CHAPTER 214 Pericardiocentesis
The normal pericardial space contains 10 to 30 mL of serous fluid, which serves to reduce friction between the surfaces of the visceral and parietal pericardium as the heart moves through the cardiac cycle. An increased amount of fluid in this space may result from a variety of disease processes or trauma. Because of the relatively nondistensible pericardial sac, an increased amount of pericardial fluid may exert pressure on the more compressible myocardium. This in turn may compromise cardiac performance and result in cardiac tamponade. Clinically, this is appreciated by markedly elevated jugular venous pressure (i.e., jugular venous distention), hypotension, and distant heart sounds. Although few patients will have all three of these clinical findings, almost all will have at least one unless they are hypovolemic. The patient may also exhibit restlessness, fatigue, and tachycardia; pulmonary edema may be present with corresponding tachypnea. Estimates of the volume of fluid required to accumulate acutely and produce tamponade range from 60 to 200 mL. A chest radiograph may show a dilated heart, classically in a “water-bottle” shape. Electrocardiographically, pericardial effusions are identified by low voltage in all leads or electrical alternans (i.e., the QRS amplitude or morphology changes on the electrocardiogram [ECG] as the heart swings to and fro within the pericardial fluid). However, electrocardiographic and radiographic signs of cardiac tamponade are often absent. If ultrasonography is available, a fluid echo will be present in the pericardial space. Further ultrasonographic confirmation includes collapse of the right and left ventricular chambers as a result of tamponade (see Chapter 225, Emergency Department, Hospitalist, and Office Ultrasonography [Clinical Ultrasonography]).
Pericardial effusions may be asymptomatic or associated with life-threatening cardiac compromise. The aspiration of pericardial fluid (pericardiocentesis) has diagnostic and possibly therapeutic applications. Pericardiocentesis is an infrequently performed procedure that has the potential for significant patient morbidity and mortality. Optimally, the procedure should be performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory or intensive care unit, where complete cardiac monitoring and trained support personnel are available. Ideally, the procedure should be performed under real-time ultrasonographic or fluoroscopic guidance to continuously visualize the pericardial fluid. With ultrasonographic or fluoroscopic experience, the clinician should be able to estimate the amount of fluid that can be aspirated and the depth and angle of penetration necessary for pericardiocentesis (see Chapter 225, Emergency Department, Hospitalist, and Office Ultrasonography [Clinical Ultrasonography]).
Before performing pericardiocentesis, the clinician should review the relevant anatomy of the heart, pericardium, and rib cage (Fig. 214-1). It may also be useful to insert a nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach (see Chapter 203, Nasogastric and Nasoenteric Tube Insertion). If time allows, efforts to stabilize the patient with cardiac tamponade include aggressive treatment with IV fluids and parenteral inotropic agents to increase ventricular filling pressures. Preload-reducing agents such as nitrates and diuretics may worsen the patient’s condition or even be fatal.