Oral cavity

CHAPTER 6 Oral cavity

Phillip Sloan, Alfred Böcking


Exfoliative cytology is increasingly being used for oral diagnosis and has been the subject of intense research over the last 5 years.1 Significant advances have been made both in relation to screening for oral cancer and in the evaluation of oral precursor lesions. Mucosal biopsy is widely regarded as the gold standard for oral diagnosis but exfoliative cytology is also a valuable technique for the diagnosis of a range of pre-neoplastic, cancerous, infective and inflammatory mucosal disorders. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) also has an important role in the diagnosis of metastatic oral squamous carcinoma in the neck and can be used for cystic intraosseous jaw lesions and intraoral submucosal swellings.2,3

Normal oral mucosa

Oral mucosa is heterogeneous and can be divided into masticatory, lining and specialised types.

Sampling methods

Collection devices suitable to obtain cells from the superficial and intermediate layers may be conventional brushes, such as the CytoBrush, Orca-brush or others. Signs of dysplasia will be detected in the upper layers due to the principle of disturbed cell maturation that occurs in dysplasia in which a degree of nuclear abnormality (dyskaryosis) in the surface layers reflects the degree of disturbance of maturation of the whole thickness of the epithelium, i.e. dysplasia. It is the task of a cytopathologist to identify nuclear abnormalities in the cells collected in this way to predict the histological grade of dysplasia. The diagnostic criteria used are similar to cervical exfoliative cytology and are well known (Figs 6.16.3) (see Ch. 21).

Screening for oral cancer and precursor lesions can be performed by dentists and other healthcare professionals. Tolonium chloride rinsing has been advocated in the past to distinguish between normal and abnormal oral mucosa and more recently tissue fluorescence has been employed effectively.4 Exfoliative cytology is advocated for evaluation of suspicious lesions that are detected clinically by screening. This may be followed by a mucosal biopsy and transepithelial sampling. Exfoliative cytology of oral lesions may replace tissue biopsy in lesions that are clinically not obviously suspicious for malignancy but nevertheless need surveillance. As tissue biopsy is associated with low compliance (9%) and brush-biopsy not (100%),5 this approach may lead to a higher rate of oral cancers identified in early stages.

Oral precursor lesions

Oral carcinogenesis proceeds through a stepwise accumulation of genetic damage over time. Because the oral cavity is easy to examine and risk factors for oral cancer are known, there is great opportunity to improve patient outcomes through diagnosis and treatment of pre-malignant lesions before the development of invasive oral carcinoma.6

Leukoplakia, erythroplakia and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia

An arbitrary distinction is often made between oral premalignant conditions and oral premalignant lesions. The former include a group of generalised mucosal disorders linked by epithelial atrophy and where there is an increased predisposition to oral cancer when mucosa is exposed to the known major risk factors such as sunlight exposure, smoking and alcohol consumption, areca or betel nut and also syphilis and sideropenic dysphagia.7 Recently, strong evidence for an aetiological relationship between human papilloma virus and a subset of head and neck cancers has been noted.8 Oral cancer risk is also associated with low socioeconomic status and related to lifestyle risk factors.9 Where risk factors cannot be eliminated and lesions persist, then regular clinical follow-up should be considered. The need for follow-up and interval between visits will vary in individual cases. In contrast to the oral premalignant conditions, oral premalignant lesions are morphologically abnormal solitary or multiple areas of mucosa that are typically white, discoloured white, red, speckled or verrucous in appearance (Fig. 6.4). The WHO classification10 combines leukoplakia and erythroplakia into ‘precursor lesions’, with the 6.8% estimated rate of transformation of oral leukoplakias to cancer.11 It identifies proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) as a separate high-risk lesion with minimal cytological atypia.

Assessment of dysplasia

There are several schemes for grading dysplasia in biopsies of oral precursor lesions. The WHO classification provides a five point system: hyperplasia, mild, moderate and severe dysplasia followed by carcinoma in situ.10 The system can be mapped onto both the Ljubljana classification and the widely used three point squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (SIN) system (Table 6.1). For the first time the WHO set out criteria for diagnosis by defining both the architectural and cytological features of dysplasia.10,11 However, there is good evidence in the literature favouring a binary system (‘high-grade’ and ‘low-grade’ categories) over multipoint scales for prediction of malignant transformation (Figs 6.5, 6.6).12,13

Table 6.1 Current histological grading systems for oral dysplasia/squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (SIN)

WHO Ljubljana SIN
Hyperplasia Squamous hyperplasia  
Mild dysplasia Basal/parabasal hyperplasia 1
Moderate dysplasia Atypical (risky) hyperplasia 2
Severe dysplasia Carcinoma in situ 3
Carcinoma in situ Carcinoma in situ 3

Squamous cell carcinoma will develop from antecedent dysplastic oral mucosal lesions if an early diagnosis has not been made and treatment given. Early diagnosis within stages I and II correspond to a vastly improved 5-year survival rate when compared with more advanced stage III and IV lesions.14,15

An accumulating body of evidence exists to show that oral cytology is a valuable technique for the assessment of oral premalignant lesions.1,16,17 Exfoliative cytology has been shown to detect dysplasia in suspicious oral lesions with high sensitivity and specificity by several groups.1820 The use of auxiliary methods such as DNA image cytometry, AgNOR analysis, cytomorphometry21 and cell cycle immunohistochemistry and semiautomated multimodal cell analysis using brush biopsies can increase accuracy even further.1719,2224 Molecular genetics of each of the precursor lesions is being investigated for genetic alterations, which have been demonstrated in oral squamous cell carcinoma, to define their location on the continuum of changes, which lead to malignant transformation.25

Although the degree of dysplasia can be predicted on cytological samples, tissue biopsy is usually performed when dysplasia is detected, to confirm its grade and exclude the presence of invasion. The latter cannot be reliably assessed by exfoliative cytology alone. However, observer variability in the histological assessment of oral premalignant lesions is well described.26

Auxiliary cytometry

Up to 5–14% of oral brush biopsies may yield equivocal cytological diagnoses.18,28 Underlying diagnoses are mild, moderate or marked dysplasia, abnormal regenerating squamous epithelium or just scarcity of abnormal cells. In these cases, ancillary methods are desirable, that allow more definite, correct cytological diagnoses. Two such methods are: DNA image cytometry (DNA-ICM) and AgNOR analysis.

Diagnostic DNA-ICM is based on DNA measurements of several hundred atypical cells in routine cytological specimens. It aims to distinguish true prospectively malignant lesions from microscopically atypical or otherwise doubtful lesions. The biological basis of this ancillary method is chromosomal aneuploidy which is an accepted marker of malignant transformation of cells. Its cytometric equivalent, DNA aneuploidy, is assumed if gains or losses of chromosomes or their parts result in a plus or minus of more than 10% of nuclear DNA mass in a growing cell population (stemline-aneuploidy) or if extremely high nuclear DNA values (single cell aneuploidy) occur. Measurements may be performed on previously stained slides after de-staining and Feulgen re-staining. Morphologically suspicious cells are interactively selected on a monitor and internal calibration is performed with normal (e.g. intermediate squamous) cells. The method has been internationally standardised and is applicable to many different epithelial dysplasias.29 Papanicolaou, Feulgen and silver nitrate staining and respective measurements may sequentially be applied also on the same cells (multimodal cell analysis19) (Fig. 6.7).

Remmerbach et al.28 reported a frequency of 13.9% of doubtful or suspicious oral cytological diagnoses due to different grades of squamous dysplasia or abnormal regenerating epithelium. Applying DNA aneuploidy as a marker for prospective malignancy on identical slides, they could improve diagnostic sensitivity for the detection of oral cancer from 91.3% to 97.8% and specificity from 95.1% to 100%. Thus 29.4% of oral cancers that clinically appeared as leukoplakias or erythroplakias were detected in stages Tis or T1. In a similar study, Maraki et al.17 described a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 97.4% for the combined cytological and DNA cytometric evaluation of oral leukoplakias and erythroplakias. Some 8.1% of her cytological diagnoses had been equivocal. DNA-ICM was only applied, if one of the above mentioned diagnoses had occurred. Seven cases in which combined cytological/DNA cytometric diagnosis of early oral cancer was achieved up to 2.5 years before definitive biopsy diagnosis have been published.17,23 Thus DNA-ICM may help to predict the prospective behaviour of cytological suspicious lesions, as the positive predictive values of DNA aneuploid findings was reported to be 100% and the negative value 98.1%.18,23 DNA-ICM may be used for identification of tumour-free resection margins instead of histology.30,31

Another auxiliary method that allows assessment of potential malignancy of dysplastic or regenerating cells is AgNOR analysis. Remmerbach et al.19,24 showed that counting the number of silver nitrate-stained nucleolar organiser regions (AgNORs) in about 100 atypical squamous cells allows 100% sensitivity and specificity of oral cancer detection on brush biopsies using a cut-off value to identify the precancerous from already cancerous cells among all dysplastic cells.30 The AgNOR method can also be useful for grading dysplasia, for example a cut-off value of 2.3 separates mild and moderate dysplasia.32

Both methods, DNA-ICM and AgNOR analysis, may even be performed sequentially on identical cells. This type of multimodal cell analysis is especially useful, if only few atypical cells are available.19 Thus, AgNOR analysis can be combined with DNA-ICM if the latter does not yield an unequivocal diagnosis (Fig. 6.7).

Immunohistochemical detection of cell cycle markers has also been proposed as a potential method of detecting cytological abnormality but no data on specificity and sensitivity in the routine clinical setting are available.33,34 Molecular markers and techniques such as loss of heterozygosity in exfoliated cells can be used to detect clinically non-visible lesions in early dysplastic oral lesions.35

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Jun 8, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Oral cavity

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