CHAPTER 79 Pelvic girdle and lower limb: overview and surface anatomy
This chapter is made up of two sections. The first is an overview of the general organization of the lower limb, with particular emphasis on the fascial skeleton, distribution of the major blood vessels and lymphatic channels, and the branches of the lumbar and sacral plexuses: it is intended to complement the detailed regional anatomy described in Chapters 80 to 84 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 83 Chapter 84. The second section describes the surface anatomy of the lower limb.
The structure of the lower limb is determined by its adaptations for weightbearing, locomotion and the maintenance of equilibrium (stability). Indeed, the adaptations for weightbearing and for stability, and the differing developmental histories of the limbs account for the major structural and functional differences between the upper and lower limbs. The inguinal (pelvicrural) and gluteal (buttock) regions are important anatomical junctional zones between the trunk and the lower limb through which longitudinally running nerves and vessels may pass in either direction. The inguinal region includes the junctional zones between the limb and abdominal cavity via the myopectineal orifice (the gap between the inguinal ligament and hip bone), and between the limb and pelvic cavity via the obturator foramen. The gluteal region includes the junctional zones between the limb and the abdominopelvic cavity via the greater sciatic foramen, and between the limb and the perineum via the lesser sciatic foramen (Fig. 79.1).

Fig. 79.1 Gateways from the abdomen, pelvis and perineum to the lower limb.
(From Drake, Vogl and Mitchell 2005.)
Fascial skeleton
The ‘fascial skeleton’ (deep fascia) of the lower limb is well-defined and forms a tough circumferential ‘stocking-like’ structure that constrains the musculature (Fig. 79.2). Septa pass from the deep surface of this fascial sheath to the bones within, confining the functional muscle groups within osteofascial compartments. The tough fascia gives additional areas of attachment to the muscles and ensures that they work to maximal effect. Thickenings in the ensheathing layer may act as additional tendons (e.g. iliotibial tract). Elsewhere, thickenings in the fascial skeleton form fibrous retinacula where tendons cross joints. Although they are particularly prominent in the embalmed cadaver, these fascial layers are also readily demonstrable in the living, and are of considerable functional significance. The pattern of soft-tissue organization has a bearing on the physiological effects of the muscles and is crucial for efficient venous return from the limb. The fascial planes also control and direct the spread of pathological fluids (blood, pus) within the limb and play an important part in determining the degree and direction of displacement seen in long bone fractures.
Osteofascial compartments in the lower limb
The muscles of the thigh may be grouped into three compartments according to their function, namely anterior (extensor), posterior (flexor) and medial (adductor): only the anterior and posterior compartments possess distinct fascial boundaries. A very definite fascial separation into anterior (extensor), posterior (flexor) and lateral (evertor) compartments exists in the leg, and compartment syndrome is most common in this region (see below). Osteofascial compartments in the foot are described in Chapter 84.
The fascial boundaries that limit the osteofascial compartments are largely inelastic, which means that any condition that leads to an increase in the volume of the compartmental contents, e.g. muscle swelling caused by trauma or unaccustomed overuse, haemorrhage and local infection, is likely to cause an increase in intracompartmental pressure. If unrelieved, this increased pressure will lead to compressive occlusion of the vessels in the compartment and consequent ischaemic damage to the nerves and muscles of the compartment, a phenomenon known as compartment syndrome.
The bones of the lower limb are the three fused components of the pelvic girdle; the femur and patella (thigh); the tibia and fibula (leg); the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges (foot) (Fig. 79.3). The hip bones (especially the ilium and ischium), femur, tibia and bones of the hindfoot are strong and their external (cortical) and internal (trabecular) structure is adapted for weightbearing.
The muscles of the thigh lie in three functional compartments. The anterior or extensor compartment includes sartorius and the quadriceps group. Sartorius and rectus femoris are attached proximally to the pelvis and can thus act on the hip joint as well as on the knee, whereas the vasti are attached proximally to the femoral shaft, and, acting as a unit, are powerful knee extensors. The medial or adductor compartment contains the named adductor muscles and gracilis; pectineus may also be included. These muscles are attached proximally to the anterior aspect of the pelvis, and distally to the femur; gracilis has no femoral attachment, being attached distally to the proximal tibia, while a part of adductor magnus has a proximal attachment to the ischial tuberosity. The posterior (‘hamstring’) compartment includes semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris. These muscles are attached proximally to the ischial tuberosity and act both to extend the trunk on the femur and to flex and rotate the knee. Adductor magnus, as may be inferred from the extent of its proximal attachment and its dual innervation, shares the first of these functions with the hamstrings. Biceps femoris is the only muscle of the thigh that is attached distally to the fibula, and has no tibial attachment.
Gastrocnemius, plantaris and popliteus are the only muscles of the leg that are attached proximally to the femur and they can therefore act on the knee as well as at the ankle. The remaining leg muscles are attached proximally to the tibia, fibula or both, and to the interosseous membrane. The intrinsic muscles of the sole of the foot are arranged in layers. They facilitate the actions of the long flexors of the toes, and by effecting subtle changes in the shape of the foot they help control foot posture in stance and locomotion.
The femoral artery (the continuation of the external iliac artery) provides the principal arterial supply to the lower limb distal to the inguinal ligament and the gluteal fold (Figs 79.4, 79.5). The femoral artery courses within the anteromedial aspect of the thigh, becoming the popliteal artery on entering the posterior compartment of the thigh and dividing into its terminal branches in the posterior compartment of the leg. The obturator and inferior gluteal vessels also contribute to the supply of the proximal part of the limb. In the embryo the inferior gluteal artery supplied the main axial artery of the limb, which is represented in the adult by the arteria comitans nervi ischiadici (artery to the sciatic nerve).
The bones of the lower limb receive their arterial supply from nutrient vessels, metaphysial arterial branches of the peri-articular anastomoses, and the arteries supplying the muscles that attach to their periosteum. The pattern of arterial supply is particularly relevant to fracture healing, the spread of infection and malignancy, and to the planning of reconstructive surgical procedures. For further details consult Cormack & Lamberty (1994), Taylor & Razaboni (1994) and Crock (1996).
Arterial perforators of the lower limb
Achieving adequate and aesthetically satisfactory skin and soft tissue cover for large, superficial tissue defects is a perennial challenge in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, and accounts for a substantial part of the plastic surgeon’s workload. Generally, split-thickness and full-thickness skin grafts are suitable only for very superficial defects. To achieve tissue cover for deeper and larger tissue defects, the plastic surgeon employs one of a variety of autologous tissue flaps. The viability of a flap transplanted from one part of the body to another is crucially dependent on the blood supply of the flap. An appreciation of the angiosome concept (see Ch. 6), coupled with technological advances in reconstructive microsurgery, has stimulated the development and use of perforator (or perforator-based) flaps. These are flaps of skin or subcutaneous tissue supplied by one or more fascial ‘perforators’, i.e. arteries which reach the suprafascial plexus either directly from a source vessel, or indirectly from some other neighbouring tissue (Fig. 79.6). Perforator-based flaps are typically harvested with sparing of underlying muscle tissue and minimal trauma: their use is said to reduce postoperative pain, donor site morbidity and functional loss.
In the context of perforator flap surgery, the lower limb may be considered in terms of four anatomic regions: gluteal; anterior hip and thigh; knee and leg; ankle and foot. Each lower limb accounts for approximately 23% of the total body surface area (thigh 10.5%, leg 6.5%, buttock 2.5% and foot 3.5%) and contains an average of 90 arterial perforators (Fig. 79.7).
The veins of the lower limb can be subdivided, like those of the upper limb, into superficial and deep groups (Figs 79.8, 79.9). The superficial veins are subcutaneous and lie in the superficial fascia; the deep veins (beneath the deep fascia) accompany the major arteries. Valves are present in both groups, but are more numerous in the deep veins. (Valves are more numerous in the veins of the lower limb than in the veins of the upper limb.) Venous plexuses occur within and between some of the lower limb muscles. The principal named superficial veins are the long and short saphenous veins; their numerous tributaries are mostly unnamed. For details and variations consult Kosinski (1926).

Fig. 79.9 A, The long saphenous vein and its tributaries. B, The short saphenous vein and its tributaries.
Venous (muscle) pumps
In a standing position, venous return from the lower limb depends largely on muscular activity, especially contraction of the calf and foot muscles, known as the ‘muscle pump’, whose efficiency is aided by the tight sleeve of deep fascia. ‘Perforating’ veins connect the long saphenous vein with the deep veins, particularly near the ankle, distal calf and knee. Their valves are arranged so as to prevent flow of blood from the deep to the superficial veins. At rest, pressure in a superficial vein is equal to the height of the column of blood extending from that vein to the heart. When calf muscles contract, blood is pumped proximally in the deep veins and is normally prevented from flowing into the superficial veins by the valves in the perforating veins. During muscular relaxation, blood is drawn into the deep veins from the superficial veins. If the valves in the perforating veins become incompetent, these veins become sites of ‘high pressure leaks’ during muscular contraction, and the superficial veins become dilated and varicose. Similar perforating connections occur in the anterolateral region, where varicosities may also occur. Valvar incompetence in the connecting veins between the long saphenous vein and femoral vein in the adductor canal may predispose to superficial varicosities in the medial aspect of the thigh (Dodd & Cockett 1976).
Most lymph from the lower limb traverses a large intermediary inguinal group of nodes (Fig. 79.10). Peripheral nodes are few and all are deeply sited. Except for an inconsistent node lying proximally on the interosseous membrane near the anterior tibial vessels, they occur only in the popliteal fossa. Enlarged popliteal nodes may be palpated along the line of the popliteal vessels while the passively supported knee is gradually moved from extension to semi-flexion. Inguinal nodes are found superficial and deep to the deep fascia. The deep nodes are few and lie alongside the medial aspect of the femoral vein. The superficial nodes may be divided into a lower vertical group that clothe the proximal part of the long saphenous vein, and an upper group that lie parallel to, but below, the inguinal ligament and which are related to the superficial circumflex iliac and superficial external pudendal vessels. Lymph from the lower limb passes from the inguinal nodes to the external and common iliac nodes, and ultimately drains to the lateral aortic group. Deep gluteal lymph reaches the same group through the internal and common iliac chains.
Nerves derived from the lumbar and sacral plexuses innervate the lower limb (Figs 79.11). The lumbar plexus lies deep within psoas major, anterior to the transverse processes of the first three lumbar vertebrae. The sacral plexus lies in the pelvis on the anterior surface of piriformis, external to the pelvic fascia, which separates it from the inferior gluteal and pudendal vessels. The lumbosacral trunk (L4 and L5) emerges medial to psoas major on the posterior abdominal wall and lies on the ala of the sacrum before crossing the pelvic brim to join the ventral ramus of S1.
Femoral nerve (L2–4)
The femoral nerve is the nerve of the anterior compartment of the thigh. It arises from the posterior divisions of the second to fourth lumbar ventral rami, descends through psoas major and emerges on its lateral border to pass between psoas and iliacus. It enters the thigh behind the inguinal ligament and lateral to the femoral sheath. Its terminal branches form in the femoral triangle about 2 cm distal to the inguinal ligament. In the abdomen the nerve supplies small branches to iliacus and a branch to the proximal part of the femoral artery. It subsequently supplies a large cutaneous area on the anterior and medial thigh, medial leg and foot, and gives articular branches to the hip and knee. The femoral nerve is described in detail on page 1383.