Fig. 2.1
Spiculated mass with only benign breast tissue on initial biopsy (left images). Re-biopsy performed because of radiologic–pathologic discordance showed invasive ductal carcinoma (right images)
Widely acceptable pathologic diagnostic criteria should be strictly applied to minimize suboptimal management. Accurate assessment of pathologic changes seen in core biopsies performed for mass lesions or distortions requires not only knowledge of pathologic criteria required for diagnosis, but also of the potential pitfalls related to sampling. False-positive and false-negative histologic diagnoses could lead to suboptimal management. Equivocal diagnoses , although occasionally unavoidable, should be minimized [7]. For example, a large, centrally located papilloma will be sampled only partially by a core needle biopsy; absence of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) involving the papilloma on core needle biopsy cannot exclude these possibilities on surgically excisied specimens. Similarly, it is possible for only DCIS to be present on core needle biopsy, but for invasive carcinoma to be associated with the DCIS on surgical excision. Therefore, optimal management often depends not only on the pathological diagnoses on biopsies but also on clinical and imaging considerations.
The probability of having invasive carcinoma on surgical specimens after a diagnosis of DCIS in core needle biopsies may inform the decision to perform sentinel lymph node sampling. Although controversial, performance of sentinel lymph node(s) samplings following a diagnosis of DCIS on core needle biopsies may eliminate the need for second surgery should invasive carcinoma be identified on surgical excision specimens. Higher probability of invasive carcinoma on surgical excision (with only DCIS on core needle biopsies) may be associated with any one of the following [8]:
- 1.
Extensive calcifications on imaging
- 2.
Palpable mass or solid mass on imaging
- 3.
Lesion larger than 25 mm on imaging
- 4.
High-grade DCIS on histology
Sentinel lymph node mapping is significantly affected following total mastectomy. In view of this, sentinel lymph node sampling is often performed in the setting of total mastectomy, even if the diagnosis on core needle biopsy is DCIS. Currently, sentinel lymph node sampling following DCIS diagnosed on needle core biopsy in the setting of breast conservation surgery is controversial and discouraged, given the potential complications [8, 9].
While there are several breast lesions that may present as masses, distortion, or densities , some of the more common lesions with potential diagnostic challenges and pitfalls will be considered in this chapter.
Fibroepithelial Lesions: Fibroadenoma and Phyllodes Tumor
Fibroepithelial tumors are biphasic tumors characterized by both epithelial (ductal) and mesenchymal (stromal) components and consist predominantly of fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumor. Fibroadenoma is more commonly seen in adolescent or young adult women, but may be seen in older or postmenopausal women as well. The stromal component of fibroadenoma can be highly collagenized, myxoid or cellular, but generally appears homogenous in any given case. In older women, the stroma may be sclerotic and calcified. The stromal component typically compresses the ducts to slit-like “intracanalicular” structures or open and rounded “pericanalicular” structures. There is no evidence that these patterns have biological significance.
Fibroadenomas are generally mobile lesions with smooth, well circumscribed borders on physical examination. However, they may also present as nodular densities or calcified lesions on breast imaging. Fibroadenomas are benign tumors and excision is usually curative. Rarely incomplete excision of a fibroadenoma may be followed by recurrence. Diagnosis of fibroadenoma on core needle biopsy usually is straightforward because of the classic appearance of a biphasic tumor with an intracanalicular or less likely pericanalicular patterns (Fig. 2.2). If the edge of the fibroadenoma is present in the core biopsy, there is a distinct tissue plane (circumscribed) between the lesion and the adjacent normal breast tissue; in the event that the lesional tissue appears to be infiltrating the adjacent breast or adipose tissue, the possibility of phyllodes tumor should be entertained. Fibrocystic changes including papillary apocrine metaplasia, sclerosing adenosis, cystic spaces and epithelial calcifications may be present within the lesion (Fig. 2.3). Sometimes the term “complex fibroadenoma” is applied to fibroadenomas having these changes [10]. The ductal epithelium of a fibroadenoma in the majority of cases is completely benign. However there are exceptions, and the pathologist must evaluate the epithelium of a fibroadenoma with the same criteria used in any breast biopsy. Rarely, atypical hyperplasia or ductal or lobular carcinoma in situ may be found within a fibroadenoma (Fig. 2.4); even more rarely, invasive carcinoma may be present.

Fig. 2.2
Fibroadenoma . The stroma is sclerotic or collagenized and the ducts are compressed. Calcifications are sometimes associated with fibroadenoma

Fig. 2.3
So-called complex fibroadenoma. A fibroadenoma having the following: (a, b) sclerosing adenosis, (c) epithelial calcifications, (d) apocrine metaplasia and cyst

Fig. 2.4
Fibroadenoma with lobular neoplasia
Stromal cellularity and atypia are evaluated in fibroepithelial lesions. While such assessment is somewhat subjective, it has been suggested that the stroma of adjacent uninvolved breast lobules be used to determine degree of cellularity and atypia in a fibroepithelial lesion to minimize subjectivity (Table 2.1). One of the diagnostic difficulties facing pathologists in evaluation of core needle biopsies in fibroepithelial lesions is interpretations of lesions with apparently increased stromal cellularity. Young women may have fibroadenomas that are more cellular than those found in older women. There is overlap between so-called cellular fibroadenoma and low-grade (histologically benign) phyllodes tumor on core needle biopsy [11–13], and differentiating between these two can be challenging. The major criterion differentiating phyllodes tumor from fibroadenoma is the degree of stromal cellularity and stroma atypia. Table 2.2 highlights some clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features requiring evaluation in fibroepithelial lesions [14–16]. The diagnosis of phyllodes tumor (Fig. 2.5) requires a constellation of features to be present, as no single feature is entirely specific.

Grade | Cellularity (compared to normal perilobular stroma) | Atypia |
Mild | Slight increase (up to twice that of normal perilobular stroma) of evenly spaced nuclei with no overlap or touching | Nuclei with smooth nuclear contours and little variation in size similar to normal perilobular stroma |
Moderate | Intermediate findings with some overlapping nuclei | Some variation in nuclear size with wrinkled nuclear membrane |
Marked | Confluent areas of densely overlapping nuclei | Marked variation in nuclear size, coarse chromatin/hyperchromasia, and irregular nuclear membranes with discernible nucleoli at 10× objective and 10× eyepiece (100×) |
Table 2.2
Features of fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumor
Clinical, pathology, and imaging features | Fibroadenoma | Phyllodes tumor |
Mass | Palpable lesion or mammographic density | Typically palpable |
Age | Usually <30 years; may be seen in older women | Typically 40 years or older, premenopausal, uncommon in young adults |
Shape | Rounded, circumscribed | Circumscribed or infiltrative |
Size | Usually ≤3 cm; pediatric cases may be larger | Variable but typically large (>3 cm) |
Growth rate | Slow (over months to years) | Typically rapid (over weeks to months) |
Epithelial pattern | Intracanalicular or pericanalicular | Exaggerated intracanalicular pattern is typical |
Stromal cellularity | Typically low; stromal cells do not overlap | Moderate to high; stromal cells overlap in higher grades Heterologous differentiation may be present in malignant phyllodes tumors |
Stromal mitoses (mitoses are counted at 40× objective and 10× eye-piece; that is, 400× high power field [hpf]) | Absent or rare | Benign: ≤4/10 hpf Borderline: 5–9/10 hpf Malignant: 10 or more/10 hpf [5] |
Stromal overgrowth (stroma without epithelium in at least one 40× low power field, i.e. 4× objective and 10× eye-piece) | No | No, in benign and borderline; yes, in malignant |
Stromal heterogeneity | Usually not | Variable |
Tissue fragmentation on core biopsy | No | Typical but not observed in all cases |
Tumor margin | Circumscribed | Circumscribed or infiltrative into adjacent fat or breast tissue |
Recurrence | Not usual | Benign: 10–15% Borderline: 20–25% Malignant: 25–30% [17] |

Fig. 2.5
Phyllodes tumor with (a) increase stroma cellularity, (b) invasion into surrounding adipose tissue, (c) periductal cuffing, (d) clover leaf appearance/exaggerated intracanalicular pattern, (e, f) increased mitosis (arrows)
In phyllodes tumor, there is increased cellularity with increased stroma cells around ductal epithelium (referred to as periductal condensation/accentuation), but this pattern is not observed in all cases or may not be evident in a core biopsy. Complicating the assessment of stromal cellularity is the variable degree and distribution of cellularity that may exist within a single phyllodes tumor (stromal heterogeneity). The stroma heterogeneity contributes to the difficulty encountered in making a definitive diagnosis or grading of a phyllodes tumor on core needle biopsy [17].
Aside from the degree of cellularity, the presence of increased mitotic activity in the stroma, and stromal cell nuclear atypia, may allow the diagnosis of phyllodes tumor on core needle biopsy. An additional feature that has been noted is the tendency for some phyllodes tumors to fragment on core needle biopsy, a feature related to the exaggerated ductal lumens typically seen in these tumors [11]. While some low-grade (benign) phyllodes tumors can be identified with confidence on core needle biopsy, cases that are equivocal are often called “cellular fibroepithelial lesion (or tumor),” a term intended to convey the uncertainty in excluding phyllodes tumor. High-grade (malignant) phyllodes tumors (Fig. 2.6) have a very high degree of cellularity, marked nuclear atypia, and mitotic activity, and in some cases histologically sarcomatous and heterologous stroma. The diagnosis of high grade phyllodes is usually not challenging on core needle biopsy as long as the epithelial component (in a typical exaggerated intracanalicular pattern) is also present. When the ductal component is not present in the biopsy, the differential diagnosis of high-grade (malignant) phyllodes tumor will include metaplastic carcinoma (mesenchymal type) or the rare stromal sarcoma of the breast, potentially leading to immunohistochemistry work-up. In both metaplastic carcinoma or stromal sarcoma, normal breast ducts may become surrounded or entrapped by the tumor; this should not be mistaken for evidence of a biphasic neoplasm. Metaplastic carcinoma in many cases can be excluded by the absence of diffuse staining with antibodies to cytokeratin; exclusion of stromal sarcoma may require examination of the excised lesion. If a diagnosis of phyllodes tumor is made on core needle biopsy, the lesion should be excised with a margin of normal tissue, since recurrence of incompletely excised phyllodes tumor may occur. Recurrence in low-grade (benign) lesions has been reported in as many as 10–15% compared to 30% or more for malignant cases [15, 17, 18]. Recurrent phyllodes tumors are sometimes higher grade than the original lesion; it is uncertain whether this is due to progression or to heterogeneity in the tumor [15, 19]. Metastases may occur in cases of phyllodes tumors; the majority of these occur in cases of histologically malignant phyllodes tumors, but rarely metastasis of borderline and, even more rarely, of histologically benign phyllodes tumors has been reported [17].

Fig. 2.6
Malignant phyllodes. The same tumor showing stroma heterogeneity. Less cellular (a, b) and more cellular area with malignant cells having liposarcomatous differentiation (c, d)
Once diagnosed, a phyllodes tumor is graded (low versus high) or categorized as benign, borderline, or malignant, based on histological parameters. A recent consensus statement outlines the grading scheme: benign phyllodes tumors have minimal nuclear atypia, pushing borders, and four or fewer mitoses per ten high-power fields (hpf); malignant phyllodes tumors have marked stromal cellularity and atypia, infiltrative margins, and ten or more mitoses per ten hpf and usually have areas of stromal overgrowth (stroma without epithelium in at least one 40× microscopic field: 4× objective and 10× eye-piece); borderline phyllodes tumors have features intermediate between benign and malignant [5].
In some cases, definitive classification of a fibroepithelial lesion into fibroadenoma or phyllodes tumor may require examination of surgically excised nodule or mass, which would allow assessment of overall architecture, stromal cellularity, nuclear features, and mitotic activity. In addition to stromal hypercellularity, the typical phyllodes tumor has an exaggerated intracanalicular pattern producing “leaflike” invaginations, a pattern that may not be evident on core needle biopsy.
Fibroepithelial tumors are rare in the male breast because these tumors arise from intralobular stroma; lobules are normally absent or rare in the male breast. Fibroadenomas may however be seen in males taking androgen suppression therapy, estrogen hormonal treatments, or male-to-female transsexual [20–22].
Papillary Neoplasms
Papillary lesions or neoplasms of the breast consist of a spectrum of entities which include, papillary hyperplasia , juvenile papillomatosis , nipple adenoma (florid papillomatosis of the nipple ), intraductal papilloma, sclerosing papilloma , “atypical papilloma ” (ADH or DCIS involving papilloma), encapsulated papillary carcinoma , solid papillary carcinoma , papillary DCIS, and invasive papillary carcinoma . A comprehensive review [23–26] of these entities is beyond the scope of this text. The approach to interpretation and the pitfalls in the evaluation of selected papillary lesions will be highlighted. Intraductal papillomas (Fig. 2.7a, b) are lesions composed of epithelial proliferations supported by fibrovascular cores (papillary architecture), and confined to a duct; they may be single or multiple. Solitary papillomas usually occur in the large central (subareolar) ducts, while multiple papillomas typically are located in terminal ductal lobular units (TDLU) of the peripheral breast.

Fig. 2.7
Papillary lesions. (a, b) Intraductal papilloma . Notice the growth of the tumor in the duct. The duct has broad papillary fronds and apocrine metaplasia. (c, d) Intraductal papilloma with atypical ductal hyperplasia (aka atypical papilloma). (e, f) Intraductal papillary carcinoma. Note the monomorphic population of neoplastic cells consisting of one or more layers of hyperchromatic columnar cells surrounding fibrovascular stalk with no myoepithelial cells. (g, h) Intraductal papillary carcinoma – cribriform architectural pattern. Intraductal papillary carcinoma may also have cribriform, solid, or micropapillary architectural pattern, obscuring the spaces between the fibrovascular or papillary fronds. Myoepithelial cells are absent. Myoepithelial markers may be useful to highlight the absence of myoepithelial cells
Papillomas range in size from microscopic to macroscopic; the larger lesions may be identified on mammography as a density or mass. Papillomas may occasionally be described on ultrasound as a mass that disappears after the first biopsy; this radiologic description may also be associated with apocrine metaplasia. For a partially cystic mass/lesion, it is often prudent to drain the fluid before biopsy of the solid component, if any. Microscopic papillomas almost always are incidental findings in biopsies or excisions performed for other reasons. Occasionally, however, papillomas, even microscopic ones, become sclerosed and calcified and are identified on the basis of mammographic calcifications.
The epithelial component of a papilloma may be nonproliferative or proliferative. The same histologic criteria used to evaluate non-papillary proliferative ductal epithelial lesions are used to assess papillomas. Papillomas may exhibit varying degrees of usual ductal hyperplasia (UDH), atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The term “atypical papilloma ” is often used for papillomas in which a portion of the epithelial component is consistent with atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) or low-grade DCIS (Fig. 2.7c, d). The 2012 WHO categorization of papillomas recommended the use of the terms “papilloma with atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH)” and “papilloma with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)” instead of atypical papilloma in the context of low-grade lesions. High-grade DCIS in a papilloma is diagnosed as such regardless of the extent of involvement of the papilloma [27]. According to the WHO, papilloma with ADH and papilloma with DCIS are defined as a papilloma with a monotonous population of low-grade cells with architectural and cytologic features of ADH (<3 mm) or DCIS (3 mm or more), respectively [5, 23, 27]. Note that the size or extent cutoff of 3 mm is different from the cutoff used for de novo (i.e., non-papillary) ADH and DCIS which has a cutoff of 2 mm. It must also be pointed out that the current WHO size criteria for ADH and DCIS in papilloma is slightly different from the original criteria proposed by Page et al., whose criteria were: ≤3 mm for ADH in papilloma and >3 mm for DCIS in papilloma [28]. The use of CK5/6, CK14, and estrogen receptor (ER) may be useful in distinguishing ADH from hyperplasia without atypia (or UDH), with ER having strong homogenous positivity in ADH/DCIS in papilloma and heterogeneous positivity or outright negativity in papilloma without atypia; CK5/6 and CK14 have opposite staining pattern to ER-they are positive in UDH in papilloma but negative or weakly positive in ADH/DCIS in papilloma [5, 23, 27]. The management of non-atypical papillary lesions on core needle biopsy is controversial. Risk assessment of association with carcinoma should probably inform the decision to surgically excise or not. For example, a central papilloma is associated with a twofold increase in the risk of subsequent carcinoma [29, 30], which is similar to the risk of de novo UDH [5, 31, 32]. While atypical papilloma (ADH/DCIS in papilloma) is associated with a risk of associated invasive carcinoma ranging from 5 to 7.5 [28, 30]; this is slightly higher than the risk associated with de novo ADH [5, 31, 32]. It is generally accepted that atypical papillomas and papillary DCIS on core needle biopsies should be surgically excised [25]. However, there are ongoing controversies on the management of central papilloma on core needle biopsy [33–39]. We do not subscribe to “a one-size-fits-all approach” and believe that a prudent approach should involve optimal radiologic–pathologic correlation and clinical presentation. For example microscopic papillomas with no evidence of atypia that are completely encompassed in a core needle biopsy, especially in young patients, probably do not need to be excised [39]. On the other hand, central papilloma may need to be excised to ease patient’s symptoms.
Papillomas may undergo sclerosis , with marked alteration of the papillary architecture; epithelial cells that are “pinched off” by the sclerosis may be present in stroma adjacent to the involved duct. Care should be taken not to mistake entrapped epithelium for invasive carcinoma. Clues include the low-power histologic pattern and the cytologic features. Entrapped epithelium usually is directly adjacent to the involved duct within fibroblastic or sclerotic connective tissue. At high magnification, attention to the cytologic features and the presence of myoepithelial cells (identified on H&E or immunohistochemical stain) is helpful in the distinction from invasive carcinoma.
Papillary Carcinomas
Intraductal papillary carcinoma (also known as papillary ductal carcinoma in situ or noninvasive papillary carcinoma) is an in situ carcinoma with no evidence of underlying benign papilloma. It may present as blood-stained nipple discharge, a mass, or mammographic calcifications. The neoplastic cells (usually low to intermediate nuclear grade, rarely high nuclear grade) are arranged as one or more columnar epithelium lining a fibrovascular stalk (Fig. 2.7e, f). Intraductal papillary carcinoma may also have micropapillary, solid, or cribriform architectural patterns (Fig. 2.7g, h). Myoepithelial cells are absent in the papillary fronds within the duct but present in the periphery of the main duct with the papillary growth. Often multiple ducts are involved. Adjacent stroma should be assessed for evidence of invasive carcinoma. The main differentiating feature of intraductal papillary carcinoma and papilloma with DCIS is that the entire lesion in intraductal papillary carcinoma is comprised of monotonous neoplastic cell population, while in papilloma with DCIS, there is a background of nonneoplastic cells with focal areas of low grade DCIS.
Encapsulated papillary carcinoma , a variant of papillary carcinoma, usually presents as a circumscribed mass with or without nipple discharge. The “encapsulated” nomenclature is apparently due to a thick fibrous capsule or wall surrounding the mass, which consists of histologic features similar to those of intraductal papillary carcinoma. However, encapsulated papillary carcinoma generally has cribriform or solid architectural patterns. The controversies surrounding encapsulated papillary carcinoma revolve around the fact that it usually lacks myoepithelial cells within and at the periphery of the tumor. This has led to the notion that encapsulated papillary carcinoma may in fact be a low-grade indolent invasive papillary carcinoma. Rarely, metastasis has been reported in encapsulated papillary carcinoma [40, 41]. While this absence of myoepithelial cells raises the possibility of an invasive process histologically, encapsulated papillary carcinoma typically behaves in an indolent fashion and should probably be managed like DCIS [24]. We stage pure encapsulated papillary carcinoma as an in situ carcinoma (Tis), unless there is frank invasion. The size of the invasive component is used for staging, not the size of entire encapsulated papillary carcinoma. DCIS may be present in adjacent breast tissue with potential higher risk of recurrence.
Solid papillary carcinoma usually presents histologically at low power as one or more well-defined solid nests of cells. At higher magnification, the presence of fine fibrovascular cores can be identified among the solid rounded or geographic duct-like structure, which usually are of low or intermediate grade. Neuroendocrine differentiation and mucinous features may be present. Myoepithelial cells usually are absent within and at the periphery of the lesion. When they are present focally in lesions of low nuclear grade, distinction from intraductal papilloma with epithelial hyperplasia may be difficult. In such cases, immunohistochemical staining may be helpful: solid papillary carcinoma should be negative for high molecular weight cytokeratin and positive for estrogen receptor (ER). Similar to encapsulated papillary carcinoma, these tumors are typically indolent, and are treated as DCIS, unless there is definitive evidence of frank invasion. Although it may be difficult to determine in situ and invasive components, it has been suggested that irregular/jagged areas lacking myoepithelial cells be considered invasive carcinoma; we subscribe to this notion.
Invasive papillary carcinoma, generally, refers to an invasive carcinoma, in which >90% of the tumor is papillary. This is rare and difficult to diagnose because of its resemblance to nests of solid papillary carcinoma. The tumor has an irregular crowded papillary architecture with invasive or infiltrating borders. Metastatic papillary carcinoma from extramammary sites, especially the ovary and lung, should be considered and excluded. The invasive component of solid papillary carcinoma and encapsulated papillary carcinoma is by convention not invasive papillary carcinoma.
Invasive papillary carcinoma also should be distinguished from invasive micropapillary carcinoma, which has an entirely different morphology, namely, small clusters of tumor cells with absent fibrovascular cores and in empty spaces (retraction artifact). Invasive micropapillary carcinoma has reverse polarity (so-called inside-out pattern), which can be demonstrated by epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) staining on the periphery rather than the lumen.
Adenomyoepithelioma is a biphasic tumor comprised of myoepithelial cells and ductal/luminal cells. There is usually proliferation of the myoepithelial cells around small ductal epithelium-lined spaces (Fig. 2.8). Adenomyoepithelioma can occur at any age, but more frequently in postmenopausal women. It may rarely be seen in men. It usually presents as a solitary centrally located mass lesion with or without calcifications. It is often considered to be a variant of papillary neoplasms. The myoepithelial component may be spindled, epithelioid, plasmacytoid, or myoid, sometimes with clear cytoplasm, forming nests or sheets of cells. The myoepithelial component which stains with normal myoepithelial markers (p63, calponin, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain, smooth muscle actin, and CD10) may sometimes compress and obscure luminal epithelium. There have been reports of malignant transformation [42–44] and excision is the recommended management [5].

Fig. 2.8
Adenomyoepithelioma . Note the proliferation of the myoepithelial cells around small ductal epithelium lined spaces (a–c), myoepithelial cells highlighted by p63 (d–f)
Fat Necrosis
Fat necrosis (Fig. 2.9) is a common incidental finding in the breast, most often evidence of a biopsy that preceded excision of a target lesion. Fat necrosis may present as a palpable lump or mammographic density.

Fig. 2.9
Fat necrosis showing foamy macrophages, varying degree of fibrosis and calcifications (a–c), foamy macrophages highlighted by CD68 (d), cytokeratin is negative (e)
Fat necrosis may also be secondary to blunt trauma, a ruptured cyst or ectatic duct, breast infection, anticoagulation, hyperparathyroidism, and connective tissue disorders (e.g., polyarteritis nodosa, Weber-Christian disease, granulomatous angiopanniculitis). In some cases the etiology is unknown.
Necrotic adipocytes and lipid-laden histiocytes may elicit fibrosis, making areas of fat necrosis firm to palpation. These lesions are nonencapsulated, and the mammographic and gross appearance may be suspicious for carcinoma. On imaging, fat necrosis may present as spiculated mass, mixed density mass, distortion, or calcifications (some of these calcifications may be linear with linear orientation). Histologically, there are necrotic adipocytes with foamy macrophages infiltration and varying degree of calcifications and fibrosis. The presence of histiocytes infiltrating fat rarely may be mistaken for infiltrating carcinoma on histologic examination, but careful analysis of the cytologic features and the absence of cytokeratin staining for epithelial cells and positive CD68 staining for histiocytes by immunohistochemistry should help in making the diagnosis.
Radial Scar
Radial scars (Fig. 2.10) may be small incidental findings or larger lesions that are detected mammographically. Larger lesions are sometimes termed “complex sclerosing lesion.” Radial scars are nonencapsulated proliferations of ductal structures in and around a central zone of fibrosis/sclerosis and elastosis. Typically the centrally located ductal structures are small and compressed, while the outermost ducts are dilated and hyperplastic, lending a “radial” appearance on histologic examination at low magnification. A radial configuration may not be evident in the larger complex sclerosing lesions. Within the central sclerotic zone, the entrapped ducts may mimic invasive carcinoma. Careful attention to the presence of an outer layer of myoepithelial cells around these structures assists in differentiating them from carcinoma. However, radial scars may be associated with carcinoma, either in situ or invasive. The hyperplastic ducts in the peripheral zones should be examined for evidence of architectural and cytologic atypia. Invasive carcinoma may be present in the outer zones or periphery of the lesion. Conversely, some cases of invasive carcinoma may mimic a pattern of radial scar. For these reasons, the finding of radial scar on core needle biopsy often triggers surgical excision to exclude the presence of carcinoma.

Fig. 2.10
Radial scar . Note the central elastotic stroma with compressed ducts in the center and more dilated ducts at the periphery. It is important to ensure that the compressed duct has myoepithelial cells
Hamartoma of the breast is a mass lesion, usually circumscribed or encapsulated, composed of benign breast ducts and lobules, connective tissue stroma, and adipose tissue, without an organized architecture [45]. A palpable hamartoma may be mistaken clinically for fibroadenoma. Fibrocystic changes may be present in the hamartoma and, rarely, carcinoma may be present. Because of the histologic resemblance of hamartoma to normal breast tissue, diagnosis on core needle biopsy may be difficult and requires close correlation with the mammographic findings and the targeted lesion. Recurrence after excision is rare.
Myofibroblastic proliferations in the breast range from incidental foci of pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia (PASH) to mass lesions known as myofibroblastoma (Fig. 2.11). Myofibroblastomas may be seen at any age, but are more commonly seen in postmenopausal women. Classically myofibroblastomas are circumscribed but nonencapsulated tumors with pushing borders. Myofibroblastoma consists of bland spindle cells arranged in short, haphazard fascicles or nests separated by eosinophilic keloid-like fibers. However, several histologic variants have been described, including epithelioid variant which may mimic invasive lobular carcinoma [46, 47]. Familiarity with these variants will minimize misdiagnosis as invasive carcinoma. The myofibroblasts are identified by positive immunohistochemical staining for desmin, CD34, and vimentin; smooth muscle actin, BCL2, CD99, CD10, ER, and PR are variably positive. Cytokeratins, EMA, S100, HMB45, and CD117 (ckit) are consistently negative.

Fig. 2.11
Myofibroblastoma . Note the bland spindle cells arranged in short, haphazard fascicles or nests separated by eosinophilic keloid-like fibers
Invasive Breast Carcinomas
Invasive breast carcinomas are the most common carcinomas in women accounting for almost a quarter of all breast cancers in women. Invasive breast carcinomas (Fig. 2.12) denote primary malignant epithelial neoplasm in the breast with stromal invasion. Vascular invasion, useful when present, is not required for a diagnosis of invasive carcinoma. Morphologically, invasive carcinoma may have apparent glandular differentiation, single-cell infiltration, targetoid features, or other morphologic types. Invasive carcinomas are heterogeneous and consist of different histologic types. The most common type (40–75% of mammary carcinomas) used to be called invasive/infiltrating “ductal” carcinoma because it was originally thought to arise from the ductal rather than the terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) which was thought to be the origin of invasive lobular carcinoma. TDLU is now known as the entity where all breast carcinomas originates, not just invasive lobular carcinoma [48]. In view of this, the WHO recommends a preferred term invasive carcinoma of no special type instead of invasive ductal carcinoma [5]. In addition to invasive carcinoma of no special type, the other subtypes of invasive breast carcinoma include, but are not limited to the following: invasive lobular carcinoma, tubular carcinoma, cribriform carcinoma, carcinoma with medullary features, metaplastic carcinoma, invasive papillary carcinoma, invasive micropapillary carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, secretory carcinoma, and others.

Fig. 2.12
Invasive carcinomas. (a–c) Invasive carcinoma NOS (invasive ductal carcinoma), (d) metaplastic carcinoma (inset shows cytokeratin positivity in spindle cells), (e) invasive lobular carcinoma (inset shows higher power), and (f) mucinous carcinoma
Of note, it is important to exclude metaplastic carcinoma when a spindle cell neoplasm is encountered in the breast whether atypical or fibromatosis-like spindle cells. Non-spindle cell histomorphology may also be seen in metaplastic carcinoma including low-grade adenosquamous and squamous cell carcinoma. Metaplastic carcinoma may occasionally have mesenchymal differentiation (osseous, chondroid, rhabdomyoid, and even neuroglial) mixed with the carcinoma component [5].
There are well-known criteria to help differentiate the different subtypes. Table 2.3 highlights some features of invasive carcinomas. However, comprehensive discussion of the different histologic criteria of the different subtypes of invasive breast carcinomas is beyond the scope of this text.
Table 2.3
Histologic features of common invasive breast carcinomas
Type of invasive carcinoma | Epidemiology | Histologic features |
Invasive carcinoma of no special type (aka invasive ductal carcinoma, invasive carcinoma not otherwise specified, or infiltrating ductal carcinoma) | Most common invasive breast carcinoma (40–75%) | Diagnosed when other types of breast carcinoma have been excluded. There is stromal invasion and a variety of architectural patterns ranging from solid, glandular, to single-cell infiltrates with variable cytoplasm. It may be mixed with other types of invasive carcinoma |
Invasive lobular carcinoma | 5–15% of invasive breast cancer | Classic variant consists of proliferation of non-cohesive small neoplastic cells with invasion into the stroma in single file or in a concentric pattern around normal ducts. There is generally no desmoplastic stromal reaction. There is often associated intracytoplasmic lumen. Other histologic variants include solid, alveolar, pleomorphic, and tubulolobular variant. Generally negative for E-cadherin Invasive lobular carcinoma more frequently metastasizes to the gastrointestinal tract, uterus, ovary, meninges, and bone, compared to invasive carcinoma of no special type, which frequently metastasizes to the lung
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