inspirate) in a number of ways. Firstly, it has a higher water vapour pressure, since the inspired gases become fully saturated as they pass through the airways. The partial pressure of water vapour image in the alveoli always equals the saturated water vapour pressure at 37°C (6.3 kPa; 47 mmHg), irrespective of the total alveolar pressure. Since water molecules have been added to the inspirate, the concentrations of all the other gases in the mix are reduced by dilution (Table 5). This decreases their partial pressures, as illustrated by the changes in gas pressure which result from simply humidifying previously dry room air (Table 6).

The other major differences between alveolar gas and room air reflect constant removal of O2 by diffusion into the pulmonary blood and constant addition of CO2 from the same source. This reduces the image and elevates the image as compared with humidified air (Table 6). The actual values achieved depend on the balance between the rate of ventilation and the rates of O2 consumption and CO2 production by the body. If ventilation were to increase without any change in gas use or production, alveolar air would become more like humidified air, with a rise in image and a fall in image. This limits the maximum possible alveolar image to about 20 kPa (150 mmHg), i.e., the value in saturated room air (Table 6), at least while breathing air at normal atmospheric pressure. Higher partial pressures can only be achieved by breathing an oxygen-enriched gas mixture or by increasing the total pressures of the inspirate.

Normally, of course, ventilation is homeostatically regulated so that alveolar image and image remain relatively constant (Section 5). As previously explained, the large functional residual capacity during quiet respiration also acts as a buffer against large changes in alveolar gas pressures during each respiratory cycle, since the incoming tidal volume is diluted in a much larger volume of residual pulmonary gas (Section 4.2).

Pulmonary blood gases

Gas diffusion gradients in the lung are determined by the differences between the partial pressures within the alveoli and those within the pulmonary capillaries. The partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in pulmonary arterial blood entering these capillaries are determined by the levels in systemic venous blood from peripheral tissues. Venous blood is mixed in the right ventricle, giving a image in the pulmonary arteries of 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg) and a image of 6 kPa (45 mmHg). Since the image in the alveoli is 13.7 kPa (103 mmHg), O2 diffuses into the pulmonary blood. Carbon dioxide, also driven by a partial pressure gradient (Fig. 67), diffuses in the opposite direction, from the capillaries (image = 6 kPa, or 45 mmHg) into the alveoli (image = 5.3 kPa, or 40 mmHg). Gas diffusion across the combined alveolar and capillary wall system is rapid, so that pulmonary blood normally equilibrates with alveolar gases before leaving the pulmonary capillary. Thus, the gas pressures in pulmonary venous blood equal those in the alveoli under physiological conditions (Fig. 67).

The image in systemic arterial blood is somewhat lower than that in the pulmonary veins because of mixing with deoxygenated blood from the bronchial veins. Bronchial blood vessels provide the nutritive needs of the bronchial system, losing O2 and gaining CO2 as they do so, and do not take part in alveolar gas exchange. Bronchial venous blood drains into the left atrium and reduces systemic arterial image to about 13 kPa (98 mmHg). Thus, the bronchial circulation acts as a shunt, bypassing pulmonary oxygenation.

The diffusion processes described above lead to a change in the gas content of pulmonary blood, as determined by the dissociation curves for O2 and CO2 transport in blood (Section 4.4). Oxygen content normally rises from 15 to 20 ml O2 100 ml−1 blood. At the same time CO2 levels drop from about 52 to 48 ml CO2 100 ml−1 blood. The ratio of CO2 release (4 ml CO2 100 ml−1 blood) to O2 uptake (5 ml O2 100 ml−1 blood) is called the respiratory exchange ratio, which has a value of 0.8 in this case. This ratio is also, though not strictly correctly, referred to as the respiratory quotient. Under steady state conditions the respiratory exchange ratio is determined by the substrates being metabolized by the body and 0.8 is fairly typical for someone on a mixed, Western-style diet (Section 4.7).

Pulmonary diffusion

Pulmonary gases must diffuse through several structures between the alveoli and the capillary blood (Fig. 68). A layer of alveolar fluid lies over the epithelium, which sits on a basement membrane. This may actually fuse with the basement membrane of the capillary endothelium so that the total thickness of the diffusion barrier can be as little as 0.2 μm. Coupled with the large alveolar surface area (about 70 m2), this short diffusion distance makes the lungs very efficient gas exchange units, i.e., they have a high diffusion capacity. If the thickness of the diffusion barrier is increased, e.g., because of an increase in alveolar fluid during pulmonary oedema, or the available alveolar area is decreased, e.g., in emphysema, which involves alveolar destruction, gas exchange will be impaired as a result of the reduced diffusion capacity. This may cause abnormalities in the systemic arterial blood gas levels, even when alveolar ventilation is perfectly adequate.

Ventilation : perfusion ratio

Normal gas exchange requires both that alveoli are adequately ventilated and that they are perfused with pulmonary blood at an appropriate rate. One way of quantifying this relationship is to measure the alveolar ventilation : perfusion ratio, image.

(Eq. 23) image

This may deviate from normal, a situation which is referred to as ventilation–perfusion mismatch. If an area of the lung is perfused but inadequately ventilated, image will obviously be reduced. As a result, the alveolar image falls and the image rises since less ‘fresh’ air is brought into the alveoli than normal. In the most extreme case, where image (perfusion with no ventilation), alveolar gas pressures will become equal to those in pulmonary arterial blood (Fig. 69). Blood passing through such a region will be inadequately oxygenated and this will reduce the final image in the systemic arterial blood. Thus, areas with a decreased image increase the physiological shunting of blood. This is a major factor contributing to the abnormal blood gases seen in many respiratory diseases.

Where alveoli are ventilated but not properly perfused, image will be increased. Such regions contribute less than they should to pulmonary gas exchange so they add to the physiological dead space. In the absence of gas diffusion in and out of the pulmonary blood, alveolar image rises and image falls. In the most extreme case, where pulmonary flow equals zero (i.e., image), the alveolar gas pressures become equal to those in humidified room air (Table 6; Fig. 69). This can occur in regions of the lung affected by a pulmonary embolus, a travelling blood clot which completely obstructs one of the pulmonary arteries.

For the lungs as a whole under normal conditions, the mean value for image = 4 L min−1 (alveolar ventilation rate) ÷ 5 L min−1 (pulmonary blood flow) = 0.8. The local value of image varies with posture. The upper regions of the lung are more poorly ventilated and more poorly perfused than the bases. When standing, however, the increase in ventilation between the apex and the base of the lung is much smaller than the parallel increase in perfusion, so that image decreases as one moves towards the base. At the apices of the lungs image is about 3.0 (contributing to the physiological dead space), but this falls to about 0.6 at the bases (which contribute to the physiological shunt).

Measurement of pulmonary gas exchange

The efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs is often measured in terms of the transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TCO). This is added to the inspired air at very low concentrations (CO is poisonous; Section 4.4). The increase in arterial CO content over a short period of time is then measured to provide a value for the rate of CO absorption. Since haemoglobin has an extremely high CO affinity, essentially all the absorbed CO becomes attached to the haemoglobin leaving none in the plasma. This means that the pulmonary arterial PCO can be assumed to be zero, so that the diffusion gradient driving CO absorption equals the alveolar PCO, which is measured. From this the transfer factor for CO can be calculated.

(Eq. 24) image

The transfer factors for O2 and CO2, though different from that for CO, will be proportional to TCO, which can, therefore, be used clinically to assess whether pulmonary gas exchange is impaired. Defects may arise because of impaired diffusion across the alveolar walls themselves but are more commonly caused by a ventilation–perfusion mismatch.

4.4 Gas transport in blood

Both O2 and CO2 are transported between the lungs and the tissues in the blood. The mechanisms involved will be considered separately for each gas.

Oxygen transport


The vast majority of the O2 in blood is transported within red cells and is bound to haemoglobin, with only a negligible additional amount dissolved in the plasma. One haemoglobin molecule consists of four polypeptide chains (the globin elements), each of which is attached to a pigmented haem group made up of a protoporphyrin ring surrounding a ferrous ion (Fe2+). Oxygen can bind reversibly with these haem elements, forming oxyhaemoglobin, so a single molecule of haemoglobin can carry up to four O2 molecules.

Various factors may reduce the O2-carrying capacity of blood. Simplest, and most common, is a reduction in the concentration of haemoglobin, a condition known as anaemia. This may arise in various ways, although nutritional deficiencies and chronic blood loss are probably the commonest causes in Western society (Section 2.3). The O2-carrying capacity of the blood is proportional to the haemoglobin concentration, and this explains the main symptoms of anaemia, which include weakness, tiredness and reduced exercise tolerance. The normal haemoglobin concentration is about 15 g dl−1 in males and 13 g dl−1 in females (1 dl = 0.1 L = 100 ml). Since each gram of haemoglobin can carry 1.34 ml of O2, this equates to O2 capacities of 20 and 17.5 ml 100 ml−1 blood, respectively.

Some conditions reduce the ability of the haemoglobin molecules to carry O2 (reduce their O2 affinity). For example, if the Fe2+ is converted to Fe3+, then the O2-binding capability is greatly reduced. Certain drugs can oxidize haemoglobin in this way, forming methaemoglobin. Carbon monoxide can also interfere with O2 transport since it binds very tightly to haemoglobin, leading to a build-up of carboxy-haemoglobin. Little unbound haemoglobin is left for O2 transport.

Oxygen dissociation curve

This sigmoid, or S-shaped curve describes the relationship between the partial pressure of O2 and the concentration of O2 in blood (Fig. 70A). As image is raised from zero to 2 kPa the O2 content of the blood also rises, slowly at first and then more rapidly. The shape of this initial part of the curve reflects the fact that there are four O2 binding sites on each haemoglobin molecule. When one site attaches to O2, the O2-binding ability of the other sites is increased and so the rate of rise of O2 concentration also increases. This phenomenon is known as cooperativity, since the separate haemoglobin subunits cooperate in their function. As the image is increased further, more and more O2 is carried in the blood until all the available sites on haemoglobin are occupied (saturation); the curve reaches a plateau at a image of around 16 kPa (120 mmHg). Further increases in image have little effect on O2 transport.

The quantity of O2 carried depends on the haemoglobin concentration, so that a 50% reduction in haemoglobin (from 15 to 7.5 g dl−1) also reduces the oxygen content at the plateau (the O2-carrying capacity) by half (Fig. 70A). It is important to appreciate, however, that this only alters the height of the dissociation curve; its shape is not affected by the haemoglobin concentration. Plotting the O2 concentrations in the normal and anaemic samples as percentages of their own maximum values, i.e., in terms of the O2 saturation of the blood, produces identical curves (Fig. 70B). Any change in this saturation curve indicates a change in the O2-carrying properties of the haemoglobin itself, rather than a change in haemoglobin concentration.

Using the O2 dissociation curve to determine O2 uptake

The O2 dissociation curve can be used to determine how much O2 will be released into the body tissues for a given fall in O2 pressure. Under normal conditions, blood is 97% saturated at the image of systemic arterial blood (13 kPa, 98 mmHg). Saturation only falls to 75% on reducing the image to 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg), the value found in systemic venous blood (Fig. 70B). With a haemoglobin concentration of 15 g dl−1, this is equivalent to a tissue O2 uptake of 5 ml O2 100 ml−1 blood (Fig. 70A). These processes are reversed as deoxygenated blood passes through the pulmonary capillaries. The image is initially raised to 13.7 kPa (105 mmHg), although this is then reduced to 13 kPa (98 mmHg) by mixing with deoxygenated blood shunted through the bronchial circulation (Section 4.3). The net result is the absorption of the same amount of O2 from the alveoli as was given up to the peripheral tissues.

Much higher than average rates of O2 uptake may be achieved in rapidly metabolizing organs, in which case the tissue image falls below normal. If the image were to fall to 2.7 kPa (20 mmHg), for example, O2 saturation would fall to 25% (Fig. 70B), yielding an additional 10 ml O2 100 ml−1 blood with a normal haemoglobin concentration. Quantitatively, this is the most important mechanism whereby tissue extraction of O2 from blood may be increased.

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