Primary Immunodeficiency

Primary Immunodeficiency


In general, immunodeficiencies are divided into those of the specific immune system (e.g. T cells or B cells) or those of the innate or nonspecific immune system (e.g. complement and neutrophils). The age at which the patient presents gives good but not absolute clues as to the type of immune deficiency; for instance, severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) will present within the first 6 months of life. The type of infection also gives excellent clues as to the nature of the underlying immune defect. For example, recurrent meningococcal infection is a major feature of complement deficiency, while persistent respiratory syncytial virus infection in a small baby should raise the question of SCID. Other associated features also provide clues; for example, ataxia (unsteadiness on the feet) together with bacterial infections suggests ataxia telangiectasia.

Immunodeficiencies can also be divided into primary (usually genetic) and secondary, where the immune defect is caused by some other nonimmunological disease; for example, a glycogen storage disease that causes a neutrophil defect, or a drug (e.g. phenytoin). Sometimes the distinction is blurred; for example, the AIDS virus (HIV-1) infects CD4+ T lymphocytes and macrophages and alters their functional capacity. This is usually referred to as a secondary immunodeficiency, despite the ‘primary’ effect on T cells (see Chapter 2 for a further discussion of secondary immunodeficiencies). There may be some overlap between groupings (e.g. adenosine deaminase has its immunological effect through a metabolic abnormality that is genetically determined). Some host defence disorders are covered in Chapter 2 (e.g. cystic fibrosis).

image All patients with primary immunodeficiencies should be under the care of an immunologist, who will be familiar with the range of complications.

Classification of immunodeficiency


  • Autosomal recessive.

  • Autosomal dominant.

  • X-linked.

  • Gene deletions, rearrangements.

Biochemical and metabolic

  • Adenosine deaminase deficiency.

  • Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficiency.

  • Biotin-dependent multiple carboxylase deficiency.

  • Deficient membrane glycoproteins.

Vitamin or mineral deficiency

  • Zinc deficiency.

  • B12 deficiency.

  • Biotin.

Undefined primary

  • Common variable immunodeficiency.

  • Specific antibody deficiency.

  • IgG subclass deficiency.

  • IgA deficiency.


  • Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy.

Secondary (see Chapter 2)

  • Viral infections (HIV, CMV, EBV, rubella).

  • Chronic infections (TB, leishmania).

  • Malignancy.

  • Lymphoma/leukaemia.

  • Extremes of age.

  • Transfusion therapy.

  • Drugs.

  • Plasmapheresis.

  • Radiation.

  • Nutrition.

  • Chronic renal disease (including dialysis).

  • Toxins (including alcohol, cigarettes).

  • Splenectomy.

Clinical features of immunodeficiency

Recurrent infections

There is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes ‘recurrent infection’ and therefore it is difficult to be categorical about who should be investigated for immunodeficiency. The following should be used as guidance.

  • Two major or one major and recurrent minor in 1 year.

  • Unusual organisms (Aspergillus, Pneumocystis).

  • Unusual sites (liver abscess, osteomyelitis).

  • Chronic infections (sinusitis).

  • Structural damage (e.g. bronchiectasis).

  • Other suspicious features.

A major infection is severe infection, usually requiring parenteral treatment in hospital, with objective evidence of infection (elevated CRP, positive culture). Minor infection is less severe and is usually treatable in the community with oral therapy, but has objective evidence of infection.

Other features raising suspicion of an underlying immunodeficiency

  • Skin rash (atypical eczema): Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, hyper-IgE syndrome, Omenn’s syndrome.

  • Chronic diarrhoea: SCID, IPEX, antibody deficiencies.

  • Failure to thrive: any immune deficiency in childhood.

  • Hepatosplenomegaly: common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), Omenn’s syndrome.

  • Chronic osteomyelitis/deep-seated abscesses: chronic granulomatous disease.

  • Mouth ulceration (?cyclical): neutropenia.

  • Autoimmunity: CVID, hyper-IgM syndrome.

  • Family history.

Features associated with specific immunodeficiencies

Some features are diagnostic of particular immunodeficiencies.

  • Ataxia: ataxia telangiectasia; PNP deficiency.

  • Telangiectasia: ataxia telangiectasia.

  • Short-limbed dwarfism: X-linked immunodeficiency.

  • Skeletal abnormalities: ribs in ADA deficiency.

  • Cartilage-hair hypoplasia.

  • Ectodermal dysplasia.

  • Endocrinopathy (particularly with hypocalcaemia): chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis.

  • Partial albinism: Chediak-Higashi disease; Griscelli syndrome.

  • Thrombocytopenia (particularly with small platelets): X-linked thrombocytopenia; Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.

  • Eczema: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; hyper-IgE syndrome; Omenn’s syndrome.

  • Neonatal tetany: 22q11 deletion syndromes (DiGeorge).

  • Severe bowel disease: IPEX

  • Abnormal facies (leonine, fish-shaped mouth, low-set ears): hyper-IgE (leonine); 22q11 deletion syndrome (fish-shaped mouth, low-set ears); ICF syndrome (see ‘Other chromosomal instability disorders’, p.50.

  • Mental retardation: 22q11 deletion syndromes, PNP deficiency; other genetic immunodeficiencies.

Investigation of immunodeficiency


Particular features to pay attention to include the following.

  • Weight and height (failure to thrive).

  • Structural damage from infections (ears, sinuses, lungs).

  • Autoimmune features: vitiligo; alopecia; goitre.

  • Other suspicious/diagnostic features, as above.

Differential diagnosis

Formulate differential diagnoses in rank order and then investigate appropriately.

Laboratory investigation

Use laboratory facilities wisely.

  • Target investigations to differential diagnosis.

  • Do not blanket screen.

  • Ensure basic tests are done before exotic tests.

  • Think whether tests will contribute to diagnosis or management. If they will not, then do not do them!

B-cell function

Full evaluation of the humoral immune system requires that all the parts are present and functioning. The latter usually requires in vivo test immunization, bearing in mind the caveat that no patient with suspected immunodeficiency should receive live vaccines. The following tests comprise a full screen of humoral function.

  • Serum immunoglobulins (be sure to use a low-level detection system for IgA to confirm absence).

  • Serum and urine electrophoresis (evidence for bands and urinary loss).

  • IgG subclasses.

  • IgE.

  • Antibacterial, antiviral antibodies (appropriate to immunization and exposure history).

  • Immunization responses (protein and polysaccharide antigens).

  • Isohaemagglutinins (IgM, dependent on blood group).

  • B-lymphocyte numbers (flow cytometry); class-switch memory B cells (CD27+/IgD/IgM).

  • Pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and antigen-stimulated antibody production in vitro (clinical indications limited).

T-cell function

Tests of T-cell function are less easy and less reliable than those for B cells, where antibody provides a convenient read-out. ‘Normal’ ranges for in vitro proliferation assays are quite wide: know your own laboratory ranges. Use absolute cell counts, not percentages.

  • T-cell numbers and surface phenotype.

  • CD2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD7, Tcr (αβ, γδ), CD40 and CD40L, MHC class II; CD45RA and RO, CD27.

  • CD40 ligand expression on activated T cells.

  • T-cell proliferation to antigens, mitogens (OKT3, PHA, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), calcium ionophore, cytokines).

  • T-cell cytokine production in vitro.

  • In vivo skin (delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH)) testing: the Multitest CMI is a convenient tool, but responses will depend on prior exposure. It is not widely used.

Neutrophil function

Neutrophil function tests are not widely available, so if there is suspicion of a neutrophil defect, specialist help should be sought. Interpretation is difficult and tests may be influenced by intercurrent infection and drug therapy.

  • Neutrophil markers (CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, CD18, CD15).

  • Upregulation of neutrophil markers (PMA, fMLP).

  • Oxidative metabolism (quantitative and qualitative nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT test); flow cytometric determination of oxidative burst).

  • Phagocytosis.

  • Bacterial killing (relevant organisms should be selected).

  • Chemotaxis (difficult to standardize, with wide normal range).

NK-cell function

This is an area of particular interest.

  • NK-cell numbers by flow cytometry (absolute counts).

  • K562 killing assay (radioimmunoassay, flow cytometry).

  • Cytokine-stimulated killing (lymphokine-activated killer cell (LAK) assay).

  • Perforin, granule-release assays.

Complement assays

  • Measurement of specific components.

  • Functional assays (haemolytic assays).

Toll receptor assays

  • Measurement of specific pathways.

Cytokine and interferon assays

  • Measurement of specific components and receptors (see Chapter 20).

Genetic studies

Genetic studies form an essential part of the investigation and management of primary immunodeficiencies.

  • Cytogenetics (deletions, translocations).

  • Ig and Tcr gene rearrangements (clonality).

  • X-linked gene studies.

  • 22q11 microdeletions (FISH—fluorescent in situ hybridization).

  • Protein expression studies (SAP, btk).

  • MHC studies.

  • Prenatal diagnosis.

Other investigations

The use of other investigative procedures depends very much on the clinical state of the patient.

  • Detection of autoimmunity:

    • anti-red cell, platelet, neutrophil antibodies

    • anti-endocrine autoimmunity (e.g. thyroid autoantibodies).

  • Exclusion of secondary causes:

    • renal disease, bowel disease (loss of immunoglobulins ± lymphocytes)

    • malignancy (lymph-node biopsy)

    • nutritional deficiencies (zinc, B12, iron)

    • drugs (cytotoxics, anticonvulsants).

  • Detection of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (CT scanning, barium follow-through, endoscopy, biopsy).

  • Lung function (including FEV1, FVC, transfer factor).

  • Imaging studies (HR-CT lungs, CT sinuses).

  • Direct isolation of pathogens: bacteria, fungal, and viral (serology is usually unreliable—use PCR-based tests where culture is not possible).

Major B-lymphocyte disorders

  • X-linked agammaglobulinaemia (Bruton’s agammaglobulinaemia, XLA).

  • Common variable immunodeficiency (acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia, CVID).

  • Selective IgA deficiency.

  • IgG subclass deficiency.

  • Specific antibody deficiency with normal immunoglobulins.

Rare antibody deficiency syndromes

  • X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome (HIGM-1); CD40-ligand deficiency.

  • Autosomal hyper-IgM syndromes (HIGM-2-4):

    • HIGM-2; autosomal recessive activation-induced cytidine deaminase deficiency

    • HIGM-3; autosomal recessive CD40 deficiency

    • HIGM-4; similar to HIGM-2, molecularly undefined

    • HIGM due to uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) deficiency.

  • X-linked hypogammaglobulinaemia with growth hormone deficiency.

  • Selective IgM deficiency.

  • X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (Duncan’s syndrome; XLPS).

  • Hyper-IgE syndrome (Job’s syndrome).

  • Selective IgE deficiency.

  • Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy.

  • Mu-chain deficiency.

  • Igα (CD79a) deficiency.

  • Igβ (CD79b) deficiency.

  • BLNK deficiency.

  • ICOS deficiency.

  • λ5/14.1 (surrogate light chain, IGLL1, CD179B) deficiency.

  • SWAP-70 deficiency.

  • κ and λ light-chain deficiency.

  • CD20 deficiency.

  • CD81 (TAPA1) deficiency.

  • LRRC8A (leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 8A) deficiency.

  • Thymoma with immunodeficiency (Good’s syndrome).

  • CD19 deficiency.

X-linked agammaglobulinaemia (Bruton’s disease)

This was the first immunodeficiency to be described (1952). It has an incidence of 1 in 100 000-200 000 and a prevalence of 1 in 10 000.


  • Genetic disorder due to a mutations on the X chromosome affecting the btk gene.

  • btk codes for a tyrosine kinase involved in B-cell maturation.

  • Defects in the gene prevent B-cell maturation from pro-B-cell to pre-B-cell.

  • Gene is located at Xq21.3-22. Mutations include deletions and point mutations, either conservative or leading to premature termination.X-

  • Phenotype correlates poorly with genotype.

  • Mild phenotypes occur with some limited B-cell development.

  • New mutations are common, so a family history may be absent.

  • The xid mutation in mice is similar, although some features differ.


  • Usually early in childhood, after 6 months of age, when maternal antibody has largely disappeared.

  • Recurrent infections of lungs and ears (children of this age don’t have sinuses):

    • Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococci (upper and lower respiratory tract, meningitis)

    • meningococcus (meningitis)

    • staphylococci (septic arthritis)

    • Giardia, Salmonella, and Campylobacter infections of the gut

    • Rarely Pneumocystis.

  • Milder phenotypes may present later.

Diagnosis—key features

  • Early-onset bacterial infections in a male child with a family history.

  • Family history often absent.

  • Neutropenia very common at presentation but goes away with treatment and is probably due to chronic bacterial sepsis.

  • Failure to thrive and chronic diarrhoea common.

  • Distinction of milder forms, with some B cells and low but not absent IgG, from CVID is difficult and relies on the demonstration of abnormalities of the btk gene. Some patients previously classified as CVID will turn out to be XLA.

  • Specific antibody deficiency only reported with btk mutations.

  • XLA may rarely be associated with growth hormone deficiency (and short stature).

  • Occasional females will be identified with the immunological features of XLA.

  • Differential diagnosis will include coeliac disease and cystic fibrosis, although the laboratory tests will rapidly identify antibody deficiency.


In the complete forms the immunology is fairly distinctive.

  • All immunoglobulins are absent or very low.

  • B cells are low or absent.

  • btk protein absent (confirm with genetic studies where there is a good history to exclude production of non-functional protein).

  • Lymph nodes show no germinal centres; no tonsils; pre-B cells in bone marrow (BM).

  • T-cell numbers and function are normal.

  • NK-cell numbers and function are normal.

Mild or incomplete variants may be difficult to distinguish from CVID.

  • Variable numbers of B cells including normal.

  • Variable immunoglobulins.

  • Poor/absent specific antibodies to polysaccharide antigens.

XLA with growth hormone deficiency

This is a very rare disorder with immunological features identical to XLA in association with short stature (as opposed to failure to thrive). The disease maps the region of the X chromosome containing the btk gene, but not all cases appear to have mutations in the btk gene. Prognosis appears to be good. It is treated with IVIg and growth hormone.

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)

CVID is the most common symptomatic antibody deficiency with an estimated incidence of 1 in 25 000-66 000, based on Scandinavian data.


  • Cause of CVID is unknown: one hypothesis suggests that an environmental insult (virus infection?) in a genetically susceptible individual triggers the disease. No conclusive viral trigger has been identified.

  • Some evidence for a genetic background (linked to MHC A1B8DR3C4Q0 and to polymorphisms in the TNF-α gene).

  • May be a family history of other antibody deficiencies (especially IgA deficiency and IgG subclass deficiency) in up to 50% of cases, although other family members may be entirely asymptomatic.

  • Disease is heterogeneous in phenotype and immunological findings.

  • Diagnosis is now one of exclusion, once other genetic diseases have been ruled out.

  • Some CVID patients have been identified with mutations in TACI and BAFF-R. Significance is uncertain—may not be disease-causing.

  • SNPs in the gene for Msh5 have been reported, with increased frequency in patients with CVID and IgA deficiency.


  • May present at any age from childhood through to old age, although the peak of presentation is in early childhood and early adulthood.

  • Usual presentation is with recurrent bacterial infections, as for XLA.

  • May present with autoimmune problems, especially thrombocytopenia, haemolytic anaemia, and organ-specific autoimmunity (e.g. thyroid, diabetes, vitiligo, and alopecia); these are common and may precede the development of recurrent infections.

  • Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of bowel (polyclonal hyperplasia of Peyer’s patches) is unique to CVID. The cause is unknown, but it is possibly premalignant. This has characteristic features on small-bowel radiology.

  • Granulomatous disease with lymphadenopathy and (hepato-) splenomegaly, often involving the lung, is common in the severe form of CVID (about 25% of cases). Disease resembles sarcoidosis, but is Kveim-test negative (although this test is now rarely used). Specifically associated with complete absence of class-switch memory B cells.

  • More severe cases may develop opportunist infections (see late-onset combined immunodeficiency, p.43).


  • Immunoglobulin levels are highly variable, and IgG may be only marginally reduced; specific antibodies are invariably low with poor/absent immunization responses.

  • IgM may be normal, which contrasts with lymphoma, when the IgM is the first immunoglobulin to drop (Chapter 2).

  • B cells may be normal or low, but some cases in males may be latepresenting XLA.

  • CD4+ T cells are low, with specific depletion of CD45RA+ T cells. T-cell function to antigens and mitogens is poor in vivo and in vitro, and there is poor NK-cell function, with reduced NK-cell numbers.

  • Abnormalities of 5’-nucleotidase activity on the lymphocyte surface have been described but this is not a separate syndrome as is sometimes stated. The significance of the abnormality is not known.


Three groups are identified on the basis of B-cell responses to IL-2 + anti-IgM in vitro.

  • Group A: severe disease, with granulomata (hepatosplenomegaly); no IgG or IgM production in vitro.

  • Group B: rare; IgM production only in vitro (?cryptic hyper-IgM).

  • Group C: mild disease; IgG and IgM production in vitro.

This technique is unsuited to routine diagnosis; identification of classswitch memory B cells is more useful (group A patients lack class-switch memory B cells).

Clinical grouping by complications has been used as an alternative.

  • No complications.

  • Polyclonal lymphocytic infiltration.

  • Enteropathy.

  • Lymphoid malignancy.

83% of patients show a single clinical phenotype.

Phenotyping by flow cytometry has also been used (EUROclass trial).

Three patterns emerge.

  • Nearly absent B cells (<1%).

  • Severely reduced class-switched memory B cells (<2%)—may be seen in other PIDs (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, XLPS, idiopathic CD4 lymphopenia, and CGD).

  • Expansion of CD21low B cells (associated with lymphoproliferative disease and splenomegaly) >10%. CD24 may also be helpful in analysing this subset; calcium signalling is also abnormal.

Reduction of Treg is associated with an increase in autoimmune disease.

CVID 2: complications and treatment

Selective IgA deficiency

Selective IgA deficiency is the most common primary immunodeficiency, but mostly passes unnoticed. Depending on the racial group, 1 in 400-800 individuals will be affected.


  • Cause is unknown, although it forms part of the spectrum of disease with CVID and shares the MHC type (A1, B8, DR3, C4Q0). It occurs in relatives of patients with CVID in 50% of cases.

  • Rarely due to a gene deletion, often including IgG2/IgG4.

  • Defects of class switching have been identified in a few patients.

  • Selective deficiencies of IgA1 or IgA2 have been reported (all due to gene deletions).

  • May be associated with other chromosomal abnormalities, usually involving chromosome 18 (18q syndrome and ring chromosome 18). Also with variant Turner’s syndrome (Xq), multibranched chromosomes, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and α1-antitrypsin deficiency.

  • Associated with drug therapy, particularly with phenytoin and penicillamine, although in many reports it is not clear whether the defect was present before drug therapy was introduced.

  • IgA-bearing B cells are present. IgA is synthesized but not secreted.

  • In terms of mucosal protection, there is evidence that IgG and IgM may substitute as secretory immunoglobulins.


  • Most cases are asymptomatic.

  • There is an increased incidence of allergic disease, including food allergies and intolerances.

  • Connective tissue diseases (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, and juvenile chronic arthritis), coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, pernicious anaemia, and other organ-specific autoimmune diseases.

  • Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia.

  • Increased presence of a range of autoantibodies.

  • False-positive pregnancy tests due to heterophile antibodies.

  • Infections are rarely a problem unless additional humoral defects are present.

  • Occasional cases will come to light as a result of adverse reactions to blood products. This is deemed to be very rare (incidence 1 in 15 million transfusions).


  • The IgA will be undetectable (< 0.05g/L), but total IgG and IgM will be normal. IgG subclasses may be reduced (G2 and G4). Secreted IgA will be absent (secretory piece deficiency is vanishingly rare), but testing for this is of little clinical value.

  • T-cell function is normal (PHA and antigens).

  • Auto-antibodies may be present (NB anti-IgA antibodies). There will be an increased IgE in the presence of atopic disease.

  • In the absence of IgA, IgM and IgG appear on mucosal surfaces.

Selective IgA2 deficiency

Cases have been reported with selective IgA2 deficiency, with normal IgA1. This does not appear to be due to heavy-chain gene deletions affecting the α2 gene in all cases.

IgG subclass deficiency


  • The cause of IgG subclass deficiency is unknown, but it forms part of the spectrum with CVID and IgA deficiency. It is possible that some cases represent CVID in evolution. Rarely, cases may be due to gene deletions, but these individuals may be entirely healthy.

  • IgG subclass levels are related to allotypes of IgG (Gm allotypes); therefore different racial groups may have different ‘normal’ ranges,

  • depending on the prevalence of different allotypes. This should be taken into account when diagnosing IgG subclass deficiency.


  • As for CVID, presentation can be at any age. Recurrent infections may be a feature, particularly for IgG2 ± IgG4 deficiency. IgG4 deficiency occurring alone has also been associated with bronchiectasis.

  • Other conditions associated with subclass deficiency include asthma (IgG3 deficiency), sinusitis (IgG3 deficiency), intractable epilepsy of childhood (although this may be due to anticonvulsants), and autoimmune disease (SLE).


  • A normal total IgG is entirely compatible with subclass deficiency, although low IgG1 usually reduces the total IgG (this also behaves like CVID for practical purposes). The IgA is normal or low; IgM is normal.

  • B- and T-cell numbers are usually normal.

  • Poor specific antibody responses to bacterial and viral antigens may be present in some patients.

Specific antibody deficiency with normal serum immunoglobulins

This syndrome is probably much more common than hitherto realized.


  • The cause is unknown. It is unrelated to IgG subclass deficiencies. There is usually a failure to respond to polysaccharide antigens (T-independent) and possibly other protein antigens (HBsAg?).

  • In small children, it may be due to a maturational delay that resolves spontaneously.


  • Recurrent bacterial infection of upper and lower respiratory tract (Haemophilus, Pneumococcus, Moraxella) is the usual presentation.

  • In immunization programmes for hepatitis B, about 5% of individuals fail to respond to the standard three-dose schedule; a fourth dose still leaves 1-2% who fail to make a serological response. These patients clearly have some form of specific immune deficit (see Chapter 2 for the approach to management of these individuals).


  • Immunoglobulins and IgG subclasses are normal, but there are low specific antibodies, especially to capsulated organisms, and poor responses to test immunization, especially to polysaccharide antigens (Pneumovax II®).

  • The use of serotype-specific responses may add confidence to the diagnosis.

  • Salmonella typhi Vi antigen has also been evaluated as a test antigen.

  • Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccines may be used but the serological responses are less well established.

  • For all vaccines, a normal response is a rise in titre into the protective range and a 4× increase over the pre-immunization level. Ideally, pre-and post-vaccine samples should be run on the same assays as the inter-assay coefficient of variation (CV) of specific antibody assays is high.

  • Children under the age of 2 years do not respond to Pneumovax II®. However, the inability to respond to polysaccharide antigens in infants may be bypassed by conjugation of the polysaccharide to a protein, for example, the Hib-conjugate vaccines and Prevenar®, the heptavalent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

  • T- and B-lymphocyte numbers and T-cell function are normal.

X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome (HIGM-1)

Originally this was thought to be a B-cell disorder, but the demonstration in the X-linked form of a primary T-cell defect means that this form should be reclassified as a T-cell defect. However, the predominant effect is of a humoral immune deficiency.


  • the X-linked form has now been shown to be due to a deficiency of the CD40-ligand (CD154) on T cells (gene located at Xq26-27) required for B-cell immunoglobulin class switch.

  • CD40 is also expressed on monocyte-macrophages, and the interaction with CD40L is integral to antigen presentation.


  • Presentation is with recurrent bacterial infections; this may include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

  • There is often neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. Autoimmune disease of all types is common.


  • IgM (and IgD) are normally raised with a low IgG and IgA. However, the IgM may be normal in the absence of infection. There will be high isohaemagglutinins. Specific IgM responses are present but may be short-lived. IgM+ and IgD+ B cells are present.

  • T-cell function may be normal or poor. Some patients have reduced cell-mediated immunity, as evidenced by the occurrence of Pneumocystis infection. The expression of CD40-ligand on activated T cells may be defective (use PMA + ionophore).

  • Mild variants exist compatible with minimal disease and survival into adult life.

Autosomal hyper-IgM syndromes

Four rare types of autosomal hyper-IgM have now been identified.


  • Caused by defects in the activation-induced cytidine deaminase gene (AID gene, 12p13).

  • Intrinsic B-cell defect with failure to class-switch. B cells express CD19, sIgM, and sIgD.

  • T-cell function is normal: opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis do not occur.

  • T-cell expression of CD154 is normal.

  • Lymphoid histology is abnormal, with hyperplasia and giant germinal centres.

  • Presentation is with recurrent bacterial and gastrointestinal infections from early in childhood.

  • Treatment is with IVIg/SCIg.


  • Caused by deficiency of CD40 expression on B cells owing to a genetic defect (20q12-13.2).

  • Clinical features are identical to those of HIGM-1, and opportunist infections can occur.

  • Class-switch memory B cells are markedly reduced or absent.

  • Monocyte function is also defective (CD40 is expressed on monocytes). CD40 is also expressed on endothelial cells.

  • Neutropenia may occur.

  • Increased risk of lymphomas and hepatocellular, bile duct, and neuroendocrine carcinomas.

  • Treatment is the same as for HIGM-1 with IVIg/SCIg, prophylaxis against PCP, and consideration of BMT/SCT, although the latter will not completely restore CD40 expression in non-haematopoietic cell lineages.


  • Clinically a mild variant of HIGM-2, but with normal AID levels.

  • The molecular defect is unknown.

  • Some IgG production may occur.


  • Due to defects in uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG).

  • Clinically resembles HIGM-2.

  • From the limited clinical experience, IVIg/SCIg would appear to be the treatment of choice.

X-linked ectodermal dysplasia with HIGM (NEMO deficiency; IκBα deficiency)

  • Cases have been reported of X-linked ectodermal dysplasia with HIGM due to loss-of-function mutations in the NEMO gene (Xq28), coding for IKK-γ, which block the release of NFκB on cellular activation.

  • Not all patients with NEMO mutations have extodermal dysplasia.

  • Gain-of-function mutations in IκBα, with which IKK-γ interacts, have been reported to produce an autosomal dominant ectodermal dysplasia similar to NEMO deficiency.

  • IL-10 production is lacking.

  • Patients with NEMO mutations have impaired polysaccharide responses.

  • IgA levels may be increased more than IgM.

  • Patients with IκBα mutations have hypogammaglobulinaemia, reduced CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and absent T-cell proliferation to anti-CD3.

  • Clinical features include early-onset severe bacterial and viral infections, atypical mycobacterial infections, chronic diarrhoea, bronchiectasis, and failure to thrive.

  • Hypomorphic NEMO mutations have also been associated with ectodermal dysplasia associated with osteopetrosis and lymphoedema, and incontinentia pigmenti.

  • Prophylactic antibiotics are required.

  • Anti-herpes prophylaxis may be required.

  • Treatment with IVIg is helpful.

  • HSCT has been used in both NEMO and IκBα mutations, with successful outcomes.

X-linked lymphoproliferative disease type 1, SAP deficiency (Duncan’s syndrome, XLP-1)

This is a very rare genetic disorder, leading to failure to handle EBV correctly.


  • The genetic defect has been localized to Xq26, and the gene has now been cloned.

  • The gene product SAP (SLAM-associated protein, SH2D1A) controls the activation of T and B cells via SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule), a surface protein. SLAM is involved in γ-IFN production and the switch from Th2 to Th1.

  • The reason for the failure to handle EBV appropriately is not yet known.


  • Patients are fit and well until EBV is encountered. Upon infection with EBV, five outcomes are possible.

    • Fulminant EBV infection (58%); mortality is 96%!

    • Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH).

    • EBV+ non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (30%); risk of lymphoma is 200-fold greater than in the normal population.

    • Immunodeficiency, usually profound hypogammaglobulinaemia (30%). Some cases have been misdiagnosed as CVID.

    • Aplastic anaemia, often associated with hepatitis (3%).

    • Vasculitis, lymphomatoid granulomatosis (3%).

  • Overall mortality was 85% by the age of 10 years but is now improving, especially for patients with HLH and lymphoma.

  • Survival is only 18.6% for untransplanted patients with HLH.

  • Overall survival is now 62.5% for untransplanted patients on Ig replacement.

  • Mild cases are recognized.


  • Immunology is usually normal before infection, but it is rarely checked unless there is a family history. Carriers may have subtle immunological abnormalities, such as unusually high anti-EBV VCA antibodies.

  • After infection, in those who survive, there are reduced immunoglobulins (all three classes). T-cell proliferation to mitogens and antigens is poor, and there is reduced γ-IFN production. NK-cell function is also poor. CD8+ T cells may be persistently elevated.

  • Antibodies to EBV may be poor or even absent.

X-linked lymphoproliferative disease Type 2, XIAP deficiency (XLP-2)

XIAP is an (X-linked) inhibitor of apoptosis, also known as BIRC4, and stops cell death triggered by viral infection or excess caspase production.


  • Genetic defect has been localized to Xq24-25.

  • XIAP binds to and inhibits caspases 3, 7, and 9.


  • Mutations in XIAP have been associated with severe inflammatory bowel disease.

  • Similar presentations to XLP-1 may occur.

  • Asymptomatic cases are described.


  • XLP-2 patients have increased lymphocyte apoptosis in response to CD95.

  • iNKT cells are normal and NK-mediated cytotoxicity is normal.

Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy (THI)


  • THI is thought to be due to a delay in immune development, leading to a prolongation of the physiological trough of antibody after the age of 6 months when maternal antibody has largely disappeared.

  • Common in families of patients with other antibody deficiencies.

  • Diagnosis excludes hypogammaglobulinaemia by reasons of prematurity.


  • Usual presentation is with recurrent bacterial infections, typically of the upper and lower respiratory tract, occurring after 6 months of age. It may last up to 36 months before spontaneous recovery takes place.

  • Transient neutropenia and thrombocytopenia have been reported.


  • IgG and IgA are low for age; IgM is usually normal. B cells are present; T-cell numbers and function are normal. IgG must be reduced on more than one occasion. A reduction to <2 SD below the lower end of the normal range has been suggested by some authorities.

  • Vaccine responses may be normal or reduced.

Hyper-IgE syndrome (Job’s syndrome)

Frequently classified with neutrophil defects, but these are secondary to the dysregulation of T- and B-cell function and the very raised IgE.


  • Autosomal dominant form is associated with dominant negative mutations in the DNA-binding domain of signal transducer and activator transcription (STAT3).

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance has also been described and is due to mutations in tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2); similar clinical features may be seen in dedicator of cytokinesis 8 (DOCK8) deficiency, which is also autosomal recessive.


  • Patients present with atypical eczema and recurrent invasive bacterial infections. Staphylococci and Haemophilus are the usual pathogens. Invasive candidiasis may occur.

  • Pneumatocoeles due to staphylococcal infection are a diagnostic feature. These may become colonized with Aspergillus or Pseudomonas.

  • Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection may occur in STAT3 deficient patients.

  • The dominant form may be associated with invasive fungal infections and Pneumocystis jirovecii.

  • Osteopenia, probably due to abnormal osteoclast function, is a feature and may lead to recurrent fractures.

  • Coarse ‘leonine’ facies, but not all patients have red hair as originally described.

  • There is an increased risk of lymphoma.


  • IgE is massively elevated (>50 000kU/L) and there may be IgG subclass and specific antibody deficiencies, with poor/absent immunization responses.

  • Eosinophilia may be present, especially during infection

  • Variable abnormalities of neutrophil function, affecting chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and microbicidal activity, have been reported, but are likely to be due to inhibition by the high IgE or defects in cytokine production.

  • Both STAT3 and TYK2 mutations lead to defective Th17 function. There may be defects in the production of γ-IFN, IL-12, IL-17, and IL-18

  • Absent CD45RO on T cells has been reported.

Rare antibody deficiency syndromes

Antibody deficiency, presenting as ‘common variable immunodeficiency’, has been associated with the following extremely rare genetically identified disorders.

  • Mu-chain deficiency.

  • Igα (CD79a) deficiency.

  • Igβ (CD79b) deficiency

  • BLNK deficiency.

  • ICOS deficiency.

  • λ5/14.1 (surrogate light-chain, IGLL1, CD179B) deficiency.

  • SWAP-70 deficiency.

  • κ and λ light chain-deficiency.

  • CD20 deficiency.

  • CD81 (TAPA1) deficiency.

  • LRRC8A (leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 8A) deficiency.

Routine genetic tests for these are not yet available; screenings of large cohorts of CVID patients have shown that these disorders account for very few cases currently diagnosed as CVID. Flow cytometry will be able to identify the lack of some surface proteins, where there is a high index of suspicion.

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

Severe combined immunodeficiency involves both the T-cell arm and the B-cell arm. Often the major defect is on the T-cell side; B cells may be present but, in the absence of T cells, fail to respond or develop appropriately. The diagnosis is frequently missed at first, which reduces the chance of a successful outcome from treatment. It is estimated that the incidence is 1 in 50 000 births. Almost all cases are now accounted for by identified genetic defects.

Successful management of SCID requires a multidisciplinary team used to dealing with very sick small infants. Management should be restricted to centres experienced in the diagnosis and care of SCID. It should not be undertaken in haematology-oncology bone marrow transplant units as the requirements are very different from those of leukaemic patients.


Most cases of SCID present with common clinical features, no matter what the underlying defect.

  • Typical features include:

    • early-onset infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, opportunist)

    • persistent candidiasis

    • chronic enteric virus excretion

    • failure to clear vaccines (BCG, oral polio)

    • failure to thrive

    • maternofetal engraftment (MFE), with GvHD, causing erythroderma (often with eosinophilia).

  • image Lymphopenia: an absolute lymphocyte count of <2×109/L in a baby less than 6 months old is pathological and indicates SCID until proven otherwise. Therefore it is mandatory to looking at the differential white count in all babies with recurrent infections.

  • If SCID is suspected, investigation is URGENT—seek advice at once from a paediatric immunologist.

Infections in SCID

There is onset of infections soon after birth.

  • These include:

    • recurrent bacterial infections (pneumonia, otitis media, sepsis)

    • persistent thrush

    • persistent viral infections (RSV, enteroviruses, parainfluenza, CMV, other herpesviruses, rotavirus, small round structured virus (SRSV))

    • opportunist infections (PCP; fungal infections, including Aspergillus).

  • There are very significant risks from the administration of live vaccines especially BCG and polio.

image BCG should not be given to babies where there is a family history of SCID.

Other features of SCID

Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Primary Immunodeficiency

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