Peripheral nervous system

4 Peripheral nervous system

Nerve conduction

Conduction of impulses through nerves occurs as an all-or-none event called the action potential. The action potential is caused by voltage-dependent opening of sodium and potassium channels in the cell membrane.

The sodium equilibrium potential (Eq Na+) is +  60   mV and the potassium equilibrium potential (Eq   K+) is −  90   mV. Since a resting nerve has 50–75 more potassium channels open than sodium channels, the resting membrane potential is −  70   mV.

Figure 4.1 shows the concentrations of sodium and potassium inside and outside a resting nerve. The Na+/K+ pump (Na+/K+ ATPase) is an energy-dependent pump that functions to maintain the concentration gradient of these two ionic species across the membrane. Three sodium ions are pumped out of the cell for every two potassium ions pumped in, and thus the excitability of the cell is retained. Figures 4.2 and 4.3 summarize the events that occur during a nerve action potential. During a nerve action potential:

Figure 4.4 shows the voltage-operated sodium channels in their inactivated, activated and resting states. Two types of gate exist within the channel; the m-gates and the h-gates. These gates are open or closed according to the state of the channel.

In the resting sodium channel, the m-gates are held closed by the strongly negative (−  70   mV) electrical gradient across the membrane. Once an action potential begins to propagate, the loss of the membrane potential causes the m-gates to open, allowing sodium into the cell, further propagating the action potential. After a very short time, a further conformational change causes the h-gates to close, inactivating the sodium channel. The membrane then re-polarizes, and once at −  70   mV the m-gates again close, and the h-gates open so the sodium channel is back in its resting state.

Somatic nervous system

Neuromuscular junction

Physiology of transduction

Skeletal (voluntary) muscle is innervated by motor neurons, the axons of which are able to propagate action potentials at high velocities. The area of muscle that lies below the axon terminal is known as the motor end-plate, and the chemical synapse between the two is known as the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).

The axon terminal incorporates membrane-bound vesicles containing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Depolarization of the presynaptic terminal of the nerve by an action potential (generated by sodium influx) causes voltage-sensitive calcium channels to open, allowing calcium ions into the terminal. Normally, the level of calcium ions inside the nerves is very low, much lower relative to the external concentration. This calcium influx results in the release of ACh by exocytosis from vesicles. ACh diffuses across to the muscle membrane where it binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nicAChR) and/or is inactivated by acetylcholinesterase (Fig. 4.5). Several events then occur:

Drugs affecting the neuromuscular junction

Presynaptic agents

Postsynaptic agents

Depolarizing (non-competitive) blockers

Depolarizing blockers initially activate receptors, causing depolarization, but in doing so block further activation.

Depolarizing blockers act on the motor end-plate in the same manner as ACh, i.e. they are agonists and increase the cation permeability of the end-plate. However, unlike ACh, which is released in brief spurts and rapidly hydrolysed, depolarizing blockers remain associated with the receptors long enough to cause a sustained depolarization and a resulting loss of electrical excitability (phase I).

Repeated or continuous administration of depolarizing blockers leads to the block becoming more characteristic of non-depolarizing drugs. This is known as phase II and is probably due to receptor desensitization, whereby the end-plate becomes less sensitive to ACh. The block starts to show and it is partly reversed by anticholinesterase drugs.

Suxamethonium is the only depolarizing blocker used clinically because of its rapid onset time and short duration of action (approximately 4 mins). It must be given by intravenous injection. It is rapidly hydrolysed by plasma cholinesterase, although certain people with a genetic variant of this enzyme may experience a neuromuscular block that may last for hours.

Depolarizing blockers have no effect in patients with myasthenia gravis, since these patients have a decreased number of receptors at the end-plate. In this instance, the blocking potency of depolarizing blockers is reduced.

The side-effects of depolarizing blockers include:

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Apr 8, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Peripheral nervous system

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