of Sex Development

DSD, Disorder of sex development.

Updated from Achermann JC, Hughes IA: Disorders of sex development. In Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, Kronenberg HM, editors: Williams textbook of endocrinology, ed 12, Philadelphia, 2011, WB Saunders, pp 886-934.


Figure 6-16 Disorders of sex development (DSDs), across the spectrum of developmental events in sex determination and gonadal differentiation (see Fig. 6-10). Selected DSDs are shown, along with particular gene mutations and genomic alterations that interfere with the primary effect of chromosomal sex (XX or XY) in sex development and shift—all or in part—sex development toward the opposite sex. These mutations, duplications, and deletions illustrate the role of gene balance and imbalance on development of gonadal sex, sex-specific differentiation, and phenotypic sex. See text and Tables 6-8 and 6-9. CAH, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia; CAIS, complete androgen insensitivity syndrome; PAIS, partial androgen insensitivity syndrome.

Disorders of Gonadal Development

Various types of gonadal dysgenesis, their clinical phenotypes, and genetic causes are summarized in Table 6-9 and illustrated schematically in Figure 6-16.


Disorders of Sex Development and their Characteristics


DSD, Disorder of sex development.

Summarized from Achermann JC, Hughes IA: Disorders of sex development. In Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, Kronenberg HM, editors: Williams textbook of endocrinology, ed 12, Philadelphia, 2011, WB Saunders, pp 886-934; and Pagon RA, Adam MP, Bird TD, et al, editors: GeneReviews [Internet]. Seattle, 1993-2013, University of Washington, Seattle, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1116/.

Disorders Associated with a 46,XY Karyotype

The DAX1 gene in Xp21.3 encodes a transcription factor that plays a dosage-sensitive role in determination of gonadal sex, implying a tightly regulated interaction between DAX1 and SRY. Although production of SRY at a critical point in early development normally leads to testis formation, an excess of DAX1 resulting from duplication of the gene can apparently suppress the normal male-determining function of SRY, leading to ovarian development (see Fig. 6-16).

A key master gene in gonadal development and the target of SRY signaling is the SOX9 gene on chromosome 17. SOX9 is normally expressed early in development in the genital ridge and is required for normal testis formation. Mutations in one copy of the SOX9 gene, typically associated with a skeletal malformation disorder called camptomelic dysplasia, lead to complete gonadal dysgenesis in approximately 75% of 46,XY cases (see Table 6-8). In the absence of one copy of the SOX9 gene, testes fail to form, and the ovarian pathway is followed instead. The phenotype of these patients suggests that the critical step for the male pathway is sufficient SOX9 expression to drive the formation of testes, normally after up-regulation by the SRY gene. In 46,XY CGD, with either a mutation in SRY or a mutation in SOX9, the levels of SOX9 expression remain too low for testis differentiation, allowing ovarian differentiation to ensue.

As many as 10% of patients with a range of 46,XY DSD phenotypes carry mutations in the NR5A1 gene, which encodes a transcriptional regulator of a number of genes, including SOX9 and DAX1. These mutations are associated with inadequate androgenization of external genitalia, leading to ambiguous genitalia, partial gonadal dysgenesis, and absent or rudimentary müllerian structures.

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Nov 27, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE | Comments Off on of Sex Development

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