Prevention of Occupationally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Healthcare Workers

Prevention of Occupationally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Healthcare Workers

Susan E. Beekmann

David K. Henderson

In October of 2008, scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that more than 1.1 million people were living with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in the United States, a prevalence of nearly 450 per 100,000 population (1). Since the beginning of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in 1981 more than 1 million cases of AIDS had occurred in the United States, resulting in more than 560,000 deaths (2). Established risk factors for infection include both homosexual and heterosexual contact, perinatal exposure and parenteral exposure. Parenteral exposure includes such specific risks as sharing needles during intravenous drug use and receiving blood, blood products, or tissues that are contaminated by HIV. Healthcare workers, in addition to these traditional risk behaviors, are at occupational risk for acquiring HIV infection following a parenteral or mucous membrane exposure to blood or blood-containing body fluids from HIV-infected patients.

Exposure to contaminated body fluids from HIV-infected patients and the potential for acquiring occupational HIV infection are issues that usually result in substantial healthcare worker anxiety. Even though the risk for occupational infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) (see Chapter 73) in the healthcare environment has been documented since 1949 (3) and is associated with significantly more morbidity and mortality in the healthcare setting than is HIV, a clear focus on defining and minimizing healthcare workplace risks was not developed until the HIV epidemic was well underway (4,5). Since the early 1980s, the subject of occupationally acquired HIV infection has received extensive media coverage, both in the lay press and in scientific forums. In this chapter, we attempt to frame these occupational risks in the context of available scientific knowledge in an attempt to provide a somewhat broader perspective regarding the risks for HIV transmission in society.


HIV-1 is the only retrovirus that has been associated with serious occupational morbidity and mortality. Several cases of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) seroconversion have been reported (6,7), but this virus has not yet been shown to cause disease in humans, and the SIV-seropositive laboratory workers remain well. Because several other human retroviruses have routes of transmission similar to those of HIV-1 (e.g., HIV-2, human T-cell lymphotrophic virus [HTLV] I (8), and HTLV-II), occupational transmission of these viruses may someday be detected, although no reports of occupational infection with these other agents have been published. Nonetheless, risks of transmission associated with other retroviruses are likely to be extremely low, and current guidelines for prevention of transmission of HIV-1 are thought to be adequate to prevent transmission of all bloodborne viruses, including other retroviruses.


HIV derives a major survival advantage from its ability to target the immune system by infecting CD4+ T cells and by inducing a specific cytokine milieu. The wide range of immunologic abnormalities in HIV-infected patients results primarily from the impairment of T cell-mediated immunity. The virus produces billions of virions and T-cell turnover is estimated at a billion cells/day, accounting for the very rapid emergence of viral variants and the progressive nature of T-cell depletion. Even during clinical latency, this battle between countless virions and a continuous but slow repopulation with newly produced T-cells results in a highly activated immune system that attempts to control virus replication and renew itself. Several pathologic mechanisms have been suggested as resulting in T-cell loss, including indirect viral killing and activation-induced apoptosis. Highly active antiretroviral regimens can produce sustained reductions of plasma viral RNA to below detectable limits. Even in those with no detectable plasma RNA, viral DNA could be detected in lymph nodes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and virus could be grown from peripheral lymphocytes after removal of CD8+ cells and activation (9). These observations that substantial viral replication occurs in lymphatic tissue during the period of clinical latency (10) while viral levels
in peripheral lymphocytes are undetectable or detectable at low levels (11) reinforce the insidious nature of the immunopathogenic effects of this virus. Disease progression is determined by the complicated interplay between viral and host factors, including different genetic polymorphisms of receptors, ligands, and key immune proteins that result in specific modulations of the host response to HIV infection (12). Inoculum size and certain inherent properties of the virus (e.g., syncytium-inducing viral phenotype) appear to confer greater overall HIV pathogenicity and may shorten the time to development of symptomatic HIV infection. In the 24 years since the introduction of zidovudine for the treatment of HIV, 25 drugs in six different classes used in varying combinations have resulted in predicted survival of nearly 40 years after combination antiretroviral therapy is initiated (13). Combination antiretroviral therapy has been clearly linked with reductions in morbidity and mortality, with the most dramatic reductions coinciding with increases in the use of protease inhibitors (14). Despite these therapeutic advances, reservoirs of HIV-1 have been identified that represent major impediments to eradication, including latent CD4+ T cells, hematopoietic stem cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, and dendritic cells (15,16). Current antiretroviral therapy effectively suppresses but does not eradicate HIV infection (17). The low rate of occupational infection following parenteral exposures to blood from patients known to be infected (i.e., ˜3/1,000) may relate to the very low inoculum and/or to spontaneous clearance by cellular immune mechanisms. In one study, T-cells from six of eight HIV-exposed, but uninfected healthcare workers produced interleukin-2 when exposed to HIV peptide antigens (18), and in a second study, cytotoxic T-lymphocytic responses to HIV envelope peptides were detected in 7/20 (35%) of healthcare workers who had sustained occupational exposures to HIV-positive blood compare with only 1 of 20 controls (19).

Evidence has accumulated that infection of Langerhans cells, which are the dendritic cells of the epidermis, plays a pivotal role in early transmucosal and transepidermal transmission (20). HIV infection of these Langerhans cells is regulated by surface expression of CD4 and HIV coreceptors, specifically CCR5. Langerhans cells, which represent only 2% to 3% of all epidermal cells, become infected very early (within 24 hours of exposure), and within an additional 24 to 48 hours this cell population has migrated from epithelial tissue to lymphoid tissue (21,22). Within 5 days, HIV is detectable in peripheral blood in the SIV model. In addition, a molecule called DC-SIGN functions as an attachment factor and mediates capture of HIV by dendritic cells without infection of these cells (20). HIV captured by dendritic cells maintains infectivity for 25 days in vitro in the absence of replication within dendritic cells, whereas free virus rapidly loses its infectious potential. Langerhans cells are the major epidermal cell type that is involved in transmission of HIV to lymphoid tissue (23). Thus, the ability to block infection of dendritic cells or to block the handoff from dendritic cells bearing HIV on their membranes to susceptible T cells by HIV may importantly impact occupational transmission of HIV (24). Recently, sequencing viruses in heterosexual transmission pairs and in acute HIV infection provided evidence that a single virus (or infected cell) initiated productive infection in close to 80% of the individuals tested, and two to five viruses in the other 20% (25,26). The greatest opportunities for prevention are strategies that target these initially small and genetically homogeneous foci of infection in the first week of infection (27). Additionally, since systemic HIV infection is not thought to occur immediately following exposure, a brief window of opportunity may allow modification of viral replication in the initial target cells or lymph nodes with postexposure antiretroviral treatment.

Once occupational transmission of HIV has occurred, the pathogenesis of infection is not thought to be different from that following other modes of transmission. As occurs with other HIV transmission modalities, some healthcare workers who have acquired occupational HIV infection have progressed quite rapidly to AIDS, while others remain asymptomatic after many years of infection.


Occupational injuries and exposures to blood and body fluids continue to be commonplace in virtually every healthcare setting. Healthcare workers who sustain these injuries often react immediately with anxiety, fear, and concern over their risk for acquiring HIV. Framing the issue of HIV transmission risk is quite complex. Nonetheless, more than a decade of dealing with HIV infection in the healthcare workplace has led to a fairly extensive database characterizing these occupational risks.

Healthcare workers’ perceptions of risk were initially affected by the news media and publicity regarding cases of occupational infection. The sensationalism that traditionally accompanied HIV-related issues in the media artificially inflated perceptions of occupational risk. We frequently find that both the lay public and, particularly, healthcare workers believe that large numbers of occupational HIV infections have been documented. Depending on the definition of “occupational infection” chosen for the analysis, one can arrive at quite disparate assessments of the number of occupational HIV infections documented in the United States (44). The number of cases of occupational HIV infections in healthcare workers has clearly decreased dramatically over the past decade.

Reports of Occupational Infections

A wide variety of sources have provided information about HIV infection in healthcare workers (44). Several general types of case reports have appeared in the literature, ranging from healthcare workers in whom HIV seroconversions have been documented following an occupational exposure to healthcare workers who are found to be seropositive but in whom the seropositivity cannot be linked to a discrete injury or exposure.

Documented seroconversions are generally defined as cases in which a healthcare worker sustains an injury with a device contaminated with blood from an HIV-seropositive or indeterminate source; the healthcare worker is documented to be HIV-seronegative at the time of the exposure, and then the healthcare worker develops
serologic evidence of HIV infection within the ensuing 6 months. Documented seroconversions are the source of the most detailed and reliable epidemiologic information about occupational infections and are, in fact, the standard against which other types of information about occupational HIV infection can be measured. Through June 30, 2009, 57 cases of occupational seroconversions had been documented either in the medical literature or in individual case reports to the CDC that meet the criteria established for this category of occupational infection (45,46). Of the 57 infected healthcare workers, 48 had percutaneous injuries, 5 had mucocutaneous exposures, 2 had both percutaneous and mucous membrane exposures, and 2 had unknown routes of exposure.

In addition to these documented seroconversions, a number of additional cases of HIV infection have been categorized by the CDC as “possible” occupational infections. This “possible occupational infection” category exhibits different demographics from the set of individuals who have documented occupational infections, and likely include individuals who have confounding communitybased risk for infection (44). Since the overwhelming majority of these cases have been reported as anecdotes, these data provide only limited insight into the magnitude of risk for occupational infection (i.e., based on these data, one can state only that healthcare workers are at risk for occupational HIV infection). Some conclusions can be drawn, however, from the cases of documented seroconversions regarding the epidemiology of occupational infection. For example, by examining cases of documented seroconversion for circumstances of occupational exposure, one can gain substantial insight into the types of exposures likely to result in transmission of HIV. Even these relatively small databases provide evidence that the risk associated with mucocutaneous exposures appears to be lower than the risk associated with percutaneous injuries.

Data Describing the Magnitude of Risk of HIV Transmission in the Healthcare Setting

Longitudinal cohort studies of healthcare workers involved in the day-to-day care of HIV-infected patients and in the handling and processing of specimens from such patients provide the best available data regarding the magnitude of risk for transmission in the healthcare setting. A number of prospective studies have followed healthcare workers who have sustained documented exposure to blood or bloodcontaining body fluids from HIV-infected patients. In all of these studies, healthcare workers undergo baseline and follow up HIV serologic testing (at a minimum) any time a healthcare worker sustains a percutaneous exposure to blood from an HIV-infected patient. The average risk of HIV infection following percutaneous exposure to HIV-infected blood has remained at approximately 0.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.2-0.5%) for a number of years.

Similarly, other prospective studies have examined the risk associated with mucous membrane exposures to blood or body fluids from HIV-infected patients. Although mucous membrane exposures that resulted in HIV transmission have been reported anecdotally (47,48) no seroconversions have occurred following the mucous membrane exposures that were prospectively collected from enrollees in these longitudinal studies.

Factors that Might Influence the Risk of Transmission

Although these data are reasonably specific, and CIs around the calculated risks of transmission are narrow, we still lack sufficient information to predict which injuries will result in transmission of infection. Many of the percutaneous injuries that have been associated with documented seroconversions have been quite deep or extensive or have involved injection of a volume of blood into the healthcare worker, whereas other percutaneous injuries associated with transmission have been relatively minor. Mucous membrane or nonintact skin exposures that resulted in transmission have almost uniformly been quite extensive (e.g., the contact with blood has been for a prolonged period [>15 minutes] or has involved large areas of skin surface). Occasionally, injuries that one might intuitively think would have a higher than average risk for infection have not resulted in infection. For example, a healthcare worker at the Clinical Center, NIH, sustained a severe injury with a bone marrow aspiration needle that had been used on a patient with end-stage HIV disease; the needle actually penetrated through the palm and was visible from the dorsum of the worker’s hand. This exposure did not transmit HIV infection.

The epidemiologic factors contributing to the risk for occupational infection have been explored using the casecontrol method (49). Thirty-three cases of occupational HIV seroconversion following percutaneous exposures to HIV-infected blood and 665 controls who did not seroconvert were studied by Cardo et al. (49) at the CDC. Multivariate logistic regression identified several risk factors associated with HIV transmission after percutaneous exposure: deep injury (odds ratio [OR] 15, 95% CI 6.0-41), visible blood on device (OR 6.2, 95% CI 2.2-21), procedure involving needle in artery or vein (OR 4.3, 95% CI 1.7-12), terminal illness in source patient (OR 5.6, 95% CI 2.0-16), and postexposure use of zidovudine (OR 0.19, 95% CI 0.06-0.52). Increased risk was associated with factors that are indirect measures of the inoculum size (i.e., the quantity of blood transferred in the exposure) or higher viral burden (i.e., source patient in the terminal stage of AIDS). Thus, although the average risk of HIV transmission following a percutaneous exposure is 0.3%, the risk of transmission following exposures involving large quantities of blood or high viral titers may be substantially higher than the average risk. Corroborating evidence for the factors identified by the case-control study was supplied by a laboratory study that demonstrated that more blood is transferred by deeper injuries and hollow-bore needles (50). Mast and Gerberding (51) also determined that glove use reduced the transferred blood volume by nearly 50% in their laboratory model.

Despite our inability to predict with precision which exposures will result in transmission of HIV infection, the documented seroconversions have provided us with specific information about which body fluids have resulted in transmission. Of the 57 documented seroconversions, 49 exposures were to HIV-infected blood, 1 to visibly bloody pleural fluid, 4 to an unspecified fluid, and 3 to a concentrated viral preparation in a laboratory (42). Thus, blood appears to be the major clinical risk associated with transmission. One case report documented transmission of HIV to a laboratory technician from Germany who sustained an
accidental splash of serum from an infected patient to his eye (52). Transmission in this case was likely facilitated by failure to wash the eye and by concomitant conjunctivitis related to a contact lens present in his eye at the time of exposure. Blood, visibly bloody body fluid, and now serum clearly remain the primary risk for occupational transmission of HIV in the healthcare setting (47).

The type and, likely, size of the needle or sharp object involved in the injury also appears to affect the risk of transmission. To date, to our knowledge, no cases of occupational infection have been definitively linked to an exposure resulting from a solid (i.e., suture) needle. Transmission has been associated with several types of hollowbore needles (including injection needles and intravenous catheters) and other sharp objects (including contaminated broken glass, scalpels and an orthopedic pin (47)).

Finally, certain source patient variables, and, perhaps, even several factors relating to the recipient healthcare worker’s status, likely affect transmission. Source patients with terminal HIV disease were found to be associated with higher risks of HIV transmission in the case-control study discussed previously (49). Although data regarding specific measurement of HIV viral burden were not available to the CDC researchers, the increased risk of HIV transmission from source patients who are in the late-stage of HIV infection likely is a surrogate marker for the source patient’s circulating viral burden. Some also have postulated that the recipient healthcare worker’s histocompatibility with the source patient (i.e., human leukocyte antigen [HLA] type, etc.) or any concurrent viral illnesses, such as Epstein Barr virus, cytomegalovirus infection, or infection with human herpesvirus-6 that results in increased CD4 expression, or the presence of chronic inflammation at or around the skin entry site, might also influence the risk of transmission. Despite this educated speculation, the numbers of cases of documented seroconversions with these data available are too few to permit adequate characterization of these risks.

Comparison of the Risk of HIV Transmission to the risk of Transmission of other Bloodborne Pathogens

When assessing the risk of acquiring occupational HIV infection, healthcare workers must be able to place that risk into the broader context of risks associated with other bloodborne pathogens such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C (see Chapter 73). Hepatitis B has long been recognized as a significant cause of healthcare worker morbidity and mortality; healthcare worker risks associated with hepatitis C have been documented and partially characterized in the past decade (53, 54 and 55).

The CDC estimated in 1987 that 12,000 cases of hepatitis B infection per year occurred among healthcare workers in the United States and that 500 healthcare workers were hospitalized each year because of the complications of occupationally acquired hepatitis B (56). Additionally, prior to the full-scale implementation of hepatitis B immunization, approximately 200 workers died each year from occupational hepatitis B or its complications (57). Subsequently, Mahoney et al. (58) found that the calculated number of HBV infections among healthcare workers declined from 17,000 in 1983 to 400 in 1995. This dramatic decline was associated with implementation of Universal Precautions policies, with licensure of recombinant-DNA hepatitis B vaccines, and with the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (59).

The risk associated with hepatitis C appears to be lower than the risk associated with hepatitis B: healthcare workers with frequent blood contact account for 1% to 2% of reported cases of hepatitis C infection (60), and seroprevalence studies indicate that healthcare workers’ risk of hepatitis C infection is only slightly higher than that of volunteer blood donors. Several small prospective studies have measured the risk of transmission after percutaneous exposure to average 1.9% (see Chapter 73) (61) with a range from approximately 0% (in six studies, summarized in reference (54)) to 22% (62), depending on the size of the population studied and the assays used to test source patients and employees, among other important variables. Lower rates of transmission have been associated with the use of the (much less sensitive) first generation hepatitis C serologic test and with an interesting geographic distribution (see Chapter 73).

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