
33 Pain

Pain can be defined as:

‘An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage’.

Acute pain may be thought of as a physiological process having a biological function, allowing the patient to avoid or minimise injury. Persistent pain, on the other hand, may be described more as a disease than a symptom (Woolf, 2004).

Aetiology and neurophysiology

Neuroanatomy of pain transmission

The majority of tissues and organs are innervated by special sensory receptors (nociceptors) connected to primary afferent nerve fibres of differing diameters. Small myelinated Aδ fibres and unmyelinated C fibres are responsible for the transmission of painful stimuli to the spinal cord where these afferent primary fibres terminate in the dorsal horn.

Pain transmission further within the Central Nervous System (CNS) is far more complex and understood less well. The most important parts of this process are the wide dynamic range cells in the spinothalamic tract that project to the thalamus and to the somatosensory cortex beyond. Modulation or inhibition of these neurones within the spinal cord result in less activity in the pain pathway. This modulatory action can be activated by stress or certain analgesic drugs such as morphine and is an important component of the gate theory of pain (Fig. 33.1). The gate control theory recognises the pivotal role the spinal cord plays in the continual modulation of neuronal activity by the relative activity of large (Aβ) and small (Aδ and C) fibres and by descending messages from the brain. Conversely, other influences can lead to an increased sensitivity to noxious stimuli. The most important of these is pain itself and further painful stimuli can lead to increased pain from relatively trivial insults. This occurs through neurochemical and anatomical changes within the CNS that have been termed central sensitisation.

Assessment of pain

Evaluation of pain should include a detailed description of the pain and an assessment of its consequences. There should be a full history, psychosocial assessment, medication history and assessment of previous pain problems, paying attention to factors that influence the pain. Diagnostic laboratory tests, imaging, including plain radiography, computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and diagnostic nerve blocks may aid confirmation of the diagnosis.

Pain is a subjective phenomenon and quantitative assessment is difficult (Breivik et al., 2008). The most commonly used instruments are visual analogue and verbal rating scales. Visual analogue scales are 10 cm long lines labelled with an extreme at each end; usually ‘no pain at all’ and ‘worst pain imaginable’. The patient is required to mark the severity of the pain between the two extremes of the scale. Verbal rating scales use descriptors such as ‘none’, ‘mild’, ‘moderate’ and ‘excruciating’. More elaborate questionnaires such as the Brief Pain Inventory and the McGill Pain Questionnaire help to describe other aspects of the pain, and pain diaries record the influence of activity and medication on pain.


Acute pain usually results from noxious stimulation as a result of tissue damage or injury. It can be managed effectively using analgesic drugs and is often self-limiting.

Persistent pain may be considered as pain which continues beyond the usual time required for tissue healing. Treatment may involve specialist pain management services, hospices and a multidisciplinary approach that assesses and manages patients using a biopsychosocial approach. Initial treatment is usually directed at the underlying disease process where possible, for example, medication, surgery or anti-tumour therapy. However, non-medical treatments such as physical therapy and various psychological techniques including cognitive behavioural therapy may also form part of a multi-modal treatment programme. Pain can be modulated using non-pharmacological techniques: for example, stimulation-produced analgesia such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), acupuncture and massage, or invasive procedures such as neurosurgery or neurolytic nerve blocks.

Analgesic ladder

The World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder (Fig. 33.2) forms the basis of many approaches to the use of analgesic drugs. There are essentially three steps: non-opioid analgesics, weak opioids and strong opioids. The analgesic efficacy of non-opioids, such as paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (e.g. aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac), is limited by side effects and ceiling effects, that is, beyond a certain dose, no further pharmacological effect is seen. If pain remains uncontrolled, then a weak opioid, such as codeine or dihydrocodeine, may be helpful. There may be additional benefit in combining a weak opioid with a non-opioid drug, although many commercial preparations contain inadequate quantities of both components and are no more effective than a non-opioid alone. Strong opioids, of which morphine is considered the gold standard, have no ceiling effect and therefore increased dosage continues to give increased analgesia but side effects often limit effectiveness. Adjuvant drugs, such as corticosteroids, antidepressants or anti-epileptics, may be considered at any step of the ladder.

Analgesic drugs


Despite being used in clinical practice for over 50 years and much investigation, the mechanism by which paracetamol exerts its analgesic effect remains uncertain. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis within the CNS has been proposed, although this is probably not the only mechanism. Interaction with the serotonin (Tjolsen et al., 1991) and endocannabinoid (Högestätt et al., 2005) neurotransmitter systems have been demonstrated in animal models.

Following oral administration the bioavailability of paracetamol is around 60%, but if given by the rectal route it is much lower and much more variable. A formulation for intravenous infusion has been promoted over the last few years and this has largely replaced the rectal route of administration. Therapeutic plasma levels are reached within 30 min of oral administration. The elimination half-life of paracetamol is relatively short (t½ = 2–4 h); hence, frequent dosing is required to maintain its analgesic effect.

With normal doses, the majority of paracetamols are metabolised and inactivated in the liver, undergoing a phase II conjugation reaction with glucuronic acid (Fig. 33.3). A small P450 mediated reaction that forms a reactive intermediate, N-acteyl-p-benzoquinimine (NAPQI). Usually, NAPQI can be deactivated by conjugation with glutathione in the liver. However, following ingestion of a large amount of paracetamol the hepatic stores of both glucuronic acid and glutathione become depleted leaving free NAPQI, which causes liver damage.

The usual therapeutic dose for adults is paracetamol 1 g taken four times daily. It is very important that this dose is not exceeded, otherwise hepatotoxicity is more common. This may be particularly problematic for malnourished adults with low body weight (Claridge et al., 2010). A reduced maximum daily infusion dose (3 g/24 hours) is recommended for patients with hepatocellular insufficiency, chronic alcoholism or dehydration. Paracetamol is also available as an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine and is a component of many cold and influenza remedies. Compared with other analgesics, paracetamol is not as potent; however, when taken in combination with a NSAID or opioid, there is an additive analgesic effect.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Mode of action

NSAIDs exert their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects through inhibition of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase. NSAIDs are used widely to relieve pain, with or without inflammation, in people with acute and persistent musculoskeletal disorders. In single doses, NSAIDs have superior analgesic activity compared to paracetamol (Hyllested et al., 2002). In regular higher dosages, they have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which makes them particularly useful for the treatment of continuous or regular pain associated with inflammation. NSAIDs have been shown to be suitable for the relief of pain in dysmenorrhoea, toothache and some headaches and to treat pain caused by secondary bone tumours, which result from lysis of bone and release of prostaglandins.

Weak opioids

Weak opioids are prescribed frequently, either alone or in combination with other analgesics, for a wide variety of painful disorders. There are three major drugs in this group, codeine, dihydrocodeine and dextropropoxyphene, which are recommended as step 2 of the WHO analgesic ladder for pain that has not responded to non-opioid analgesics. Despite this recommendation, there is little data which demonstrates that weak opioids are of any benefit in the relief of persistent pain, and it may be more beneficial to use a smaller dose of a strong opioid.

Co-proxamol, a combination of dextropropoxyphene and paracetamol, was withdrawn in the UK in 2007 following safety concerns, particularly toxicity in overdose. An unlicensed product remains available for patients who find it difficult to change to alternative treatment.


Historically, dextropropoxyphene was prescribed in combination with other analgesics such as paracetamol (co-proxamol). There are few data on its therapeutic value, and at least one review concluded that analgesic efficacy is less than aspirin and barely more than placebo. At best, dextropropoxyphene failed to show any superiority over paracetamol (Li Wan Po and Zhang, 1997). At worst, it is a dangerous drug which has the potential for steadily developing toxicity. Patients with hepatic dysfunction and poor renal function are particularly at risk. It is associated with problems in overdose, notably a non-naloxone reversible depression of the cardiac conducting system. Dextropropoxyphene interacts unpredictably with a number of drugs, including carbamazepine and warfarin. In 2005, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) announced concerns about the safety and effectiveness of co-proxamol and directed that it should be withdrawn from clinical use in the UK; however, it still remains available as an unlicensed medicine for the small number of patients who do not obtain analgesia with other analgesic medicines.

Strong opioids

Other strong opioids

Opioids such as pethidine and dextromoramide offer little advantage over morphine in that they are generally weaker in action with a relatively short duration of action (2 h). Dipipanone is only available in a preparation which contains an antiemetic (cyclizine), and increasing doses lead to sedation and the risk of developing a tardive dyskinesia with long-term use. Methadone has a long elimination half-life of 15–25 h, and accumulation occurs in the early stages of use. It has minimal side effects with long-term use and some patients who experience serious adverse effects with morphine may tolerate methadone.

Hydromorphone and oxycodone are synthetic opioids that have been used for many years in North America and more recently in Europe. They are available in both immediate and modified release preparations. Some patients appear to tolerate hydromorphone or oxycodone better than morphine but there is no evidence to suggest which patients achieve the best effect with either of these drugs.

Fentanyl is available as a transdermal formulation for long-term use. The patch is designed to release the drug continuously over 3 days. When starting the drug, alternative analgesic therapy should be continued for at least the first 12 h until therapeutic levels are achieved, and an immediate acting opioid should be available for breakthrough pain. Patches are replaced every 72 h.

The relative potencies of the commonly used opioids are summarised in Table 33.1.

Table 33.1 Relative potencies of opioid drugs

Drug Potency (morphine = 1)
Codeine 0.1
Dihydrocodeine 0.1
Tramadol 0.2
Pethidine 0.1
Morphine 1
Diamorphine 2.5
Hydromorphone 7
Methadone 2–10 (with repeat dosing)
Fentanyl (transdermal) 150

Agonist-antagonist and partial agonists

Most of the drugs in this category are either competitive antagonists at the μ opioid receptor, where they can bind to the site but exert no action, or they exert only limited actions; that is, they are partial agonists. Those that are antagonists at the μ opioid receptor can provoke a withdrawal syndrome in patients receiving concomitant opioid agonists such as morphine. These properties make it difficult to use these agents in the control of persistent pain, and the process of conversion from one group of drugs to another can be complex.

Adverse effects of opioids

The adverse effects of opioids are nearly all dose related, and tolerance develops to the majority with long-term use.

Tolerance, dependence and addition

Persistent treatment with opioids often causes tolerance to the analgesic effect, although the mechanism remains unclear (Holden et al., 2005). When this occurs the dosage should be increased or, alternatively, another opioid can be substituted, since cross-tolerance is not usually complete. Addiction is very rare when opioids are prescribed for pain relief.

Epidural analgesia

Epidural injections and infusions may be effective in relieving pain arising from both malignant causes and non-cancer diseases and are very effective in postoperative and labour pain. Various combinations of local anaesthetics, opioids or steroids can be administered into the epidural space near to the spinal level of the pain.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Pain

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