Prevention of Occupationally-Acquired Healthcare-Associated Infections in Diagnostic Laboratories
Thomas J. Kirn
Susan E. Boruchoff
Melvin P. Weinstein
Laboratorians who work in medical diagnostic laboratories or biological research laboratories are at increased risk of infections resulting from occupational exposures to pathogens (1, 2, 3 and 4,5). This group includes an estimated 500,000 individuals in the United States (6). Visits to the laboratory by clinical staff, improper biological waste disposal, person-to-person transmission of laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) and point-of-care medical testing may lead to additional exposures and allow dissemination of infectious agents outside of the laboratory. Clearly, measures to ensure the safety of laboratory workers are required and must be strictly adhered to by laboratory personnel (7). Changes are likely to occur in the number and/or composition of potential infectious agents to which laboratory workers are exposed, as global climates change, medical and surgical interventions evolve, and bioterrorism attempts occur. Therefore, safety measures must adapt to these new demands, and protocols to prevent LAIs are increasingly important. The most noteworthy recent event that illustrates this point is the challenge many laboratories faced while responding to the new occupational risk that the 2009 H1N1 Influenza A outbreak posed to healthcare workers (8,9). This chapter focuses on the microorganisms that are likely to cause LAIs, modes of spread of such agents in a laboratory setting, and methods that are commonly employed to minimize risk to laboratory workers.
LAIs may be defined as all symptomatic or asymptomatic infections resulting from (usually occupational) exposure to an infectious agent in a laboratory setting (5). There is an extensive literature dating back to the end of the 19th century that describes a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that have caused LAIs. Despite this, the true incidence of LAIs is unknown, since LAIs are usually reported as individual case reports or compiled through laboratory surveys. In addition, these reports of LAIs often lack sufficient detail or precision to allow extrapolation of incidence or other epidemiologic factors. Finally, in some instances, it is difficult to determine if an infection was truly laboratory acquired, as opposed to community acquired (e.g., respiratory virus infection), unless an obvious laboratory accident or similar exposure was tightly linked to the onset of infection.
The most extensive LAI surveys in the United States were conducted by Sulkin and Pike between 1949 and 1970 (10, 11 and 12). More recent surveys reviewed LAIs in Utah, U.S. public health laboratories, and among subscribers to the ClinMicroNet forum (13, 14,15). Based on the earlier data sets, Wilson and Reller estimated that the annual incidence of LAIs in the United States was between 1 and 5 per 1,000 employees (16). More recently, Singh estimated the increased relative risks of infection in laboratory workers compared to the general population for Brucella spp. (RR = 8,012), Neisseria meningitidis (RR = 40.8), and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (RR = 8.6) based on ClinMicroNet survey data (15,17). In the same survey, the relative risks for Shigella and Salmonella infection were not elevated in laboratory workers, despite the fact that a large number of LAIs were caused by these two agents (15,17).
More systematic surveys of LAIs were performed in the United Kingdom between 1970 and 1995 (18,19). The most recent retrospective survey of occupationally acquired infections in 397 laboratories (1994-1995) in the United Kingdom found an overall incidence rate of 16.2 per 100,000 person years, compared with 82.7 infections per 100,000 person years in a similar survey conducted in 1988 to 1989, suggesting that control measures may be reducing the incidence of such infections (19).
Because of the lack of adequate modern data on LAIs, control measures are proposed and implemented based on extrapolation of prior experience with one infectious agent to others, the epidemiology of relevant microorganisms in nonlaboratory settings, and hazard analysis (6,13). Although laboratory workers will always be at some risk for infection, adherence to safety measures is expected to significantly reduce the risk. It is important to note that most reports focus on the occupational risk associated with handling patient specimens and performing microbiologic cultures. By contrast, few reports document the spread of laboratory pathogens from the laboratory to other hospital
areas or to the community (20). Thus, it appears that the risks associated with diagnostic laboratories are mainly those of infection of laboratory workers from microorganisms reaching the laboratory from patient specimens, and much less of microorganisms spreading to the community from the laboratory.
areas or to the community (20). Thus, it appears that the risks associated with diagnostic laboratories are mainly those of infection of laboratory workers from microorganisms reaching the laboratory from patient specimens, and much less of microorganisms spreading to the community from the laboratory.
The factors that influence occupationally acquired infections in laboratories are related to host susceptibility and behavior, the virulence and availability of the pathogen, and the work environment (5). In the past, Brucella species, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Coxiella burnetii, hepatitis B virus (HBV), Francisella tularensis, and Salmonella species caused most LAIs (6,11). During the 1980s, M. tuberculosis, Salmonella species, Shigella species, HBV, and hepatitis C virus (HCV) were the most frequent microorganisms causing infection in laboratory workers (13,14,18). A list of selected microorganisms that have caused laboratory infections during the past decade is provided in Table 77-1, and discussion of the most frequently encountered microorganisms follows. A more complete compilation can be found in selected publications in the reference list (2,6,7,21).
Over 37 bacterial species account for approximately 43% of LAIs, making bacteria the most frequent cause of LAIs in diagnostic laboratories (10). The risk of transmission of M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis in healthcare facilities and clinical laboratories has long been recognized (28). Since 1953, the tuberculosis case rate in the United States has declined nearly tenfold, from 53 cases per 100,000 to 5.6 per 100,000 in 2001, and decreased 40% compared with the most recent peak year of 1992 ( Historical surveys have demonstrated an incidence of tuberculosis among laboratory workers up to nine times greater than in the general population (29,30). The greatest risk of laboratory-acquired mycobacterial infection is associated with exposure to aerosols generated during handling of liquid specimens, preparation of frozen sections, and performing autopsies, although a few LAI mycobacterial infections have been attributed to direct parenteral inoculation (7,31). The relatively low inoculum of M. tuberculosis required to establish infection in humans (32) makes unprotected exposure to this microorganism in the laboratory quite risky. Although respiratory specimens are most frequently implicated as the source of laboratory-acquired mycobacterial infection, the presence of acid-fast bacilli in specimens other than respiratory secretions (e.g., gastric aspirates, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), urine, exudates, and tissue) may also result in healthcare-associated transmission to healthcare workers (HCWs) and autopsy personnel (33).
TABLE 77-1 Selected Microorganisms Involved in Laboratory Infection Episodes Reported in Medical Journals During the Period 2000-2010 by Microorganism Group | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Historically, the second most frequent of the bacterial causes of LAI have been Brucella spp., which have caused approximately 24% of all reported LAIs and 11% of LAI-associated laboratory worker deaths in the United States (34,35,36,37,38,39,40). Brucella spp. are highly infectious and often cause infections in multiple research or clinical laboratory workers following a single laboratory accident (36,37,40). While protocols for proper handling of known Brucella isolates in clinical microbiology laboratories are typically in place, misidentification of this microorganism frequently occurs, leading to laboratory staff exposures (36,41). Brucella spp. are believed to be transmitted in the laboratory primarily via aerosolization or direct contact. Often, however, it has been impossible to determine the mechanism of transmission. Rare cases of person-to-person transmission have been reported, and in some instances, individuals with very low risk exposure (nonlaboratorians that have made short visits to the laboratory) have contracted brucellosis (20). F. tularensis is rarely encountered in the clinical laboratory. However, like Brucella spp., it is a fastidious, slow-growing gram-negative coccobacillus that may be difficult to identify early enough to prevent accidental exposures (42).
Bacillus anthracis is a gram-positive spore-forming rod that is a rare cause of human infections in the United States. B. anthracis represents a unique risk among potential LAI agents, because the spores it produces are extraordinarily hardy and contaminated surfaces (or hands) are difficult to disinfect with routine procedures. Laboratory-acquired
anthrax has most recently been documented in a laboratory worker handling specimens from the 2001 bioterrorismrelated anthrax outbreak that occurred in the United States (43,44). In this case, the lab worker acquired cutaneous anthrax from exposure to microorganisms present on the surface of contaminated vials.
anthrax has most recently been documented in a laboratory worker handling specimens from the 2001 bioterrorismrelated anthrax outbreak that occurred in the United States (43,44). In this case, the lab worker acquired cutaneous anthrax from exposure to microorganisms present on the surface of contaminated vials.
Burkholderia pseudomallei, the microorganism responsible for melioidosis, is cited as a rare cause of LAIs but has been associated with a fatal outcome (45). Direct contact with microbiologic cultures or specimens, ingestion, autoinoculation, and exposure to infectious aerosols and droplets all have been implicated in transmission of B. pseudomallei. N. meningitidis is another infrequent cause of LAIs that has been associated with fatal outcomes (46). In a recent survey, 16 worldwide cases of probable laboratory-acquired N. meningitidis, with eight fatal outcomes, were identified between 1985 and 2001, including six US cases between 1996 and 2000 (47). All cases (16/16) occurred among clinical microbiologists who, in most cases (15/16), performed isolate manipulation without respiratory protection (47).
The agent of whooping cough, Bordetella pertussis, has caused at least 12 LAIs in the past 30 years, with six probable cases in the United States from 1996 to 2001 (2,5). The source isolates for the US cases were recovered from blood or CSF in five of the six cases and middle ear fluid in the sixth case.
The enteric bacterial pathogens, Salmonella species and Shigella species, are commonly reported causes of LAIs, while many additional cases likely go unreported (2,13,19,21,48). In older surveys, Salmonella typhi has caused more reported fatalities than any other LAI, while in more recent studies Shigella sp. was identified as the most frequent bacterial cause of LAIs (11,13,15,19). Infections generally occur from handling laboratory specimens and microbiologic cultures or occasionally from ingestion of intentionally contaminated food (49). Gastroenteritis resulting from Vibrio species, Campylobacter species, enterotoxigenic E. coli and Clostridium difficile are infrequently reported (15,50, 51, 52 and 53).
The agent of Q fever, C. burnetii, is rare in the United States, so the risk for diagnostic laboratory-acquired Q-fever infection in this country is minor compared with that in many other parts of the world. The microorganism is present in blood, urine, feces, milk, and tissue specimens and resists drying. Most LAIs from C. burnetii arise from aerosols generated in animal research laboratories, although there are a few reports of parenteral and mucous membrane transmissions (2,21,54).
Before 1960, psittacosis was “among the most commonly reported laboratory-associated infections,” but only sporadic cases have been reported in the past 20 years (2,21). Psittacosis case fatality rates are high compared with those of infections resulting from other agents. Chlamydia psittaci, the agent of psittacosis, may be present in tissues, feces, nasal secretions, and blood specimens. Few infections occur from exposure to Chlamydia trachomatis and generally result from mucous membrane exposure.
Leptospira interrogans, the cause of leptospirosis, can be present in urine, blood, and tissues of infected patients. Ingestion, accidental parenteral inoculation, and contact of skin or mucous membranes with cultures or infected specimens have all led to infection in laboratory workers. Likewise, LAI with syphilis has been documented, and its agent, Treponema pallidum, can be present not only in blood but also in cutaneous, mucous membrane, and other lesions. Laboratory spread of this microorganism follows from parenteral inoculation, contact of mucous membranes or broken skin with infectious clinical materials, and possibly infectious aerosols. Accidental parenteral inoculations are likely sources for laboratory-acquired rickettsial infections, but several infections with typhus have been associated with aerosols or infected airborne particles, and cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever probably have occurred by this route as well (19,48). LAIs from Rickettsia typhi, Rickettsia coronii, and Orientia tsutsugamushi have also been reported (2,55). Because most diagnostic clinical laboratories do not perform cultures for rickettsia, these infections are more likely to be a risk in research laboratories.
The blood-borne viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV) pose the infection risk of greatest concern to hospital workers (6,7,56,57). As of September 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had received reports of 57 HCWs in the United States with documented occupationally acquired HIV seroconversion, and 140 additional reports classified as possible occupational transmission (http://www.cdc. gov/ncidod/dhqp/bp_hcp_w_hiv.html). These individuals include 19 laboratory workers (16 clinical laboratory workers and 3 nonclinical laboratory technicians). Forty-eight of the fifty seven documented seroconversions were from percutaneous exposures, five were mucocutaneous, two were both, and two had an unknown route of exposure. Forty-nine HCWs were exposed to HIV infected blood, three to concentrated virus, one to visibly bloody fluid, and four to unspecified fluid. Twenty-six of these individuals had developed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome as of the date of the report.

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